Real player on N8

So i have some rmvb movie that i put in the phone, figure that during my train ride i will watch them.  But it lag like crazy, is there a solution to that?  I turned off other program off already and it still don't help

Hi biocanuck -
I haven't had the need to handle 'realplayer' media from Safari as of yet (only a month into this Macbook) - I went to your french site and had the same problem as you.
I then went ot this link and downloaded RealPlayer... &opage=realhome&src=021705realhome1_1_2_1_83
It automatically installed the plugin for me - I then quit Real Player and launched Safari and went to your site - and voila! It works fine.

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    Ok, here we go again:
    - ImToo 3GP encoder
    - PSPVideo 9 (Use QVGA profile)
    - AnyVideoConverter, there's a free version and a pro version you can work with the free version
    - Super (as korngear said)
    - Quicktime Pro
    - RealProducer Plus (from real)
    - Nero Platnium
    - Roxio converter
    - Xilisoft
    Nokia tools:
    - Nokia Multimedia player (Choose Save As...) and select the type of video (this is installed with PC Suite so you may already have this)
    - Nokia Video Manager (very simple to use)
    - Nokia Multimedia Converter (you need to register to forum Nokia to use)
    There are many, many more converters, but these should get you started.Message Edited by el_loco on 24-Sep-200705:34 PM
    640K Should be enough for everybody
    El_Loco Nokia Video Blog

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    thanks for the help.
    went to real player and they suggested installing Realplayer v16, which i have done and the downloader now works.
    Good, helpful reply. Thanks

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    Go to your actual realplayer (program), click the top right button (Realplayer with an downwards arrow) and update your software. Make sure Firefox is closed while you do this.
    ::Worked for me::

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    Uninstall version 6, Google for a download site for version 5.1. Problem solved.

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    Try downloading and using VLC. It is a very popular media player that plays just about every file format out there. That way you would not need to convert it.

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    Check the date and time and time zone in the clock on your computer: (double) click the clock icon on the Windows Taskbar.
    Check out why the site is untrusted and click "Technical Details" to expand this section.
    If the certificate is not trusted because no issuer chain was provided (sec_error_unknown_issuer) then see if you can install this intermediate certificate from another source.
    You can retrieve the certificate and check details like who issued certificates and expiration dates of certificates.
    *Click the link at the bottom of the error page: "I Understand the Risks"
    Let Firefox retrieve the certificate: "Add Exception" -> "Get Certificate".
    *Click the "View..." button and inspect the certificate and check who is the <b>issuer of the certificate</b>.
    You can see more Details like intermediate certificates that are used in the Details pane.
    If <b>"I Understand the Risks"</b> is missing then this page may be opened in an (i)frame and in that case try the right-click context menu and use "This Frame: Open Frame in New Tab".
    *Note that some firewalls monitor (secure) connections and that programs like Sendori or FiddlerRoot can intercept connections and send their own certificate instead of the website's certificate.
    *Note that it is not recommended to add a permanent exception in cases like this, so only use it to inspect the certificate.

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    If you want to run Windows applications, you need to have Windows installed.
    As for Windows Media Player, try Flip4Mac WMV Player from (Windows Media Player for the Mac is no longer supported, even by Microsoft).

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    Are you running RealPlayer 11? That includes a downloader that tells you when a file is actually available for download.

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    The site makes it appear you can only use Windows Media Player or Real Player, but that's not entirely true as the stream isn't copy protected and they provide a download url to connect too with other players.
    Download the free VLC media player here (donate if you can)
    Now look on this page
    See under the VLC player it says "play in stand alone player?"
    If you click that it will download a small file like you see at the top of the picture (it will be in the Downlaods folder)
    Now simply right click on that (after VLC is installed ) and open that file with VLC and the stream will play.
    Else open it from in VLC via the Network connection.
    Some other great free software for codecs you'll come across is
    Perian and Flip For Mac, install these two (along with VLC) and your 99% of audio/video needs will be taken care off.
    As long as the stream isn't copy protected you don't need Real Player or Windows Media Player, just a gimmick by that radio site. But deep down they want as many listeners as possible.

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    Hey there,
    Try logging out and in and then re-attempt to trash it or simply restart your Mac to kill any processes that are still using it. And again, re-attempt to trash the application. See if that helps.
    You may want to find a third party utility to "uninstall" the application and trash any files on your Mac that are associated with it. I would recommend [AppTrap|> or [AppZapper|> to help you accomplish this task.

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    See :
    Flash 11.3 doesn't load video in Firefox]
    thank you

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    you might be screwed then.... realplayer files are usually quite hard to re-encode due to the closed nature of the files.

  • Mac Intel and Real Player - some info

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    Only a few weeks ago Realplayer was not written to run on the Intel iMac. This was not obvious from the Real site (a sign that marketing people are in charge over there, all negative information is banned in case it creates a bad impression, never mind the cusotmers going mad trying to find out some basic and essential information).
    Well Real Player does now run on the iMac Intel. Again the Real website is useless for any serious information about the why's, when's and wherefore's of this, but it can now work, so I'll be happy with that.
    However when you install the Realplayer (I installed the free version, don't have experience with the paid for version, experience so far doesn't incline me to pay for it) it may not work straightaway. One apparent problem is that behind the scenes it seems to set your Audio output to a higher bit rate than is appropriate. This creats the apparent behaviour that Real player runs, and successfully streams, but no sound emanates.
    Here are the things I did at the end of which it worked.
    1. Find the Real Player application under Finder, click on it and select "Get info" (from Finder menu) and tick box to run under Rosetta. I am not sure if this is now necessary but I did it and it works, so I'm not undoing it.
    2. Open, then close GarageBand. This was recommended by other posters.
    3. This is what took me ages to get right.
    Go to Applications/Utilities
    Open Audio MIDI Setup
    It should open in the Audio Devices tab, if not, click on Audio Devices tab (top middle, left tab)
    In selection box marked "Properties For", select "Built In Audio"
    At this point the right hand pane should open with details of the built-in speakers for the iMac Intel. Note that if the right hand pane is empty or has a message about Output not being supported, this is because you need to select "Built In Audio" under the "Properties For" box.
    Makes sure that under the Format selection box you select "44100"
    Close Audio MIDI Setup and then run Real Player.
    Hope it helps someone.
    Or maybe I was the only one left struggling with this!
    Mac OS X Intel Mac OS X (10.4)

    Flash Player
    Mac OS X 10.5
    •Flash Player (Mac only) (24.4 MB)
    This may be the correct one, since it does not say Mac OS X 10.4+ PPC
    While I have an Intel-Mac running OS X 10.5.8, and last version supported
    Flash from Adobe archive, I don't recollect which one. I did save the .zip.
    Also have three PPC Macs running OS X 10.5.8 with a patched adobe flash
    using the 11.x method of extracting part of a newer Flash (still vintage) to
    trick sites into seeing it as a later than Flash 10.1.
    •Adobe Flash Player - Help:
    Hopefully this helps.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Problem with playing audio data using Real Player

    i've seen the intruction for playing video data (.rm) using real player and it works. Then i tried to play audio data (.wav, .dat, .mp3) with real player, but it didn't work.
    These are some codes i've wrote:
    ------------------------------------------- BEGIN PL/SQL CODES---------------------------------------
    ( Item_ID number not null PRIMARY KEY,     
    Audio ordsys.ordaudio
    create or replace procedure load_audio(id integer, filename in varchar2) as
    obj ORDSYS.ORDAudio;
    ctx RAW(4000) := NULL;
    SELECT audio into obj from Songs
    where item_id = id FOR UPDATE;
    obj.setSource('FILE','AUDIODIR', filename);     
    Obj.setDescription('A movie trailer');
    Obj.setFormat('Real Media File Format');
    UPDATE Songs
         SET audio=obj WHERE item_id=id;
    show errors;
    truncate table songs;
    exec load_audio(1,'aud1.wav');
    exec load_audio(2,'aud2.mp3');
    exec load_audio(3,'testaud.dat');
    -- just for comparison, i put a video file (.rm)
    exec load_audio(4,'autorace.rm');
    show errors;
    create or replace procedure get_audio(
         audio_id in varchar2,
         mimetype out varchar2,
         data out blob) as
         tempBLOB BLOB;
         s varchar2(200);
    -- Deliver audio and mimetype
    into tempBLOB, s
    from songs t where t.item_id = audio_id;
    data := tempBLOB;
    mimetype := s;
    show errors;
    ---------------------------------------- END of PL/SQL CODES-------------------------------------
    -----------------------------------MOUNTPOINT at FILESYSTEM rmsever.cfg-------------------
    <List Name="pn-oracle-audio">
    <Var Database="oracle"/>
    <Var HeaderCacheSize="2048"/>
    <Var LobFetchSize="32768"/>
    <Var MaxCachedConnections="1"/>
    <Var MountPoint="/dbaudio/"/>
    <Var Password="ZGF2aWQ="/>
    <Var ShortName="pn-oracle"/>
    <Var SQL="get_audio"/>
    <Var Username="skripsi"/>
    ----------------------------------------End Of MOUNTPOINT----------------------------------
    then in the real player, i tried some urls :
    http://david:88/ramgen/dbaudio/1 --> it didn't work, it was said invalid path
    http://david:88/ramgen/dbaudio/2 ----> it didn't work, it was said invalid path
    http://david:88/ramgen/dbaudio/3 ----> it didn't work, it was said invalid path
    http://david:88/ramgen/dbaudio/4 ----> it worked
    did i put a wrong url?
    does the http://..../ramgen/... path is just for ram file?
    can anyone show me the way to play audio data using real player?
    Thanx before.

    Yes, realserver expects an exact mimetype.
    to make matters worse, it expects audio/x-pn-realaudio (an audio mimetype) for video!?!?!
    Seems the code inside maps multiple file extensions to some mime type. Only one is allowed.
    I have used the unix strings commands in teh plugins directory to find the exact mime type realserver is expecting. The file format plugins have this information in them.

Maybe you are looking for

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