Reboot loop

i just updated my iphone to ios 7.  it is stuck in a "reboot loop" where the apple logo comes on and then off, again and again. 
ive already tried the following things...
1.  pressing sleep and home together to restart the phone - it turns off but doesnt turn back on normally.  it goes back into the rebooting loop as before.
2.  pressing sleep and volume up together - i held it down for over 5 minutes, nothing happened.  the looping continued.
3.  i downloaded itunes on my laptop.  held sleep and home together to shut the phone off. started itunes. plugged in the usb to my laptop.  pressed home while plugging the phone into the usb cable that was attached to the computer.  a "connect to itunes" picture appeared on my phone. nothing happened - itunes did not recognize my phone.  eventually while the phone was attached to the computer and i was trying to figure out why itunes is not recognizing the phone....the phone went back into the reboot loop mode where the apple logo comes on and off.
i am unable to figure this out. please help.

Hi abdulkhan1029!
I have two suggestions for you regarding this issue. First, you may need to troubleshoot your installation of iTunes to resolve the issue with the device showing up in iTunes by following these steps:
iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
Next, you will want to put your iPhone into recovery mode following the instructions in this article:
iOS: Unable to update or restore
Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!

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  • IPhone stuck in reboot loop - too many apps installed?

    Hi guys!
    Starting some months ago, I've had nothing but problems with my iPhone. However, I've been dealing with most of these or even solved them.
    But now I'm stuck on a reboot loop for a few days and don't know what to do.
    When did it start? I think it was in May when I first got panic.plist, ResetCounter and SpringBoard-CrashLogs under "Diagnostics and Usage". Following this, everytime I rebooted my phone or the battery was empty, it could take some more minutes than normal for my iPhone to boot. This loading time increased and increased, in October it once took more than two days for my iPhone to reboot. I now have really thousands of those ErrorLogs. The Apple support on the phone couldn't help me either. Additionally, the phone performed some cruel changes I can't explain: Once the language was changed, once the photo gallery had to be restored (the iPhone did that on its own).
    However, sometime in November the iPhone crashed, and I was already thinking that it would now last a few days until I could use it again. But somehow it was done within 15 minutes. Without any error or reboot loop. The last two months I haven't had any problems with this until the battery was empty three days ago.
    Since then, I have had the iPhone plugged in so the battery doesn't get empty and it's stuck on the bright Apple logo. After about 210 seconds the logo gets dark, then the screen is completely black and it's starting the same procedure again. Sometimes I get the vibration, sometimes the loading circle (white wheel of death!), but everytime it just starts over again.
    I am pretty sure this problem appears because I have more than 1300 apps installed (yes, this is a very huge number, but I remember Steve Jobs saying that, with the folders in iOS 4, it would be possible to have a few thousand apps installed), 4000+ photos, and so on. I am pretty sure it's not a hardware, but a software problem. In detail, it's about the SpringBoard. The iPhone 4S only has 512MB RAM, so it's hard for it to load 1300+ app icons into its memory (which it has to because the SpringBoard has to run without any lags). Only in some cases it's able to boot that up, but I have absolutely no idea which cases these are and why it has run well for the last two months, but beginning with the new year stopped to work.
    Furthermore, the panic.plist entries all say that the problem is a watchdog timeout. Apple's iOS seems to allow the devices only to take up to two minutes (always around 120 seconds in the CrashLogs) to boot up, then probably another 120 seconds to launch the SpringBoard process (which explains the watchdog timeouts in the SpringBoard-CrashLogs).
    I will not restore the iPhone because I unfortunately haven't backed up for a long time and there have been many data changes since the last backup.
    So altogether, I tried to collect all the information I know here, but that's really not enough. Apple unlikely wants to help me, the phone support was really nice, but even asked his superior, who couldn't help either.
    My questions to you folks now are: Do you have any more information regarding panic.plist's, watchdog timeouts or reboot loops?
    What would your advice be? Any chance to get onto my data and back it up? Or is waiting the best solution?
    Would it be better to try several hard resets, or let the battery run empty and start the whole process again, or just let the phone plugged in so it tries to reboot on and on until it's hopefully successful sometime?
    And: Would it maybe increase the loading time if I would take the SIM card out of the iPhone, so the chance to have an successful try would be higher?
    Note: I am still using iOS 5.1.1 because I am completely sure that I'd have to buy an iPhone 5 to run 1300+ apps on iOS 6.

    Okay, some more information about this.
    Apparently there is a 'watchdog' that listens whether the iPhone's software responds or not. If it doesn't, it forces a restart, and also creates a panic.plist entry (under Diagnostics). Unfortunately the responding time is only 120 seconds. The problem I have now is the so called 'Application Map'. To ensure a smooth browsing through the different screen filled with apps, this map is regenerated everytime the user installs a new app or deletes one. Because I have more than 1300 apps installed, generating this Application Map usually takes more than two minutes. I can only hope that sometime in the next days my iPhone will be able to do this in less than 120 seconds (like it has done that several times before).
    I still can't explain why everything had been working great during the last two months. I have probably installed some new apps, but also deleted other ones, so the number of total apps didn't really increase heavily.
    However, I've read about some possible solutions to this problem (without restoring - which would solve the problem only temporarily anyway):
    Hard-resetting the iPhone until the screen is completely black, then wait a few minutes, then turn the device on. It's possible that this has to be repeated several times, but for the user who posted this it resolved the issue.
    For all the (in this case lucky) guys with a jailbreak: SSH into the iPhone, then temporarily move the watchdog located under /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/mobilewatchdog.bundle to a different folder, the iPhone will boot up after a few minutes. Then just move the watchdog back. It's a shame that apparently jailbreak users can resolve this issue, while normal users can't.
    I also want to note that this problem has been appearing since iOS 2, which came out more than four years ago. It would be really no big deal for Apple developers to change the 120 seconds to e.g. 300 or even more. I've found hundreds of threads, not only here, where users complain about exactly the same issue. I don't have any hope that an Apple employee will ever read this, but if so, please keep that in mind. I don't understand why Apple has done nothing to solve this issue.
    However, if you have any more ideas, please reply here. If there's anyone around here who has managed to successfully install more than 1300 apps on his iPhone (or iPod touch), please post that.

  • Intel iMac stuck in reboot loop

    Since the last few days, my 6 month old Intel iMac is stuck in a reboot loop.
    Model Name:          iMac
    Model Identifier:          iMac12,1
    Processor Name:          Intel Core i5
    Processor Speed:          2.5 GHz
    Number of Processors:          1
    Total Number of Cores:          4
    OS: 10.6.8 (with patches applied as they become avaliable)
    It is connected to a UPS at all times.
    I always put it to sleep at night. Sometimes it stays in the Sleep mode for a couple of days (i travel and wife does not use for some time). But it always would "wake" up from Sleep on a keyboard touch. Magic mouse battery died a few days ago, so put in a new pair of battery, had the usual problem of "pairing", fixed that and continued on.
    (Coincidentally, it almost also marks where my problems started).
    Now, when i press any key, the iMac reboots. And then just before it looks like it will show the wallpaper, it reboots. and this continues on - sometimes 10-15 times. I press the power key and switch it OFF. Press the power key again, no go - stuck in the reboot loop. Run the Apple Hardware Test (exhaustive one included - it reports no issue found). Do a SMC reset (take off the power cord from the back of the iMac for 35 seconds) and put it back. Switch off the mouse and attach a USB mouse and press the Shift key to boot into the Safe mode. This works! Installed Pacifist to check for any non-Apple kernel extensions, none found...
    Since AHT reports all fine - can hardware be ruled out?
    Could it be the magic mouse? Need to try it (just wary of the reboot loop )?
    If it is the mouse, is it covered in the 12 month initial warranty (I am in India)?
    Console log reports this line:
    08/06/12 7:20:59 PM
    Sleep: Success - AC Success 0 Success A9EDA79D-440F-4CD5-B3FA-5A6451E6677B
    and this:
    08/06/12 7:20:59 PM
    Wake: Drivers Failure - AC - HDEF SATA Drivers Failure Failure
    Is it the HDD?
    Any/all help is appreciated. I am going to carry it in to an Apple Care tomorrow, but was curious to see what the community had to say.

    Well, it is getting odder now...when i read your message and click the console icon on the dock, the iMac just crashed and rebooted!
    Here are the console messages just before and after the most recent crash (at 12:07):
    08/06/12 11:53:34 PM
    asl_file_open_read() failed on path /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2012.06.04.asl with error Invalid Data Store
    08/06/12 11:53:35 PM
    asl_file_open_read() failed on path /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2012.06.04.asl with error Invalid Data Store
    08/06/12 11:53:36 PM
    asl_file_open_read() failed on path /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2012.06.04.asl with error Invalid Data Store
    08/06/12 11:53:37 PM
    asl_file_open_read() failed on path /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2012.06.04.asl with error Invalid Data Store
    09/06/12 12:07:00 AM[1]
    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    09/06/12 12:07:18 AM[87]
    ( Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:
    09/06/12 12:07:21 AM[87]
    ([112]) Exited with exit code: 1
    09/06/12 12:07:22 AM
    ThrottleProcessIO: throttling disk i/o
    09/06/12 12:07:23 AM[1]
    ([20]) Exited with exit code: 252
    09/06/12 12:08:37 AM
    [0609/] Breakpad disabled
    09/06/12 12:08:43 AM
    [] Critical error found -8
    Here are the console messages just before and after the most recent crash (at 12:07):
    Jun  8 23:53:01 localhost Console[919]: asl_file_open_read() failed on path /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2012.06.04.asl with error Invalid Data Store
    Jun  8 23:53:32: --- last message repeated 18 times ---
    Jun  8 23:53:32 localhost Console[919]: asl_file_open_read() failed on path /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2012.06.04.asl with error Invalid Data Store
    Jun  8 23:54:02: --- last message repeated 5 times ---
    Jun  9 00:07:00 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  9 00:07:04 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  9 00:07:04 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  9 00:07:12 localhost fseventsd[34]: event logs in /.fseventsd out of sync with volume.  destroying old logs. (14259 14 14295)
    Jun  9 00:07:12 localhost fseventsd[34]: log dir: /.fseventsd getting new uuid: 848839F3-1F7D-409B-A5F1-14170B9CD90D
    Jun  9 00:07:12 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339180618 0
    Jun  9 00:07:15 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost[22]: usbmuxd-268.5 on Jan  5 2012 at 03:34:01, running 64 bit
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost /System/Library/CoreServices/[30]: Login Window Application Started
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost[10]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/IOSerialFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/InternalModemSu pport.kext - no code for running kernel's architecture.
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost[10]: Failed to load /System/Library/Extensions/IOSerialFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/InternalModemSu pport.kext - (libkern/kext) requested architecture/executable not found.
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost[10]: Load failed; removing personalities.
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost configd[13]: network configuration changed.
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost configd[13]: bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en1) failed: Network is down (50)
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost configd[13]: DHCP en1: INIT-REBOOT transmit failed
    Jun  9 00:07:18 localhost loginwindow[30]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    Jun  9 00:07:18 localhost loginwindow[30]: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
    Jun  9 00:07:18 localhost loginwindow[30]: USER_PROCESS: 30 console
    Jun  9 00:07:18 localhost[87] ( Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:
    Jun  9 00:07:21 localhost configd[13]: network configuration changed.
    Jun  9 00:07:21: --- last message repeated 2 times ---
    Jun  9 00:07:21 localhost[87] ([112]): Exited with exit code: 1
    Jun  9 00:07:22 localhost com.hp.messagecenter.launcher[115]: ThrottleProcessIO: throttling disk i/o
    Jun  9 00:07:23 localhost XProtectUpdater[20]: Ignoring new signature plist: Not an increase in version
    Jun  9 00:07:23 localhost[1] ([20]): Exited with exit code: 252
    Jun  9 00:07:32 localhost warmd[21]: [fetcher_open_file:936] open("/var/db/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_x86_64") => -1 (errno: 2)
    Jun  9 00:07:35 localhost ntpd[19]: time reset +0.205296 s
    Jun  9 00:08:37 localhost [0x0-0x14014][147]: [0609/] Breakpad disabled
    Jun  9 00:08:43 localhost [0x0-0x14014][147]: [] Critical error found -8
    Here is the system.log when the iMac was first sought be woken up from sleep:
    Jun  8 07:21:47 Manoj-Satis-iMac loginwindow[30]: no spins reported for this wake
    Jun  8 07:22:46 Manoj-Satis-iMac loginwindow[30]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback WILL sleep
    Jun  8 07:22:54 Manoj-Satis-iMac loginwindow[30]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback will power on, Currenttime:6/8/2012 7:22:54.006 AM - Waketime:6/8/2012 7:22:53.330 AM = Deltatime:0.676087976
    Jun  8 07:22:54 Manoj-Satis-iMac applepushserviced[125]: <APSCourier: 0x106741520>: Stream error occurred for <APSTCPStream: 0x107315250>: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=57 UserInfo=0x107539b80 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Socket is not connected"
    Jun  8 07:22:54 Manoj-Satis-iMac applepushserviced[125]: <APSCourier: 0x106741520>: Stream error occurred for <APSTCPStream: 0x107529760>: Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=2 UserInfo=0x107318360 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)"
    Jun  8 07:22:54 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en1) failed: Network is down (50)
    Jun  8 07:22:54 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: DHCP en1: INIT-REBOOT transmit failed
    Jun  8 07:22:54 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: network configuration changed.
    Jun  8 07:22:58 Manoj-Satis-iMac mDNSResponder[29]: DeregisterInterface: Frequent transitions for interface en1 (FE80:0000:0000:0000:E6CE:8FFF:FE5D:48C6)
    Jun  8 07:22:58 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: Sleep: Success - AC - Software Sleep
    Jun  8 07:22:58 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: Wake: Success - AC - EHC2
    Jun  8 07:22:58 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: Hibernate Statistics
    Jun  8 07:22:58 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: network configuration changed.
    Jun  8 07:23:05 Manoj-Satis-iMac loginwindow[30]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback WILL sleep
    Jun  8 19:20:45 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  8 19:20:48 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  8 19:20:48 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  8 19:20:55 localhost fseventsd[34]: event logs in /.fseventsd out of sync with volume.  destroying old logs. (319516 12 362581)
    Jun  8 19:20:55 localhost fseventsd[34]: log dir: /.fseventsd getting new uuid: 42A22C99-8FAD-40F4-AC9A-8DE55586FDCF
    Jun  8 19:20:55 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339163443 0
    Jun  8 19:20:58 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  8 19:20:58 localhost[22]: usbmuxd-268.5 on Jan  5 2012 at 03:34:01, running 64 bit
    Jun  8 19:20:59 localhost configd[13]: Sleep: Success - AC
    Jun  8 19:20:59 localhost configd[13]: Wake: Drivers Failure - AC - HDEF SATA
    Jun  8 19:21:19 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  8 19:21:24 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  8 19:21:25 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  8 19:21:26 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339163476 0
    Jun  8 19:21:29 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  8 19:21:30 localhost[22]: usbmuxd-268.5 on Jan  5 2012 at 03:34:01, running 64 bit
    Jun  8 19:21:56 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  8 19:22:01 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  8 19:22:02 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  8 19:22:03 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339163515 0
    Jun  8 19:22:06 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  8 19:22:33 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  8 19:22:38 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  8 19:22:39 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  8 19:22:40 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339163552 0
    Jun  8 19:22:43 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  8 19:22:44 localhost[22]: usbmuxd-268.5 on Jan  5 2012 at 03:34:01, running 64 bit
    Jun  8 19:23:07 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  8 19:23:13 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  8 19:23:14 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  8 19:23:15 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339163587 0
    Jun  8 19:23:18 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  8 19:23:19 localhost[22]: usbmuxd-268.5 on Jan  5 2012 at 03:34:01, running 64 bit
    Jun  8 19:23:46 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  8 19:23:51 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  8 19:23:52 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  8 19:23:53 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339163625 0
    Jun  8 19:23:54 localhost fseventsd[34]: event logs in /.fseventsd out of sync with volume.  destroying old logs. (147 9 179)
    Jun  8 19:23:54 localhost fseventsd[34]: log dir: /.fseventsd getting new uuid: 09B8A63F-56EF-4D9A-9E5C-A6D27EFCD26C
    Jun  8 19:23:56 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  8 19:25:04 localhost[9]: Safe boot mode detected; invalidating system extensions caches.
    Jun  8 19:24:28 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***

  • HT6114 Reboot loop after 10.9.2 upgrade

    My 2009 (dual-quad) Mac Pro 4,1 is now stuck in a reboot loop after upgrading from 10.9.1 to 10.9.2.
    //edit: I realized there wasn't a question: What is wrong with my computer and how do I fix it?
    So far I have tried:
    * Repairing the disk
    * Repairing permissions
    * Zapping the NVRAM/PRAM
    * Resetting SMC
    * Copying BootCache.playlist from a backup to /var/db
    Other things to note about my setup:
    In addition to the original hard drive, I installed a 4tb drive from which I have been working with since June. It is the 4tb drive that has 10.9.2 installed. The original 650gb still has 10.8.4 installed and all my original data pre-June.
    Also installed is a VisionTek Radeon 7870 video card which powers my numerous monitors. I do not recall having to install anything extra, or modify any settings to get it to work. The only downside is you can't really see anything when booting.
    In addition to the VisionTek card I also have one of the factory Geforce 120 cards installed. Using another monitor attached to that card I've been able to monitor the boot process using the command-v verbose output.
    Of notable interest I get the dreaded "BootCache: unable to open /var/db/BootCache.playlist : 2" error, along with a few SMC errors. If these are important I can attach pictures taken of the boot process.
    I am able to zap the NVRAM and boot the old 10.8.4 650gb drive. It loads fine. 10.9.2 will not boot into safe mode, but will boot into recovery mode.
    As a final attempt to fix the BootCache error I copied it from a Time Machine backup into /var/db/ ensuring the correct permissions were set. After rebooting the file is deleted again.
    I would greatly appreciate any help on this issue as this is my work computer. I do have full backups via Time Machine so I can reinstall, but I'm hoping there's another solution.

    I just started a discussiion related to this topic in "Mac Pro."
    " I have a 2009 dual quad core Mac Pro (4.1) with an upgraded Radeon 7950 GPU. I use a 30" Apple Cinema display (DVI) and  a 27" LED Cinema Display (Display Port). After updating to 10.9.2, the Mac would not boot, but went on a continuous re-boot cycle every 5-10 minutes without a flicker of life in either display. I unplugged both displays and the Mac booted. I could log in remotely from my laptop. I then attached the 30" Cinema Display into the DVI port and the Mac booted normally."

  • I was told by itunes my phone needed an update to 6.1.2.  I did it, and now my phone is stuck in a reboot loop, and no wifi, phone, or bluetooth.

    I connected my 3gs to my computer, and got a popup from itunes saying there was an update for my phone.  Well i like to keep everything up to date, so I did the update.  After it completed, I no longer have phone, Wifi, and bluetooth.  It also is stuck in a reboot loop.  I really do not know what I can do.  I tried to restore it as a new phone, since i had all my data backed up.
    Any help or ideas is greatly appreciated.

    ccsoh wrote:
    okay i may have called it wrong, we got the unlock from AT&T when our contract was up.  We did this because we were thinking of switching to another carrier.
    I checked the hosts file, and there is nothing refering to  Should there be?
    Is it possible to restore it back to 6.1?
    No problem; it's just that many people buy what they think are "factory unlocked" phones, but the "factory" is the back room of the shop where they bought it. should not be in the hosts file (the only reason it might be there is if some hacking tool had been used on the computer in the past; not just jailbreaking tools, but tools to downgrade the OS and perform other unsupported functions).
    You cannot restore back to 6.1; you need to resolve the problem with the latest version. Even if you could revert it would not solve the problem. You need to figure out why iTunes can't communicate with the activation servers. If you have another computer, try restoring on that, or take the phone to an Apple store and let a "genius" deal with it. Or, if your antivirus is Kaspersky, delete it completely, as it's impossible to turn it off completely, and it has taken a dislike to things Apple.

  • Reboot Loop Question--1Gen

    It appears that my kids 1Gen Touch has encountered a reboot loop. The on/off/Power button appears to no longer work. When pushed, nothing happens. The home button functions fine.
    When pushed with the home button, the device enters a rapidly cycling reboot loop. Apple logo for 5-10 for 5-10 logo...repeat. This can be interrupted by plugging the device into a power source (wall/computer). When the device boots up (after being connected) it appears to work fine. Once it gets plugged in, it boots up normally.
    As soon as it finished booting up (after being interrupted) the red "swipe to turn off" bar comes across the top. Hitting "cancel" will cause it to go away. After booting up, if left alone, it will sleep without entering the reboot loop.
    While it is functioning, the home button with wake it up. If the on/off/power button is pressed to wake it up, it will enter the reboot loop.
    Is this a hardware or software problem. I will next try to restore it, but wanted to see if there was some guidance before I did that.
    Itunes does recognize it. I have backed it up and it seems to run ok after breaking the loop and not hitting the on/off/power button. If left alone, it will spontaneously enter the reboot loop (5 minutes or so).
    Message was edited by: iGreeley
    Message was edited by: iGreeley

    Hi to all,
    I have a big problem with my Xperia Z3, I updated it lollipop 5.0.2 couple of days ago.  It worked fine with no issue until yesterday (Saturday 04.04.2015) when I left it in my car for the gym session as always. When I came back to check missed calls, I couldn’t access the phone at all, only a black screen and I could see a clock and partial notification bar. I switched it off and the on again.
    Now its stuck at” Android upgrading, starting apps” all the time and it keeps restarting. I have tried to soft –reset nothing is happening. I have reached at a level to lose everything in the phone especially my contacts by deciding to do a hard/factory reset but still I cant do that using volume up or down. I am totally stuck, I also tried to boot into recovery mode but with no luck.
    Please guys any idea how to get rid of this. I cant get into recovery mode coz nothing is happening when I press key combination.
    I will appreciate your help. At this point I regret why I updated my phone to lollipop.
    Please help help………

  • Power button not working - reboot loop

    Bought a new iPhone 5S last week, activated it and used it 2-3 hours. It had iOS 7.0.4. I updated to 7.0.6 and everything is working for 2-3 hours again.
    Now the power button is just no more working. I reset the configuration back to default and the phone is now in a reboot loop. It is not shutting down correctly, it shows this small animated circle. I cannot turn it off or bring it to the DFU mode because the power button is not working.
    iTunes cannot find the iPhone when I connect it - I guess because it is already in a undefined status.
    What can I do to fix it? It seems to be a hardware / physical problem because I can hear the normal sound when I click the power button.
    I guess I need to return it to an apple store ?!

    I waited until the battery was empty; the phone was empty now, I charged it via Macbook and after 5 minutes it started automatically again without problems. Now I made a reset via iTunes and will change it in the Apple Store. It is working perfect now from point of stability, speed, configuration, functions - only the power button does just not react in ayn case.
    Thread can be closed.

  • PRS-T1 stuck in infinite reboot loop after failed firmware update

    I tried to update the firmware, but failed when updating to version Tried to 2 times. The first time it failed I simply tried again. The second time, it took a lot longer to reach the failed to update message, but it did cause the ereader to reboot.
    Now, it's stuck in an infinite reboot loop on the "Opening book" page. The progress bar on that page stays completely empty, lasts for about 30 seconds, and reboots again. This will go one until the battery is dead or indefinitely if plugged in. 
    I have tried pressing the Home + Menu buttons, but they seem to have no effect.
    Please advise if there is anything I can try to revive it?
    Thanks in advanced.
    Go to Solution.

    Here is what I have observed:
    - After a hard boot (reset + power button during 3+ seconds), if I don't do anything, it will reboot every ~30seconds.
    - If I press and hold the Home and Menu buttons, no effect. The same as if I didn't press anything.
    - If I press the Forward + Back buttons (2 & 4), it does not reboot after 30 seconds. Instead, the orange light on the power button blink every ~2-3 seconds.
    - Any other key combinations that I have tried have no effect.
    I have tried with and without several rescue sdcard. No difference. No improvement. In every case, the computer never sees the reader. If plugged into the power outlet, it seems like the battery charges alright. It does not appear to charge if plugged into USB port.
    That's all I know. If I can't fix it, I might be forced to turn it into a coaster or maybe a cutting board for the kitchen.

  • HELP!!! MBA will not boot. It's in a constant "reboot loop!"

    Hi! I was having issues with my MBA and it's well known problem with getting a bit hot and shutting down the core etc. One post mentioned coolbook. Several peole gave it the thumbs up so I decided to give it a try. Installed it and was asked to restart. Now my MBA is in a constant reboot loop and will not start-up. it gets as far as the gray screen with the Apple logo and the spinning wheel. Then about a minute or so later it reboots. And this goes on and on forever. The MBA is now insanely hot and I have turned the MBA off not to cause any damage.
    I can not boot in safe mode.
    Any ideas??

    thanks for the views, but seems nobody wanted to help. cheers for that!
    i managed to reboot using the OS X DVD and reinstalling. Now I have an eject symbol in my system bar top right corner and my superdrive will not "eject". this means I can not use the USB for anything else. meanwhile I ejected the OS X DVD from the drive and tried to reinsert it. NADA.
    Getting to the point where I am fed up with the MBA. It gets so hot I could fry an egg on it. The system must be running something in the background, becasue even with a new install it still is slow and stutters (and no, I did not start you tube!) either this is from a real crappy batch, or I looked at it the wrong way.
    Looks like I am heading back to the MBpro.

  • WLC 5508 HA standby reboot loop

    We have been running two 5508 WLCs in HA mode for a while now connecting 25 2602 APs. We disconnected the heartbeat utp cbale to change the positision of the standby WLC in the rack. We did not power it off. After we plugged back the Heartbeat cable the standby WLC goes into a reboot loop and gives the following error message
    Error:Unable to add Licenses on secondary Controller
    Now I did not try to reboot the primary one as users are connected and am afraid I will have two WLCs down instead of one. From what I have been reading it seemed that several HA issues were resolved in code
    I hope there is simple fix/workaround for this situation.
    All help is appreciated

    As per your query i can suggest you the following  solution -
    This document provides information on the theory of operation and configuration for the Cisco Unified Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) as it pertains to supporting stateful switchover of access points (AP SSO).
    The new High Availability (HA) feature (that is, AP SSO) set within the Cisco Unified Wireless Network software release version 7.3 allows the access point (AP) to establish a CAPWAP tunnel with the Active WLC and share a mirror copy of the AP database with the Standby WLC. The APs do not go into the Discovery state when the Active WLC fails and the Standby WLC takes over the network as the Active WLC.
    There is only one CAPWAP tunnel maintained at a time between the APs and the WLC that is in an Active state. The overall goal for the addition of AP SSO support to the Cisco Unified Wireless LAN was to reduce major downtime in wireless networks due to failure conditions that may occur due to box failover or network failover.
    For more information please refer to the link-
    Hope this will help you.

  • Tour in Reboot Loop after Installing new Messenger

    Hi all,
    A couple of weeks ago I got a message saying there was a new version of messenger available, so of course I upgraded.  After install it wanted a reboot so I did, but the  phone never came back.  It would start to boot for a couple of minutes but never make it to the desktop.  I tried a battery pull with no change.
    I ended up reloading the OS (latest Verizon 4.7 release) and all my apps and the phone was fine.
    Today I got a message saying, of course, "a new version of messenger is available..."  so guess what I did?!?!  Yep, and bricked the phone again, it's just in a reboot loop.  No error messages, it just constantly reboots without ever making it to the desktop.
    I did some searching but haven't found much on this exact problem.  Anybody have any ideas?  I guess for now I will just avoid the new messenger as I don't really use it that much, but it would be nice if it worked.

    You don't have to have it (the version of BBMessenger) loaded, if you used it much you would see the advantages.
    But, If you don't use it, don't worry.
    I think there is likely some third party app conflcting with you, but that is another whole long drawn out search .
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  • P67A-GD55 - Two beeps after turning on the reboots loop

    just installed a P67A-GD55 with a i5 2500k into my PC and everything was working fine, all drivers installed etc booted to Windows 7 no probs. Restarted and went into BIOS to check a few things then rebooted.
    PC starts, two beeps, then reboots, continuously.
    No BIOS LED flashing. So it seems two beeps means parity error. I've looked this up and mentions something about first 64k of mem check failed. To check RAM.
    So went through each slot with one RAM and tried different RAM too to make sure, no difference. So booted up with no RAM in. No beeps but PC just starts then reboots in a loop.
    Never got anything on the screen.
    Checked all connections, removed all hard drives etc no difference, unplugged USB cables etc so in end just had graphics card, one stick of RAM, CPU and power plugged in. Still two beeps.
    Reset CMOS still same, two beeps the reboot loop.
    Tried all sticks of RAM in another motherboard and i5 760 and boots fine so its not the RAM.
    Can't understand it as it worked fine at one point.
    Is my motherboard faulty ?

    Quote from: Mark on 01-June-11, 17:15:51
    MSI is right. In the UK you need to get the product replaced through the retailer. You might need to phone Aria in this case.
    I've filed an RMA request at the moment and told them what yourselves have said. Just need to wait now.
    Didn't want to ring them just yet as there RMA number charges you 60p per minute.
    I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

  • My Mac G4 came unplugged while running and now when I start it up all I get is a continuous reboot loop.

    While sliding my Mac G4 tower out from under the desk it came unplugged. It was running at the time. After plugging it back in all I get is a continuous reboot loop. I have tried the Shift and the Command Option P R boots to no avail. What am I missing here? I have had no problems in the past with this system. I am running Panther.

    I have tried the Shift and the Command Option P R boots to no avail.
    Are you using an Apple keyboard or something else. It is rather common for non-Apple boards, especially those pulled from a PC, to not respond to the traditional Apple startup key command combos.
    Take the computer off wall power again then press and hold the power button for about 20 seconds. Then restore power and try a normal start. That worked for me when I had a similar failure to start with my G4 MDD.
    If you have never replaced the internal backup battery ("PRAM" battery) it is, by, now surely extremely dead and it could not preserve the needed start parameters when power was unexpectedly cut. If you get the computer going, consider installing a new PRAM battery so you won't replay today's issues. tomorrow. The batteries are cheap and replacing one is a three-minute at-home job:
    NewerTech 3.6v Lithium 1/2 AA PRAM Computer Clock Battery

  • How to fix iPad 3G frequent crashes and going to reboot loop

    II'm having problems with my iPad 3G iwi-fi it always crashes while using and sometimes it goes to a reboot loop. I tried everything reset, pressing the home and power buttons, and even restored it many times but still the problems can't be fixed. Is there someone knows what to do?

    If anyone has faced this issue and was able to fix it, I am hoping from you to share your fix.
    If no fix is there, so i can take it to be fixed since it is not under warranty, and wehre i live it will cost a lot for fixing

  • Recovering media from reboot loop

    My Droid Incredible is stuck in a reboot loop after encountering the 2 AM reboot loop issue (this used to resolve itself after I did a hard boot in the morning). I have tried:
    -Pulling the battery for 30 minutes
    -Going into safe mode (doesn't load, just reboots)
    -Wiping the cache partition from the HBOOT menu
    I've resigned to doing a factory reset if necessary. However, I'd like to recover my photos if possible. Can I do that from the HBOOT menu? When I plug my USB cable into the phone at the HBOOT menu, the computer recognizes a device but it searches for Android 1.0 drivers and can't locate them.

    While not a "safe mode" there is DFU mode. This pretty much puts a stuck phone (if not too stuck) into recovery mode which will cause iTunes to start all over with it and restore it.
    You can restore from your last back up and then sync back what you want.
    But if you have not synced in a long time, then you will lose anything since your last backup.

  • New 80GB iPod Classic Reboot Loop.... With A Twist??

    First of all, let me just say that I've searched for hours upon hours trying to find the answer to this questions before making this post, so please bare with me
    So, I have the 80GB iPod Classic, and was really happy with it. I had to get it because my 5th Gen iPod was stolen, and found that I really like all the features it has, yadda yadda. So basically, I had zero problems.
    Then a few days ago, it started acting funny. It would just stop at the beginning of random songs and stop playing. I couldn't figure out why, so would just skip the song and listen to the next one. This was all fine and dandy until the next time I plugged my iPod into my laptop.
    It has started on the coveted reboot loop, showing the Apple logo, starting to start up, but then failing, then starting the cycle over again.
    Reading other posts, the way to fix this is to plug the iPod into the computer, put it into disk mode, then reformat.
    My problem is that it won't reformat! I have no problem losing the music at this time, I can get it all back on there, but the stupid thing won't actually reformat itself!
    When I plug it into the computer it says different things. If I plug it in while it is already in disk mode, it says "iTunes has detected an iPod that appears to be corrupted. You may need to restore this iPod before it can be used with iTunes. You may also try disconnecting and reconnecting the iPod." If I plug it into the computer while it is still going through the reboot cycle it comes up with the message, "iTunes cannot read the contents of the iPod "MELISSA'S I". Go to the Summary tab in iPod preferences and click Restore to restore this iPod to factory settings." Then it shows up in iTunes, but only under the name "iPod" instead of "Melissa's iPod", says n/a for the capacity, but then still has the correct software version (1.0.3) and serial number. I can then click restore, and the computer does its thing, then tells me it has be reformatted and to leave it plugged into the computer, then it will show back up in iTunes once it has restarted. The problem lies in that it never makes it through the restart to become listed in iTunes again until I put it into disk mode again. It seems that everyone else's problem is solved when they put it into disk mode, but that's just not working for me....
    I have honestly tried everything. Uninstalling and reinstalling drivers, tried another computer, charged it with a wall charger, went through all the iPod properties, turned the iPod service off and on, did resets, went through everything possible in the Apple help, and all I want to do is listen to my music!!!
    Any suggestions, or am I resigned to spending hours on the phone with Apple, or sending it back to them?
    Thanks for all the help in advance, and happy holidays!

    Alright, so I finally decided to just call Apple and see what was going on. I got talking to someone and explained my problem, about how the iPod wouldn't reformat and such, and he told me that something was wrong with the connections or something inside the iPod. Which in short means my iPod is dead, lol. Since it's only 2 months old though they're going to replace it, so they're sending me a box to ship my iPod back in, then once they recieve my iPod they're just going to send me a brand new one (and yes, a new one, not a refurbished one, I asked) and not even bother trying to just repair my old one, which leads me to believe that he's heard this problem already multiple times....
    So basically I should be getting a new iPod in 10 days he said. Now I get to spend my break reimporting all my cd's.... score. This will be my 4th iPod... you'd think I'd have learned by now.. but no... lol.

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