Re: (OT) Dudas Digitales 1. Velocidad real de mi ADSL

A propósito, es muy arriesgado poner tus datos de
configuración en un foro
público. Si necesitas hacerme una consulta concreta
sobre esto escríbeme al
Juan Muro
"Juan Muro" <[email protected]> escribió en el
mensaje de noticias
news:[email protected]...
> Hola speculumcm:
> Tu dirección IP es la y es ése
número el que debes escribir
> en tu navegador de internet para acceder al router
(depende del tipo de
> router, los hay que tienen sus propios programas, pero
lo normal es que
> no). Dentro del router solo debes mirar el número
que te marca en
> Down-Stream.
> Salu2
> `8¬]
> Juan Muro
> "speculumcm" <[email protected]> escribió en
el mensaje de noticias
> news:[email protected]...
>> Hola Juan,
>> Gracias por la info, precisamente hoy me preguntaba
como saber a que
>> velocidad estoy navegando y recordé que hace
más de un mes nos expusiste
>> como encontrarlo.
>> Así, siguiendo tus instrucciones obtuve la
información que pongo más
>> abajo. No sé si entendí bien pero no me
aparece algo como lo que
>> describes:
>> > En Windows Vista aparece en
/Conexión/Estado/Detalles/, junto al
>> > parámetro /'direccion IPv4'/
>> Si no todo lo siguiente:
>> Microsoft Windows [Versión 6.0.6000]
>> C:\>ipconfig
>> Configuración IP de Windows
>> Adaptador de Ethernet Conexión de área
>> Estado de los medios. . . . . . . . . . . : medios
>> Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. .
>> Adaptador LAN inalámbrico Conexión de red
>> Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. .
>> Vínculo: dirección IPv6 local. . . :
>> Dirección IPv4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
>> Máscara de subred . . . . . . . . . . . . :
>> Puerta de enlace predeterminada . . . . . :
>> Adaptador de túnel Conexión de área
>> Estado de los medios. . . . . . . . . . . : medios
>> Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. .
>> Adaptador de túnel Conexión de área
local* 2:
>> Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. .
>> Vínculo: dirección IPv6 local. . . :
>> Puerta de enlace predeterminada . . . . . :
>> Adaptador de túnel Conexión de área
local* 6:
>> Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. .
>> Dirección IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . :
>> 2001:0:4137:9e50:8f3:3aa7:3f57:febd
>> Vínculo: dirección IPv6 local. . . :
>> Puerta de enlace predeterminada . . . . . : ::
>> ¿Qué es lo que debo poner en el navegador
para encontrar la velocidad? :(
>> Si pongo nada más home me da los datos del
ruteador y ahí dice que la
>> velocidad de entrada es de 1022 kbps y salida 126
kbps ¿Seráveridica esa
>> información?
>> Saludos
>> Juan Muro wrote:
>>> Quizá no todas relacionadas
diréctamente con internet, las dudas
>>> generales que pretendo abordar con esta serie de
post que comienzo hoy,
>>> me las preguntan con frecuencia los amigos, y lo
que es más
>>> sorprendente, muchos ponen atención a mis
respuestas, je, je. Así que
>>> aunque vosotros ya las conoceis mejor que yo y
como empero nadie es
>>> capaz de saberlo todo, aquí van algunas de
las que más frecuentes (y no
>>> por ello menos largas de contestar):
>>> * ¿Cómo diablos puedo saber la
velocidad máxima a la que mi operador de
>>> cable me permite navegar por internet?:*
>>> Existen muchas maneras de formular esta
pregunta, por ejemplo ¿A qué
>>> velocidad estoy navegando?, ¿Cuál es
mi límite de descargas?, ¿Me está
>>> enganñando vilmente la jodida operadora de
telefonos?, etc, pero en
>>> general casi siempre queremos referirnos al
mismo concepto.
>>> Para saberlo solamente tenemos que acceder al
router escribiendo en la
>>> barra de direcciones del navegador de internet
la dirección _IP pública_
>>> (la proporcionada por nuestro operador que suele
ser del tipo
>>>, o bien detectarla nosotros mismos
en nuestra máquina así:
>>> Windows 2000, XP : Inicio/Ejecutar/ /cmd , luego
en la ventana de
>>> comandos escribes ipcongif /
>>> En Windows Vista aparece en
/Conexión/Estado/Detalles/, junto al
>>> parámetro /'direccion IPv4'/
>>> Linux: consola modo root: /ipconfig / o modo
usuario //Sbin/ipconfig/
>>> // Si estamos detrás de un router, en una
red local, recordemos que el
>>> router (todos son prácticamente iguales)
hace una conversión de IP y
>>> asigna una a cada equipo de la red, pero estas
no nos interesan, la que
>>> buscamos es la ip del router, (el 99% de las
veces acaba en 1) por eso
>>> no nos vale medir la velocidad desde las
páginas web, porque nos miden
>>> la de cada equipo cliente y no la del router.
Luego la escribimos, sin
>>> más, (ni http, ni www, ni leches), en el
navegador. Así entramos a la
>>> interface del router (después de usuario y
contraseña si es que los
>>> teníamos configurados) y leemos el *_Dwon
Stream_*, que es el parámetro
>>> que nos marcará la velocidad máxima a
la que navegamos. Si el parámetro
>>> Down Stream nos marca por ejemplo 2.968 Kbs es
que podríamos estar
>>> navegando casi a 3 Megas. (El dia que traduzcan
las interfaces de los
>>> routers le van a llover quejas al Defensor del
>>> Hay que tener en cuenta que tiene muy poco que
ver nuestro contrato con
>>> la operadora de telefonía, (sí, esos
mentirosos que nos permiten
>>> navegar), ya que la mayor parte de la
pérdida de velocidad se suele
>>> producir por el fenómeno de la
atenuación de señal, lo que significa que
>>> cuanto más lejos esté nuestra
máquina de la central telefónica a la que
>>> nos conectamos, o cuanto más viejo sea el
cableado de la linea, más
>>> atenuación de señal habrá y por
tanto podremos navegar a menor
>>> velocidad. Por ejemplo, si nuestro operador de
cable nos hace un
>>> contrato de ADSL de 20 Megas (es que pretende
darnos una velocidad
>>> máxima de 10 Mbs que es el bandwith
máximo habitual que concede a
>>> nuestra señal y por lo tanto), será
muy muy difícil que podamos navegar
>>> a más de 4 ó 5 Megas si nuestra
máquina se encuentra a una distancia de
>>> entre 2 y 2, 5 Kilómetros de la central, y
éso cuando nuestros vecinos
>>> hasta la central están dormidos como osos.
(Nunca se puede estar a más
>>> de 3 Kms para una conexión de adsl).
>>> La atenuación de la señal también
se produce en el interior de nuestra
>>> casa, en especial si nuestra instalación
telefónica es Patrimonio
>>> Histórico, o tenemos muchos teléfonos,
o están mal conectados, o sin
>>> microfiltros, por lo que para saber con
exactitud la velocidad que nos
>>> da la operadora hay que hacer la prueba
enchufando el router
>>> directamente al PTR1, que es una cajita en el
cable telefónico previa a
>>> la primera roseta de conexión de los
teléfonos, con una pestaña que
>>> puede abrirse (luego cuando desconectas hay que
cerrar la pestaña o te
>>> quedas sin teléfono) y conectar el cable de
telefono al router, de esta
>>> manera descartamos la atenuación interior
de nuestro domicilio (por si
>>> ellos pudieran pensar que es 'culpa nuestra', ya
sabes, "¡Claro lo
>>> tocaron y la jodieron!").
>>> Esto es lo que hay y mejorar nuestra velocidad
tiene difícil solución,
>>> ¿de no ser que vivas en un barrio
guay-que-te-cagas y que tu vecino sea
>>> el delegado de Telefónica y se haya
instalado una linea de fibra óptica
>>> y te deje pincharla), porque aunque contrates
una nueva linea
>>> telefónica, lo que suelen hacer no es
tirarte nuevos cables de cobre
>>> desde la central a tu casa, sino aprovechar
viejos cableados de antiguas
>>> lineas que se dieron de baja con anterioridad y
tienen una atenuación
>>> que lo flipas.
>>> En España hay que pensar también que
los contratos con las operadoras
>>> les obligan a servirnos a los putos mortales al
menos la tercera parte
>>> de lo que ofertan y pagamos (¡manda
guevos!), así que con un contrato de
>>> ADSL de 6 megas no puedes protestar cuando leas
en tu router enganchado
>>> a tu PTR1 un Down Stream de 2001 Kbs/sg.
>>> ¡Porca Miseria!.
>>> Salu2
>>> `8¬]
>>> Juan Muro

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    Este proyecto es solo con fines académicos, para mi tesis de Ing. Electrónica. Por ello el motor no tiene carga, solo el disco dentado y el sensor óptico, solo lo puedo frenar un poco para ver la corrección.
    He comprobado que saliendo de mi placa 6008 con una señal analógica, pasandola por una placa que simula un retardo en el tiempo de esta señal, y reingresandola a una entrada de mi placa 6008 para luego con un VI generar el PID y tratar de que esta señal de entrada a la placa 6008 sea igual a la de setpoint, solo logro oscilaciones con una media que está lejos del valor del setpoint.
    Espero que alguien me pueda indicar como empezar, ó darme algún ejemplo que me pueda ayudar, ya que no soy experto el Labview, solo acabo de empezar a usarlo.
    Reitero que no necesito velocidad ya que mi sistema es lento, y solo debo variar mi salida analógica con velocidades muy bajas. Es decir no necesito respuesta inmediata.
    La idea es hacer una demostración del uso de un PID en un sistema real con Labview.

          Sigue unos links para su consulta.​&
    Diogo Aparecido
    Engenheiro de Aplicação
    National Instruments Brasil

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    en login seleccionen Adrian de luna para que asi puedan ver mi proyecto ejecutarse
    pass: 25663+ 
    version 2012
    Ir a solución.
    Adjuntos: ‏21 KB ‏241 KB

    Saludos Manuel tambien me la pase muy bien en estas fiestas gracias por preguntar
    Aqui te adjunto nuevamente mi VI aun no lo limpio porque quiero que todas las funciones queden antes de realizar la limpieza de programa.
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    muchisimas gracias por tu ayuda.
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    Hola @RobertVirella
    Primeramente quisiera agradecerle su lealtad de tantos años.
    Entiendo que puede ser inconveniente la reducción en velocidad de datos.
    Esto es un resultado del  manejo de la red para asegurar que todos nuestros clientes reciban el mejor servicio posible.
    En caso de congestión de la red, clientes con datos ilimitados pueden tener reducción en velocidad hasta que se despeje la congestión.
    Todavía tendrá acceso a datos ilimitados sin cargos de exceso y la velocidad será restaurada con el comienzo del próximo ciclo de facturación.
    Esto es una práctica común usada a través de la mayoría de proveedores en la industria. Para más información, por favor visite esta página.

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    Muchas gracias de antemano!!! 

    Foro Repetido:
    Benjamin C
    Senior Systems Engineer // CLA // CLED // CTD

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    ¿La tarjeta PCI-6251 soporta el tiempo real?
    ¿Existe algun ejemplo para estudiar su implementación?
    Cuento con LabVIEW 8.0 y tengo instalado el modulo Real-Time.
    Tengo algunos problemas con el tutorial Real-Time.
    Gracias de antemano.

    Estimado itlcarlos
    Gracias por utilizar los foros de National Instruments.
    En primera instancia quisiera entender a lo que te refieres con "Tiempo real", ya que tiempo real indica que estarías trabajando bajo un sistema operativo determinístico con el cual te asegurarías que existe confiabilidad total en el sistema, de ser así no podrías trabajar en Windows ya que no es determinístico. Si intentas ver la tarjeta como un dispositivo RT no va a ser esto posible en el proyecto de LabVIEW.
    Ahora si te refieres con Tiempo Real a que la tarjeta trabaje de manera confiable y envíe la información en tiempo y forma al sistema operativo, te sugiero revises la hoja de especificaciones para que determines si la precisión y el reloj son suficientes para tu aplicación
    Me gustaría me aclararas si esa era tu pregunta o me detalles un poco más que es lo que intentas hacer y con todo gusto te ayudaré.
    También dime que problemas tuviste con el tutorial de Real Time para ver en que te podemos ayudar.
    Que tengas un excelente día.
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    Coamín Cruz
    Ae México

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  • Qual a diferença do LabVIEW FPGA e o LabVIEW REAL- TIME?

    Could anyone help me? This question arose in my work and could not answer. Does anyone know tell me?
    Thank you.
    Go to Solution.

    Com o LabVIEW FPGA você programa diretamente o chip FPGA presente no chassis cRIO, placas da NI Série R e single Board RIO. Você programa as E/S diretamente no chip, sendo assim uma programação de mais baixo nível. A grande vantagem do FPGA é o "paralelismo real", o que garante altas velocidades na execução das rotinas programadas.
    Assista ao webcast Introduction to LabVIEW FPGA
    Com o LabVIEW Real-Time você desenvolve aplicações que são críticas em relação a "tempo". Chamamos de aplicações "deterministicas". A idéia é que, se você tem uma rotina que deve ser executada em um tempo determinado, a diferença entre o tempo real e o que você programou seja o menor possível. Aplicações em Computadores comuns não são deterministicas, pois enquanto o LabVIEW executa uma certa rotina programada, o Windows está executando outras tarefas, monitorando a utilização de periféricos, atualizando a tela, etc.
    Real time não significa "Velocidade", mas "Confiabilidade".
    Assista ao webcast LabVIEW Real-Time: Graphical Development, Hard Real-Time Performance
    With LabVIEW FPGA you program the FPGA chip itself. The FPGA chip is found into cRIO chassis, NI R-Series Boards, and NI Single board RIO. You program the I/O directly in the chip, so we consider this as a low level programing. The main FPGA advantage is the "Real Paralelism", which guarantees high speed execution programming.
    Whatch Introduction to LabVIEW FPGA webcast
    With LabVIEW Real-Time you develop called "time crictical" or "Deterministics" applications. In case of you routine must be executed in a specified period of time, the difference between the real time execution and the time you programmed is as low as possible. Commom computers programming are not deterministic, because in the meantime of executing a certain programmed routine, the OS (e.g. Windows) is running other appication tasks, monitoring peripherals like mouse and keyboard, uptading screen, etc.
    Real-Time doesn't mean "faster" but "reliable".
    Watch LabVIEW Real-Time: Graphical Development, Hard Real-Time Performance webcast
    I hope the information helps you!
    Best Regards
    Felipe Flores
    Engenharia de Aplicações
    National Instruments Brasil

  • Configuar las salidas digitales de un puerto de la targeta nidaq 6008 para manipular distintos actuadores

    Estoy realizando una aplicacion para  manipular   6 reles   por medio de las salidas digitales del puerto 0 de la targeta  nidaq6008  pero solo  me funciona  una sola salida  y estoy trabajando   con  nidaqmxbase 

    Hola Julianchoqn,
    Gracias por utilizar el foro de NI como medio para resolver cualquier duda. Junto con la comunidad intentaremos resolver el problema de la mejor manera...
    Puede que sea por la manera de escribir en cada una de las líneas, si se está haciendo de manera individual o en conjunto a todo el puerto. Debemos de tener en cuenta que el puerto completo conforma todas las líneas que lo conforman, podemos manejarlo como un entero o de manera individual línea por línea. Si pudieras compartirnos un poco de cómo estás haciendo la escritura en los puertos, sería de gran ayuda para darte algún tip completamente válido.
    Te comparto un par de ejemplos donde que nos servirán para el entendimiento y el desarrollo de la programación usando DAQmx.
    También debemos de prestar especial atención a la corriente que nos puede ofrecer la DAQ en cada salida, ya que podemos dañar la tarjeta por una mala conexión. Para esto te comparto la hoja de datos de la tarjeta para que puedas observar estas especificaciones.​s
    Una recomendación sería que utilizaras algún método de encapsulación en la tarjeta, el uso de optoacopladores puede ser una solución.
    Saludos y suerte con tu desarrollo.
    Omar I.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    dude, I gotten rid off the ol' phones almost a year back, do not wanna remeber any more ol' clashes.
    For speeding up and such you can try our tricks and tips section, you can know everything about vdieo processes from el_loco-our video guru.
    For even better, try to upgrade your N79 very gud at web browsing and real player plays theH.264/AVC files just fine and smoothly.
    For that themes, well I faced such dilemma for uninstalled applications being displayed on app mngr. In that case I had to connect my phone by mass memory mode and delete the data files named as a000b2c etc..

  • How do I use Garageband for iPad with a real amp?

    I play with a guy down the street who has a couple of amps set up. The one I use is kind of limited in it's tonal qualities. In my twenties and thirties I would have no problem hauling my own amp down there to get my tones dialed in, but I'm forty freakin' seven and too old for that!  When I have tried to plug the iPad into my amp at home, I get terrible feedback.  I used to have a Rockman (remember those?) and I could take it with me and plug into any guitar amp set to clean and be good to go, how do I do that with my iPad and Garageband?
    I'm using a no name "y" cord with the 1/8" three ringed input into the ipad and a 1/8 stereo and 1/4 inch outputs-all sounds great on headphones, and with computer speakers, but need to plug into a real guitar amp.
    I am using a 50 watt Yamaha to test and am having no luck at all.  I know it has to do with impedance, but I am not very versed in how to get around it. 
    Thanks in advance!

    Okay, after fiddling around some more, I’m able to get–some-settings to work.    1) set the real amp to clean settings (duh).  Keep the volume on the low side (double duh). 2) stick to the smaller amps from the “clean and “processed” groups ofpresets. 
    The only way (so far) I’ve found to get some crunch is by turning the gain up on the GB amp you’re using,but only to a point, then I got feedback again. 
    Also, my “y” cord does have a name, it’s a GriffinTechnologies GuitarConnect Cable. I haven’t tried any of the other devices, so I can’t say if the feedbackwould be less irksome on other devices, but I kind of doubt it.

  • How to cause them to associate my Case Number 185689167 with the real phone number I need to be called at:

    I purchased a one year subscription to Acrobat Pro, and after installation on my MacBook, in the LaunchPad (aside from the normal Adobe Acrobat Pro, Acrobat Distiller, and Forms Central for Acrobat) a folder containing two icons.  The first was (I forgot the name) and the second entitled AAMLauncherUtil.  Shortly after installation I ran the AAMLauncher Util, and it downloaded and "updated" Acrobat Pro and installed Creative Cloud.  I was told by some person in Tech Support that I didn't need these two additional icons in LaunchPad, and I could just drag them to the trash.
    The folder would not go in the Trash, so I dragged them out of the folder and then the one whose name I don't remember was able to go to the Trash, but not the AAMLauncherUtil icon.
    I called Tech Support again, and got a technician whose name I will withhold, but although he tried to solve the problem, basically he was clueless and I could hear him asking other people in the background what to do and they were giving him suggestions, mucking around my library and deleting anything that sounded like it was associated with AAMLaucher, and in the end all he succeeded in doing was making my Creative Cloud not work anymore and produce messages that it was corrupted and had to be removed and reinstalled.  Finally he gave up and said that he was referring my Case 185689167 to the next level higher of tech support, who would call me within 24 hours.  Of course they never did that so I called Apple Support and a representative there went way beyond what he needed to do and we were able to uninstall and reinstall Creative Cloud and make it work again, although the AAMLaucherUtil icon remains there.  Currently, it doesn't update anything like it did the first time I ran it, or act like it is trying to update anything, but it does open Creative Cloud if you have closed it. 
    Several days later (not the promised 24 hours) I got an email from my Voicemail Service with a  transcribed message from Adobe Tech Support saying that they had tried to call me... at the number listed in my subscription payment details... NOT at the number I had told them to call me at, and since I am 7000 miles away from my billing number I didn't get the call.  The message requested me to call them back.  I did so, and the message on the VRU said I would have to wait approximately 30 minutes. Two and one half hours later (not 30 minutes) someone answered who was not Second Level Tech Support, and reiterated that it was not possible to transfer me to them, and he would note that I had called back and they would call me within 24 hours.... yeah right.  By then after waiting all that time to speak to someone I was so mad that I forgot to mention the correct number to call me at... although I had mentioned it previously.  Several days later (not 24 hours) they called the wrong number again, and when I didn't answer it then sent me an email that they were considering the case solved and closing it, and I could reopen it within 14 days. 
    I then called back and this time waiting 3 hours on hold, and the person who I spoke with (whose name I withhold for now) said he would reopen the case and they would call me within 24 hours... again he couldn't transfer me to them.  Again I forgot to reiterate the correct phone number that I had told them the first time since I was so mad about waiting 3 hours on hold.
    The next day, I realized that I had not reiterated the correct phone number, and I went into my account settings and changed the phone number in both places it exists, and then tried calling back to make sure they would call the correct phone number.  This time I waited on hold for 4 hours, and finally gave up without ever being able to speak to a person.
    The next day... still no call even to the wrong number since my Voice Mail would have informed me it there was a call.... I called Sales since that seemed to be the only way to talk to a real person, and screamed at them about this issue and was informed they couldn't do anything about Tech Support, or about associating my phone number with my case number, but he would put me in the queue for tech support since nobody was in the queue so they should call me back right away. 
    I did get a call in a few minutes, which said "If Valued Customer is available, press 1" so I pressed 1 and it went to music.  I then waited for 15 minutes of music with no answer, after which I got an email from my Voicemail Service transcribing the message saying:
    "Reschedule this call back for a later time press three to cancel this call back press nine. Your response was not recognized. Please try again. When valued customer is on the line press one to speak to a support specialist. If you need time to get valued customer on the line press two. To reschedule this call back for a later time press three to cancel this call back press nine. Your response was not recognized. Please try again. When valued customer is on the line press one to speak to a support specialist. If you need time to get valued customer on the line press two. To reschedule this call back for a later time press three to cancel this call back press nine."
    ... more. Please listen to your voicemail for the remainder of this message.
    They can't recognize me pressing 1?????  So who know... I was listening to music but did that mean I was really ever going to reach a real person, or was the Voicemail message correct and I would be listening to music forever?
    So this morning I tried calling again only to receive message the the Tech Support Telephone Lines were down for scheduled maintenance until August 10th... I tried chatting... that is offline also.
    Is there a way to associate my actual phone number with my case number... maybe somebody from Adobe actually reads these diatribes?  I need to be called at or after 17:00 Pacific time.... I was told the hours are on Pacific Time.... although  one representative who I was trying to coordinate the timing of the call with was very confused about the time zones. He was trying to tell me that the current time was 09:00 Pacific Time, which I knew to be wrong, and he finally admitted, after I challenged him to look on, that it was  09:00 in Bangalore, and Pacific time was 20:00.

    Thanks for your answer TSN!
    I did try Chat yesterday and it didn't work.... said unavailable.  I'll will try it again. 
    I do understand that this is a Community Forum, but it appears that some Adobe staff persons do read and respond to some messages, so since all other avenues of contact seem to not work, I thought I would try this just in case somebody from Adobe happened to read it and could do something.
    A secondary reason I posted the whole explanation is that I thought maybe somebody else had experienced this issue as well and might comment on it.
    As for it being a problem or not, maybe it is not.  Adobe did work when I installed it.  When I invoked that icon "AAMLauncherUtil" the first time, it updated Acrobat Pro and Installed Creative Cloud (which the original trial subscription had not installed).
    I then noticed that these two icons didn't seem to do anything useful.  The first time I called and was able to connect to support, the rather poor attitude person who answered just said to delete both icons in the folder... that they weren't needed.  When I found that one of them could be deleted and not the other one "AAMLauncherUtil" could not be deleted, and since the tech support person had suggested deleting them both, I called back.
    The next rather clueless person in tech support spent a lot of time trying to help get rid of it, but couldn't.  When he was mucking around in the "Library" he deleted everything named "AAMLauncherUtil" from the Library (but left some stuff I would have imagined could have been deleted like references to my previous trial subscription.
    After he got done, Creative Cloud no longer worked and he couldn't figure out how to fix it... we were getting messages the Creative Cloud was corrupted and needed to be uninstalled.  He said he was going to refer the problem to a  higher level tech support, and that he couldn't transfer me there... they would have to call me which would be in 24 hours.
    The next day (since the higher level tech support failed to call back) I called Apple Support, and they helped me find a Creative Cloud Uninstaller and we ran that and re-downloaded and installed Creative Cloud again.
    I would expect from the name "AAMLauncherUtil" that this icon would Launch Adobe Application Manager and perhaps try to update my product(s) like it did the first time, OR report that my software is up to date... as most other software update attempts would do.  However what it really does now when I invoke the "AAMLauncherUtil" icon is just to open Creative Cloud just as if I had clicked on the icon in the top menu bar of my Apple Menu Bar.  The Apple person suggested that MAYBE it is supposed to do that if you have shut down Creative Cloud for some reason, and want to start it up again without restarting the computer.  Maybe that is so, but if it is, then I would have expected that they would have renamed the icon to Creative Cloud or something more descriptive of what it is supposed to do.
    As is is now, I am not sure if it is a leftover remnant of my original updated installation that should have gone away when I updated and it installed Creative Cloud, or if everyone else running Adobe Acrobat Pro XI has this icon in their Launchpad as well and it is supposed to be there for some unknown reason to perform some unknown function.
    After all that happened, I did update Creative Cloud, but that was within Creative Cloud itself when it reported having an update available, and not using the "AAMLauncherUtil" icon at all, so that would appear to negate it's possible update functionality wouldn't it?
    Assuming you are using a Mac, do you have such an icon in LaunchPad?
    Thanks for your help!

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