Receiving calendar events

My wife and I have new iphones(3gs-at&t) so not sure how this happened. She is an independant author and a company was setting up interview times for her. They sent her an e-mail to her gmail account that is also set up on her phone using Outlook for each day next week and now she has noticed they have shown up in her iphone calendar.
She really likes this so we're wondering what we did and what the other end did to get them there.
She has no additional apps.
Thanks for any help with this and suggested reading, etc.,

Wow, thanks. I'll read up on it. Does this populate into the calendar because of something I did or didn't do with the iphone settings or because of gmail?
again thanks,

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    I received the e-mail notification on Microsift Outlook from a third party (i.e. not someone within my own organisation).
    The same invite on both my lap-top  computer and my BB 9900 Bold did not have any mention about the sender being in Iceland (or anywhere else!) and showed the correct time and time-zone for the agreed meeting - namely, 8,30am on Friday the 19th April.
    I confirm that my Z10 is set to the "Dublin, London (+0)" time zone and is currently showing the correct British Summer Time of 16.31. The device switched automatically to British Summer Time on Sunday 31st March.
    I would welcome your comments.
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    Thanks again for your help and assistance

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    Does this issue happen to all calendar events? If so, we may try to create a new event using OWA and then check if you can reproduce the issue.
    Do you have any delegates set for these affected users?
    Do the employees have their calendars sync with any mobile devices? If so, we may disable the sync to see if the issue will be fixed.
    In addition, we may try to enable Outlook troubleshooting logging on the calendar owner's computer and delegate computer, then we can check the logging data to see if we can find if the responses are sent by a delegate or third-party software. To enable
    Outlook troubleshooting logging, go to File > Options > Advanced, scroll to the bottom of the dialog and select the "Enable troubleshooting logging" option. You'll need to restart your Outlook to trigger the logging. For more information about
    Outlook troubleshooting logging, please refer:
    If you have trouble reading the log file, you can share it to us via sending it to
    GBSD TN Office Information Collection  [email protected] The subject of the message should be the thread link.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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    8:00 AM
    5:00 PM
    9:00 hrs
    Sunday, 22 December 2013
    9:00 AM
    6:00 PM
    9:00 hrs
    Monday, 23 December 2013
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    9:00 PM
    9:00 hrs
    Tuesday, 24 December 2013
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    6:00 PM
    6:00 hrs
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    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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    MNIT, thank you for your post and I would like to help you with this issue. I have not seen any settings on the Revolution to cause this or seen others report this issue. Are you receiving your email at work via Outlook? If so, check Outlook settings to verify Outlook is not removing the messages from the server after being read or after a certain amount of time. Here are the steps. They will vary depending on which version of Outlook you have.
    If you are still having issues after this, try removing the Groupwise account completely from the phone. Try adding calendar events on his computer and send test emails to verify they don't delete. Then re-add the account to the phone.
    I hope this helps!
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    as far as i understand iCal it is on the "receivers/subscribers" side to deal with email-updates (and not on the "senders/changers" side):
    snippet from my Re: How do you stop receiving notifications about updated calendar events? (there is a screenshot as well):
    to NOT get email notification about updated events from a shared calendar you subscribed to you have to uncheck "events affect availability" in that calendars "info" (mac os X.7 and X.8: iCal —> calendars dropdown —> right click on the subscribed calendar —> choose "get info" from the context-menu —> uncheck "events affect availability")

  • Calendar events not being sent immediately.....finding out when I created an event.

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    Hi Dave,
    From your description, the mailbox you use for conference is not a special room mailbox. It is a standard user mailbox. I think that is the problem, it should be configured as a room type and not a user mailbox.
    If I have misunderstood your concern, please feel free to let me know.
    What's more, about how to create and manage room mailbox, here are some helpful threads for your reference.
    Create a Room or Equipment Mailbox
    Managing Resource Mailboxes and Scheduling
    Hope it helps.
    If you need further assistance, please feel free to let me know.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Dissapearing emails with calendar events

    Whenever I receive an email containing a Calendar Event invitation the email just deletes itself after accepting the invitation. The event is correctly added to the Calendar but the email message dissapears and I cannot access the message from a different device (e.g. office PC). It is annoying!

    You may want to check your calendar events settings and make sure the to and from date are just for that one day and also make sure your reminder is set for one time event and not daily on your device as well as your repetition is set to one time event.

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    reboot the phone (power cycle)
    reset the phone (home + power cycle)
    close multi tasked items including Calendar
    turn icloud off/on
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    I tested specifically again for this, entering an event for today (4th March) and then in the future (1st May), and finally 1st April.  Error re-appeared as soon as I started using the 1st April.
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    Have managed to reset phone and have stayed clear of using 1 April for any events.

    Okay, cancel the emergency. Figured out that if I turn off Calendars in iCloud (on the iPad), choose Delete Calendars on This Device, then turn it back on, everything returns to normal.

  • Not Receiving Calendar Accept Replies from Internet emails

    I have GroupWise 2012 running on a dedicated Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4 server.
    I had gotten a call from one of my GroupWise email users and stated that when he sends a Calendar event to customers NOT on our system, he doesn't get any replies.
    I have verified that the settings are correct under Tools, Options..., Send, Appointment.
    When he sends a Calendar event to other users on our GroupWise mail system, he gets the replies.
    I tested this using my personal hotmail account. I sent a Calendar (1-hour non-recurring) event from my GroupWise to my hotmail account and the hotmail account
    received the Calendar event.
    I accepted it, (and it added it to my hotmail calendar), and I sent a reply back, and it never got to my GroupWise account.
    I looked at the Sent Items Properties for that and even after a few hours it still shows as "Response Pending".
    I verified with my user that his Sent Items shows that for all users (except his account of course).
    When I send a "regular" email from my hotmail account to my GroupWise account, I receive it just fine.
    I checked the GWIA log file and I see the following lines:
    11:49:28 EF5E MSG 1635904 Sender: [email protected]
    11:49:28 EF5E MSG 1635904 Recipient: [email protected]
    11:49:28 EF5E Successful login with client/server access: (our groupwise_dns_name and port)
    (down a couple lines is this):
    11:49:38 EF5E MSG 1635904 Queuing to MTA
    As far as GroupWise 2012, is functioning as it should, (besides this).
    I also went into C1 and insured that GWIA has Enable iCal Service checked.
    We have GWAVA as our filtering/spam solution and I checked that to insure those replies aren't being stopped.
    They aren't being blocked, via the Quarantine screen or the log files, that I can see.
    And, I figure, since I see the connection in the GWIA log file, they aren't.(?)
    Under the Properties of the Sent Item, it shows:
    Send Options:
    Auto Delete: No
    Concealed Subject: No
    Expiration Date: None
    Notify Recipients: Yes
    Priority: Standard
    Reply requested by None
    Security: Standard
    Send Mail Receipt when Accepted
    Send Mail Receipt when Deleted
    To Be Delivered: Immediate
    Is there a solution to fix this?

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
    - Visit and search the knowledgebase and/or check all
    the other self support options and support programs available.
    - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the
    correct newsgroup. (
    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

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