Re; cpic connections

        Please  if anybody work on cpic connection,reply to this post. I have somedoubts.
1. what is the program id in cpic connection while u create connection can find in sm59.
2. what is the registration and start buttons u find while making connection in sm59

Are yopu talking about an RFC connection or something else?
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Similar Messages

  • CPICER - connection closed(nodata) in sap

    Hi Experts,
    We have proxy to JDBC scenario. we are getting CPICER - connection closed(nodata) error in sap R/3 system of smq2. This interface was working fine Earlier.
    In SAP smq2 we are unlock the queue then it is going but, recently coming queue is in running state for long time.
    that queue is executing long time and executes standard program in sap r/3.
    some times custome program is also having problem and it is running long time.
    Kiran Polani

    Did you check the below discussion?
    SMQ2, Connection closed (no data)

  • JCO connections hanged in SMGW transaction at SAP

    Hi ,
    I have deployed an ear application in SAP WAS 7.0 which basically talks to my SAP backend using JCO 2.1 connectors. The application will fetch the data from SAP backend calling FM using JCO 2.1.
    I m using JCO pool manager and set to default 100 connections and taken care of release connections after every RFC call in finally block. The connections released successfully in  Dev and QA landscapes. In prod environment of customer, we are facing connections hang issues when it reaches to peak state of 100. It is due to max conversations reached at SAP backend, but the connections should eventually drop in SMGW which is not happening. There are some lost connections got hanged and remains for days and even they are not re-used. When i run method to release the pool, all connections are focibly returned back to pool, but lost connections still remain there.
    Can somebody has similar situation ?
    if connections reached to max in SMGW, will the connections from external client applications will get hanged ?
    Does the JCO have control on the hanged connections if it reaches to max number?
    Any help is appreciated!!!

    The relevant SAP note here is [549268|].
    But in this context there is big difference between the terms "not supported" and "does not work".
    When SAP speaks of "not supported" this means that there won't be any SAP support for this configuration but this does not say anything about if this works technically. "Not supported" is more a legal issue than a technical one. SAP did not test this configuration and therefore also cannot guarantee to work.
    Regarding JCo 2.1 I can say that technically it works with all Windows 32- and 64-bit versions. In contrast to that it really does not work with JRE releases >= 1.5 when using BCD types (type P) within your function modules.
    From my point of view the connection issues don't have anything to do with the Windows version here.
    And it is still not clear to me, if the maximum number of CPIC connections is reached at the AS ABAP/gateway side or the Java side. Furthermore it is not clear if these "hanging connections" were opened with your application at all or if they belong to another application.

  • ERROR in the RFC communication when parabatch is set to more 3 (default)

    Hi experts,
    We have a 10 blades BIA system connecting to our BW Production. When we set the parabatch to more than the default 3 (we set to 4 or 5), We keep getting 'Batchpara Error' and 'Error in the RFC Communication: Error when opening an RFC Connection' during the initial index build. Here are what we do and what we see:
    1. set parabatch to 5 and build 1 initial index (cube is 46 mil rows, 22 GB in size) - Failed with the above errors
    2. set parabatch back to 3 and build 1 initial index (same cube as above)- successful but slow
    3. set parbatch back to 3 and build 2 initial indexes simultaneously (16 mil rows/4GB and 6 mil rows/2 GB) - Failed with the above errors.
    In the BIA index log I see the following error:
    Error in the RFC communication: Error when opening an RFC connection (TREX_BIP)
    Message no. STREX005
    In SM37 in one of the logs I see the followings:
    Parabatch Error
    Any light you can shed on why we are encountering this issue will be much appreciated. Also, I observed that there is a long idle time in all systems (BIA, DB2, BW) and seemed like their respective resources were not utilized at all. Once in a while I do see surge of cpu/memory usage in all systems but not too terrible. I'm puzzled by why there is such long interval of idle time in all systems while the initial index build is going on.
    BTW...we did the same thing (set parabatch to 5, and run parallel initial builds) in our non-prod BIA (2 blades) and QA BW landscape and do not have any issue at all.

    PLease check the sapnotes and check the developer trace for more information.
    Note 314530 - Number of RFC/CPIC connections for external clients
    Note: 1070034
    It can also be because your system has reached it its max gateway connections...also check whether you are getting error message "Communication error, CPIC return code 017, SAP return code 450
    " in sm21  ???

  • Converting hexadecimal XML data to a string

    Until now I generated XML data with the FM 'SDIXML_DOM_TO_XML'.
    After that I did a loop over the xml_as_table in which I was casting each line of that table to a string.
    ASSIGN <line> TO <line_c> CASTING.
    After the inftroduction of unicode in our system I get a error:
    In the current program an error occured when setting the field symbol <LINE_C> with ASSIGN or ASSIGNING (maybe in combination with the CASTING addition).
    When converting the base entry of the field symbol <LINE_C> (number in base table: 32776), it was found that the target type requests a memory alignment of 2
    What does it mean? Does somebody have a solution.
    I need this function for sending this XML data as string over a simple old CPIC connection.
    Best regards

    Hello Martin
    Perhaps my sample report ZUS_SDN_XML_XSTRING_TO_STRING provides a solution for your problem.
    *& Thread: Converting hexadecimal XML data to a string
    *& <a class="jive_macro jive_macro_thread" href="" __jive_macro_name="thread" modifiedtitle="true" __default_attr="1029652"></a>
    REPORT  zus_sdn_xml_xstring_to_string.
    *-- data
    *-- read the XML document from the frontend machine
    TYPES: BEGIN OF xml_line,
            data(256) TYPE x,
          END OF xml_line.
    DATA: xml_table TYPE TABLE OF xml_line.
    DATA: go_xml_doc       TYPE REF TO cl_xml_document,
          gd_xml_string    TYPE string,
          gd_rc            TYPE i.
      p_file  TYPE localfile  DEFAULT 'C:payload_idoc.xml'.
      CREATE OBJECT go_xml_doc.
      " Load XML file from PC and get XML itab
      CALL METHOD go_xml_doc->import_from_file
          filename = p_file
          retcode  = gd_rc.
      CALL METHOD go_xml_doc->get_as_table
          table   = xml_table
    *      size    =
    *      retcode =
    " NOTE: simulate creation of XML itab
      go_xml_doc->display( ).
      create object go_xml_doc.
      CALL METHOD go_xml_doc->parse_table
          table   = xml_table
    *      size    = 0
          retcode = gd_rc.
      CALL METHOD go_xml_doc->render_2_string
    *    EXPORTING
    *      pretty_print = 'X'
          retcode      = gd_rc
          stream       = gd_xml_string
    *      size         =
      write: / gd_xml_string.

  • What tasks I should select in NWA Configuration Wizard for PI component

    I'm in the stage of setting up the NetWeaver 2004S SR2. I've logged to the Net Weaver Administration console. According to documentation, to properly configure PI component I should execute Configuration Wizard task. The problem is that documentation is not very specific on what exact tasks I should execute, so I would like to get some advise from the community.
    All tasks I can see are:
    BI_00_This wizard will execute Postinstall steps of technical configuration of BI-Java Initial  
    DI_Allinone_This wizard run all post installation steps for DI, CBS, CMS and DTR. Initial  
    DI_CBS_This wizard run all post installation steps for CBS. Initial  
    DI_CMS_This wizard run all post installation steps for CMS. Initial  
    DI_DTR_This wizard run all post installation steps for DTR.
    DI_This wizard sets the Oracle Parameters as per CSN note: 848708 Initial  
    MI_00_This wizard will execute Postinstall steps of technical configuration for the NetWeaver Mobile Infrastructures
    MI_01_This wizard will create User and Assign Dedicated roles  for the NetWeaver Mobile Infrastructure Initial  
    MI_02_create JCo Initial  
    MI_03_create TCP/IP
    MI_04_register Connection Initial  
    MI_05_set profile in ABAP Initial  
    MI_06_schedule MI Job Initial  
    NWA_01_This wizard will execute configuration for local SLD Initial  
    NWA_02_SLD system : Connect SLD to CEN (if CEN present)
    NWA_03_Creating a connection to the SLD and Setting required authorizations for SLD (CIM client settings)
    NWA_04_Creating a connection to the ABAP stack of CEN and Starting heartbeat monitoring Initial  
    NWA_05_NWA system : Store access data per each managed Java system (optional) Initial  
    NWA_06_NWA system : Register each managed ABAP system to SLD Initial  
    NWA_07_creates Destination for Data Supplier Bridge
    PI_00_This wizard will execute Postinstall steps of technical configuration for the PI Usage Initial  
    PI_01_This template checks if the necessary services are started Initial  
    PI_02_This wizard will test the BAPI call to SWF_XI_BPM_AUTO_CUSTOMIZE Initial  
    PI_03_This wizard will assign the Application roles Initial  
    PI_04_This wizard will Maintain_Technical_System
    PI_05_This wizard will configure the integration server for sld Initial  
    PI_06_This wizard will create the necessary Destinations in ABAP Initial  
    PI_07_Create_RFC_Destinations_in_Java Initial  
    PI_08_This wizard will Maintain Http Destination Initial  
    PI_09_This wizard will configure Role of Integration server
    PI_07_Create_RFC_Destinations_in_Java Initial  
    PI_08_This wizard will Maintain Http Destination Initial  
    PI_09_This wizard will configure Role of Integration server Initial  
    PI_10_This wizard will Register_Queues_NA Initial  
    PI_11_This template services are started
    I guess I need to mandatory execute PI_XX tasks, but what about others - do I need to execute anything else (I need only PI component to be installed and configured)? Not sure if that makes any difference, but this is the very first time I get into the NWA, so no previous configuration tasks were executed from the Configuration Wizard.
    My full system configuration: NetWeaver 2004S SR2 ABAP+Java, Windows 2003 32-bit with MS SQL Server 2005.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Maxim,
    Please follow this procedure:
    1) Using Config tool Modify VM setting as per requirement (OS and H/W Dependent) Refer note 723909 Java VM settings for J2EE 6.40/7.0.
    2) To set Environmental Variable refer Note 314530 - Number of RFC/CPIC connections for external clients. These parameter should be taken care while installing templates
    Set these:
         1) gw/max_conn 2000
         2) gw/max_sys 1200
         3) gw/max_overflow_size 40000000
         4) gw/max_shm_req 200 (this is to adjust the memory   allocation)
    Profile parameters
    rdisp/tm_max_no 5000
    rdisp/max_comm_entries 200
    CPIC_MAX_CONV 5000(Should be taken care that it should be set for <sid>adm user
    3) Installing Template
    Go to home page
    Click Deploy and change
    4) After This Click Configuration tab and then click Install
    For the next tab select scenario PI
    And configure template and finally install
    5) In case you face any problem while importing please read these notes for altering parameters
    Note 314530 - Number of RFC/CPIC connections for external clients
    Note 923359 - Collective Note: Configuration Wizard - Template Installer
    Hope it will Help you at this stage at development stage
    You need to import SAP BASIS Software Component Version into Integration Repository based on your SP Level & XI or PI.
    You need to download it from [service market place.| ]
    Gagan Deep Kaushal

  • Max no of conversation 100 exceed

    Hi all,
    We are now in SAP R/3 version 4.70 running on Oracle 9.i with HPUX
    11.23.Currently we are facing CPIC error that mention about the Error
    max no of 100 conversation exceed.
    I have read though all the SAP note as show below:
    0000074141  Resource Management for tRFC and aRFC 
    0000314530  Number of RFC/CPIC connections for external clients 
    0000316877  Maximum number of conversation exceeded 
    0001054121  The SAP Ecosystem in a Nutshell 
    And since this RFC connection error is occurs at the jave level,it is the
    responsibility of RFC caller to close the connection. A client program opens the connection for calling funtion module(s) and has to close this connection, as soon as this connection is in use any more.
    So i would like to know the BAPI Function module so that i can initiate it from the the RFC caller.I hope if possible recommend me a way to terminate this RFC connection in Java.
    hereby is the attached screenshot for the error.
    Message was edited by:
            yeong kah fei

    ideally your application uses client pools. If so, then you have to make sure that after acquiring a client from the connection pool (<client>=JCO.getClient(<poolname)) and executing the RFC's for the given thread, you have to return the client to the pool (JCO.releaseClient(<client>)).
    This should be sufficient when using client pools. If you have individual RFC connections not managed via a client pool, then you can close the connection once it's no longer used (jcoClient.disconnect()).
    Hope this helps.
    Best wishes, harald

  • Import SAP content in Knowledge warehouse

    Hi All,
    We are in process of importing the SAP content to the content server 6.40.
    Using report RSIRTRIM we are importing I file to the content server and RFC destination used is SAPKROTP_GW as per a note and deleted the SAPKPROTP as per a note. We have already imported the transport (R and K file) through STMS for the related I file.
    But the import of I file is running for long and its using CPIC connection to c:\windows\system32\sapkprotp.exe . In SM66 it is in 'stopped CPIC' status.
    Please suggest me on this.

    Same problem here...

  • BEx crashes when changing variable values

    Hi all,
    We're having a problem with BEx.
    It crashes when trying to change variable values.
    We've been looking into syslogs and dev logs and so on,
    and found that the cpic connection has been disconnected
    before the crash. BUT we cannnot find out what is actually
    disconnecting the session.
    Well, at least F/W wasn' the cause. Have check the logs.
    Any ideas? Thx in advance!
    Below is our info.
    BEx: BI 7.10 sp7
    BI: BI 7.0 SAPKW70017
    <BI syslog at the time of BEx crash>
    15:40:36 RD                                 Q0  I Operating system call recv failed (error no. 232 )
    15:40:36 RD                                 S2  3 Connection to CPI-C client 586 was closed
    15:40:36 RD                                 S7  4 > Partner LU name:
    15:40:36 RD                                 S0  R > Host:
    15:40:36 RD                                 S0  I > Partner TP Name: EXCEL
    15:40:36 DIA  000 500 BIB103                R4  9 Communication error, CPIC return code 020, SAP return code 223
    15:40:36 DIA  000 500 BIB103                R5  A > Conversation ID: 82142217
    15:40:36 DIA  000 500 BIB103                R6  4 > CPI-C function: CMSEND(SAP)
    <dev_rd log trace level 3>
    GWRD LOOP **********
    I'm in GwReceive
    SiSelPSelect: start select (timeout=20000)
    Thu Apr  9 15:40:36 2009
    SiSelPNext: an error occurred in sock 31
    NiSelISelectInt: error detected on hdl 18 / sock 31
    NiSelIListInsert: add hdl 18 [17] to sel-list (0) of set0
    NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)
    main: NiSelNext (ni_hdl=18, read=1, write=0, connect=0, hdl_info=0x6000000000587400)
    request from CLIENT
    GwRequest: request from client 586
    GwGetMemory: allocated 0x600000000089bee0 (len=34615)
    NiHsLGetHostName: found address in cache
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiIRead: recv (232: Connection reset by peer) [nixxi.cpp 4423]
    ERROR => NiIRead: SiRecv failed for hdl 18 / sock 31
        (SI_ECONN_BROKEN/232; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp    4423]
    Adresse   Offset  bad request
    GwSaveErrInfo2: save err info (225)
    ***LOG S23=> GwIDisconnectClient, client disconnected (586) [gwxxrd.c     11657]
    ***LOG S74=> GwIDisconnectClient, client disconnected ( SY08472) [gwxxrd.c     11665]
    ***LOG S0R=> GwIDisconnectClient, client disconnected () [gwxxrd.c     11704]
    ***LOG S0I=> GwIDisconnectClient, client disconnected ( EXCEL) [gwxxrd.c     11713]
    LOCATION    SAP-Gateway on host mxxx112 / sapgw01
    ERROR       connection to partner '' broken
    TIME        Thu Apr  9 15:40:36 2009
    RELEASE     700
    COMPONENT   NI (network interface)
    VERSION     38
    RC          -6
    MODULE      nixxi.cpp
    LINE        4423
    DETAIL      NiIRead
    SYSTEM CALL recv
    ERRNO       232
    ERRNO TEXT  Connection reset by peer
    COUNTER     790

    Just FYI.
    After all, we ended up applying BEx addon patch 9.
    The problem about the BEx crash seemed to be fixed in patch 8, but another problem (I heard it was about something to do with report jump function) was not fixed. As a result, we skipped patch 8 and applied 9.
    Both problems were fixed in patch 9.
    Many thanks to SDN informations.

  • WARNING = NiICreateHandle: no more free handles (2048) [nixxi.cpp 369]

    From a couple of days we are having a lot of warnings in the file stderr4 (error trace). We have been looking for the cause through sap marketplace but we have not find any valid solution.
    The warnings are like this:
    WARNING => NiICreateHandle: no more free handles (2048) nixxi.cpp 369
    And appear every 2 minutes or less.
    Could anybody help us with this issue?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi all,
    SAP has responded to us and we have managed...
    the message "NiCreateHandle: no free handle" means that the RFC lib on
    the local machine is not able to open further RFC connection any more.
    Note #316877 describe this issue, it's a note for ITS, but the item 2
    applies for BC as well.
    See also note #314530.
    # 316877 - Maximum number of conversation exceeded
    # 314530 - Number of RFC/CPIC connections for external clients
    Thank you very much for your help and collaboration.

  • Loading Impossible  from ODS

    I want to load a cube (CUBE1) from an ods (ODS1), but with corresponding info-package, my loading is never initiate. When I launch this loading, info-package compiling programs, etc. but never execute loading.
    I try load another structure. I create another ods (ODS2) like ODS1 and I've same problem to load this.
    I've checked ODS1 with rsrv, only test return error (foreign key et SID). According RSRV, ODS1 haven't SID for different caracteristics.
    When I check tables (/BIC/AODS110, /BIC/AODS140 and /BIC/AODS150) with SE14, SAP BW say me these 3 tables are consistent.
    I peruse different posts on this forum, the solution to reload master data can be solve this problem ? I don't think. If master data miss, during loading of CUBE1 SAP create a dummy or blank entry but they can't restrain the start of loading. Isn't it ?
    What's solution ? others check with rsrv show me green light. How can I repair my ODS1 ?

    sm21 :
    MNo | Text                                 
    R11 | No Active Link Found in the Link Table
    Documentation for system log message R1 1 :                     
    You connection has been deleted from the table of active CPIC  
    connections.  Check the preceding system log entries to find out
    whether a CPIC error has occurred.                             
    MNo | Text                      
    R5A | Conversation ID: 81093568
    Documentation for system log message R5 A :                 
    Conversation ID of the connection where the error occurred.
    MNo | Text                   
    R64 | CPI-C function: CMRCV
    Documentation for system log message R6 4 : 
    CPIC function where the error occurred.    

  • Sap to non sap connection ( program not registered/cpic-call

    Hi all,
        Im trying to connect sap to siebel system.IN TCP/IP connections iv selected register program id & passed the parameters ...program id,gateway host and gateway service
    i followed michal krawczyk steps & also checked in smgw
    transaction also but program id is not registered there
            im getting error like program sapprog not registerd cpic/call
    <b>Detailed error</b>
         <b>Error</b> - program sapprog is not registsred
         <b>location</b> - sap gateway on host saple / sapgw01
         <b>detail</b> - Tp sapprog is not register
         <b>component</b> - gateway
         <b>counter</b> - 387
        <b> module</b> -gwr3cpic
         <b>line-</b> 1621
         <b>return code</b> - 679
         <b>subrc</b>  - 0
               please try to help me out in this issue. all inputs r rewarded. 

    Thanks prince,iv checked entries in sm59,  i checked smgw tranaction(gateway monitor) for logged on clients
    its showing like this
    number/luname/tpname/sys.type/hostname/hostaddres/last req
    0 /sapnav/sapgw00/local_r3/
    if i double click on above...
    read/write socket = 4
    handle = 4
    time = tue jan 26 16:54:13 2006
    socket = 1652
    stat = ni_connected
    type = stream ipv4
    out = 1122 messages 64 bytes
    in = 1 messages 64 bytes
    local =
    remote =
    options =
    lu = sapnav
    tp = sapgw00
    lon lu = sapnav
    long tp = sapgw00
    ext program = 0
    no conversation = 24
    appc version = 6
    hostaddr[0] =
    hostaddr[1] =
    offset in = 0
    timeouts in = 0
    connected = tue jan 24
    last req = mon jan
    request block number in= -1
    connection out = -1
    target out = -1
    offset out = 0
    restlen out = 0
    timeouts out = 0
    request block number out = -1
    accept info = einfo
    snc forced = 0
    <b>just see gateway monitor 4 sapnav/parameters & attributes</b>Profile
    parameter              Value
    gw/max_sleep           20
    gw/conn_disconnect     900
    gw/conn_pending        60
    gw/gw_disconnect       1800
    gw/req_stack_size      30
    gw/max_conn            500
    gw/max_wp              0
    gw/max_conn_per_wp     10
    gw/cpic_timeout        20
    gw/deallocate_timeout  600
    gw/reg_timeout         60
    gw/reg_lb_level        1
    gw/reg_lb_default      20
    gw/side_info    C:\usr\sap\D01\DVMGS00\data\sideinfo.DAT
    gw/sec_info     C:\usr\sap\D01\DVMGS00\data\secinfo.DAT
    gw/startup     C:\usr\sap\D01\DVMGS00\data\gwstartup.DAT
    gw/stat                0
    gw/tcp_security        1
    gw/cpic_security       1
    gw/max_sys             300
    gw/max_shm_req         50
    gw/max_shm_req_per_conn 10
    gw/max_overflow_size    5000000
    gw/max_overflow_usage   10
    gw/keepalive            300
    gw/reg_keepalive        300
    gw/compatibility        0
    gw/monitor              1
    gw/netstat_once         1
    gw/close_routes         120
    gw/timeout              0
    gw/internal_timeout     0
    gw/nitrace              0
    gw/accept_remote_trace_level 1
    gw/resolve_timeout      0
    rdisp/max_gateways      100
    rdisp/max_comm_entries  500
    rdisp/sna_gateway       sapnav
    rdisp/sna_gw_service    sapgw00
    rdisp/TRACE_LOGGING     OFF
    gw/rem_start            REMOTE_SHELL
    gw/remsh rsh
    exe/gwrd           C:\usr\sap\D01\SYS\exe\run\gwrd.EXE
    snc/enable               0
    snc/permit_insecure_start 0
    Release 640
    Release no 6400
    internal version 2
    start time Tue Jan 24 16:53:47 2006
    build time Aug 17 2004 23:33:51
    build with Unicode TRUE
    build with Threads TRUE
    gateway hostname sapnav
    gateway service sapgw00
    req_sync_limit 24
    appc_ca_blk_size 34396
    gwreq_ln 34588
    appcdata_ln 34316
    overflow_size_limit 500000
    overflow_use 0
    trace level 1
    trace level external programs 2
    PID Gateway Reader 4952
    internal version 2
    Shared memory Sizes in bytes
    CONN_TBL entry 1748
    CONN_TBL total 874000
    STATISTIC area 1392
      iv changed some values for my safety.plz check it and let me know the error to register program id. Hope ull solve my issue this time.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Error when opening an RFC connection (CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPOCMINIT' : cmRc=2 thRc=679

    We update the BW landscape for version 7.4 suppport package 4 (whitout HANA).
    We use a external system connection to extract data from a SQLServer database (Microsoft Connector 1.1 for SAP/BW)
    In the previous version (BW 7.0.1 SP 10) run correctly, but now is in error.
    Below the  BW error log:
    Error: COMMUNICATION_FAILURE with function RSB_API_OHS_3RDPARTY_NOTIFY and target system SQLIS.
    Error when opening an RFC connection (CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPOCMINIT' : cmRc=2 thRc=679 Transaction program not regist).
    Error log of Integrations Services
    [SAP BI Destination 1 [476]] Error: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.SapBw.Connectivity.ERPException: An error occurred during the dispatch of the incoming function. The last return code was "RFC_FAILURE".
    em Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.SapBw.Components.SapBwSourceBWLoader.ProcessInput(Int32 inputID, PipelineBuffer buffer)
    em Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostProcessInput(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper100 wrapper, Int32 inputID, IDTSBuffer100 pDTSBuffer, IntPtr bufferWirePacket)
    [SSIS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED.  The ProcessInput method on component "SAP BI Destination 1" (476) failed with error code 0x80131500 while processing input "SAP BI Destination Input" (491). The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
    I checked the topic and notes below, but without success
    CPIC Return Code 679 - Transaction Program not Registered - ABAP Connectivity - SCN Wiki
    Note 1480644 - gw/acl_mode versus gw/reg_no_conn_info.
    Note 353597 - Registering RFC server programs

    Hi Bruno,
    We were able to resolve the issue. SAP RDS is assisting us with our upgrade and one of their consultants gave us this fix/workaround.
    Edit and add an entry into P:\usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGS00\data\reginfo.dat on your BW host server.
    Below is the entry I added.
    P TP=<NAME OF PROGRAM ID> HOST=<remote hostname where you creating the RFC to> CANCEL=<remote hostname> ACCESS=*
    Then in BW system goto smgw > goto > Expert Funtions > External Security > ReRead ACL (N) & Globally
    I hope that this works for you.

  • Problem connecting to SAP R/3 in CPIC with 6.20 library

    Any help or suggestion on this problem is highly appreciated. I'm currently facing a problem in connecting to SAP R/3 in CPIC with 6.20 library. The code return error at the call to CMINIT. Below is the code and error message:
    Source Code:
    CONVERSATION_ID convid[8];
    PCPIC_CHAR dest;
    CPIC_INT returnCode;
    dest = sapr347;
    CMINIT(convid, dest, &returnCode);
    if (returnCode != CM_OK)
       printf("CMINIT: %d\n", returnCode);
       printf("SAP-INFO: %s\n", SAP_CMPERR());
    printf("CMINIT succeeded");
    Error Message
    LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host
    ERROR partner not reached (host sapr347, service sapgw00)
    TIME Wed Jul 14 00:36:36 2004
    RELEASE 620
    COMPONENT NI (network interface)
    VERSION 36
    RC -10
    MODULE niuxi.c
    LINE 1037
    DETAIL NiPConnect
    SYSTEM CALL connect
    COUNTER 1].
    =====The same program is working when we use 4.6 library====.
    Best regards,

    Hi vasu,
    Have you tried connecting with another user? If not, first try doing that (for instance with your user). If connection is succesful compare the users. I think this have something to do with the ALEREMOTE user. Might be an authorization issue.
    Try with different users (maybe one with SAP_ALL).

  • RFC2SOAP error : connection to partner 'loopback:0' broken / CPIC-CALL:

    Hi all,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Request Message Mapping -->
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP=""
    xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
      <SAP:P1>connection to partner 'loopback:0' broken / CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPCMRCV' : cmRc=20 th</SAP:P1>
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:Stack>&quot;SYSTEM FAILURE&quot; during JCo call. connection to partner &#39;loopback:0&#39; broken / CPIC-CALL: &#39;ThSAPCMRCV&#39; : cmRc=20 th</SAP:Stack>

    这个错误看起来像是底层的通讯错误,应该和场景配置没关系,你可以SM59测试一下RFC AI_RUNTIME_JCOSERVER 是否正常,或者重启一下server试试看?

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