Dear Readers,
I am not sure why my CTE is not working on a small table I created. Below are the DDL statements with the CTE query.
OBJECTIVE: TO practice how to eliminate duplicates:
DDL statements of the Product table:
--Create table Product
-- ProductID    int Not Null,
-- ProductName varchar(20) Not Null,
-- ProductPrice money Not null
-- Insert Product
-- Values(1, 'Box', '4.99')
-- Insert Product
-- Values(2,'Book','1.99')
-- Insert Product
-- Values(3, 'Bag','5.99')
-- Insert Product
-- Values(4, 'Water Bottle','1.99')
-- Insert Product
-- Values(2,'Book','1.99')
-- Insert Product
-- Values(5, 'Crayons','4.99')
-- Insert Product
-- Values(1, 'Box','4.99')
-- Insert Product
-- Values(2, 'Book','1.99')
-- Insert Product
-- Values(3, 'Bag','5.99')
-- Insert Product
-- Values(2, 'Book','1.99')
The CTE Query:
;With DuplicateCTE
        Row_Number() OVER (Partition By ProductID ORDER BY ProductName) AS RowNumber
When I run the above CTE query I get the following error:
Error Message: Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 185
Incorrect syntax near ')'.

You are missing a comma after ProductPrice and you need to provide an outer query after the CTE definition.  The SELECT query below returns only the first row from each group.  If you want to delete duplicates from the table, change the outer SELECT
to "DELETE FROM DuplicateCTE WHERE RowNumber > 1".
WITH DuplicateCTE
Row_Number() OVER (Partition By ProductID ORDER BY ProductName) AS RowNumber
ProductPriceFROM DuplicateCTE
WHERE RowNumber = 1;
Dan Guzman, SQL Server MVP,

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    Desde já, muito obrigado pela ajuda.
    Alberto Almeida

    Oi Alberto
    Na solução de incoming da NF-e 10 você pode tratar o recebimento de CT-e. Atualmente você pode fazer a validação da assinatura e verificação de status. E, até onde eu sei... no próximo SP que será liberado essa semana (SP 9) será disponibilizada a badi para que cada cliente possa customizar a entrada automática.
    Mais informações:
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    Oi Danilo,
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    Raphael Trivelati

    Verifique se o "tomador do serviço" é contra um CNPJ da empresa(/XNFE/TCNPJ).
    Validação está na FM /XNFE/CTE_CHECK_CNPJ_INCOMING, você pode depurar o proxy CFB2B_procCTe_IB para um melhor entendimento.
    André Canalles

  • Erro no cenário de CTe 1.04

    Bom dia!
    Pessoal, acabamos de aplicar o SP09 no GRC 10.
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    Bom dia Bruno,
    Ainda em relação a CTe 1.04, verifiquei no site da SEFAZ MT que a data limite de aceitação da 1.03 será até 02.04.2012. Você sabe dizer se essa data é válida apenas para o MT ou para todas as SEFAZ recebedoras de CTe ?
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    Você teria uma estimativa mais ou menos da data em que será liberado o SP 10 agora em março? Estamos prestes a preparar o ambiente de PRD e eu gostaria de me planejar para já preparar com o SP 10.

  • Duvida de CTe

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    Por enquanto (standard) não tem nada.
    Tem como armazenar o XML no GRC. Vide:
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    Quanto a soluções SAP standard, o Fernando/Henrique podem responder.
    Bernardo Braga

  • Entrada de CTe com tpemis 7

    Pessoal, boa tarde!
    Alguém já precisou tratar recebimento de CTe com Tipo de Emissão = 7 (entendi que é SEFAZ Virtual RS)?
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    Preencher com: 1 - Normal; 5 - Contingência FSDA; 7 - Autorização pela SVC-RS; 8 - Autorização pela SVC-SP
    Porém, o domínio do tpemis no SAP (J_1BNFE_TPEMIS) prevê apenas os valores da NFe:
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    3 u2013 Contingência SCAN u2013 emissão em contingência no Sistema de Contingência do Ambiente Nacional u2013 SCAN;
    4 u2013 Contingência DPEC - emissão em contingência com envio da Declaração Prévia de Emissão em Contingência u2013 DPEC;
    5 u2013 Contingência FS-DA - emissão em contingência com impressão do DANFE em Formulário de Segurança para Impressão de Documento Auxiliar de Documento Fiscal Eletrônico (FS-DA).
    Por conta da falta do valor 7 no domínio não está sendo possível o registro do CTe.
    Tem alguma nota para ajustar isso?
    Eduardo Hartmann

    Bom dia Eduardo,
    Isto varia de questão para questão, nesta discussão nenhuma resposta anterior teve a resposta correta. Digo, nem próximo disso, então Ok  em você marcar sua resposta como correta.
    Em outros casos algum colega indica a direção correta 95%, até por que os passos seguidos vão ter detalhes que não são descritos. Certo?
    De qualquer forma algumas dicas:
    - Nem sempre se tem respostas relevantes então é Ok que algumas não mereçam nem um Helpful
    - Marcar como Correto (apenas 1 por questão) ou Helpful (até 13 se não me engano) ajudam a fomentar respostas à sua questão
    - Estes pontos também "ajudam" os profissionais que dispenderam tempo próprio para lhe ajudar
    - Estas marcações ajudam quem lê a questão futuramente
    - A resposta é pessoal: às vezes respostas simples podem trazer muita luz a quem não tinha este conhecimento (mesmo que básico), e certas vezes uma resposta rebuscada não trouxe nada novo a quem perguntou. Na dúvida eu pontuo pelo esforço dispendido também
    Escrevi tanto.. rsss Respondendo diretamente, sua questão é a correta.
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    Atenciosamente, Fernando Da Rós

  • CTe Entrada em massa

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    Estamos implementando ECC e usando a solução disponibilizada pela SAP de trabalhar com o CTe como um mestre de serviço.
    As notas foram aplicadas e tudo esta funcionando (Contabilização da Folha/MIRO e escrituração), porém é preciso registrar a folha e a MIRO para cada CTe recebido pela empresa.
    Nosso problema é que recebemos um volume grande de CTe,  gostaria de saber se existe alguma forma standard de realizar a entrada em massa ou outra de lançar os CTe de forma que escriturem nos livros fiscais e consequentemente gerem o contas a pagar
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    Carolina Lapetina
    Grupo Libra

    conforme key-user da empresa a qual trabalho esta necessidade é para atender conforme abaixo :
    Revisão de Vida Útil, Valor Residual e Custo Atribuído (CPC 27 e ICPC 10)
    O objetivo dos pronunciamentos é estabelecer o tratamento contábil para ativos imobilizados, de forma que os usuários das demonstrações contábeis possam discernir a informação sobre o investimento da entidade em seus ativos imobilizados, bem como suas mutações.
    Resumindo, o CPC's 27 etc, foram aplicado no passado, resultando custo atribuído na area XX, e residual normal com nova vida útil conforme laudo para área XY, então
    è necessário fazer a revisão das vidas úteis anualmente, ou quando necessário.
    muito obrigado pela atenção.

  • CTE : ERRO MONITOR ( Type conflict in program /XNFE/SAPLGROUPING )

    Ola Sap Experts, preciso de uma mão de vcs.
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    Alguem já passou ou esta passando por isso ?

    Alguém conseguiu resolver o DUMP?
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    Alguma dica?
    Tatiana Augusto

  • CTE CT-e não autorizado. Código de status 239, motivo: Rejeição: Cabeçalho - Versão do arquivo XML não suportado

    Boa tarde a todos,
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    mesmo reiniciando o processo, o status se mantem com o 239,
    alguém teria alguma solução para processar estes CT-e novamente?
    desde ja agradeço.

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  • How to write a sql query to calculate weights using CTE

    Hi guys,
    want some help using a CTE to generate data using recursive SQL - input data in table A to be transformed into table B shown below
    Table A
    Instru_id_index     instru_id_name    instru_id_constit  con_name   weight
            56                       INDEX A                     
    23                  A                 25
            56                       INDEX A                     
    24                 B                  25
            56                       INDEX A                     
    25                  C                 25
            56                       INDEX A                     
    INDEX  B       25
    INDEX B                     31                 
    D                 33
    INDEX B                     32                 
    E                  33
    INDEX B                     33                 
    F                  33
    (Logic should be recursive in order to be able to handle multi-level, not just level 2.)
    Table B
    Instru_id_index     instru_id_name    instru_id_constit  constit_name   weight
            56                       INDEX A                        
    23                A                   25
            56                       INDEX A                        
    24                B                   25
            56                       INDEX A                        
    25                C                   25
            56                       INDEX A                        
    31                D                   8.3
            56                       INDEX A                        
    32                E                    8.3
            56                       INDEX A                        
    33                F                    8.3
    INDEX B                       31                
    D                   33
    INDEX B                       32                E                   
    INDEX B                       33               
    F                     33
    how can I write a simple CTE construct to  display the data in table B -  How can i calculate the values of weights as 8.3 respectively - calculate these without changing the structure of the tables.
    Can I do this in a CTE

    Full join?
    Anyway, thanks for Rsignh to produces a script with CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements. I've extended the data to one more level of recursion.
    create table weight_tab(
     instrument_id_index int,
     instrument_id_name varchar(10),
     instrument_id_constituent int,
     constituent_name varchar(10),
     [weight] decimal(10,2))
     insert into weight_tab values
     (56,'INDEX A',23,'A',25),(56,'INDEX A', 24,'B',25),
    (56,'INDEX A',25,'C',25),(56,'INDEX A', 57,'INDEX  B',25),
    (57,'INDEX B',31,'D',33), (57,'INDEX B', 32,'INDEX E',33),
    (57,'INDEX B',33,'INDEX C',33),
    (33,'INDEX C',42,'Alfa',60),
    (33,'INDEX C',43,'Beta',40),
    (32,'INDEX C',142,'Gamma',90),
    (32,'INDEX C',143,'Delta',10)
    SELECT * FROM weight_tab
    ; WITH rekurs AS (
        SELECT instrument_id_index, instrument_id_name, instrument_id_constituent,
               cast(weight as float) AS weight, cnt = 1
        FROM   weight_tab a
                           FROM   weight_tab b
                           WHERE  b.instrument_id_constituent = a.instrument_id_index)
        UNION ALL
        SELECT r.instrument_id_index, r.instrument_id_name, w.instrument_id_constituent,
               r.weight * w.weight / 100, r.cnt  + 1
        FROM   rekurs r
        JOIN   weight_tab w ON r.instrument_id_constituent = w.instrument_id_index
        WHERE r.cnt < 4
    SELECT instrument_id_index, instrument_id_name, instrument_id_constituent,
           cast(weight AS decimal(10,2))
    FROM   rekurs
    DROP TABLE weight_tab
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • How do you get a TOP 1 in a CTE?

    Dear colleagues,
    I have a query with a CTE. I want the CTE to return the TOP 1 result for every record it joins with. Unfortunately, the CTE performs the TOP 1 for it's entire result set. How can I get the result I want? I do not want to use a subquery, because my CTE returns
    more than one column. Should I use a table valued function and an OUTER APPLY, or are there better ways of doing this?
    Here is the example:
    CREATE TABLE main (nr int, name varchar(30));
    INSERT INTO main VALUES (1, 'first'), (2, 'second')
    CREATE TABLE sub (nr int, subnr int, subname varchar(30));
    INSERT INTO sub VALUES (1, 1, 'first-sub-first'), (1, 2, 'first-sub-second'), (2, 1, 'second-sub-first'), (2, 2, 'second-sub-second')
    ;WITH Info AS
    ( SELECT TOP 1
    , sub.subname
    FROM sub
    SELECT AS main_nr
    , AS main_name
    , info.subname AS sub_name
    FROM main
    DROP TABLE sub
    DROP TABLE main
    The result I get is
    The result I want is

    Dear mister CELKO,
    Of course, good programmers avoid dialect. Unfortunately, I am not a good programmer, so I do use it. In my toy example the order does not matter. But you are right that in my real world example it does. Your remark points to the flaw in my reasoning. What
    I want is syntactically not correct. So thank you for pointing this out to me.
    Is my other option (table valued function with outer apply) valid, or is it to costly performance wise? My 'main' table contains millions of records, but my 'sub' table contains 0 to 3 records per main record.
    ;WITH Info AS
    ( SELECT
    , sub.subname
    FROM sub
    ORDER BY sub.subnr
    SELECT AS main_nr
    , AS main_name
    , info.subname AS sub_name
    FROM main
    INNER JOIN info ON =
    Msg 1033, Level 15, State 1, Line 7
    The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP, OFFSET or FOR XML is also specified.

  • How to process each records in the derived table which i created using cte table using sql server

    I want to process each row from the CTE table I created, how can I traverse from first row to second row and so on....
    how to process each records in the derived table which i created using  cte table using sql server

    Ideally you would be doing a set based processing rather than traversing row by row as thats more efficient. To answer it specific to your scenario we may need more info. Can you explain with some sample data your exact requirement?
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
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  • Looking for a recursive answer using a intersection table. Possible CTE? Other method?

    Hello all,
    This is my first time on the forums, so please bear with me.  Im also a somewhat novice SQL coder but I have a question that I feel might be best answered my the more advanced folks on this forum.
    I have 3 tables, a user table, a group table and a membership table.
    | user_PK |
    | Id |
    | Name |
    | Description |
    | group_PK |
    | Id |
    | Name |
    | Description |
    | group_members_PK |
    | Group_ID |
    | Member_ID |
    | Member_type |
    The group_ID is linked to the Group_table.ID and the Member_ID can be either linked back to the group_table or user_table depending on the value of member_type.  
    It is possible to have nested groups, and each level of nesting can have users as well not just nested groups.  Sort of how the windows group nesting model works.
    I would like to end up with being able to have output that lists only users, their descriptions and their nested group path if any.
    If you need more clarification please let me know.   I know this maybe a simple thing, but Im unsure how to do it.  Thanks in advance.

    >> This is my first time on the forums, so please bear with me.  I am also a somewhat novice SQL coder but I have a question that I feel might be best answered my the more advanced folks on this forum. <<
    Please follow basic Netiquette and post the DDL we need to answer this. Follow industry and ANSI/ISO standards in your data. You should follow ISO-11179 rules for naming data elements. There is no generic “id”, “name, etc. in RDBMS. Tables have to have a key,
    but we do not put “_pk” on the name. Read a copy of so you will stop tibbling and other bad practices.  
    You should follow ISO-8601 rules for displaying temporal data. We need to know the data types, keys and constraints on the table. 
    Avoid dialect in favor of ANSI/ISO Standard SQL. And do not draw ASCII pictures! They do not compile. 
    >>The group_id is linked [sic] to the [sic] And the member_id can be either linked [sic] back to the group_table or user_table depending on the value of member_type.  <<
    RDBMS has no links; that was in network databases in the 1970's. No wonder you want to use recursive CTEs; they are cursors 
    >> It is possible to have nested groups, and each level of nesting can have users as well not just nested groups.  Sort Of how the windows group nesting model works. <<
    Then you should use a nested sets model.  Since you did not post sample data, DDL  or correct specs, Google it.
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • How can i select the step count of a recursive CTE ?

    I want to select the step count of this query (which one is do fiirst and continue + 1)  from query below
    ;WITH EmpCTE( BomID , empid, mgrid,BomMgrId, lvl, Qty , FLG)
      SELECT     BomID , empid , mgrid, 0 as BomMgrId , 0, Qty , FLG
      FROM Employees
      WHERE empid = 1
      SELECT   E.BomID , E.empid, E.MgrId, M.BomID as BomMgrId , M.lvl+1 , E.Qty , E.FLG 
      FROM Employees AS E
        JOIN EmpCTE AS M
          ON E.mgrid = M.empid
    SELECT BomID , empid, BomMgrId as mgrid , FLG , qty , lvl FROM EmpCTE  WHERE  FLG is null 

    Please post DDL, so that people do not have to guess what the keys, constraints, Declarative Referential Integrity, data types, etc. in your schema are. Learn how to follow ISO-11179 data element naming conventions and formatting rules (you have no idea).
    Temporal data should use ISO-8601 formats. Code should be in Standard SQL as much as possible and not local dialect. 
    This is minimal polite behavior on SQL forums. 
    What you did post is a common design error made by people who do not understand how sets work. This is not RDBMS! It is a sequential file system, kludged in SQL using the recursive CTE that hides the cursors and loops. 
    >> I want to select the step count of this query (which one is do first and continue + 1)  from query below <<
    Step? A set has no concept of ordering. Your question is like asking about the gills on a dog in a veterinarian forum.  
    An SQL programer would have a table (set) with the name Personnel. This is a higher level abstraction. But you have Employees, a sequential file or list. 
    Managers and subordinates are not attributes as you show them. There is a relationship among employees. You have a non-normalized model that mixes relationship and entities together in violation of basic data modeling. 
    We also do not use flags in SQL; that was assembly language.
    Please follow Netiquette and  post the specs and DDL , so we can replace it with a nested sets mode. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

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