
I couldn't find anything in the forum regarding SetCurrentHighlight() bug so maybe I am the only one who would like to use it. But there's no problem :-)
The documentation of the method's parameters is a little bit confusing at first sight.
void setCurrentHighlight(LONG nLeft, LONG nTop,LONG nRight, LONG nBottom);
nRight The width of the bounding rectangle.
nBottom The height of the bounding rectangle.
Is the nRight param is right coordinate or a width value? And this is the same for nBottom. But OK, it doesn't matter. Let's try it.
After an hour digging I have a idea what's wrong with this method.
As I see the right param description should look like this:
void setCurrentHighlight(LONG nLeft, LONG nRight, LONG nTop, LONG nBottom);
The values are coordinates and one more interesting thing. This method calculates coodinates based on bottom-left origo, despite other methods like setViewRect() on top-left origo.
Has anybody else have this experience also or I'm alone?

Hm. What is your environment?
I'm using Reader 8.1 through Internet Explorer from python but this code is like VB.
ie = com.Dispatch("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Visible = True
ie.Document.SetCurrentHighlight(0, 0, 100, 100)
#This last line does nothing
ie.Document.SetCurrentHighlight(0, 100, 100, 0)
# But this selects a box at the lower-left corner.

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  • Reader OLE server does not draw PDF-document if paper size is too big

    If PDF document paper size is for example A0 (841 x 1189 mm) OLE object can be created and application shows PDF content correctly. But if application saves it's document and reopens it Reader does not draw content of embedded PDF document any more. Decreasing PDF document size to A1 solves the problem. Embedded object is not corrupted because it is possible to open it to Reader.
    I'm confused why Acrobat Reader OLE server is capable of drawing PDF file content in creation phase but not later on when application opens same file containing embedded PDF objects.
    "Application" means all possible application that has OLE support. I have tried this with three different applications and the behavior is same with all applications. Because of this I assume that application I'm developing does not have bug.

    Hello Sig
    The scanner works with a Windows computer, which proves the device is functional at a cursory level. The drivers are now distributed by Apple and this is an Apple computer. There is no scanning software provided by HP. HP's answer is that Mountain Lion takes care of all of this.  I anticipate that some setting or driver was somehow tweaked since the scanner had been working with Mountain Lion until a few days ago.  The device in question is an Apple product. So, I'm pretty confident that I'm in the right place.

  • How to read OLE objects from Access ??

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    I'm using the following now.
    JdbcOdbcInputStream jois = (JdbcOdbcInputStream) rs     .getBinaryStream("SupportingData");
    byte[] supportingData = jois.readData();
    String data = new String(supportingData);
    I'm getting data in binary format and when I try to look into it, all I can see is the header info of the file.
    Is there anyother way to read the OLE object easily ?
    Please suggest.

    How to read appended objects from file with ObjectInputStream? The short answer is you can't.
    The long answer is you can if you put some work into it. The general outline would be to create a file with a format that will allow the storage of multiple streams within it. If you use a RandomAccessFile, you can create a header containing the length. If you use streams, you'll have to use a block protocol. The reason for this is that I don't think ObjectInputStream is guaranteed to read the same number of bytes ObjectOutputStream writes to it (e.g., it could skip ending padding or such).
    Next, you'll need to create an object that can return more InputStream objects, one per stream written to the file.
    Not trivial, but that's how you'd do it.

  • To read OLE datatype

    Is this possible to read an OLE object and save it to a folder. The format must be same (i.e, if the OLE object is an excel, it should be saved as an excel). OLE can be any file, not only excel.

    You have to add/append the following FLAG while compiling using PROC
    PROC -include $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/public

  • Reading OLE files

    does anyone know how can i read (only the text) from OLE files, such as WORD or EXCEL, in java?

    You can do that with special libraires. Look at for examples.

  • Returning multiple pl/sql tables to VB using ADO + Oracle's OLE DB

    Windows XP
    VB 6
    ADO 2.7
    Oracle 9i Client (OLE DB
    Oracle DB
    I have just upgraded a VB5/NT (RDO + MS ODBC for Oracle) app to VB6/XP (ADO + Oracle's OLE DB). The calls to stored procedures that returns tables are not working now. I get following error:
    -214721900 ORA-06550: line 1, column 42:
    PLS-00201:identifier 'LO_AUDIT_ID_TBL' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Please provide hint/help.

    Yes, the LO_AUDIT_ID_TBL is a variable (of table type) being returned from the stored procedure.
    I tried changing case of table is in pl/sql.
    I tried removing the table(s) from the Call statement...
    and I get error message that there are missing parameters.
    I have been reading OLE DB User's guide in which there are examples of Ref Cursors and has no documentation regarding how to achieve same using tables (in stead of Ref Curs). I am also looking for documentation that would describe all different Registry attributes that could be turned on or off to do things, but have not been able to find any.
    I am trying to use the PLSQLRSet to retrieve rowsets from pl/sql tables. You can see that in my VB code below, in GetSPResultSet function.
    The VB Code is:
    Public Function Retrieve() As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim inparam(-2 To -1) As Variant 'set to be ignored by GetSPResultSet method
    Dim outparam(0) As Variant
    Dim strSQL As String
    strSQL = "{ CALL PckPLAudit.Sel_Smmry( ?,{resultset 1000, lo_audit_id_tbl, lo_audit_dt_tbl, lo_audit_type_tbl, " & _
    "lo_audit_status_tbl, lo_qty_selected_tbl, lo_qty_deselect_tbl, lo_qty_sent_tbl, lo_qty_follow_tbl, " & _
    "lo_qty_received_tbl, lo_qty_ncpl_tbl, lo_qty_security_tbl, lo_qty_closed_tbl, lo_qty_sentsec_tbl}, {resultset 1, lo_res_tbl} ) }"
    Set rdoRs = mConnection.GetSPResultSet(strSQL, inparam(), outparam())
    Set Retrieve = rdoRs
    End Function
    Public Function GetSPResultSet(ByVal szSQL As String, InParam() As Variant, OutParam() As Variant) As ADODB.Recordset
    'submits a call to a stored procedure that returns table output parameters.
    'out params are interpreted as ADODB.Recordset
    'szSQL : SQL call to stored procedure
    'InParam() : array of input parameter values
    'OutParam() : array of output parameter values set in this function
    Dim qry As New ADODB.Command
    Dim ParamIn As ADODB.Parameter
    Dim ParamOut As ADODB.Parameter
    Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim inti As Integer
    Dim intj As Integer
    Dim blnret As Boolean
    Dim mErrors As New cErrors
    Dim retVal As Double
    'Dim itmp As Integer
    Dim ParmType As DataTypeEnum
    Dim i
    On Error GoTo errGetSPResultSet
    blnret = True
    Set qry = New ADODB.Command
    qry.ActiveConnection = mrdoCn
    qry.CommandType = adCmdText
    qry.CommandText = szSQL
    'load rdoParameter object(s) from InParam array if InParam exists
    For inti = 0 To UBound(InParam)
    'qry.Parameters(i).Value = InParam(inti)
    Set ParamIn = New ADODB.Parameter
    Select Case TypeName(InParam(inti))
    Case "Integer"
    ParmType = adDouble
    Case "Double"
    ParmType = adDouble
    Case "String"
    ParmType = adChar
    Case "Null"
    ParmType = adDouble
    Case "Date"
    ParmType = adDate
    Case "Long"
    ParmType = adDouble 'jks 12/19/2002
    End Select
    Set ParamIn = qry.CreateParameter(ParamIn, ParmType, adParamInput)
    ParamIn.Value = InParam(inti)
    If TypeName(InParam(inti)) = "Null" Then
    ParamIn.Size = 0
    ParamIn.Size = Len(InParam(inti))
    End If
    qry.Parameters.Append ParamIn
    For intj = 0 To UBound(OutParam)
    Set ParamOut = New ADODB.Parameter
    Select Case TypeName(OutParam(intj))
    Case "Integer"
    ParmType = adDouble
    Case "Double"
    ParmType = adDouble
    Case "String"
    ParmType = adChar
    Case "Null"
    ParmType = adEmpty
    Case "Empty"
    ParmType = adDouble
    Case "Date"
    ParmType = adDate
    Case "Long"
    ParmType = adDouble 'jks 12/19/2002
    End Select
    Set ParamOut = qry.CreateParameter(ParamOut, ParmType, adParamOutput, 255)
    qry.Parameters.Append ParamOut
    'execute the stored procedure call
    qry.Properties("PLSQLRSet") = True
    Set RS = qry.Execute() 'rdOpenStatic, rdConcurReadOnly
    qry.Properties("PLSQLRSet") = False'
    For intj = 0 To UBound(OutParam)
    OutParam(intj) = qry.Parameters.Item(inti)
    inti = inti + 1
    If OutParam(0) <> 0 Then
    If OutParam(0) = 999 Then
    i = mErrors.DisplayError(Val(OutParam(0)), "SAM")
    MsgBox "Database returned error code " & OutParam(0) & "." & vbCrLf & " Unable to complete operation. "
    End If
    blnret = False
    End If
    If blnret Then
    Set GetSPResultSet = RS
    Set GetSPResultSet = Nothing
    End If
    Set RS = Nothing
    Set qry = Nothing
    Set ParamIn = Nothing
    Set ParamOut = Nothing
    Exit Function
    blnret = ProcessError(Err)
    If Not blnret Then Set GetSPResultSet = Nothing
    Resume exitGetSPResultSet
    End Function
    The stored procedure is:
    PROCEDURE Sel_Smmry (
         lo_res_cd          out     number,
         LO_AUDIT_ID_TBL          out     pckclaudit.audit_id_tbl%type,
         lo_audit_dt_tbl          out     pckclaudit.audit_dt_tbl%type,
    lo_audit_type_tbl     out     pckclaudit.audit_type_tbl%type,
         lo_audit_status_tbl     out     pckclaudit.audit_status_tbl%type,
         lo_qty_selected_tbl     out     pckclaudit.audit_smmry_qty_tbl%type,
         lo_qty_deselect_tbl     out     pckclaudit.audit_smmry_qty_tbl%type,
         lo_qty_sent_tbl          out     pckclaudit.audit_smmry_qty_tbl%type,
         lo_qty_follow_tbl     out     pckclaudit.audit_smmry_qty_tbl%type,
         lo_qty_received_tbl     out     pckclaudit.audit_smmry_qty_tbl%type,
         lo_qty_ncpl_tbl          out     pckclaudit.audit_smmry_qty_tbl%type,
         lo_qty_security_tbl     out     pckclaudit.audit_smmry_qty_tbl%type,
         lo_qty_closed_tbl     out     pckclaudit.audit_smmry_qty_tbl%type,
         lo_qty_sentsec_tbl     out     pckclaudit.audit_smmry_qty_tbl%type,
         lo_res_tbl          out     pcktbtable_type.res_tbl%type
         PckAudit.Sel_Smmry (pckclglobal.lg_pl_proc, lo_res_cd,
    END Sel_Smmry;
    END PckPLAudit;
    also, pckclaudit.audit_id_tbl%type is defined as
    TYPE audit_id_tbl_type IS TABLE OF disb_audit.disb_audit_id%TYPE
    and disb_audit.disb_audit_id%TYPE is defined as

  • Problem with embedded OLE objects

    I am using Outlook as client.
    I sent mail with Excel table as embeddet object.
    Outlook can after what read and show this mail.
    But if I read this mail with SOAP I get a message body without Excel table.
    I thought it should be in attachment.
    hasAttachments-filed in mail object is true, but attachments-filed is empty (not null!): attachments=AttachmentItemInfo[0].
    I am reading mail with getItemRequest and view = "default attachments attachment message attachments".
    We are using Groupwise 8.0.1 HP1.
    What is hier wrong? How can I read OLE object with SOAP?

    The complete response was not included.
    If you are trying to save an embedded OLE attachment,
    there is no logic to do that on the POA, the attachment
    will be dropped.
    >>> On Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at 5:56 AM, d
    shvedov<[email protected]> wrote:
    > Hi Preston,
    > thank you for your answer.
    > I am trying to use a stubbing feature. Before to stub a mail I need to
    > read and archive all parts of the mail.
    > So, I send an email with embeded objects in RTF format with Outlook and
    > try to read all part of the email with SOAP.
    > I can read message body but I can't get attachments: in response I see
    > hasAttachments=true, but attachments field is empty.
    > If I send mails with attachents without embedded objects I can read
    > message body and attachments without any problems.
    > SOAP trace is:
    > <s:Envelope xmlns:s=""><s
    > :Header><h:gwTrace xmlns:h="
    > pWise/types" xmlns="
    > pes">true</h:gwTrace><h:session xmlns:h="
    > /2005/01/GroupWise/types" xmlns="
    > /GroupWise/types">yr4stT3y9bKPJXex</h:session></s:Header><s:Body x
    > mlns:xsi="‑instance" xmlns:xsd="ht
    > tp://"><getItemRequest xmlns="http://sche
    > B DOMÄNE.Postämt 2.100.1723135.1.B2.1@1:7.EXDEV‑GW‑SUB
    > ostämt</id><view>default attachments attachment
    > message stubbed members</view></getItemRequest></s:Body></s:Envelo
    > pe>
    > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF‑8"?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://
    >"><s:Header/><s:Body xmlns:xsd="
    >" xmlns:xsi="
    > 1/XMLSchema‑instance"><getItemResponse xmlns:gwt="http://schemas.n
    >" xmlns="
    > m/2005/01/GroupWise/methods"><item xmlns:xsi="
    > 01/XMLSchema‑instance" xsi:type="gwt:Mail"><gwt:id>4BBC895E.EXDEV‑
    > GW‑SUB DOMÄNE.Postämt 2.100.1723135.1.B2.1@1:7.EXDEV‑GW‑SUB
    > „NE.Postämt</gwt:id><gwt:sid>178</gwt:sid><gwt:v
    > ersion>3</gwt:version><gwt:modified>2010‑04‑07T11:32:20Z </gwt:modi
    > fied><gwt:container>7.EXDEV‑GW‑SUB DOMÄNE.Postämt
    > 16</gwt:container><gwt:created>2010‑04‑07T11:32:14 Z</gwt:created><
    > gwt:status><gwt:opened>1</gwt:opened><gwt:read>1</gwt:read></gwt:s
    > tatus><gwt:msgId>4BBC895E.EXDEV‑GW‑SUB DOMÄNE.Postämt
    > 0A8.1.D.1</gwt:msgId><gwt:clientMessageId>4BBC6D3E.955 : 168 : 475
    > 56</gwt:clientMessageId><gwt:source>received</gwt:source><gwt:deli
    > vered>2010‑04‑07T11:32:14Z</gwt:delivered><gwt:security>Normal</gw
    > t:security><gwt:subject>Diagramm6</gwt:subject><gwt:distribution><
    > gwt:from><gwt:displayName>Mouse (Micky)</gwt:displayName><gwt:emai
    > l>[email protected]‑exdev.local</gwt:email><gwt:uuid>A6547C30‑037D‑0000
    > ‑A7CB‑D4A471119EEE</gwt:uuid></gwt:from><gwt:to>Mouse (Micky)</gwt
    > :to><gwt:sendoptions><gwt:statusTracking>None</gwt:statusTracking>
    > Do you have any idea?
    > Thank you!

  • How can I read a blob created with ole container in forms 6i in forms 10g

    In forms 6i I used ole container to save a document (excel, pdf, word...) into a blob column.
    I want to migrate my application in forms 10g and I read that I have to use webutil_File_transfer.db_to_client and after webutil_host.blocking to see the document.
    In the same blob column I can have multiple type of document. How Can I know wich application to use to open the document ?
    Even if I know the extension of my document I'm enabled to open the file ???

    When you click a C/S OLE object, it is opened with its default application's owner, no ?
    So if the OLE object is opened by Excel, the extension is .xls.
    In any case you have to open the OLE object with its "mother" application if you want to save it as a file, so there is no problem at all to decide with extension to use.
    If you read this article : you can see that the filename is automatically opened with the corresponding application.

  • Read from sql task and send to data flow task - [OLE DB Source [1]] Error: A rowset based on the SQL command was not returned by the OLE DB provider.

    I have created a execut sql task -
    In that, i have a created a 'empidvar' variable of string type and put sqlstatement = 'select distinct empid from emp'
    Resultset=resultname=0 and variablename=empidvar
    I have added data flow task of ole db type and I put this sql statement under sql command - exec emp_sp @empidvar=?
    I am getting an error.
    [OLE DB Source [1]] Error: A rowset based on the SQL command was not returned by the OLE DB provider.
    [SSIS.Pipeline] Error: component "OLE DB Source" (1) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC02092B4.

    shouldnt setting be Result
    Set=Full Resultset as your query returns a resultset? also i think variable to be mapped should be of object type.
    Then for data flow task also you need to put it inside a ForEachLoop based on ADO.NET recordset and map your earlier variable inside it so as to iterate for every value the sql task returns.
    Also if using SP in oledb source make sure you read this
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Reader X does not work as an OLE server?

    I updated Reader 9 to X and noticed that I cannot embed PDF documents any more into another application (for example in MS Word I used Insert -> Object -> From File). With Reader 9 everything worked fine.
    I have tried to embed PDF files using several applications and I have used Windows XP and 7 and the result is same. I do not have English Windows available so I cannot provide exact error message.
    Is this bug or is OLE server functionality really removed from Reader?

    Nice to hear that this is actually a bug. Otherwise we would have been in trouble...
    I advice our customers to wait until next Reader update and not to turn off that setting permanently.

  • Delphi OLE automation to read/write in SAP

    Hi, i want to develop a macro in Delphi for reading and writng values on a SAP gui, i've found very llittle documentation on how to do this, i know how to create the ole object and and initialize the session but i can't read or write the values shown on screen, could you point me in the right direction.

    > we can't connect directly to the sap db
    Strange way to say that you are not authorized to call SAP APIs... (RFC I mean)
    Maybe you can use SAP GUI scripting, see here: SAP GUI Scripting [original link is broken]

  • Adobe Reader as an OLE server incorrectly zooms content

    OLE object should always show content completely (first page of PDF document) not depending of its size.
    When I create new PDF object with Wordpad the result is like this:
    This box should show the complete page not just upper left corner.
    If I resize OLE object the result is like this:
    This bug can easily be reproduced with Acrobat Reader 10.x or newer. Version 9.x was last version that worked correctly!
    I have tested this with our own program as well as with Mirosoft Wordpad (Microsoft Word uses different technique, not Acrobat as OLE server).
    Even if OLE is old technique it is still very important and useful and used by a lot of people (and in our case more that thousand of our customer).

    I think Adobe will need to spend a lot of time on this before concluding it is a bug (or, indeed, that it is not), so yes. There are ways to send a bug report for free, but it just goes into Adobe's systems, there is no response.
    You could at least try posting in the Acrobat SDK forum. You might reach other programmers there (but not Adobe developers).

  • ABAP OLE Word for reading a file

    I am looking for the method or property to get the word document content to send it to the clipboard.
    All I found an OLE is for writing but not for reading and I need it to read a file.
    Someone got an idea?
    Thanks a lot.

    Hi David, the ad on top sucks.
    it's already almost 10 years old but SAP did not develop anything new un this area (as far as I know),
    [Desktop Office Integration (BC-CI) H|]
    You use this method to copy marked text from the office document to the clipboard:
    CALL METHOD document->copy_selection
    EXPORTING no_flush = no_flush
    IMPORTING error = error
    retcode = retcode.
    You use this method to insert the contents of the clipboard at the current cursor position. The
    clipboard contents are inserted as fixed text; there is no link to the object:
    CALL METHOD document->paste_clipboard
    EXPORTING no_flush = no_flush
    IMPORTING error = error
    retcode = retcode.
    You use this method to mark all text in the office document.
    CALL METHOD document->select_all
    EXPORTING no_flush = no_flush
    IMPORTING error = error
    retcode = retcode.
    I hope you were looking for this.

  • Reinstall/repair adobe reader 11.0.08 on win xp pro sp3 - ole trouble.

    i want to reinstall adobe reader 11.0.08 on win xp pro sp3.
    Reinstallint using setup seem to work, but ole is not working: e.g. from word , I do insert object, click ole , select adobe acrobat object, then app freezes.
    2 processes are created dor adobe reader and I have to do "end-task".
    Inserting another ole object (e.g. excel) works!
    I tried uninstall from control panel.
    I also downloaded and ran acrobat_ittools_cleaner_p1_061713 and acrobat_ittools_cleaner_p2_061713 (downloaded from your web site), then reboot and reinstall. No change!
    Any hint?

    Hi albourg,
    Try disabling the protected mode in Reader and check the performance.
    You can find the option at: Edit > Preferences > Security (Enhanced) > Enable Protected Mode at startup

  • Embed Adobe Reader with OLE into Java client

    Hi all,
    I am trying to integrate Adobe Reader 9.3 using OLE into an Eclipse base Java client using SWT.
    However the basic initialization of the OLE Control fails with this error:
    Unable to open type library for AcroPDF.PDF.1
    org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Failed to create Ole Client. result = -2147221164
        at org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OLE.error(
        at org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleControlSite.<init>(
    Here is the code I used:
    String progID = "AcroPDF.PDF.1";
    Shell shell = new Shell();
    OleFrame frame = new OleFrame(shell, SWT.NONE);
    OleControlSite site = null;
    OleAutomation auto = null;
    try {
        site = new OleControlSite(frame, SWT.NONE, progID);
        auto = new OleAutomation(site);
    } catch (SWTException e) {
            System.err.println("Unable to open type library for " + progID);
    I can see the key "AcroPDF.PDF.1" in my registry...
    Does anybody know what I am missing here?

    I'd suggest posting to the Acrobat SDK forum. You may need a license to do what you want.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Function module for BOM item update

    Hi, Please enlightenn  us, which  FM   is  do  the update  for  BOM item datas. ( current  FM  is  updated  line  item  one item then come out  and log in again  updating  another line item , thus cause  more error are facing.) we want a FM to update