Re-installing Extension Builder 2.1

Hello, I was experiencing Workspace errors and decided to re-install Flash Builder 4.6 and Extension Builder 2.1.
EB2.1 includes Flash Builder 4.6.
I uninstalled everything.
When I reinstall it and try to import the project I was working on I find that I no longer have CS SDK 3.4 or 4.5 (only 3.6 and 4.6).
Also, the references to ${CSLIBS} and ${CSAR} are gone.
Is this being installed correctly?
Do I have to add all these manually? How do I do so?
Thank you for your help in advance.

Hi mityaf:
I could not regenerate your issue locally. Did you run into any errors during the installation?
My guess is that when you uninstall the application, some garbage left there and caused your problem. I suggest you do this:
1. Uninstall the application, DELETE THE FOLDER "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6" if it's still there.
2. Clean the registry. Do a search in regedit and search for Extension Builder, delete all the keys and values related.
3. Install it again.
If you want to work around the issue manually, try below steps:
1. If you want to use FlexSDK 3.4 and 4.5, you should be able to find them at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\eb21\plugins\com.adobe.cside.flexsdk_2.1.0.20130425\flexsdk". You can add them to "Installed Flex SDKs" in Windows->Flash Builder.
2. In project properties dialog, choose using a specific SDK in the "Flex Compiler" page.
3. In Resource->Linked Resources page, make sure there are following Path Variables:
     CSAR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\eb21\plugins\com.adobe.cside.libsinstaller_2.1.0.20130425\archive\csar-1.0
     CSLIBS: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\eb21\plugins\com.adobe.cside.libsinstaller_2.1.0.20130425\archive\cslibs

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    Please suggest a solution to complete the installation so that i can start development for Premiere pro CC HTML 5 panel.

    Here is my response to your questions:
    1. The HTML5 extensions will work almost exactly the same as Flex extensions in terms of distribution and where they are located. They can be packaged as a ZXP and the panel will appear under Window->Extensions.
    2. Extension Builder 2.1 comes with Flash Builder 4.6 included in the installer and both are installed at the same time. If the installer detects an already existing installation of Flash Builder 4.5 or 4.6, it will install the plugin into the already existing instance. Therefore you should not have to do anything apart from opening up Flash Builder 4.6 and starting coding. However, it may be that there has been a conflict between the EB 2.0 and EB 2.1 plugins. If you can I would recommend uninstall Flash Builder 4.6 and then installing Extension Builder 2.1 (please backup your FB 4.6 installation first).
    3. First, I'd like to clarify that Extension Builder 3.0 and Flash Builder 4.7 are not compatible (by design). For Extension Builder 3 you only need Eclipse, not Flash Builder, because it only supports making HTML5 panels, not Flash. I would recommend building the panel in Extension Builder 3. However, if you are just looking to migrate an existing panel which has a lot of ActionScript code to Premiere Pro CC, you can use Extension Builder 2.1 with Flash Builder 4.6.
    Best regards,

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    Please sugest a solution for this.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Anoop NR

    Here is my response to your questions:
    1. The HTML5 extensions will work almost exactly the same as Flex extensions in terms of distribution and where they are located. They can be packaged as a ZXP and the panel will appear under Window->Extensions.
    2. Extension Builder 2.1 comes with Flash Builder 4.6 included in the installer and both are installed at the same time. If the installer detects an already existing installation of Flash Builder 4.5 or 4.6, it will install the plugin into the already existing instance. Therefore you should not have to do anything apart from opening up Flash Builder 4.6 and starting coding. However, it may be that there has been a conflict between the EB 2.0 and EB 2.1 plugins. If you can I would recommend uninstall Flash Builder 4.6 and then installing Extension Builder 2.1 (please backup your FB 4.6 installation first).
    3. First, I'd like to clarify that Extension Builder 3.0 and Flash Builder 4.7 are not compatible (by design). For Extension Builder 3 you only need Eclipse, not Flash Builder, because it only supports making HTML5 panels, not Flash. I would recommend building the panel in Extension Builder 3. However, if you are just looking to migrate an existing panel which has a lot of ActionScript code to Premiere Pro CC, you can use Extension Builder 2.1 with Flash Builder 4.6.
    Best regards,

  • Install Extension Builder 2.1 trial failed [ windows 7 64bits ]

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    Don't now what to do whit this.

    Hi !
    I finally succeded in installing Extension Builder 2.1.
    I followed the advices from that forum topic
    and installed manually Flash Builder 4.6 before.
    The first try failed. After cleaning of the registry for "Extension Builder" items, the installation succeded.

  • Unable to install Extension Builder 2.1

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    There's nothing showing ig the add remove programs dialog (I thought maybe a half install leaving stuff around.  It's the ful trial install I donwloaded not an update,  Any ideas?

    Same problem here, but after I deleted all the "Extension Builder" -related registry keys, it ends me with these popups on any install try onward:
    It says about upgrading (or downgrading in this case), tho it's my first time installing EB21, the trial version for now. Atm of the installation, I had eclipse with extension builder 3 (got from labs just a day before), none of them flash builders, and win7 as os. The initial message was the same "The setup has detected that no version of etc..", with that found my way here on these topics. After a full day and a half of trying almost anything adviced about the issue through searching, the message above remains constant. I've tried registry search/delete for keys(&parents), registry clean, installation with the flash builder 4.6 trial preinstalled, and also this solution for the Error: -1625 here, unfortunately no luck on any.
    Lastly, I may also have messed up the thing myself... When I rolled the "find..." -command in regedit for the first time, on first match I deleted only the key (not parent) and continued search to the next one. Right after, realized to backup the registry. .. aand just after that, read the post about deleting also the parent of related keys. So with my rather limited knowledge about registry, there could be still this one set left, where only the searchword qualified key is removed and other related keys remains. Could this be the problem? Is there anyway to get through the installation?
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  • Flash Builder 4.7 with Extension Builder 2.1

    A have license of Creative Cloud but in Flash Builder 4.7 the Extension Builder 2.1 wont work, in install say to me this "Adobe Extension Builder 2.1 includes Flash Builder 4.6", see image:
    A pay for 4 Creative Cloud license and 4 Extension Builder license for my team and just anybody work...
    All is using Windows 7, Creative Cloud (updated) and Extension Builder 2.1. I see Extension Builder create folder for Flash Builder 4.6 but just don't work, i search in forum and don't have solution, some guys seeing work installing 4.6, in Creative Cloud don't have Flash Builder 4.6 for download like is in Photoshop, see:
    If just add this combo in Flash Builder with option of download 4.6 working for Creative Cloud fix this problem.

    So, i try this and more...
    1° Download my version:
    2° CleanUp all registry for "Extension Builder", "ExtensionBuilder", "Extension_Builder", "Flash Builder", "FlashBuilder" and "Flash_Builder", after this, CCleaner...
    3° Install, error:
    4° Link file? Interesting, look in depth... Try install manually:
    5° Works, now install Extension Builder 2.1 and... Error! Look the guy "link file" here, is name of a class in *.as too big, why you do this adobe! O_O
    6° Ok, maybe work, because i never use this classes, so look more if i have serial number, oh! I Have serial number for my Extension Builder 2.1! @_@
    7° A light at the end of the tunnel! Insert in Flash Builder and...
    You just fu** kidding of me...

  • Extension Builder 1.0.1 Posted

    Hi all,
    We've just released a new build of ExtensionBuilder, 1.0.1, to the Eclipse update site at
    If you've already installed Extension Builder, you can get this by selecting Help > Check for Updates and following the prompts. If you do not yet have Extension Builder installed, we will be posting an updated zip version to Partner Portal shortly.
    The main enhancements of this release are:
    Creative Suite Host Adapter (CSHA) libraries are now available from the properties panel: These add support for events from AS in InDesign, InCopy, Illustrator and Photoshop (for the latter two with a native plug-in).
    Localisation supported within the Bundle Manifest Editor: Using a % prefix. More information on this will follow shortly.
    SWFs link types supported in the Bundle Manifest Editor: You can now link to a specific MXML application, in the same project or another one (where previously we required the full path).
    Happy coding!

    Just for those of us who are not so familiar with Eclipse and the updates are not enabled by default; here's how to install the update:
    1) Open Eclipse (Flash Builder) preferences.
    2) Under Install/Update, select Available Software Site.
    3) In the list, there should be an entry for update site pointing to: if it's not there create it.
    4) make sure the update site is enabled.
    5) If the update does not start automatically, you go to Help > Software Updates...

  • Extension Builder 1.0.2 Posted

    Hi all,
    We've just released a new build of ExtensionBuilder, 1.0.2, to the Eclipse update site at
    If  you've already installed Extension Builder, you can get this by  selecting Help > Check for Updates and following the prompts. If the automatic update process doesn't work for you, see Harbs helpful notes at If you  do not yet have Extension Builder installed, we will be posting an  updated zip version to Partner Portal shortly.
    The main enhancements of this release are:
     Bug fix to allow debugging from Extension Builder with the latest CSXS update
    Patching of the include Flex SDK to make AIR 2 APIs available automatically
    Addition of localisation checking to the build process for Creative Suite extensions
    Happy coding!

    Just for those of us who are not so familiar with Eclipse and the updates are not enabled by default; here's how to install the update:
    1) Open Eclipse (Flash Builder) preferences.
    2) Under Install/Update, select Available Software Site.
    3) In the list, there should be an entry for update site pointing to: if it's not there create it.
    4) make sure the update site is enabled.
    5) If the update does not start automatically, you go to Help > Software Updates...

  • ZXP Not Created in Extension Builder 2.1 for an Extension Created in Extension Builder 1.5

    Hi all,
    We originally started creating InDesign extensions "manually" several years ago, as we did not yet want to pay for the original Extenson Builer 1.0. We produced our ZXP files from the contents of the bin-debug folder using Fabien Bizot's Java-based "ZXPPackager" utililty (,
    When we finally installed Extension Builder 1.5, we had some problems creating ZXP with the built-in exporter for Abode Application Extension. Since the compiler put all the files into the bin-debug folder still, I could still use ZXPPackager.
    We just upgraded to Extension Builder 2.1. For any legacy project, whether it was still "manually created" (i.e., without even Extenson Builder 1.5) and I copied the sources into a new Extension Builder project,  or created in Extenson Builder 1.5 and converted to Extension Bulder 2.1, the Export to ZXP does not work. I see the compiler is creating a bin-release folder, then it disappears, and no ZXP is to be found. Since bin-debug no longer has all files in it like it used to, the ZXPPackager can't find what it's looking for and can't make a ZXP - so I am stuck.
    Please - help!

    I have an update, and would greatly appreciate anyone's help:
    Upon further investigation, the issue is not the Extension itself (regardless of whether it was created newly in EB2.1, in EB1.5, or created "manually" by building my own manifest, etc.).
    The issue is that there are two library projects whose inclusion as project referennce in any Extension Builder project (regardless of whem/how it was created) causes the EB project not to produce a ZXP file using the Export wizard.
    I tried deleting the 2 library projects, creating them anew empty - and they could be referenced successfully. I added back all the source files and this solved the problem, as of yesterday. Today, I tried building the ZXPs again, and it stopped working. I should mention that it appears that when the Export did work, it seemed to be changing the referenced project somehow. I noticed that they were given .mxi files, which I thought should not be created for a non EB project.
    I should add (i'm about to post a seperate discussion) the Flash Builder error log is giving me a ton of Eclipse errors for many actions. Is this "normal"? By that, I mean is everyone getting those warnings and errors?
    All help greatly appreciated.

  • How do I install and build and extension with extension builder 2.1?

    Honestly, I am beyond frustrated right now.
    1. Extension Builder 3 - This will only install and run with Eclipse. JRE 1.7.
    This only allows me to use Extendscript to write scripts with. Extendscript is so frustrating to use. It seems like there are a lot of missing properties for working with color models in illustrator. The documentation is also terrible for Extendscript. Something that seems like it would be simple to do like export an RGB JPEG is impossible to spec out in the EXPORT JPEG settings. Its also impossible to set the color space of a NEW AI document unless you use the add(); instead of addDocument(); There are conflicting incomplete properties of both methods. If you use one, one set of settings is missing if you use the other another set is missing... WHAT IS SOMEONE SUPPOSED TO DO???
    2. Flash Builder 4.7 will not run Extension Builder 3.
    3. I bought Extension Builder 2.1 which is supposed to install Flash Builder 4.6, but the installation keeps failing right at the end. This apparently also requires that you use JRE 1.6 which is not compatible with Mavericks.
    This all seems impossible... how in the heck are people learning how to do build extensions, its a surprise that any exist at all. If they do They are likely not building them with the Adobe tools. I know enough about code to be dangerous but don't have a doctorate in troubleshooting all of these compatibility, and documentation issues.
    All I want to do is write an extension, or a script that allows me to
    1. copy the art from two layers.
    2. color the background of the AI document to the background color of the original document
    3. resize art from both layers to fit on a 216 x 216 pixel square.

    First of all, remember that Extension Builder 2.1 only supports building Flash based extensions which have been phased out. If you are building extensions for Creative Cloud and beyond, you should use HTML5. See more info here: Introducing HTML5 extensions | Adobe Developer Connection
    The installation is probably failing because you have some leftovers from a previous installation. The installer will detect if you have Flash Builder 4.5 or Flash Builder 4.6 installed (NOT Flash Builder 4.7). If it finds that you have Flash Builder 4.5/4.6 installed, it will attempt to install the plugin on top of it. If it does not detect Flash Builder 4.5/4.6, it will install Flash Builder 4.6 Premium.
    I highly recommend you look into the new HTML5 extensibility. Here you can find tons of resources: Adobe CEP Resources by Adobe-CEP
    Best regards,

  • CS Extension Builder 2.1 won't install, getting an empty directory

    I purchased and downloaded CS Entension Builder 2.1 after the trial expired. After install I only get and empty directory named "Adobe Systems Incorporated/Extension Builder". Is there a fix for this?
    Thanks for your help

    First you need to uninstall the trial build. Clean regisry if needed. Then after the installer process finished, Extension Builder 2.1 will be installed as a plugin in the Flash Builder 4.x.

  • Is update installation possible for inDesign installed Extension built in CS Extension Builder?

    Hope everyone is enjoying.
    I have built an extention for Adobe Indesing in CS Extension Builder. I installed the .zxp file using CS Extension Manager. But when I reinstall after updating the extension, Extension Manager shows message
    "The extension you are about to install conflicts with the following extions. Do you want to remove the following extensions and continue installation?"
    I  want to show an "update found" message for this extension instead of the default message.
    Can anybody help me doing this?
    Best regards

    Hi Sal,
    I don't think that's a supported workflow. You might want to think about posting your extension onto Adobe Exchange which can manage updates for you.

  • Purchasing Extension Builder 2.1 After Trying the Trial Version: Must I Re-Install?

    A few months ago, I installed the trial version of Extension Builder 2.1. The trial has expired.
    So i went to buy a license. I got back a serial number.
    I assumed that the Extension Builder would include some activiation dialog in which I would enter the serial number and continue on my merry way. Couldn't find it.
    From the wording on the site, it would appear that I need to re-download and re-install Extensino Builder 2.1. That take a long time and I've esperienced probelms installing it in the past.
    Is there a way to enter the serial number instead of reinstalling?

    No. They are different builds.

  • Install CS Extension Builder

    I have issue installing CS Extension Builder 2.0 trial with FB 4.7 trial
    The FB got installed in french though, so I'll try to translate the FB menu as much as I can.
    - Download CS Extension Builder 2.0
    - Unzip it in D: drive
    - open FB
    - Help
    - Install new software
    - Add
    - Name : Extension Builder
    - Location -> click on local browse to the folder
    - FB set the path as file:/D:/CSExtensionBuilder_2_Trial_LS1/
    then I select "Extension Buidler" (site) in the dropdown menu. A red cross before the dropdown appear and says "path must be absolute". It doesn't find anything to install.
    I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

    I found the solution.
    type the path directly in the dropdown menu as file:/D:/CSExtensionBuilder_2_Trial_LS1/ solved it.

  • My created extension built in extension builder 1.5, when installed in inDesign CS6, shows nothing

    Hope everyone is enjoying work.
    I created my own extension in CS extension builder 1.5 for inDesign. It runs fine in debug mode with indesign CS5 and CS5.5 but when I tried to run this extension in debug mode with indesign CS6, the extension shows nothing in it. All UI components like input fields, buttons, texts etc are not shown. It stops me debugging the application. 
    Can anybody help me out?
    Thanks and best regards.

    Are you now using Extension Builder 2.0, or still 1.5?
    If you're still using 1.5 then have you set PlayerDebugMode for CSXS 3? Normally CSXS will prevent extensions that are unsigned or have invalid signatures from loading for security reasons. Setting PlayerDebugMode turns that protection mechanism off, and allows the loading of unsigned extensions. Extension Builder 1.5 will automatically turn on PlayerDebugMode for CS5/5.5 (CSXS 2.0/2.5), but not for CS6 (CSXS 3.0), which was released after Extension Builder 1.5. You can turn on PlayerDebugMode manually though:
    On Windows: Add a PlayerDebugMode registry key with value 1 under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\CSXS.3\
    On Mac: Set the PlayerDebugMode key to 1 in the plist file at ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.CSXS3.plist
    Let me know if that solves the issue.
    Best wishes,

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