Re-Pointing existing GRUB to different drive

After a good deal of experimentation, I think I'm finally ready to completely make the move from Fedora to Arch.  Only one obstacle stands in my way - getting my existing GRUB installation to point at my Arch drive instead of my Fedora drive.  I can't find any examples of how to do this particular switch, so I would really appreciate the help of a GRUB guru or two here.
Here is my existing drive configuration, as seen by Arch:
/dev/sda is my Windows XP drive.  XP is on sda1, with the entire disk devoted to this partition and formatted as NTFS.  GRUB is installed on the MBR of this drive.
/dev/sdb is my Arch drive.  Here is the fstab file:
# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
# /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
# /dev/dvd /mnt/dvd udf ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/fd0 vfat user,noauto 0 0
/dev/sdb2 / ext3 defaults 0 1
/dev/sdb1 /boot ext3 defaults 0 2
/dev/sdb3 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/sdb5 /usr ext3 defaults 0 2
/dev/sdb6 /tmp ext3 defaults 0 2
/dev/sdb7 /home ext3 defaults 0 2
/dev/sda1 /mnt/FNORD_101 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
/dev/sdc is my old Fedora drive.  The /boot partition is on /dev/sdc1, while the / partition is on /dev/sdc2.  The GRUB installation in the MBR of /dev/sda reads the grub.conf menu.lst file from this drive, which is softlinked to by menu.lst.  Here is my current grub.conf:
# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that
# all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /boot/, eg.
# root (hd2,0)
# kernel /vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/sdb2
# initrd /initrd-version.img
title Fedora (
root (hd2,0)
kernel /vmlinuz- ro root=/dev/sdb2 rhgb quiet
initrd /initrd-
title Fedora (
root (hd2,0)
kernel /vmlinuz- ro root=/dev/sdb2 rhgb quiet
initrd /initrd-
title Arch Linux (Main)
root (hd1,0)
kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sdb2 ro vga=775
initrd /kernel26.img
title Memtest86+ (1.70)
root (hd2,0)
kernel /memtest86+-1.70 ro root=/dev/sdb2 rhgb quiet
title Windows XP (bleaugh)
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
In essence, I want to keep GRUB on the MBR of /dev/sda (hd0,0) and just re-point it so that it looks at /dev/sdb (hd1,0) instead of /dev/sdc (hd2,0) for the files it needs.  What exactly do I need to do in order to accomplish this?
Thank you!

DkSoul wrote:
You have to reinstall grub.
Run grub from your arch install and type:
root (hd1,0)
setup (hd0)
root (hdX, Y) : Tell grub to look for the necessary files at disk X partition Y
setup (hdX) : Install grub to the MBR of disk X
This is what I eventually needed, but I had to do a couple of other things on top of it all.
To begin with, I had to copy the files from /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc into /boot/grub so that grub could find what it needed.  The only file that was originally in the /boot/grub directory on my Arch drive was a menu.lst file.  I'm guessing that's because I didn't install a bootloader when I installed Arch (I just edited my existing Fedora grub setup).
I also had to mount more than what is shown in the wiki for reinstalling grub.  The wiki doesn't take into account the possibility of someone's /boot and/or /usr directories being on their own partitions.  I had to explicitly mount these before doing the chroot.
One other note, for anyone using a dual boot with WinXP and using NTFS-3G - think twice before keeping the "makeactive" line in your Windows boot section.  The default menu.lst contains this line, but if you boot into XP with it present and then boot back into Arch, NTFS-3G will give you an error saying that the NTFS drive is in use and will refuse to mount it.  I had to remove the "makeactive" line, boot back into XP, and then boot back into Arch again before NTFS-3G would mount the NTFS drive.
A final caveat - once I got grub pointed in the right direction, I tried replacing it with grub-gfx.  A pacman install of grub-gfx doesn't update the stage files in your /boot/grub directory.  I had to manually copy the new contents of /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc into /boot/grub once again before grub would use a bootsplash file.
Thanks for the help!  I hope the above proves helpful in return.

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    That is part of why I would prefer case sensitive by default.   I know some server packages do the folding for you, same as some web servers do not differentiate between 'htm' and 'html' when people type in requests, but most of the time the backend server is going to be case sensitive and it is not safe to assume (or hope) that the service will fix things.  Compensating for mistakes is fine, but allowing such silent corruption is not a terribly laudable things and it encourage people be careless.
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    And I say this as someone who worked on just such a project, moving a software suite that had legacy code stretching back longer than Adobe has existed as a company.  This conversion included moving from a case insenstive filesystem to a case sensitive one and yeah, there were lots of problems that the old FAT32 system hid from us, but it really paid off over the long run to fix them rather than try to twist the code to compensate.
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    In iTunes under Edit > Preferences > Advanced turn off Keep iTunes Media folder organized, then click OK.
    Use Edit > Preferences > Advanced to change the media folder location to D:\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media, then click OK. If iTunes asks to consolidate or move any files at this point say no or cancel.
    Open the menu File > Library > Organize Library... tick Rearrange files in the folder "iTunes Media", and click OK.
    In iTunes under Edit > Preferences > Advanced turn on Keep iTunes Media folder organized, then click OK.
    Open the menu File > Library > Organize Library... tick Consolidate files, and click OK.
    This should rearrange the media folder into the current structure with the minimum amount of physical file moves.
    At this stage you should find that iTunes is now looking for your mobile apps at D:\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Mobile Applications. Check the properties of a single app just to make sure. If all is well you can reclaim the space on C:.
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    What are the iTunes library files? -
    More on iTunes library files and what they do -
    What are all those iTunes files? -
    Where are my iTunes files located? -
    iTunes 9 [and later]: Understanding iTunes Media Organization - - plus supplemental information about organizing to new structure
    Image of folder structure and explanation of different iTunes versions (turingtest2 post) - and making an iTunes library portable.

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    65 96724662

    what you have to do is to extend your tablespace with new containers on the new drive and AVOID REBALANCING !!!
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    and search for "alter tablespace"
    kind regards

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    Those are the two choices.
    To change the drive letter, go to Google and type in
    change drive letter Windows
    To change where Lightroom finds the photos, see Adobe Lightroom - Find moved or missing files and folders

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    There are hundreds (if not thousands) of references to registry files in \Windows\System 32 from within Reader. The registry keys likewise point to a program in the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader folder.
    Unless you are capable and willing to go in and rewrite the code for each and every single reference in every last file of the program so that they reference a registry on a separate drive from the program itself, and vice-versa, you will find that it won't work, and if it does it'll keep crashing, and giving you errors all the time.
    There are portable readers which are designed to run without the registry references (like from a Flash drive) but they won't function as well as Reader in every case.
    You might want to try running your disk cleanup, defragmenting your C:\ drive, and running a compression to free up file space.
    Another thing I like to pass along is a"deep cleaning" Disk Cleanup tool
    Disk Cleanup can clear out a lot of old, unused, and junk  files from your hard drive. Things that clutter up the drive, and make  defragmenting take a lot more time than it should. Here's a neat way  to clear up more unused files on your system than Windows™ Disk Cleanup  utility will do on it's own:
    c:\windows\system32\cleanmgr.exe /dc /sageset: 1
    cd \
    cd c:\windows\prefetch
    del *.* /q
    Copy the code above and paste it into a  document using Notepad or Wordpad (Do not use  Microsoft™ Word™, or Corel™ WordPerfect™). Save the file as "clean.bat"  (minus the quotes of course), a Windows™ batch file. To do this click,  Save As instead of Save, and choose all files from the File Type drop  down menu. Save it to your desktop.
    Double click the batch file, and it will open a  configuration tool for your Disk Cleanup utility. You will see a lot  more checkboxes in the list than your regular Disk Cleanup shows. Check EVERYTHING. Don't worry, these are all files your system doesn't use.
    Once you have clicked all the checkboxes, click OK and the  window will close. You have now set your Disk Cleanup to thoroughly  clean your Hard Drive.
    Now we need to go back to the batch file. Right  click it, and select Edit. It will open in Notepad or Wordpad, depending  on which one you made it in. When it opens, go to the first line, where  it reads "sageset", and change it to "sagerun" (again, minus the  quotes, of course) and save it. You don't need to choose a destination  or file type. Just save it.
    Now double click the batch file again, and it will run  the Disk Cleanup with your deep cleaning settings.
    Copy the batch file to your documents folder and  any time you need to run it, just double click it. Now here's another  tip that will free up a lot of hard drive space on top of the deep  clean.
    If you open the regular Disk Cleanup (Start\All Programs\Accessories\System Tools\Disk Cleanup), when it opens there is a  More Options tab at the top of the window. Click the tab, and at the  bottom you should see a section referring to System Restore and Shadow  Copies (Vista) or System Restore (XP).
    Click Clean Up to remove the extra restore points  and Shadow Copies of Windows™ that are stored on your hard drive for  system restoration. Don't worry, this will only remove all but the most  recent restore point.
    You should see anywhere from 3.5 to 14 gigs of hard  drive space freed up once you do this.
    One last thing:
    If you have a C:\ and a D:\ drive, the D:\ drive should ideally be used for file storage.
    In other words, all of your pictures, movies, documents, saved e-mails, etc., anything that ISN'T a program... should be on this drive to keep your C:\ drive working better:
    All of these files opening and closing on the C:\ drive will lead to fragmentation of your C:\ drive and that will eventually cause the whole system to slow down, and could kill your hard drive.
    Additionally, you mention that you are low on space on the C:\ drive. That's another bad thing. I've learned over the years that you should never let a working drive (as in one that is running your operating system or even one that holds files you access daily) get below 25% free space. The caching of files as you work on them gets extremely slow if the drive has to jump back and forth between sides of the actual discs to record changes as you make them. This is much less likely when you have 25% or more of the drive free.
    Your documents, pictures, music and movies will open from the D:\ drive where software won't always.  It's easier to move your files to the D:\ drive to make space than to install a second OS and then reinstall all of your software.

  • Can't choose different drive for cache

    I'm using Adobe Master Suite 6 on a Windows 7, 64 bit system.
    Upon opening the program, I received a warning about cache getting too full.
    I went under preferences to choose one of my other hard drives, but I'm not able to navigate to another hard-drive - only to my desktop or other folders on the default C drive. 
    I don't see anywhere that I can simply type in a different drive letter.
    Do I need to add a favority with links to another drive?  Or some other way to go from C: to E: ?

    Hi - thanks for the replies.
    Mylenium, this is my home computer, windows 7, 64 bit.  I am the administrator, and I tried right clicking and opening After Effects CS6 as administrator, without a project, but still see no way to access my other drives (no "my Computer showing up as shown in screenshots above).
    Is there a way I can verify my permissions, privileges, and group policies to make sure none of that got messed up (even though I'm guessing it shouldn't apply in this circumstance)?
    Of note, I do have a Desktop that shows up within my first Desktop hierarchy - not sure if that points to whatever the problem might be.  I do not have a folder called Desktop on my Desktop - and not really sure what that duplication represents.
    You'd also mentioned the possibility that I could hack my preferences with a text editor (though I'd rather figure out what's wrong and get it working the right way)
    Thanks for any help.
    Thanks for any suggestions.

  • Can Labview drivers be on a different drive then the C?

    I want to put the drivers on a different drive is this possible?  Thanks

    justified wrote:
    is this possible?
    Possible, probably yes - just point the installation to another drive.
    Desirable, I would guess not, because things work best in their default location.
    However, if you want to install everything (including LabVIEW itself) to a different drive, you should probably not have any problems.
    Try to take over the world!

  • Final Cut X reading from 2 different drives

    I am currently sitting at my work desk and our workflow is set up that we have all our projects on the scratch disk to work from, and the back up drive updates every night backing up the computer and hard drive. Because of this, FCPX is reading the events from the main drive and the events from the back up. Every time i open final cut the events are on a different drive.  So the first time I saw this i tried to get all the events back onto the main drive, thus duplicating the events.  Then i noticed that all the duplicated events went onto the backup drive and off the projects drive, i restarted FCPX and it reversed again! Mind you, the events and projects are still in tact on the drives in finder but I don't know for certain that I am working from an event on the actual scratch disk or from the backup drive which could create problems. 
    I understand that FCPX has it's own heirarchy within the software and i havent moved any files around within finder only from within fcpx
    these 2 pictures were taken 2 minutes from each other to show what happens.
    I am also getting this prompt every time I start FCPX
    I'm scared to delete any of the events becuase at this point I have worked on diferent projcts and i'm not sure which event those projcts were pulling from. 
    I want to know a couple things
    1.) why is this happening and how do i stop it?
    2.) in the future how do i stop FCPX from reading from the backup drive?
    3.) If I do decide to delete the duplicates and in the event a projct i was working on was pulling from that particular duplicate, will it be easy to re-link the media I used?
    Thanks in advance for the responses. this has become very frustrating.

    Thanks so much for this help.  It definitely gave me a starting point and a workaround.  However, I really want to know why FCPX is reading from the backup drive, is there anyway to just tell it to ignore the drive without mounting it?  I could just remount the drive before i leave for the day but thats something that i could forget to do. as in yesterday when i got 20 minutes into my drive home and realized i forgot to reconnect. 
    I know this seems like a "laziness" question but it really does worry me that final cut gets confused as to what projects are on what drives when both are connected.  It wouldn't worry me as much if both drives showed an identical projects list, that would make sense and i would have ignored it from the start.  But the fact that every time i restart final cut the projects are randomly visible or not visible on either drive really makes me worrisome.

  • Rman restore to windows server with different drive layout

    I'm restoring to a server with a different drive layout. I'm using the set newname for the datafiles and it's working fine. However. My redo logs show that they are on the f: drive and the f: drive doesn't exist on the new server (recovery). so when I'm all done I get an error saying that it cant find the redo02.log. Any ideas?

    no problem, thanks for the reply.
    Here's what I tried in the init.ora
    I didn't even create the spfile I figured I could do that later.
    The datafiles alll go to the correct drive, here's my restore statement:
    allocate channel disk_channel1 type disk;
    allocate channel disk_channel2 type disk;
    SET NEWNAME for datafile 1 to 'd:\ORADATA\ORCQA08\SYSTEM01.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME for datafile 2 to 'd:\ORADATA\ORCQA08\SYSAUX01.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME for datafile 3 to 'e:\ORADATA\ORCQA08\UNDOTBS01.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME for datafile 4 to 'd:\ORADATA\ORCQA08\USERS01.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME for datafile 5 to 'e:\ORADATA\ORCQA08\PLATDATA.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME for datafile 7 to 'd:\ORADATA\ORCQA08\TS_MV.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME for datafile 8 to 'e:\ORADATA\ORCQA08\PLATNDX.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME for datafile 9 to 'd:\ORADATA\ORCQA08\POADATA.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME for datafile 10 to 'd:\ORADATA\ORCQA08\POABDATA.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME for datafile 11 to 'd:\ORADATA\ORCQA08\POANDX.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME for datafile 12 to 'd:\ORADATA\ORCQA08\TS_REPORT_DATA.DBF';
    restore database;
    release channel disk_channel1;
    release channel disk_channel2;
    i then do a switch database to copy and this registers the datafiles under the correct drive BUT when I try to open the database this is what i get:
    ORA-00280: change 15613734 for thread 1 is in sequence #861
    ORA-00278: log file
    80447.0001' no longer needed for this recovery
    Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
    Media recovery cancelled.
    SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
    alter database open resetlogs
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00344: unable to re-create online log 'F:\ORADATA\ORCQA08\REDO01.LOG'
    ORA-27040: file create error, unable to create file
    OSD-04002: unable to open file
    O/S-Error: (OS 3) The system cannot find the path specified.
    You can see that it's still looking on the f: drive for the redo log. Is my syntax correct?? - - LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT=('F:\ORADATA\ORCQA08','D:\ORADATA\ORCQA08')
    I can get rid of the other redo logs by dropping them and recreating under the proper drive but 01 is the active log.
    any other ideas?

  • I have an existing mini mac and 4 tb external drive. My iTunes library exists on the external drive under /itunes... I have purchased a new mini mac and I want to leave the library where it is but move to new mini mac.. what do i need to do ?

    I have an existing mini mac and 4 tb external drive.
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    Do I need to copy anything over from the old mac mini ? xml files ? .. the itunes folder on old mini is about 840mb in size which looks to have artwork ect ? .. I am fairly computer literate, but this one has me stumped.. ?
    thanks for help

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