Re: Office 2011 on OS Lion

I dont understand....  After upgrading to Lion on both Imac and Mac Air (2009 Model), office will only work on my Imac.  It will not work on my Mac Air.  Any help would be great.  Thanks.....

I bought the new Imac this past May (2 months ago)  along with it I purchased Office 2011.  I bought the family pack so it comes with 3 licenses.  I put one on my Imac and the other on my MBA.  So im positive I have the latest version as I just purchased two months ago.  Do you think I should just re-install it on my my MBA?
Please Advise-

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    does microsoft office 2011 work with lion

    ...since upgrading from a Macbook pro to a retina pro (with the latest OS) I cannot get Outlook to work, it freezes when I try to add my email accounts info...
    The latest OS is 10.8.2. You've posted in the Lion (OS 10.7.x) forum.
    ...I don't have a clue what can be going wrong, it was all working fine on my macbook pro with Snow Leopard and the same setup is not working with Mountain Lion on the retina, ...The only reason I upgraded from Office 2008 was because I couldn't get it to stop closing down every few seconds with 'a problem'...
    Different operating systems canNOT be the "same setup."
    In my original installation of Office 2011 on a 2007 MBP with OS 10.6.8, I followed the guidelines Tips for a Successful Install. In launching Outlook 2011 for the first time, it recognized that I had Entourage 2004 and I was chose the option to have all the data transferred to Outlook 2011. While that was well over a year ago, I'm fairly certain that I did not need to manually set up my multitude of existing email accounts. Subsequently, I've added new accounts. A couple of months ago, I got a new mid-2012 MBP (non-retina) with OS 10.7.4. I used Pondini's advice , which I found here in the Apple Support Community for OS 10.7, to setup the new MBP from the old MBP with Setup Assistant. Afterwards, I manually installed my applications. I am certain that I did not need to manually setup any email accounts when I launched Outlook 2011.
    That said, if you did not fix the problem that you were experiencing with Office 2008 (and more specifically Entourgage 2008) but migrated that data to your new rMBR, then your problem may lie within the old data. You have not provided information on how you installed Office 2011, if your setup of Outlook is as new or datea ported from Entourage, and what troubleshooting steps you have tried. As Kurt Lang suggested, the Microsoft Community would be best with your specific issues as stated.

  • Will microsoft office 2011 work with lion

    Will Microsoft Office 2011 work on my Mac?  (OS X Lion)

    well considering it's worked on Lion for over a year, I'd say yes.
    Please post further Office questions on Microsoft's own forums for their Mac software:

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    Post here:

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    Thanks for your further help
    Sorry for the English i'm actually french speaking.

    Please post Office questions on the Microsoft Mac forums:

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    I found my solution. Wipe it all out and start fresh!
    You have to create a startup drive for Lion to do a clean install. Here's a way: ash-drive/
    If you can't locate your Lion installer, open your App Store and Option-click the purchases tab. This will allow you to redownload the installer.
    Back up your stuff (or you'll lose your files).
    Startup from your new Lion Install disk (restart and hold the option key.)
    Use disk utility to wipe out your hard drive (if you've backed it up, of course)
    Reinstall Lion.
    Reinstall your applications and have fun rebuilding your life!
    All of my issues have gone away and I am once again a happy Apple customer. CS5 works, Office works, Flash video works - everything works!

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    Would be better to ask such specific question in Microsofts onw Support Forum for Office

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    When I installed Office 2011 the first time, presumably one year ago on another partition on the same Mac which was running OS 10.6, everything worked fine and the same is true for the time when I upgraded to OS 10.7 (although I didn't install Office again, I just kept everything on the same partition).
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    Well, that depends on what you mean when you say "verified". But as I wrote in the first post I was able to install iLife from disc on Mountain Lion without much ado. And just now I tested a DVD with some pictures on it and the disc drive would read and display all photos in Preview.
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    Office 2011 will install in a separate folder. But do not install Office 2011 until you remove Office 2004. It comes with its own uninstalled located in the MS Office folder. Only use the uninstaller to get rid of it. Then install Office 2011.
    Office 2004 and Other Applications Don't Work in Lion/Mountain Lion
    If you have Office 2004 which is a PPC-only suite, it will not work in Lion/Mountain Lion. You need to upgrade to Office 2011 - Mactopia - or you can try the freeware suite, Libre Office, that is functionally similar to Office 2007 for Windows except it works on Lion/Mountain Lion.
    You may want to consider as well:
    These two suites are similar to Libre Office but not as current or as well-supported:
    Open Office
    And, then there is Apple's iWork suite:
    Pages - word processing and layout
    Keynote - presentation
    Numbers - spreadsheet
    Each can open and save Office compatible files. They may be purchased separately via the Mac App Store for $19.99 each.
    As for other software, any PPC-based software will not run in Lion or Mountain Lion because Rosetta is no longer part of OS X. You will need to upgrade to Intel versions of the software.
    (Access to the Mac App Store requires Snow Leopard 10.6.6 or higher and an Apple ID.)

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    Two major problems followed:
    1.     I lost all my old emails (I use Mail).  Even rebuilding the library or trying to restore them from Time Machine don't get them back. 
    2.     Word and Excel don't seem to recognize me anymore.  I can pull up and modify an old document or workbook, but I cannot "save" my changes.  I have to hit "save as." That's a pain, but there's a worse problem.
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    I tried Get Info on the workbooks and documents, and I'm clearly granted Read and Write permission. 
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    You may need to rebuild permissions on your user account. To do this,boot to your Recovery partition (holding down the Command and R keys while booting) and open Terminal from the Utilities menu. In Terminal, type:  'resetpassword' (without the 's) and select the admin user. You are not going to reset your password. Click on the icon for your Macs hard drive at the top. From the drop down below it select the user account which is having issues. At the bottom of the window, you'll see an area labeled Restore Home Directory Permissions and ACLs. Click the reset button there. The process takes a few minutes. When complete, restart.

  • Trying to install MS Office 2011 for Mac SP 2 on my Macbook Air (Lion 10.7.3). I have to close Microsoft Database Daemon and SyncServicesAgent but can not see how to do so.  I have closed all applications.  Can anyone help? Many thanks

    Trying to install MS Office 2011 for Mac SP 2 (14.2.0) on my Macbook Air (Lion 10.7.3). I have to close Microsoft Database Daemon and SyncServicesAgent but can not see how to do so.  I have closed all applications.  Can anyone help? Many thanks

    Thanks Kurt!  I had tried all that and had tried closing both programmes from the application monitor, but SyncServices Agent refused to close.  I tried closing Launchd which is their mother application, but that just caused the screen go go blank.  In the end the two programmes let themselves be closed next time I tried the installation process so all was well.  Thanks for your help!

  • How do I get MS Office 2011 to install on Mountain Lion?

    I just did a clean install of OS X Mountain Lion from a prepared bootable SD-Card on a new partition of my harddrive and wanted to install Microsoft Office 2011 using the original disc. But after double clicking the installer icon nothing happened besides the rainbow colored spinner showing up and disappearing shortly after and my optical drive making some noise. Activity Monitor indicated that the process of the Installer application doesn't react so I had to force quit it. I tried it multiple times to install MS Office this way using the disc but the problem persisted, also after a reboot. Additionally, I copied the .mpkg file to the harddrive and started it from there, but again the installer would freeze which means that its icon appears in the Dock, stays there and then the process doesn't react anymore.
    So far my system is still in a pretty fresh state since I installed hardly any separate apps yet and the most intrusive one of them is probably merely Sophos. OS X's Installer app worked the way it should when I was installing iLife the day before using the Applications Install DVD that came with my Mac.
    When I installed Office 2011 the first time, presumably one year ago on another partition on the same Mac which was running OS 10.6, everything worked fine and the same is true for the time when I upgraded to OS 10.7 (although I didn't install Office again, I just kept everything on the same partition).
    So is there anyone out there who experienced similiar problems and can please help solve this problem?
    Please note that this was first posted in the iMac (Intel) Community. I'm new to this discussion board and didn't recognize at first that there is also a dedicated community for Mountain Lion related topics.

  • I've got a 10.5.8 power mac G5 but would like to upgrade to new software, lion and office 2011, but that requires an intel processor. Is this a lost cause? If not any ideas what it might cost me?

    Okay looks like I didn't understand the format for these questions. I have used my Mac BookPro almost exclusively for work and my Power Mac for my home recording studio but now want the Power Mac to be a second computer for my work. So I need to upgrade to Lion and install office 2011. So, considering my subject line, any help offered is appreciated.

    The max OS for all Macs with a PowerPC processor is Leopard OS 10.5.x.
    If you are going to consider getting a newer, but used, Mac, here's the requirements for Lion.
    Lion 10.7 System Requirements
        •    Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or Xeon processor (most models released since late 2006 - early Intel-based Macs with Core Solo or Core Duo processors aren't compatible)
        •    2GB of memory (recommend at least 4GB -- and ideally even more, as you'll see benefits in many computing tasks)
        •    OS X v10.6.6 or later (v10.6.8 recommended) for Lion download from Apple App Store; or Leopard 10.5.x if using Lion on USB drive
        •    7GB of available space (10GB recommended)
     Cheers, Tom

  • Office 2011 14.3.9 for Mac update not recognizing mountain lion

    I've tried several times to update to Office 2011 14.3.9, both via auto update and by downloading the update.
    Keep getting the following message-
    Office 2011 14.3.9 update can't be installed on this disk. This software requires Mac OS X version 10.5.8 or later.
    I am on a 2012 cMBP running Mountain Lion 10.8.5.
    I've kept office regularly updated in the past, presently it is 14.3.8
    I've tried everything in this thread including the termina suggestion, and none of it seems to work, plus my activity monitor doesn't even show the database and syncservices mentioned in the thread, with all activities selected-

    Solution to problem found:
    Got to looking around, and found this:
    The gist is this:
    The OS X 10.8.5 update, at least for a lot of folks, made the mach_kernel visible and relocated it to the Documents folder.  It needs to be in the root folder, must be there same folder as system and applications, and it is usually invisible there.
    I remembered finding it in the Documents folder and tossing it in the trash.  Fortunately I hadn't emptied the trash yet.  I simply moved it to the root folder, rebooted as added insurance repaired permissions, rebooted again, and now all is well, perfect safe boot and everything.  I never did a safe boot before so had no idea it loped the way it does.  Pretty cool…
    As an added bonus, what got me to trying a safe boot was that the latest Office update wouldn't recognize mountain lion, it thought i was running something prior to 10.5.x, so it wouldn't install.  It has now installed perfectly.
    Additionally, per the above link/forum thread, I hid the mach_kernel again, with this command in the terminal-  sudo chflags hidden /mach_kernel  which also worked perfectly.
    All is well, yea!

  • How do I get MS Office 2011 to work on Mountain Lion?

    I recently upgraded my iMac to Mountain Lion and now I can't use any of my Microsoft Office 2011 applications.  I downloaded the new Auto Update from Microsoft, but since I am unable to open any Microsoft Office applications, I'm not able to run the autoupdate.
    Is there anyone who knows how to get it to work again?

    This is less painful:
    Uninstalling Software: The Basics
    Most OS X applications are completely self-contained "packages" that can be uninstalled by simply dragging the application to the Trash.  Applications may create preference files that are stored in the /Home/Library/Preferences/ folder.  Although they do nothing once you delete the associated application, they do take up some disk space.  If you want you can look for them in the above location and delete them, too.
    Some applications may install an uninstaller program that can be used to remove the application.  In some cases the uninstaller may be part of the application's installer, and is invoked by clicking on a Customize button that will appear during the install process.
    Some applications may install components in the /Home/Library/Applications Support/ folder.  You can also check there to see if the application has created a folder.  You can also delete the folder that's in the Applications Support folder.  Again, they don't do anything but take up disk space once the application is trashed.
    Some applications may install a startupitem or a Log In item.  Startupitems are usually installed in the /Library/StartupItems/ folder and less often in the /Home/Library/StartupItems/ folder.  Log In Items are set in the Accounts preferences.  Open System Preferences, click on the Accounts icon, then click on the LogIn Items tab.  Locate the item in the list for the application you want to remove and click on the "-" button to delete it from the list.
    Some software use startup daemons or agents that are a new feature of the OS.  Look for them in /Library/LaunchAgents/ and /Library/LaunchDaemons/ or in /Home/Library/LaunchAgents/.
    If an application installs any other files the best way to track them down is to do a Finder search using the application name or the developer name as the search term.  Unfortunately Spotlight will not look in certain folders by default.  You can modify Spotlight's behavior or use a third-party search utility, EasyFind 4.9, instead.
    Some applications install a receipt in the /Library/Receipts/ folder.  Usually with the same name as the program or the developer.  The item generally has a ".pkg" extension.  Be sure you also delete this item as some programs use it to determine if it's already installed.
    There are many utilities that can uninstall applications.  Here is a selection:
    AppZapper 2.0.1
    AppDelete 3.2.6
    Automaton 1.50
    AppCleaner 2.1.0
    iTrash 1.8.2
    Uninstaller 1.15.1
    Spring Cleaning 11.0.1
    Look for them at VersionTracker or MacUpdate.
    For more information visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on removing software.

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