Re Installation of 11i

I am attempting to reinstall and it takes only seconds to complete. This installation is looking at a particular file and stating that all products have already been installed. Can anyone tell me where or what that file is? I have already looked at the oraInst.loc file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Every time that we reinstalled 11i (rapidwiz) we had to move the oraInventory directory. I would suggest moving this directory instead of deleting it. If other software had been installed, using the oraInventory directory, you would need to put the old one back in place to update that software. Our oraInventory directory is housed in our $ORACLE_BASE. Yours may be in another location.

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    I am trying to install 11i ( on OLE 4.x 32-Bits, but having linking errors when running. The log show following error message cat 10120907.log". started at Fri Oct 12 09:21:06 EDT 2012
    logfile located in /ebs11i/oracle/visdb/9.2.0/install/make.log
    Error while running Please check logfile
    Errors while running
    There was an error while running the command - /ebs11i/oracle/visdb/9.2.0/temp/VIS_ebs11i40/ APPS APPS
    /ebs11i/oracle/visdb/9.2.0/appsutil/install/ line 207: /ebs11i/oracle/visdb/9.2.0/bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    RW-50010: Error: - script has returned an error: 1
    RW-50004: Error code received when running external process. Check log file for details.
    Running Database Install Driver for VIS instance
    Now the make log /ebs11i/oracle/visdb/9.2.0/install/make.log is showing following messages:
    running genclntsh...
    /ebs11i/oracle/visdb/9.2.0/rdbms/lib/kpudfo.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized
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    /ebs11i/oracle/visdb/9.2.0/rdbms/lib/kpudfo.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped
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    /ebs11i/oracle/visdb/9.2.0/appsutil/install/ line 207: /ebs11i/oracle/visdb/9.2.0/bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
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    But when I check details about file kpudfo.o, it is showing 64-Bits, How come this file is 64-Bits when I am installing 32-Bits application?
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    /ebs11i/oracle/visdb/9.2.0/rdbms/lib/kpudfo.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped
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  • Multinode installation of 11i

    I am installing 11i with 2 noodes,
    Do we need to run rapidwiz from all the nodes?
    if so, do we need stage areas in both the nodes?

    Do we need to run rapidwiz from all the nodes?Yes, run it on the database tier node first, copy the config file, then run RapidWiz on other application tier nodes.
    if so, do we need stage areas in both the nodes?Yes, stage area should be accessible to all servers (either you have local copies, or access it remotely).

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    I have checked jre1.6 update 5, it is perfectly installed and associated but not working for 11i applets.
    Kindly do also tell me where to download the jdk version from?
    M. Farooq

    Duplicate post
    Jiniatior with browser firefox1.0.4 post 11i EBS installation
    Re: Jiniatior with browser firefox1.0.4 post 11i EBS installation

  • What is the difference between 11i for LInux (VS) 11i for Windows

    I have downloaded 11i E-Business suit for Windows and
    Installed it successfuly.
    I am having problem with windows plateform regarding listner, connection manager, service host, rpc all these stopping/terminating by itself and system rebooting.
    I would like to install 11i on Linux.
    Q1. Which files I need to download again?
    Q2. Is there any script I need to run for LInux?
    I have run and it hasnot given me any error for start cd but when it came to appl_top it said as "This is for windows, continue any way" and I said yes. so it made stage.
    I can't run setup as user Oracle as it is not allowed to write on disk, can u also give me suggestion about that?
    I am installing 11i on single node.
    Q3. I can use the same files of windows for linux as
    I saw some .sh shell commands and
    startcd/rapidwiz/ is also used in
    Warm Regards,

    I have run installation of 11i for windows on Linux plateform and now I would like to share it with u all.
    1. I run by using command $perl and it has staged all the startcd disks without any error.
    2. when it came to other cdies it has prompted me as "this file if for windows; continue any way" and I pressed ok and it has staged all the files without any furthur error.
    3. After it, I have made the necessary adjustments to run rapidwiz command and it run successfully. Now it has copied all the 113 files successfuly.It has run and is giving me error on process 5. (at 20% of installation) that it cannot run files
    adcctclean.sql INSTE8
    adclobconv.sql INSTE8
    adclobtmp.sql INSTE8
    adcmclean.sql INSTE8 INSTE8 INSTE8 INSTE8_APPLY
    adcrobj.sql INSTE8
    addbccnv.sql INSTE8 INSTE8
    addbprf.sql INSTE8
    addbupdgsm.sql INSTE8
    adlicnse.sql INSTE8 INSTE8 INSTE8 INSTE8
    adupdlib.sql INSTE8 INSTE8_PRF
    afdbprf.sql INSTE8 INSTE8_SETUP
    Directory: /mnt/hda7/proddb/9.2.0/appsutil/install INSTE8
    Directory: /mnt/hda7/proddb/9.2.0/appsutil/scripts/PROD_localhost INSTE8 INSTE8_SETUP INSTE8 INSTE8 INSTE8
    adstopdb.sql INSTE8
    adstrtdb.sql INSTE8
    config.c INSTE8
    successfuly. I think these files are required for linux installation and are found in linux cdies "RDBMS".
    If someone can send me these 11i files for linux at [email protected] I will proceed furthur and will let u know what will happend next in experiment :)

  • Post Installation Check Failures in Linux

    Hi All,
    I had installed 11i ( in an external drive (made as a Linux OS through VM Ware) and was trying to access through my laptop (having OS XP Professional)
    The Installation of 11i in Linux (RHEL 4) went fine, except during the post installation checks I got the following errors:
    1. JSP Check failed
    2. Environment File Check failed
    For the JSP Check:
    a. I ensured the dbc file in $FND_SECURE top is fine
    b. The jserv.log file shows as below:
    java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "%s_servlet_init_timeout%"
    at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
    at java.lang.Long.parseLong(
    at java.lang.Long.<init>(
    at org.apache.jserv.JServServletManager.init(
    at org.apache.jserv.JServ.start(
    c. The mod_jserv.log is as follows:
    [04/07/2008 15:42:21:813] (EMERGENCY) ajp12: function auth fail
    [04/07/2008 15:42:22:233] (EMERGENCY) ajp12: auth did not receive challenge size
    [04/07/2008 15:42:22:234] (EMERGENCY) ajp12: function auth fail
    [04/07/2008 15:42:29:394] (EMERGENCY) ajp12: auth did not receive challenge size
    [04/07/2008 15:42:29:395] (EMERGENCY) ajp12: function auth fail
    [04/07/2008 15:42:29:763] (EMERGENCY) ajp12: auth did not receive challenge size
    d. I had given the virtual host as, where is a named server that is registered
    I am able to dig, as shown below:
    [root@vision etc]# dig
    ; <<>> DiG 9.2.4 <<>>
    ;; global options: printcmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 3228
    ;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
    ; IN A
    ;; Query time: 12 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Fri Jul 4 18:59:56 2008
    ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 34
    but please note that my ifconfig gives the following output:
    [root@vision etc]# ifconfig
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:5E:C8:97
    inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe5e:c897/64 Scope:Link
    RX packets:15421 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:11828 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:1464189 (1.3 MiB) TX bytes:2554712 (2.4 MiB)
    Interrupt:177 Base address:0x1080
    eth0:0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:5E:C8:97
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    Interrupt:177 Base address:0x1080
    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:2058114 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:2058114 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:297458110 (283.6 MiB) TX bytes:297458110 (283.6 MiB)
    and the linux OS having the static IP as follows:
    Primary DNS:
    And for the Environment File check:
    The Error is:
    RW 10006: Error: - APPL_TOP environment files has uninstantiated variables
    File = /d01/oracle/visappl/VIS_vision.env
    But I am not able to locate which variable is not instantiated...
    Please help me to resolve this out... Please correct me if I am wrong any where..
    Many Thanks....

    Please note that, when I restarted the application services in a different terminal, I got the following script Error, only for the below mentioned script:
    Executing service control script:
    /d01/oracle/viscomn/admin/scripts/VIS_vision/ start
    script returned: version 115.14
    Started osagent.
    Osagent logs messages to the file /d01/oracle/visora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/osagent.log.
    Waiting for OAD to start...
    Started OAD.
    OAD logs messages to the file /d01/oracle/visora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/oad.log.
    Failed to start locator.
    Cannot bind to OAD. Re-starting...
    OAD is stopped
    Osagent is stopped
    Unable to stop locator. No process-id file found.
    Unable to stop gatekeeper. No process-id file found.
    Unable to stop any Discoverer Sessions. No process-id file found.
    Unable to stop any Discoverer Preference. No process-id file found.
    Unable to stop any Discoverer Collector. No process-id file found.
    Started osagent.
    Osagent logs messages to the file /d01/oracle/visora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/osagent.log.
    Waiting for OAD to start...
    Started OAD.
    OAD logs messages to the file /d01/oracle/visora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/oad.log.
    Failed to start locator.
    Registering Discoverer Session
    Registering the Collector
    Applying preferences from file : /d01/oracle/visora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/pref.txt
    Finished applying preferences
    Closing down registry..
    Registry File sync...
    Registering Discoverer Preference Repository exiting with status 127
    .end std out.
    /d01/oracle/visora/8.0.6/vbroker/bin/vbj: %s_disco_jretop%/bin/jre: not found
    /d01/oracle/visora/8.0.6/vbroker/bin/vbj: %s_disco_jretop%/bin/jre: not found
    /d01/oracle/visora/8.0.6/vbroker/bin/vbj: %s_disco_jretop%/bin/jre: not found
    /d01/oracle/visora/8.0.6/vbroker/bin/vbj: %s_disco_jretop%/bin/jre: not found
    /d01/oracle/visora/8.0.6/vbroker/bin/vbj: %s_disco_jretop%/bin/jre: not found
    /d01/oracle/visora/8.0.6/vbroker/bin/vbj: %s_disco_jretop%/bin/jre: not found
    /d01/oracle/visora/8.0.6/vbroker/bin/vbj: %s_disco_jretop%/bin/jre: not found
    .end err out.
    Check logfile /d01/oracle/viscomn/admin/log/VIS_vision/07042249.log for details
    Exiting with status 1
    The /d01/oracle/viscomn/admin/log/VIS_vision/07042249.log file shows the following too:
    [Service Control Execution Report]
    The report format is:
    <Service> <Script> <Status>
    Oracle Apache Server VIS_vision Started
    OracleTNSListener80APPS_VIS_vision Started
    OracleConcMgrVIS_vision Started
    OracleFormsServer-Forms60VIS_vision Started
    OracleReportServer-Rep60_VIS Started
    Oracle Metrics Client VIS_vision Started
    Oracle Metrics Server VIS_vision Started
    Oracle Fulfillment Server VIS_vision Started
    Oracle Discoverer services VIS_vision Failed
    Oracle Restricted Apache Server VIS_vision Disabled
    Oracle Apache Server VIS_vision for PL/SQL Disabled
    Oracle TCF SocketServer VIS_vision Disabled
    Oracle ICSM VIS_vision Disabled
    Oracle iProcurement Bulk Loader VIS_vision Disabled
    ServiceControl is exiting with status 1
    Where could be the problem for the above issues....

  • E Business Suite 11i Server Spec for Linux?

    Does anyone know, or can suggest possibilities, of a server spec for 11i on Linux. This is for a small company installation of 11i.
    Where can I go to ansewer questions like this?
    What Linux distributions are supported for 11i?
    I was thinking of multiple CPU's, highpoint raid controllers to give RAID 0+1, and 1 or 2 Gb of memory.
    Dave Darrall.

    Our E-business suite 11i has been running on the application tiers RHEL 4, due to the requirement to support large memory configurations on a 32-bit system.  Is it true that from RHEL 5, the “hugemem” kernel which achieves this 32-bit memory scalability has been deprecated in favour of the use of 64-bit kernels?
    Your 11i application tier will be limited to 32-bit even if you install 32-bit OS on x86-64 hardware.
    Our Oracle 11g database is running on RedHat Linux 5.8. Is E-Business suite 11i (application tiers) certified to run on RHEL 5.8?
    Also for future planning, is E-Business suite 12 (application tiers) certified to run on which versions of RedHat?
    Please see:
    Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.1.1) for Linux x86-64 (Doc ID 761566.1)
    Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2) for Linux x86-64 (Doc ID 1330701.1)

  • Installation of 11 i on windows NT

    which document gives all the required steps for installation of 11i on windows NT.
    Rapidwiz says
    1) checking mks utilities and 'which' is not found
    2) JdK available but no executables.
    On 2 I have this addl info. I installed latest jdk 1.3.1 and installed on c:\java\jdk1.3.1 directory and the bin directory is right under jdk1.3.1
    Can I acess metalink account. I have only purchased evaluation software.
    Help on these things appreciated highly
    thanks in advance

    Hi Ratan,
    Do you know where i can buy the Demo Vision 11i of Oracle applications??, if this software exists in the oracle store under some other name?.
    Marco Silva

  • How to license Latin American Localization (JL) in Oracle Applications 11i

    How to license Latin American Localization (JL) in Oracle Applications 11i .
    Regards .

    Pls check below MOS:-
    How To Use OAM To License JA (Asia/Pacific Localizations), JE (European Localizations), JG (Regional Localizations) and JL (Latin-American Localizations) in Oracle Applications ? [ID 351900.1]
    How to install Latin American localization? [ID 268396.1]
    Also to check currently installed localization, pls check below MOS:-
    NOTE:122491.1 - How can I find out what I need for a country installation- globalization 11i?
    Edited by: JD on 27-May-2011 03:28

  • 11i APS certification on RHEL 64 bit

    I am trying to find certification information for 11i Advanced Supply chain Planning on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64 bit platform.
    We are planning to do a platform migration from Solaris to RHEL.
    The current installation of 11i APS is on Solaris 64 bit platform. Database is also on 11gR2( Solaris 64 bit.
    We want to understand if 11i APS is certified on RHEL 64 bit in order to take up the platform migration exercise.
    Please advise.

    Thanks much! Ark, i could proceed..
    by using command
    unset DISPLAYand started the installation using below command:
    java -d64 -Xmx1024m -jar wls1211_generic.jarextracted 100% successfully and continued to installation, but now i am stuck at the place where its asking for
    Register for security updates:
    i gave Proxy Server: "localhost" , port: "80" ,username: "spotnuru", password : <gave my password>
    now when i say Next and press enter, it says The connection cannot be established to "localhost:80"
    i am new to installation, any help is appreciated..
    thanks in advance,
    Srinivas P.

  • MSI - NX6800 GT driver installation problem

    I've got a tricky problem, i'll try to give as much details as possible, so if i forget something, just ask =)
    My Configuration :
    Motherboard : Asus A7n8X Deluxe (first version)
    CPU : Athlon XP 2400+
    RAM : 1.5Gb (DDR Ram)
    Graphic Card : MSI - NX6800 GT (256 Mb)
    Hard Drives : 80GB(Western Digital) and 250Gb(Hitachi)
    Ok, i haven't put too many hardware informations because apparently the problem isnt coming from the hardware side.
    First, i've been running with this configuration (just without the second hard drive), for a year and a half, on Windows 2000, and it's been working fairly fine. No problems detected.
    i've acquired a second Hard Drive a few weeks ago (the 256 Gb one), so i've decided to put a fresh install of XP on it.
    Installed XP without any problems, but it's while installing the drivers that the problem popped up.
    I've installed Windows XP Professional on my newly acquired Hard Drive (the 250Gb one), and then tried to reinstall the latest NVidia Drivers for the Geforce.
    I've first installed the drivers of the motherboard (1.16 from Asus), then i installed Direct X 9.0c, and i finally installed the latest Nvidia drivers for GFX Cards (91.31).
    Unfortunately, right in the middle of the installation of these drivers, the screen switched to black, then went to sleep mode (like if there was no video output). Finally the computer reboots, and i have to use the latest working configuration to be able to go back to Windows XP again.
    I've tried with different versions of the drivers for the motherboard and for the Geforce 6800 GT, but still the same problem.
    So for now i'm still using only my first Hard Drive with Windows 2000 on it, till we find what to do to solve the problem. (and since it works on Windows 2000, the problem can only be a software one).
    Thank you in advance for your help!
    PS : Here is the detail of the 1.16 drivers from Asus :
    This nForce WinXP driver package contains the below components:
    Audio driver 3.14 (WHQL'd)
    Audio utilities 3.07
    Network driver 2.81 (WHQL'd)
    GART driver 2.78 (WHQL'd)
    SMBus driver 2.75 (WHQL'd)
    Memory controller driver 2.75 (WHQL'd)
    IDE driver 2.70 In The Box (WHQL'd)
    IDE driver 3.07 Full Driver
    Installer 3.11

    I've already tried the Vid Card on another comp, and it works without any problems there.
    I've been making an hypothesis, though the chance that its coming from that is very slim i think.
    A bit more than a year ago, there was a storm(pretty violent and really near my house), and my comp was plugged on (though it was shut down). After that incident, 2 USB slots of my mobo were dead, along with one network card on it. But the rest was working fine. So i've been working if it couldnt have affected a bit the rest. I have no idea how it works whn installing new drivers, about the tests it does with the system and hte hardware. But if it tries to take full power on the vid card, it might be that. I dont know how i could verify that though.

  • How to install Oracle EBS R12 on Windows 7 (32-bit)?

    Hi All,
    Does anybody have successfully installed EBS R12 on Windows 7 Professional or Home Premium (32 or 64 bit)?
    If the answer is yes, please share your experience.
    It is not important at this point whether Oracle has certified Windows 7 or not.
    I just want to know if this can be done.
    F. Amorsolo
    Edited by: amorsolo on Oct 12, 2012 8:35 PM

    Does anybody have successfully installed EBS R12 on Windows 7 Professional or Home Premium (32 or 64 bit)?
    If the answer is yes, please share your experience.
    It is not important at this point whether Oracle has certified Windows 7 or not.
    I just want to know if this can be done.
    F. AmorsoloWindows 7 is not certified as you mentioned above, and I have never heard of any successful installation of 11i/R12 on Windows 7 Professional/Home (32-bit or 64-bit).
    You could create a VM, and use a certified OS (Windows or Linux) then install R12.
    Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.1.1) for Linux x86-64 [ID 761566.1]
    Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.1.1) for Linux x86 [ID 761564.1]
    Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.1.1) for Microsoft Windows Server (32-bit) [ID 761567.1]

  • How to install multiple E-Business Suite in a single server?

    I read somewhere that we can install multiple E-Business Suite in a single server as long as the storage is enough, is it true? If yes do any of you can give me the steps to install it or refer me to a link? I'd searched here but couldn't find it, hope that I didn't miss something. What I want to do is install Vision database and another one is fresh install for testing, both in a single server. There will be about 20 people accessing that system. What kind of hardware must I use? Thanks.

    If you want to run 2 instances concurrently, It would be safe to assume you want 8 GB of RAM plus enough storage to host both instances, backups, archive logs, patches etc. For CPU, most entry level servers can be single, dual or quad socket, or CPU socket. Most CPUs are dual core, meaning there are 2 physical CPU cores in each socket. So if you get a 2 socket dual core server, you see 4 physical CPUs on the operating system. If you get a 4 socket dual core server, you see 8 physical CPUs. If you want to run R12 applications, you will definately need 4 GB of ram per instance (E-Business Suite installation). 11i might get by on 3 GB of ram per instance.

  • Intel scalability past 4 CPUs - 32 or 64 bit

    We are trying to identify production installations of 11i or anything else on Oracle database scaling past four CPUs in a single node. Does anyone know of any shops doing this?

    Parallels Desktop only supports the emulation of 32 bit OSes. It will run on a 64 bit machine.

  • You don't have permission to access /pls/VIS/oraclemypage.home on this serv

    I have just managed to complete a test installation of 11i (after 4 weeks and 2 sets of disks).
    H/W is P3 500, 512 MB RAM 80 GB HDD running W2K advanced server.
    Everything went well, and I managed to log in using both sysadmin/sysadmin and services/welcome.
    I can log into the database fine using SQL*PLUS or TOAD.
    After coming back from lunch, I am now getting the message "You don't have permission to access /pls/VIS/oraclemypage.home on this server" after the login page. I have made no changes and no-one but me has access to the server.
    Does anyone have any experience of this error and hopefully a solution?

    1. check your dbc file in FND_TOP/secure.
    2. there is a cfg file under iAS/Apache/modplsql/cfg called
    check the apps password there as well.
    [email protected]

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