Re: Error trying to upgrade to 3.2.1 for my AT100-100

When I apply for upgrade through the service station, it downloaded the upgrade (which is now available on my tablet)...
then when I try to upgrade, the SS reboots the machine, then starts a full screen window with a progress bar under the Android mascot, but then a 1/4 of the way on the progress, an exlamtion mark appears, and it freezes...
and I have to hard reboot to go back to my old 3.1
now in the SS little note that comes with the upgrade, it says if the process fails, reset the machine and try again, do they mean a hard reset, i.e. go back to initial factory settings?
anyone tried to upgrade and got the same problem as me...
this looks to me as a destructive upgrade as I lose all my apps, is there a way to back them up for 3.2.1, or can I at least re-install them in the Market as I purchased them?
On another note, Toshiba Forum is very hard to navigate... and to find this thread was not that easy...
searchinig anything Tablet leads to a list of Faq answers that have nothing to do with Tablets...
Very disappointing Toshiba...

Hi all,
I have the same problem as described above from nabilh2020. The Update V3.2.1 freezes half the way after restart and a warning icon appears over the Android mascot.
Existing Version: Android
Kernel-Version: android-toshiba@dps3build10 #1
Build-Number: HMJ37.06.5.0011
ServiceStation: 1.1.11
Update version: V3. for TEG (Germany) 27.02.2012
Strange, after the last update of the service station I have two symbols for this, but both starts the same application.
A service request from 2.3.2012 (Case#71564615) didn't brings an answer/solution until yet.

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    * Created on January 23, 2008, 9:55 AM
    package payrollapplication;
    public class Check extends javax.swing.JFrame {
    public Employee emp;
    String expanded;
    /** Creates new form Check */
    boolean debug = true;
    public Check() {
    /** This method is called from within the constructor to
    * initialize the form.
    * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
    * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Code ">
    private void initComponents() {
    date = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    jPanel1 = new javax.swing.JPanel();
    name = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    amtexpanded = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    amtnum = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    empid = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    setTitle("EMP Name Here");
    setCursor(new java.awt.Cursor(java.awt.Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR));
    addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowActivated(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {
    jPanel1.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(102, 102, 0));
    javax.swing.GroupLayout jPanel1Layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(jPanel1);
    .addGap(0, 429, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addGap(0, 62, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    amtexpanded.setText("AMT EXPANDED");
    amtnum.setText("AMT #");
    javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
    .addComponent(jPanel1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING, layout.createSequentialGroup()
    .addGap(10, 10, 10)
    .addComponent(amtexpanded, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 342, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    .addComponent(name, javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 352, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING, false)
    .addComponent(amtnum, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addComponent(date, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 71, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addComponent(empid, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))))
    .addComponent(jPanel1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
    .addGap(14, 14, 14)
    .addComponent(amtexpanded, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 31, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE))
    .addContainerGap(javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    }// </editor-fold>
    private void formWindowActivated(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {                                    
    initDisplay(); //Computes the expanded form of the number and fills the windows with information
    * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    new Check().setVisible(true);
    public void initDisplay() {
    try {
    amtnum.setText("$"+emp.netpay); //Fill in the net pay
    name.setText(""+emp.fname+" "+emp.mname+" "+emp.lname+" "+emp.suffix); //Fill in the name
    System.out.println("NOT YET IMPLEMENTED");
    expanded = "";
    //begin to compute the expanded form
    //determine the length of the left side of the decimal
    expanded = emp.netpay+"";
    String[] split = expanded.split(".");
    int length = split[0].length();
    //Now we compute the first half of the number
    int wholeLength = split[0].length();
    char[] arr = split[0].toCharArray(); //create the character array
    expanded = ""; //Clear it
    if(length == 3) {
    System.out.println("Length of 3, working...");
    //Assume we are starting at the one thousands
    //Since 0 is 1, we need to test for 3 for 1,000s not 4
    switch(arr[3]) {
    case '1': expanded = "One Thousand ";
    case '2': expanded = "Two Thousand ";
    case '3': expanded = "Three Thousand ";
    case '4': expanded = "Four Thousand ";
    case '5': expanded = "Five Thousand ";
    case '6': expanded = "Six Thousand ";
    case '7': expanded = "Seven Thousand ";
    case '8': expanded = "Eight Thousand ";
    case '9': expanded = "Nine Thousand ";
    switch(arr[2]) {
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "One-Hundred ";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "Two-Hundred ";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "Three-Hundred ";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "Four-Hundred ";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "Five-Hundred ";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "Six-Hundred ";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "Seven-Hundred ";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "Eight-Hundred ";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "Nine-Hundred ";
    switch(arr[1]) {
    case '0': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Nine";
    case '1': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Ten";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Eleven";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Twelve";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Thirteen";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Fourteen";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Fifteen";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Sixteen";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Seventeen";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Eighteen";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Nineteen";
    case '2': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Nine";
    case'3': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Nine";
    case '4': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Nine";
    case '5': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Nine";
    case '6': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Nine";
    case '7': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Nine";
    case '8': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Eigthy-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Nine";
    case '9': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Nine";
    //Now we move down the length, 2, 1 ,
    if(length == 2) {
    System.out.println("length of 2, working...");
    switch(arr[2]) {
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "One-Hundred ";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "Two-Hundred ";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "Three-Hundred ";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "Four-Hundred ";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "Five-Hundred ";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "Six-Hundred ";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "Seven-Hundred ";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "Eight-Hundred ";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "Nine-Hundred ";
    switch(arr[1]) {
    case '0': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Nine";
    case '1': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Ten";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Eleven";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Twelve";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Thirteen";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Fourteen";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Fifteen";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Sixteen";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Seventeen";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Eighteen";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Nineteen";
    case '2': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Nine";
    case'3': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty-Nine";
    case '4': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Fourty-Nine";
    case '5': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Fifty-Nine";
    case '6': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Sixty-Nine";
    case '7': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Seventy-Nine";
    case '8': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Eigthy-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Eighty-Nine";
    case '9': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Ninety-Nine";
    if(length == 1) {
    System.out.println("Length of 1 working....");
    switch(arr[1]) {
    case '0': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Nine";
    case '1': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Ten";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Eleven";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Twelve";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Thirteen";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Fourteen";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Fifteen";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Sixteen";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Seventeen";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Eighteen";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Nineteen";
    case '2': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty";
    case '1': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-One";
    case '2': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Two";
    case '3': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Three";
    case '4': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Four";
    case '5': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Five";
    case '6': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Six";
    case '7': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Seven";
    case '8': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Eight";
    case '9': expanded = expanded + "and Twenty-Nine";
    case'3': {
    switch(arr[0]) {
    case '0': expanded = expanded + "and Thirty";
    case '1': exp

    if(length == 3) {
    System.out.println("Length of 3, working...");
    //Assume we are starting at the one thousands
    //Since 0 is 1, we need to test for 3 for 1,000s not 4
    switch(arr[3]) {Arrays in Java start at index zero, so if the length of an array is 3, then the valid indices are 0,1 and 2.
    You also can make the whole thing much cleaner with using the way things are phrased in English - you say "one million, one hundred and fifty thousand, two hundred and seventy six pounds, thirty seven pence", so if you write a routine which converts an integer between 0 (inclusive) and 1000 (exclusive), and call that for the millions, thousands, units and cents in turn. You also might want to use localized strings in an array instead of coding everything as a sequence of switch statements.

  • Trying to upgrade OS X Mavericks for months now.

    It seems like I've been trying to upgrade to OS X Mavericks for months now. I keep getting this message -The file couldn’t be saved because you don’t have permission.(513). Why? And what can I do to fix this so that I can upgrade?

    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions - Mavericks, Lion/Mountain Lion
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported then click on the Repair Permissions button. When the process is completed, then quit DU and return to the main menu. Proceed to the following.
    Reset User Permissions and ACLs in Lion/Mountain Lion
    From the Utilities menu select Terminal. At the Terminal prompt enter: resetpassword. Press RETURN. When the window opens select your startup drive where it says "Select the volume containing the user account:" At the bottom of the window you will see, "Reset Home folder permissions and ACLs." Click on the Reset button.
    See if this fixes your problem.

  • ERROR trying to re-install iTunes 7-PLEASE HELP!!!

    I have been trying to upgrade to iTunes 7.4 for the past week or so. Every time I have tried i get the below error message.
    *"C:Documents and settings\owner\local settings\temporary internet files\content.IE5\Y7XOUHYM\iTunesSetup[1].exe is not a valid Win32 application"*
    I followed the troubleshooting advice about removing all components of iTunes and Quicktime and re-installing it, but I can't get it to re-install.
    Now i have no iTunes at all.
    Please someone help with this issue!!
    Before anyone says anything-yes I have posted this on the iTunes install and upgrade forum. I'm just trying to spread the topic to different forums for a better chance of getting a response.
    thanks in advance
    Message was edited by: iPhoNettie

    hi! Did you delete that specified file from Temporary Internet Files? Because it's cached, even if you've deleted all your iTunes files, but left that file in Temporary Internet Files, when you try to download the new iTunes, it will look at that file first to save the download progress.
    Delete that file, and try to download the file again. Matter of fact, delete all of your Temporary Internet Files content and try.
    Hope that helps a little,

  • I'm trying to upgrade to Mountain Lion and I get an error message that says "server error during download; 403 forbidden. What does this mean, what can I do? I had no problem downloading Lion.

    Trying to upgrad to Mountail Lion and got an error message : 403 Forbidden. What does this mean? What can I do? I had no problem when I upgraded to Lion.

    403 Forbidden HTTP status code in response to a request from a client for a web page or resource to indicate that the server refuses to allow the requested action. In other words, the server can be reached, but the server declined to allow the requested access.
    Could you be using a different Apple ID oe such?

  • I get a disk error when trying to upgrade to mountain lion on my mac book pro that also runs bootcamp

    I recently tried to upgrade my macbook pro OSX to mountain lion via the app store. When it tried to install it gives me a disk error. I have run disk utilities and repaired, verified etc. but it makes no difference. I am running bootcamp as well and have tried to modifiy the partition sizes in disk utilities, but it says for both that they cannot be modified. I can switch my startup disk and reboot in windows, no problem, so getting my files off isnt the issue. I have also tried to recover the hard disk using time machine which i was lucky enough to backup the day before it all went wrong. However, time machine runs fine until it asks me which disk to recover and it gives me an option of the time machine disk or bootcamp, but no option for my mac partition. So, I have tried everything that makes snese, but getting errors with disks lock, cant repartition, disk error needs repair (which i know is not true, its only because of the Mountain Lion OSX that its messed up). Any ideas?

    You have some other problem with your boot drive that has corrupted data backed up to the TimeMacine drive.
    My advice is to boot into each operating system and manually backup just your Users files each to separate regular external drives (no Timemachine or backup software) and disconnect.
    Make a note of any serial numbers, emails, address book contacts, export bookmarks etc. that isn't typically in your users folders data.
    You might be able to Winclone 3 the Windows as a whole thing as it's appearing not to have issues but it's your MacintoshHD partition that is so that will have to be rebuilt from scratch.
    Most commonly used backup methods
    If your OS X parititon doesn't boot, you can use this to recover files.
    Create a data recovery/undelete external boot drive
    Without any further detail about your machine I can't advise specifically what to do, but it involves using Disk Utility to Zero Erase (move slider one spot to the right or in 10.6 using Security Option) the ENTIRE boot drive and reformatting, then installing OSX fresh and then setting up BootCamp again.
    If you wish to switch your boot drive for something better, this is a good time to do this.
    Install/upgrade RAM or storage drive in Mac's
    If your machine is capable of Internet Recovery, then use that, then upgrade.
    If your machine came with 10.6 or earlier, then use the 10.6 install disks and work up from there.
    Erase, formatting, OS X installs on Mac's

  • Error while trying to upgrade SQL 2008 (SP2) to SQL 2012: There was a failure to calculate the applicability of setting LICENSEPATH.

    I am trying to upgrade one of our SQL Server Enterprise (2008 (SP2)) to 2012. I am using the upgrade option but it gives me the following error:
    Error Code 0x85640002: There was a failure to calculate the applicability of setting LICENSEPATH
    We have downloaded the image from our Volume Licensing account. Also, the same image was used to install SQL 2012 on Windows Server 2012 R2 servers without any issues.
    Below is the install summary.txt. I have tried everywhere but no go. Would really appreciate any assistance.
    Overall summary:
      Final result:                  Failed: see details below
      Exit code (Decimal):           -2057043966
      Exit facility code:            1380
      Exit error code:               2
      Exit message:                  There was a failure to calculate the applicability of setting LICENSEPATH.
      Start time:                    2014-02-28 10:58:49
      End time:                      2014-02-28 10:58:58
      Requested action:              RunRules
      Exception help link: 
    Machine Properties:
      Machine name:                  xxxxxxx
      Machine processor count:       2
      OS version:                    Windows Server 2008 R2
      OS service pack:               Service Pack 1
      OS region:                     U.A.E.
      OS language:                   English (United States)
      OS architecture:               x64
      Process architecture:          64 Bit
      OS clustered:                  No
    Package properties:
      Description:                   Microsoft SQL Server 2012
      ProductName:                   SQL Server 2012
      Type:                          RTM
      Version:                       11
      SPLevel:                       0
      Installation location:         D:\x64\setup\
      Installation edition:          
    User Input Settings:
      ACTION:                        RunRules
      ENU:                           true
      HELP:                          false
      INDICATEPROGRESS:              false
      INSTANCENAME:                  <empty>
      PID:                           *****
      QUIET:                         true
      QUIETSIMPLE:                   false
      RULES:                         GlobalRules
      UIMODE:                        Normal
      X86:                           false
      Configuration file:            C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20140228_105848\ConfigurationFile.ini
    Rules with failures:
    Global rules:
    There are no scenario-specific rules.
    Rules report file:               The rule result report file is not available.
    Exception summary:
    The following is an exception stack listing the exceptions in outermost to innermost order
    Inner exceptions are being indented
    Exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.CalculateSettingApplicabilityException
            There was a failure to calculate the applicability of setting LICENSEPATH.
        HResult : 0x85640002
            FacilityCode : 1380 (564)
            ErrorCode : 2 (0002)
          SettingId = LICENSEPATH
          WatsonData = Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.CalculateSettingApplicabilityException@2
          DisableWatson = true
            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Setting.CalculateApplicability()
            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.BootstrapExtension.ValidateChainerSettingAction.ExecuteAction(String actionId)
            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Action.Execute(String actionId, TextWriter errorStream)
            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionInvocation.ExecuteActionHelper(TextWriter statusStream, ISequencedAction actionToRun, ServiceContainer context)
        Inner exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.CalculateSettingValueException
                    There was a failure to calculate the default value of setting LICENSEPATH.
            HResult : 0x85640001
                    FacilityCode : 1380 (564)
                    ErrorCode : 1 (0001)
              SettingId = LICENSEPATH
              WatsonData = Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.CalculateSettingValueException@1
                    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Setting`1.CalculateValue()
                    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Deployment.PrioritizedPublishing.PublishingQueue.CallQueuedSubscriberDelegates()
                    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Deployment.PrioritizedPublishing.PublishingQueue.Publish(Publisher publisher)
                    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Setting.CalculateApplicability()
            Inner exception type: System.ArgumentException
                            Culture ID 3072 (0x0C00) is not a supported culture.
                            Parameter name: culture
                            at System.Globalization.CultureInfo..ctor(Int32 culture, Boolean useUserOverride)
                            at System.Globalization.CultureTable.GetCultures(CultureTypes types)
                            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.LcidUtilities.GetLangPackParentFolderForLcid(String lcid)
                            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.LcidUtilities.GetLcidFolder(ServiceContainer context, String baseFolderFullPath)
                            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.LicensePathSetting.DefaultValue()
                            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Deployment.PrioritizedPublishing.PublishingQueue.CallFunctionWhileAutosubscribing[T](SubscriberDelegate
    subscriberDelegate, Int32 priority, AutosubscribingFunctionDelegate`1 function)
                            at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Setting`1.CalculateValue()

    Culture ID 3072 (0x0C00) is not a supported culture.
                            Parameter name: culture
    This appears to be the root problem. It seems that the regional settings on this machine is messed up. 0x0C00 is an unusual LCID, they do not normally not end in two zeroes.
    is there a custom culture installed on this machine?
    Review the regional settings and also check the System locale. If it looks spooky, set it to Arabic - U.A.E. if this is where you are located.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • OUI-25023 Error when trying to upgrade CRS to Clusterware

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to upgrade my RAC installation.
    To test and validate the procedure, i'm first trying it on a one node cluster (node named camrdo01) running on (CRS & Database).
    When i'm lauching OUI for the Clusterware installation, on the node selection screen, the node is present and selected, but I can't go on, i'm getting an OUI-25023 Error.
    Here is the log from this installation:
    INFO: Node selection page will be shown because a cluster install is detected on the selected home.
    INFO: Setting variable 'CLUSTER_NODES' to 'CAMRDO01,'. Received the value from a code block.
    INFO: The cluster node list 'CAMRDO01' is derived from the Oracle home properties.
    INFO: Local node 'camrdo01' is derived from the clusterware stack.
    INFO: Setting variable 'LOCAL_NODE' to 'camrdo01'. Received the value from a code block.
    INFO: isRollingUpgradeEnabled():true
    INFO: Rolling upgrade is enabled for this product.
    INFO: Setting variable 'REMOTE_NODES' to 'CAMRDO01,'. Received the value from a code block.
    INFO: isRollingUpgradeEnabled():true
    INFO: Setting the 'ClusterInstallDescription' property to 'Select nodes (in addition to the local node) in the hardware cluster where the installer should install products that you select in this installation.'.
    INFO: Setting the 'SingleInstanceDescription' property to 'Select this option if you want to perform a single node non-cluster installation even though the local node is part of a hardware cluster.'.
    INFO: Setting the 'InvalidNodes' property to 'null'.
    INFO: Setting the 'AllowRemoteNodeSelection' property to 'true'.
    INFO: Setting the 'ShowCRSSoftwareVersion' property to 'false'.
    INFO: Setting the 'NewHome' property to 'false'.
    INFO: Setting the 'ClusterNodes ( CLUSTER_NODES )' property to 'CAMRDO01,'. Received the value from the UI page.
    INFO: Setting the 'LocalNode ( LOCAL_NODE )' property to 'camrdo01'. Received the value from the UI page.
    INFO: Setting the 'RemoteNodes ( REMOTE_NODES )' property to 'CAMRDO01,'. Received the value from the UI page.
    INFO: Performing tests to see whether nodes CAMRDO01 are available
    SEVERE: OUI-25023: The local node is not selected for installing this product. Include the local node in the cluster list or perform the installation on the nodes on which the install is to be performed.
    INFO: User Selected: Yes/OK
    Does anyone have tryed and succeded in upgradnig RAC to, and is there any workaround for this problem?
    thx for help,

    Can you check the install log to see if any errors are recorded there ?

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