Read current line

Hi Friends ,
In my table control if i click any line then i have to go to next screen based on the line i have clicked.
so, I need to capture the key fields to read the internal table for the get the value in next screen .
i am tring to do with
                 fn INTO gn                        ...
which is not helping me ....
Can any one guide me  how to read those values apart from get cursor values keyword

first you have to find the current position of the cursor:
GET CURSOR { { FIELD  field [field_properties] }
           | { LINE line } }.
then you read your internal table with that information
READ TABLE int_table index line.
Read [the rules|] if found helpful!!!
Edited by: Julius Bussche on Aug 11, 2008 10:36 AM

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    Hi Prabhu Das         
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    You can use the variable <tablecontrol>-Currentline as Ebus says but there is a problem with this.Suppose there are 10 records in the table control with only 5 records visible then when u press a page down and press F4 the first record in page 2,  <tablecontrol>-Currentline will have value of 1 instead of 6.So you will need to write a small logic for that.
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    Hope this helps.

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    is there any other way to get current line number Did you search the forum?
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    Hi Mary,
    this is code in C#.NET which is working fine, try to do same in your code:
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         SelectRow = irow;
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    Report <report name>.
    data cb1 value SPACE.
    Write :/ cb1 as CHECKBOX, 'X'.
    Write :/ cb1 as CHECKBOX, 'Y'.
    Write :/ cb1 as CHECKBOX, 'Z'.
    AT PF04.
       DO 3 times.
          MODIFY LINE sy-index field value cb1 from 'X'.
    This is not working and giving weird results.
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    Trial a:
    cb1 = 'X'.
    modify line sy-index field value cb1.
    Trial b:
    modify line sy-index of current page value cb1 from 'X'.
    Trial c:
    read line sy-index....
    modify line sy-index..
    But none of them were working.
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    Hi Anand,
    Thanks for throwing a light on the "Read Statement". This cleared up my concept of modify line too.
    When I dont use Read Line, the output will be:
    Checked X
    Checked X
    Checked X
    Let me try to answer the question as "Why it is happening".Correct me if i am wrong as i am only 15 days Old for ABAP ;-((.
    Here is how I will now defining modify line statement. Modify Line Statement modify the current line or line number n with the value of sy-lisel. With Field Addition in Modify line, you change the content of sy-lisel.
    So in our case, the sy-lisel value is (Checked,'X').
    So if we dont use read line, only first column will get updated , whereas second field will remain in the sy-lisel.
    So to get the value of other lines, we use read line. This will fill up the sy-lisel with the the line content of sy-index and so modify will work.
    So, if we are using AT LINE-SELECTION event to select line, in that case, there is no need to do a read line as sy-lisel is already in the buffer.
    Please correct me if i am wrong.

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    refer to this example
    REPORT demo_dynpro_tabcont_loop_at.
    DATA: cols LIKE LINE OF flights-cols,
    lines TYPE i.
    DATA: ok_code TYPE sy-ucomm,
          save_ok TYPE sy-ucomm.
    DATA: itab TYPE TABLE OF demo_conn.
          TABLES demo_conn.
    LOOP AT flights-cols INTO cols WHERE index GT 2.
      cols-screen-input = '0'.
      MODIFY flights-cols FROM cols INDEX sy-tabix.
    CALL SCREEN 100.
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
    DESCRIBE TABLE itab LINES lines.
    flights-lines = lines.
    MODULE cancel INPUT.
    MODULE read_table_control INPUT.
      MODIFY itab FROM demo_conn INDEX<b> flights-current_line.</b>
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
      save_ok = ok_code.
      CLEAR ok_code.
      CASE save_ok.
        WHEN 'TOGGLE'.
          LOOP AT flights-cols INTO cols WHERE index GT 2.
            IF  cols-screen-input = '0'.
              cols-screen-input = '1'.
            ELSEIF  cols-screen-input = '1'.
              cols-screen-input = '0'.
      MODIFY flights-cols FROM cols INDEX sy-tabix.
        WHEN 'SORT_UP'.
          READ TABLE flights-cols INTO cols WITH KEY selected = 'X'.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            SORT itab STABLE BY (cols-screen-name+10) ASCENDING.
            cols-selected = ' '.
      MODIFY flights-cols FROM cols INDEX sy-tabix.
        WHEN 'SORT_DOWN'.
          READ TABLE flights-cols INTO cols WITH KEY selected = 'X'.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            SORT itab STABLE BY (cols-screen-name+10) DESCENDING.
            cols-selected = ' '.
      MODIFY flights-cols FROM cols INDEX sy-tabix.
        WHEN 'DELETE'.
          READ TABLE flights-cols INTO cols
                                  WITH KEY screen-input = '1'.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            LOOP AT itab INTO demo_conn WHERE mark = 'X'.
              DELETE itab.

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    import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    * Usage: new CurrentLineHighlighter(myColor).install(myTextComponent);
    public class CurrentLineHighlighter implements ChangeListener
      static final Color DEFAULT_COLOR = new Color(0, 0, 0, 15);
      private Highlighter.HighlightPainter painter;
      private Object highlight;
      private JTextComponent comp;
      public CurrentLineHighlighter()
      public CurrentLineHighlighter(Color highlightColor)
        Color c = highlightColor != null ? highlightColor : DEFAULT_COLOR;
        painter = new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter(c);
      public void install(JTextComponent tc)
        comp = tc;
      public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt)
        if (highlight != null)
          highlight = null;
        int pos = comp.getCaretPosition();
        Element elem = Utilities.getParagraphElement(comp, pos);
        int start = elem.getStartOffset();
        int end = elem.getEndOffset();
          highlight = comp.getHighlighter().addHighlight(start, end, painter);
        catch (BadLocationException ex)

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    and the caret is on the 5, then using your code I get 8 as the end of line.
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