Re:Dreamweaver / Phonegap Camera support

I am trying to get the camera to work in my android device (samsung N7000)
I create the apk file using the phonegap build service in DW6 and it shows no errors.
Howerver, when I install the app onto the device and run the app it does not trigger the camera?
Is there a trick to getting the camera to work when creating apps on DW6 using the phonegap build service built in to it?
this is the config.xml file i am using
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <widget xmlns   = ""
        xmlns:gap   = ""
        id          = "com.phonegap.camera_test"
        versionCode = "11"
        version     = "1.1.0" >
<author href=""
    email="[email protected]">
<icon src="icon.png" gap:role="default" />
<feature name=""/>
<feature name=""/>
  <feature name=""/>
  <feature name=""/>
  <feature name=""/>
  <feature name=""/>
  <feature name=""/>
  <feature name=""/>
<preference name="orientation" value="portrait" />
<preference name="webviewbounce" value="false" />
<preference name="prerendered-icon" value="true" />
  <preference name="phonegap-version" value="3.1.0" />
  <preference name="fullscreen" value="false" />
  <preference name="stay-in-webview" value="false" />
  <preference name="ios-statusbarstyle" value="default" />
  <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="7" />
  <preference name="android-installLocation" value="internalOnly" />
  <preference name="target-device" value="universal" />
  <preference name="autohide-splashscreen" value="true" />
  <preference name="load-url-timeout" value="60000" />
  <preference name="show-splashscreen-spinner" value="true" />
  <preference name="show-splash-screen-spinner" value="true" />
  <preference name="allow-inline-media-playback" value="false" />
  <preference name="launch-mode" value="standard" />
  <plugin name="Capture" value="CDVCapture" />
  <plugin name="Camera" value="CDVCamera" />
the index.html file is :
    <script src="phonegap.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
        // Called when capture operation is finished
        function captureSuccess(mediaFiles) {
            //var i, len;
            //for (i = 0, len = mediaFiles.length; i < len; i += 1) {
            //    //uploadFile(mediaFiles[i]);
            //navigator.notification.alert('Weee', null, 'Great success!');
        // Called if something bad happens.
        function captureError(error) {
            //var msg = 'An error occurred during capture: ' + error.code;
            //navigator.notification.alert(msg, null, 'Uh oh!');
        // A button will call this function
        function captureImage() {
            // Launch device camera application,
            // allowing user to capture up to 2 images
            navigator.device.capture.captureImage(captureSuccess, captureError, { limit: 2 });
        // Upload files to server
        function uploadFile(mediaFile) {
            var ft = new FileTransfer(),
                path = mediaFile.fullPath,
                name =;
                function (result) {
                    console.log('Upload success: ' + result.responseCode);
                    console.log(result.bytesSent + ' bytes sent');
                function (error) {
                    console.log('Error uploading file ' + path + ': ' + error.code);
                { fileName: name });
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
        var pictureSource;   // picture source
        var destinationType; // sets the format of returned value
        // Wait for Cordova to connect with the device
        function onLoad() { document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); }
        // Cordova is ready to be used!
        function onDeviceReady() {
            pictureSource =;
            destinationType =;
            alert("device is ready");
        // Called when a photo is successfully retrieved
        function onPhotoDataSuccess(imageData) {
            // Uncomment to view the base64 encoded image data
            // console.log(imageData);
            // Get image handle
            var smallImage = document.getElementById('smallImage');
            // Unhide image elements
   = 'block';
            // Show the captured photo
            // The inline CSS rules are used to resize the image
            smallImage.src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData;
        // Called when a photo is successfully retrieved
        function onPhotoURISuccess(imageURI) {
            // Uncomment to view the image file URI
            // console.log(imageURI);
            // Get image handle
            var largeImage = document.getElementById('largeImage');
            // Unhide image elements
   = 'block';
            // Show the captured photo
            // The inline CSS rules are used to resize the image
            largeImage.src = imageURI;
        // A button will call this function
        function capturePhoto() {
            // Take picture using device camera and retrieve image as base64-encoded string
  , onFail, {
                quality: 50,
                destinationType: destinationType.DATA_URL
        // A button will call this function
        function capturePhotoEdit() {
            // Take picture using device camera, allow edit, and retrieve image as base64-encoded string
  , onFail, {
                quality: 20, allowEdit: true,
                destinationType: destinationType.DATA_URL
        // A button will call this function
        function getPhoto(source) {
            // Retrieve image file location from specified source
  , onFail, {
                quality: 50,
                destinationType: destinationType.FILE_URI,
                sourceType: source
        // Called if something bad happens.
        function onFail(message) {
            alert('Failed because: ' + message);
<body onLoad="onLoad()">
    <button onclick="capturePhoto();">Capture Photo</button> <br><br>
    <button onclick="capturePhotoEdit();">Capture Editable Photo</button> <br><br>
    <button onclick="getPhoto(pictureSource.PHOTOLIBRARY);">From Photo Library</button><br><br>
    <button onclick="getPhoto(pictureSource.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM);">From Photo Album</button><br><br>
    <img style="display:none;width:60px;height:60px;" id="smallImage" src="" />
    <img style="display:none;" id="largeImage" src="" />
    <br><button onclick="captureImage();">Capture Image</button> <br>

This forum is actually about the Cloud, not about using individual programs
Once your program downloads and installs with no errors, you need the program forum
If you start at the Forums Index
You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says ALL FORUMS) to open the drop down list and scroll

Similar Messages

  • Dreamweaver CS6 PhoneGap build with Camera support for Android Device

    I am trying to build a simple app that triggers the camera in my Samsung N7000 device.
    I have built the app using Dreamweaver CS6 using the builting phonegap build support.
    I am using the Windows version of Dreamweaver CS6.
    When the app is built it shows no errors but when the app is installed on the device it does not trigger  the camera.
    I can not seem to get this very basic app to trigger the camera.
    Any suggestions will be very much appreciated.
    Below is the index.html file i have been using.
        <script src="phonegap.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
            // Called when capture operation is finished
            function captureSuccess(mediaFiles) {
                //var i, len;
                //for (i = 0, len = mediaFiles.length; i < len; i += 1) {
                //    //uploadFile(mediaFiles[i]);
                //navigator.notification.alert('Weee', null, 'Great success!');
            // Called if something bad happens.
            function captureError(error) {
                //var msg = 'An error occurred during capture: ' + error.code;
                //navigator.notification.alert(msg, null, 'Uh oh!');
            // A button will call this function
            function captureImage() {
                // Launch device camera application,
                // allowing user to capture up to 2 images
                navigator.device.capture.captureImage(captureSuccess, captureError, { limit: 2 });
            // Upload files to server
            function uploadFile(mediaFile) {
                var ft = new FileTransfer(),
                    path = mediaFile.fullPath,
                    name =;
                    function (result) {
                        console.log('Upload success: ' + result.responseCode);
                        console.log(result.bytesSent + ' bytes sent');
                    function (error) {
                        console.log('Error uploading file ' + path + ': ' + error.code);
                    { fileName: name });
        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
            var pictureSource;   // picture source
            var destinationType; // sets the format of returned value
            // Wait for Cordova to connect with the device
            function onLoad() { document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); }
            // Cordova is ready to be used!
            function onDeviceReady() {
                pictureSource =;
                destinationType =;
                alert("device is ready");
            // Called when a photo is successfully retrieved
            function onPhotoDataSuccess(imageData) {
                // Uncomment to view the base64 encoded image data
                // console.log(imageData);
                // Get image handle
                var smallImage = document.getElementById('smallImage');
                // Unhide image elements
       = 'block';
                // Show the captured photo
                // The inline CSS rules are used to resize the image
                smallImage.src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData;
            // Called when a photo is successfully retrieved
            function onPhotoURISuccess(imageURI) {
                // Uncomment to view the image file URI
                // console.log(imageURI);
                // Get image handle
                var largeImage = document.getElementById('largeImage');
                // Unhide image elements
       = 'block';
                // Show the captured photo
                // The inline CSS rules are used to resize the image
                largeImage.src = imageURI;
            // A button will call this function
            function capturePhoto() {
                // Take picture using device camera and retrieve image as base64-encoded string
      , onFail, {
                    quality: 50,
                    destinationType: destinationType.DATA_URL
            // A button will call this function
            function capturePhotoEdit() {
                // Take picture using device camera, allow edit, and retrieve image as base64-encoded string 
      , onFail, {
                    quality: 20, allowEdit: true,
                    destinationType: destinationType.DATA_URL
            // A button will call this function
            function getPhoto(source) {
                // Retrieve image file location from specified source
      , onFail, {
                    quality: 50,
                    destinationType: destinationType.FILE_URI,
                    sourceType: source
            // Called if something bad happens.
            function onFail(message) {
                alert('Failed because: ' + message);
    <body onLoad="onLoad()">
        <button onclick="capturePhoto();">Capture Photo</button> <br><br>
        <button onclick="capturePhotoEdit();">Capture Editable Photo</button> <br><br>
        <button onclick="getPhoto(pictureSource.PHOTOLIBRARY);">From Photo Library</button><br><br>
        <button onclick="getPhoto(pictureSource.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM);">From Photo Album</button><br><br>
        <img style="display:none;width:60px;height:60px;" id="smallImage" src="" />
        <img style="display:none;" id="largeImage" src="" />
        <br><button onclick="captureImage();">Capture Image</button> <br>
    Below is the config.xml file i am using
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <widget xmlns   = ""
            xmlns:gap   = ""
            id          = "com.phonegap.camera_test"
            versionCode = "11"
            version     = "1.1.0" >
    <author href=""
        email="[email protected]">
    <icon src="icon.png" gap:role="default" />
    <feature name=""/>
    <feature name=""/>
      <feature name=""/>
      <feature name=""/>
      <feature name=""/>
      <feature name=""/>
      <feature name=""/>
      <feature name=""/>
    <preference name="orientation" value="portrait" />
    <preference name="webviewbounce" value="false" />
    <preference name="prerendered-icon" value="true" />
      <preference name="phonegap-version" value="3.1.0" />
      <preference name="fullscreen" value="false" />
      <preference name="stay-in-webview" value="false" />
      <preference name="ios-statusbarstyle" value="default" />
      <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="7" />
      <preference name="android-installLocation" value="internalOnly" />
      <preference name="target-device" value="universal" />
      <preference name="autohide-splashscreen" value="true" />
      <preference name="load-url-timeout" value="60000" />
      <preference name="show-splashscreen-spinner" value="true" />
      <preference name="show-splash-screen-spinner" value="true" />
      <preference name="allow-inline-media-playback" value="false" />
      <preference name="launch-mode" value="standard" />
      <plugin name="Capture" value="CDVCapture" />
      <plugin name="Camera" value="CDVCamera" />

    This forum is actually about the Cloud, not about using individual programs
    Once your program downloads and installs with no errors, you need the program forum
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says ALL FORUMS) to open the drop down list and scroll

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    upgrade your os.  if your using os x 10.6.8, Apple - Upgrade your Mac to OS X Mavericks.

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    Camera 8.3 RC for Photoshop CC & CS6 available on Adobe Labs
    Camera Raw 8.3 is now available as a release candidate on Adobe Labs for Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop CC on Adobe Labs. For both versions it includes the new camera support mentioned below, and for Photoshop CC includes the following new features:
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    Any advice is appreciated.

    USB connect (normal, PTP) - put it in PTP mode for Mac OS X only.
    Use the "System Profiler" (under the Apple menu) to make sure your camera is recognized. Then use Image Capture (Applications folder) to get the files off your camera.

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    "The application iPhoto quit unexpectedly. The problem may have been caused by the Avilmporter plug-in"
    I have even tried to import with image capture, but all it does is safe the jpegs on my desktop.

    If the camera shoots jpeg then yes, it is supported.
    "The application iPhoto quit unexpectedly. The problem may have been caused by the Avilmporter plug-in"
    Remove the AviImporter plug in. This is usually found in one of two Quicktime Folders:
    HD/Library/ Quicktime
    HD/Users / Your Name / Library / Quicktime
    If the avi files you import then do not play, try install Perian

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    Aperture 2.0 does read M9 DNG / RAW files, but it does not support the M9 with a camera specific RAW profile. Instead, it applies the RAW profiles Apple created for Leica's M8 and M 8.2. The results are OK, but with the M9's full frame sensor, they fall far short of what would be achieved with an M9 specific RAW profile that reads the M9's internal configuration data. Apple has had M9s from Leica since September, when the M9 was introduced. The expectation of M9 and mac owners has been that by now, Apple would have developed a specific RAW profile for and supported the M9. Without such support, many M9 owners have been taking a pass on Aperture, and Aperture 1.0 and 2.0 owners will surely not upgrade to Aperture 3 without an M9 profile.

  • You are running an operating system that Dreamweaver no longer supports.

    You are running an operating system that Dreamweaver no longer supports. so i cannot download a trial version i am operating vista windows, how can i get this trial version

    You CAN find downloads of older trials here:
    You need to follow their instructions VERY CAREFULLY and completely, or the links don't work.
    Of course, without a valid product key (which Adobe doesn't sell anymore, except for CS6 - maybe) you can only use them for 30 days.

  • RAW support?  Cameras supported list?

    I've gotten my first Mac after 25 years of PCs (27" iMac with yellow tinged display, oh well)
    I THINK this is going to be better (eventually, even the display I hope) but I cannot figure out how to do ANYthing right now.
    Just tried to download my first pictures into iPhoto.
    Got message to the effect of "No can do, Unrecognizable File Type" or something.
    They were raw files, .orf (Olympus Raw File) files out of an Olympus E20 camera.
    Does iPhoto not support raw as I thought?
    Not support Olympus .orf files?
    Not support this particular camera?
    I can't find a list of cameras supported anywhere?
    (this changeover of platforms is very taxing to me)
    Any knowledge about what I'm trying to do would be much appreciated.

    The list of supported cameras is here
    The E20 isn't on it.
    iPhoto menu -> Provide iPhoto Feedback for feature requests.
    iPhoto supports the same Raw formats as Aperture. The usual workaround for unsupported cameras is to convert them to DNG with Adobe's free Raw Converter.
    Having seen a few people switch over can I suggest that the best thing you can do with iPhoto is get 100 pics into it and explore it rather than migrating your whole collection over at one go.
    By all means post back if you need more help.

  • Tethered Camera Support for Nikon D3200

    I need to shoot in tethered capture mode and have found that my D90 in not fully supported in this mode.  A D7000 is fully supported, but will cost somewhat more than I had hoped to spend.  The new D3200 would be an excellent match for our needs (dental photography).  My question: Does anyone know if this camera is supported in tethered capture and if not, does Adobe plan on adding it as a compatible camera anytime soon?
    J S Mott

    J S Mott wrote:
    Does anyone know if this camera is supported in tethered capture
    does Adobe plan on adding it as a compatible camera anytime soon?
    Doubtless Adobe knows, but this is a user to user forum, so I wouldn't hold your breath for anything formal from Adobe here except "eventually". Maybe.

  • 60% of the cameras 'supported' in 3.2 that take video use AVCHD

    Of the cameras purported to be newly supported in LR 3.2, 8 shoot video. Of those 8, 5 use the AVCHD codec (and one of the remainders doesnt shoot HD). The 5 that use AVCHD include the LX5 and the Sony Nex cameras, both likely to be popular as compact cameras for those who normally use a DSLR.
    It seems a bit silly and shortsighted that Lightroom doesnt support AVCHD, when it is rapidly becoming the most popular format. Even the newest cameras that Adobe is trying to develop support for, the majority use a format that LR ignores.
    The problem will only get worse, as Nikon is reputed to be using AVCHD in its new DSLRs.
    At the very least perhaps new announcements could specifiy whether or not the full camera is supported, because when you tout video as a key selling feature of LR3 one might assume that a claim of supporting that camera would include more then just still images.

    Thronsen wrote:
    If you dont want video in lightroom, not sure why you are clicking on this thread.
    I want lightroom to work properly, where on earth did you get the idea I did not want video?
    Thronsen wrote:But just as a basic point of education, its alot more then 5 cameras that use AVCHD. Its 5 cameras just out of the 8 that LR recently supported.
    You mentioned 5, I am now more educated, thank you for that apologies to the other manufacturers of those cameras, I have shot video for many many years, but using professional equipment for TV, commercials and documentaries, I am not yet as familiar using with DSLR's to shoot video, compression is always an issue and ACHD does cause ugly artefacts, but it is plenty better than many of the prosumer  codecs.
    If you dont want to use your camera for video, thats up to you. But many people do, in fact apparently the highest growth segment of DSLR purchses are video people.
    I can't wait to get the new Canon 3D with even better video support than the 7D, Cant wait to use video commercially in the shoots I do.
    And Im pretty sure the LR staff, or at least Adobe disagrees with you. Video was one of the most important changes highlighted in virtually every piece of marketing material I saw. On the main LR page it was listed 3rd.
    I"m sure lightroom working properly was the 1st, I was talking about priorities.
    Finally, please dont make the same tired argument about how tough it would be to implement editing.
    so, its easy to write Final Cut Pro 7 for lightroom is it? Barely a tired argument.
    All most want is the ability for LR to import the videos (so we dont need 2 programs to do so), show a thumbnail (so we can see our videos mixed with our photos from the same shoot), and hand off the video to the OS or chosen player. All of which is already done by LR for other formats (and all of which is done for free by Windows 7 natively).
    That was my list of questions I asked you,
    "And anyway, what do you want to be able to do with AVCHD? edit? record? Store? Playback?"
    Is that not a fair question to ask you?
    I simply asked a couple of very pertinent questions, and I can read and write to any post I want to. I did not expect to get some kind of bullish  response.
    Message was edited by: hamish niven - additional commentary on more than 5 cameras supporting AVCHD

  • Still no galaxy camera support?

    is there any good reason why this app is not available on the galaxy camera?
    i sideloaded it by restoring a backup from my phone(galaxy note 2) and it works perfectly.

    Apple puts raw support at the operating system level. The advantage of this is that once the OS has it, everything in OS X gets it. The disadvantage with this, is that for even one camera to get an update, Apple has to test and greenlight an update for the entire OS, meaning a user with a new camera must always wait until the next 10.x.xx update comes out, whenever that is. It will be interesting to see if they break camera support out into its own update, like they do with QuickTime, AirPort, and other features. It sure would probably work better that way.

  • Native XD-CAM support

    I was at NAB and was talking to the guy demonstrating working with FCP Sudio 6 and XD-CAM. He said that the new version of FCP supports native XD-CAM files but I thought that they are MXF wrapped whereas FCP is QuickTime based.
    So my question is... does this mean that FCP will now work native MXF as well as QuickTime? This will be a big help as I need to push clips to and from an MXF media server as fast as possible without time being wasted re-wrapping the files.

    Thanks Andy,
    So this shows that FCP is still QT only and I guess the 'native' XD-CAM support is only relating to the codec and not the wrapper so in my mind I wouldn't call it truly native but at least you have clarified the exact support.
    I'll runs some tests to see how quick the wrapping process is when sending to playout.

  • HT203470 Cameras supported by FCP X

    "Cameras supported by FCP X" lists Canon XL H1s. Anyone know if XL H1a is supported as well?

    YYes, it is.

Maybe you are looking for