Re: Please confirm: jmf can't play mpg or wav files in jars

I ran into the same problem. Please let me know if you got it resolved.

After many hours of playing about I have now resolved the issue.

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    Don't trash the original Quicktime (10) app, you'll be sorry if you do. Quicktime 7 Pro does not add playback capability to videos. Right click on a video and pick Quicktime Pro 7 from the open with menu.
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    If the .mpg/.mpeg files are non-rights-protected you should be able to play them in Quicktime or iTunes. If the wmv files are non-rights-protected you should be able to use Flip4Mac. If the mpg/mpeg or wmv files are rights-protected you'll need the software or subscription that allows you to view copyrighted files.

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    John B

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    per def. WAV 32bit does not support larger files than 4GB (sometimes 2GB).
    You can use the BroadCast WAV format. Which will enable that.
    However, if the destination format (Your final movie you wanna export to in Compressor and Fcpx) is WAV and not broadcast WAV it wont work due to the 4GB limit.
    Aiff is limited as well.
    Here are a few sources:
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    CAL297297 wrote:
    But my requirement is to play the MP3 immediately when the user search the word.
    Covert from MP3 to and WAV take too much time. I never said to do that as a solution, I told you to do that "to test that" the problem is that you're trying to play unsupported MP3s. Please do listen when people are trying to help you out.
    Is there any other soulution except JMF ?To play mp3 files? Ummmm, yeah...go Google to your heart's content on ways to play MP3s (but you'll have to find another forum for help with that, because this forum is only for JMF)

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         at javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel.fireValueChanged(Unknown Source)
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         at java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mouseReleased(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
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         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at Source)The actual file is located at "C:\Documents and Settings\drdanielfc\Desktop\DATscape\The Mad Heads\&#1053;&#1040;&#1044;&#1030;&#1071; &#1028;\06 &#1043;&#1088;&#1086;&#1096;&#1110;.wma". JMF appears to turn all of the characters into ? marks as it cannot understand them. Is there some sort of workaround without renaming the files?
    Thanks ahead of time

    The actual file is located at "C:\Documents and Settings\drdanielfc\Desktop\DATscape\The Mad Heads\&#1053;&#1040;&#1044;&#1030;&#1071; &#1028;\06 &#1043;&#1088;&#1086;&#1096;&#1110;.wma".
    JMF appears to turn all of the characters into ? marks as it cannot understand them. Is there some sort of workaround without renaming the files?Well, a few things... first off, JMF won't play your wma file anyway as it doesn't support WMA files.
    But you might try reversing the order of the slashes.
    MediaLocator ml = new MediaLocator("file:/C:/Documents and Settings/drdanielfc/Desktop/DATscape/The Mad Heads/&#1053;&#1040;&#1044;&#1030;&#1071; &#1028;/06 &#1043;&#1088;&#1086;&#1096;&#1110;.wma");
    You might also try constructing your MediaLocator from a URL, instead of a String.
    URL url = new URL("C:\Documents and Settings\drdanielfc\Desktop\DATscape\The Mad Heads\&#1053;&#1040;&#1044;&#1030;&#1071; &#1028;\06 &#1043;&#1088;&#1086;&#1096;&#1110;.wma");
    MediaLocator ml = new MediaLocator(url);
    If those 2 suggestions don't work, nothing will. Also, test them with a WAV file since WMA isn't supported ;-)

  • How can I play an mpeg-2 file from my handycam on quicktime?

    When I try to play an mpeg-2 file from my handycam I receive an error message stating that a required codec is not available.  How can I get this codec and is it a free download?  Neither audio or video will play.

    Thanks for your input.  To clarify a couple of things, I'm ultimately looking at editing my video from the handycam, hopefully with imovie.  In exploring how to do this I came across mpeg streamclip video converter for osx but then discovered that in order to install it with Lion, I'd need to download a mpeg-2 playback component.  From what I understand, this component is inherent in QT 10.1 with Lion and therefor you can't brink up a 'disk image' in order to install the video converter.  Sounds like I'd need to buy that.
    As previously mentioned, there are three forms of QT support for MPEG-2 content:
    1) The QT MPEG-2 Playback Component ($19.99) is required for use by QT 7 based applications (QT 7 Player, GarageBand, as well as, QT 7 based third-party applications like MPEG Streamclips. This component is not used required for nor used by the QT 10.1 Player or iMovie '07/'08/'11 apps.
    2) The Importer Component installed as part of your video editing software package. As previously indicated, this package handles the importation of content from various camcorders employing many different compression formats. It's primary purpose is to make the imported content "edit" compatible with the video editing software. In the case of "muxed" GOP MPEG-2/AC3 content, it decompresses/turns the P- and B-frames into I-frames which essentially makes the video QT editit compatible at the frame level without actually converting the video to a different compression format. This is a moderately fast operation which does not degrade the video quality. In addition, the importer component also converts the AC3 audio to QT "edit" compatible AIFF (Linear PCM) content and places both the video and audio content in an MOV file container. Since "muxed" GOP MPEG-2 content essentially synchronizes the audio and video content spatially, the last step in the import process is to add a time offset to minimize audio/video drift in the MOV file which synchronizes the multiple data tracks temporally with respect to an external timing reference. The result of this operation is QT edit compatible content in an MOV file container that is playback on any system having iMovie '07/'08/'11 installed. That is why I always recommend using this work flow for content still located on the camcorder.
    3) The QT 10.1 MPEG-2/AC3 GOP support appears to be built into the app or only accessible using the app and not available for use by either QT 7 or iMovie applications. This content is not QT edit compatible at the frame level (i.e., the manner in which all Apple video editors work).
    4) In the case where the "muxed" MPEG-2/AC3 content has already been removed from the camcoder and you can no longer "import" the content as per option 2 above, purchase of the QT MPEG-2 Playback component and use of the MPEG Streamclip app provides, in my opinion, the greatest degree of secondary functionality. In this case you have the option of demultiplexing the original content to M2V and AC3 content or paired M2V and AIFF elementary stream files or conversion of the content to any QT editit compatible audio and video compression combination including "Pro" editing codecs if FCP is installed on your system.
    5) With regard to the installation of the QT MPEG-2 Playback component, you have three options:
    a) You can install the component on a pre-Lion system and then copy it to your Lion system.
    b) You can download the MPEG Streamclip "beta" package and us the "helper" software to install the component directly on the Lion operating system.
    c) You can us an app like Pacifist to extract/install the component directly to the Lion OS platform.
    In any event, remember that this component is not supported by the QT 10.1 app nor is AC3 natively supported by the QT 7 app and so you will have to use the MPEG Streamclip app to both make use of this component and provide app support of the AC3 audio which can then be "bridged" for use by QT 7 based apps.
    All this being said, when I decided for the first time to just open my video in QT 10.1 (which is a .mpg file) it wouldn't open and the error said that a required codec wasn't available.  The file is .mpg and info states it is a mpeg-2 video, AC3.  I have VLC installed and can view the video with that, but am just frustrated as to why QT 10.1 won't play it (as I believe it should, since the file is a .mpg).
    As I have repeatedly stated, I consider QT 10.1 "a work in progress" and have given up trying to guess why it works in some cases and not in others. In some cases, files sent to me having the problem you describe suddenly became playable in QT 10.1 after using VLC to copy the data from the original file container to a new program stream file container (i.e., not conversion was applied—just the copy of the original data). You can try this for playback purposes but it will do nothing for your editing work flow unless you plan to us QT 10.1 to convert the content to H.264/AAC for editing in which case HandBrake or MPEG Streamclip (with QT MPEG-2 Playback component) would probabaly work on the original file. (I.e., I prefer using a low-compression, high data rate compression format at highest video quality setting as an "intermediate" editing format to preserve as much of the original quality as possible.)
    One thing I also noticed, there is no QT file in my library (I didn't move, delete or change anything, just looked to see if I could find the file as mentioned on another forum, but it wasn't there).  Not sure if this has a connection as to whether the .mpg file can be played with QT 10.1 or not.
    If you are referring to an MOV file created by importing the content directly from the camcorder, then it will be located in your iMovie "Event" folder, the location of which will depend on which drive you assigned it to. Such a file sould already be both playback and editable in QT applications.
    Any other input would be much appreciated.  Am I missing something from my QT 10.1 that should have  been installed?
    I believe that covers just about everything. Since QT 10.1 is the original version installed by the Lion OS installer, there have not been any updates to it and, unless you have been messing around deleting things in your QT component folders, there is little probability that anything has been deleted, removed, or misplaced during normal system use. What I normally recommed is that you keep QT 10.1 installed and install the Lion compatible version of QT 7 (v7.6.6 if not already installed) to maximize your QT playback capabilities between the two. In fact, I tend to use the QT 7 "Pro" player for most daily "quickie" edits and still consider it the more useful of the two utility-Players.

  • How can I play windows media aduio files?Need help...

    Oh ,I bought a N70 in China.It is not all the same as the product which sold in Euro.It doesn't have the anterior camera .And my N70 can't play the windows media aduio files from my classical music CDs,I tried several software but all failed.What's the matter?
    Thanks for replay!
    Good luck to ereryone !

    WMAPlus! says it plays Windows Media Audio on phones like the N70 (based on S60 2nd Ed.):
    I believe it does not handle DRM (Digital Rights Management) protected WMA files, though.
    Also, there's no S60 3rd Edition version (but then there are S60 3rd Edition based models with WMA support built-in, such as the N91).

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    First off, which nano? The 6th doesn't do video, and while I've never tried a TV show or movie, I have loaded some short video podcasts, which will play the audio, but not the video.
    I'd look through the different tabs in iTunes to see if there is a checkbox that turns on the ability to use video on your 5th or earlier Nano, if that's what you have. Lastly, did you buy the show from the iTunes store, or somewhere else?

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