Recon manager many events

Hi all,
have a bunch of tasks in "event received" status. can the recon manager do more than one at a time?

So if I understand your situation correctly your events go into "event received" status and when you manually apply the matching rule the linkage suddenly works.
To answer your questions there is (as far as I know) no way to reapply the matching rules without clicking yourself to death. Please raise this as an SR and see what Oracle says.
There are two situations where this occurs. Firstly it could be technically possible that something happened during the time between when the event was first received and when you click the "Re Apply Matching Rules". The change makes the evaluated event go from an error to a link.
The second possibility is that OIM has decided that it hasn't the bandwidth to handle evaluating the event. If resource starved OIM gives priority to interactive services so if you for example is doing an initial load it sometimes takes hours before events get evaluated. I have seen this a number of times and going back to the hotel room to sleep for a while has always fixed the problem. If you are not seeing this as a part of a massive initial load then something else is wrong.
Hope this helps.

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    In Photos view you can collapse choose View -> Show Event Titles. This will give you the Library in a different way: all of it broken by Event. Click on one of the triangles to collapse it into the title. Option-click on one to open or close them all.
    Don't use copy and paste. Drag and drop is a rather more reliable way to move data around. Copy and paste is grand for pieces of text.
    Here's a canned answer I use for using iPhoto to organise your pics. In essence, Events are really limited, they are organising for those who can't be bothered. Albums and keywords are the way to go.
    I use Events simply as big buckets of Photos: Spring 08, July - Nov 06 are typical Events in my Library. I use keywords and Smart Albums extensively. I title the pics broadly.
    I keyword on a
    Where basis (The When is in the photos's Exif metadata). I also rate the pics on a 1 - 5 star basis.
    Using this system I can find pretty much find any pic in my 25k library in a couple of seconds.
    So, for example, I have a batch of pics titled 'Seattle 08' and a typical keywording might include: John, Anne, Landscape, mountain, trees, snow. With a rating included it's so very easy to find the best pics we took at Mount Rainier.
    File -> New Smart Album
    set it to 'All"
    title contains Seattle
    keyword is mountain
    keyword is snow
    rating is 5 stars
    Or, want a chronological album of John from birth to today?
    New Smart Album
    Keyword is John
    Set the View options to Sort By Date Ascending
    Want only the best pics?
    add Rating is greater than 4 stars
    The best thing about this system is that it's dynamic. If I add 50 more pics of John to the Library tomorrow, as I keyword and rate them they are added to the Smart Album.
    Keywording takes time to set up, there's no doubt about it. I use Keyword Manager as it's much more powerful than the inbuilt system, and adds the possibility of nested keywords. So, for instance, if I add John to a photo it also adds 'Family'. Now I can add many keywords to a pic quickly.
    In the end, organisation is about finding the pics. The point is to make locating that pic or batch of pics findable fast. This system works for me.

  • Hi guru's how many events is in classical & interactive how it trigered

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    Classical Reports Edit section
    These are the most simple reports. Programmers learn this one first. It is just an output of data using the Write statement inside a loop.
    Classical reports are normal reports. These reports are not having any sub reports. IT IS HAVING ONLY ONE SCREEN/LIST FOR OUTPUT.
    Events In Classical Reports.
    INTIALIZATION: This event triggers before selection screen display.
    AT-SELECTION-SCREEN: This event triggers after proccesing user input still selection screen is in active mode.
    START OF SELECTION: Start of selection screen triggers after proceesing selection screen.
    END-OF-SELECTION : It is for Logical Database Reporting.
    Interactive ReportsEdit section
    As the name suggests, the user can Interact with the report. We can have a drill down into the report data. For example, Column one of the report displays the material numbers, and the user feels that he needs some more specific data about the vendor for that material, he can HIDE that data under those material numbers. And when the user clicks the material number, another report (actually sub report/secondary list) which displays the vendor details will be displayed.
    We can have a basic list (number starts from 0) and 20 secondary lists (1 to 21). Events associated with Interactive Reports are: 1. AT LINE-SELECTION 2. AT USER-COMMAND 3. AT PF<key> 4. TOP-OF-PAGE DURING LINE-SELECTION. HIDE statement holds the data to be displayed in the secondary list. sy-lisel : contains data of the selected line. sy-lsind : contains the level of report (from 0 to 21)
    Interactive Report Events:
    AT LINE-SELECTION : This Event triggers when we double click a line on the list, when the event is triggered a new sublist is going to be generated. Under this event what ever the statements that are been return will be displayed on newly generated sublist.
    AT PFn: For predefined function keys...
    AT USER-COMMAND : It provides user functions keys.
    <b>Events keywords in Reports are
    For Classical Reports,
    1.Initialization  - triggers when click on execute buton in the report program
    2. At line-selection - it triggers only when you double click on the perticular line on the output
    3. Start-of-selection - it triggers when you click on the execute button on the election screen
    4.Top-of-page - it triggers for every page break like you will define some page size if it comes to the last line the top-of-page will trigger
    5. At user-command - it triggers only on the action based on the user action
    6.End-of-selection - it will trigger at the end of the report program execution'
    7. End-of-page - it triggers for every end of the page that means you will define one footer for every report program, when the command reaches to the footer it will trigger'
    8.At Pfn-  it triggers based on the function keys tou pressed
    <b>For Interactive Reports,</b>
    9.At line-selection
    10. Top-of-page during line selection - it will trigger only in the secondary list when it reaches to the new page</b>
    <b>Reward i ufseful</b>

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    Thank You,

    The problem is the 17K worth of files in one directory. One method would be to have your code create a new folder every hour, possibly naming the directory with the date and hour, then you will end up with 24 folders with 360 files per folder. I use something similar on projects that are going to run for a very long time, that save files less frequently than yours, but once every few minutes for 6 months works out to a lot of files too!
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    Senior Test Engineer
    Currently using LV 6.1-LabVIEW 2012, RT8.5
    LabVIEW Champion

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    There is no limit to how many event action filters you can configure. I assume that you also know that event action filters is ordered list:
    Also, found this bug FYI: bugID: CSCtf78755:
    (When over 495 event action filters are configured via CLI, it's corrupting "rules0.xml" file)
    Hope that answers your question.

  • Projects Containing Clips From Many Events

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    I have just moved over to using a raid array for my storage, and for working directly from. (4 icy boxes, 2 for working from and 2 as backups for the working drives).  
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    Here is the crux of the problem and my question.
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    Apart from importing each of the individual clips into the event manually is there a way to do this?
    Thanks for your help.

    double post...can't find a way to delete one:/

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    Hi to All,
    This is V.Kishore Kumar.
    Hi to All,
    Is there any way to "interface shipments from Order Management as events to Projects".
    Waiting ur solution.
    Thanks & Regards,
    V.Kishore Kumar

    EBS document suite has this document. If you do not have, you can download it from OTN. Document name is "Oracle® Projects APIs, Client Extensions, and Open Interfaces", Part No. B25624-02.

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    Do you know if part of this process could be managed thru RDS ?
    Many thanks in advance for those who could help me.
    Best Regards.
    Stephane BENETEAU

    Hi Stephane,
    It looks like you are looking for more information on Campaign Automation.
    Please see these links. I am sure u will get lot of helpful information.
    Also Campaings come under CRM Marketing. So you will get more focused information in the Marketing Forum.
    SAP CRM: Marketing

  • Too many events for FCPX?

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    Also, is there a way to temporarily deactivate an event without resorting to my solution of moving it to an INACTIVE folder?

    You don't say how many clips there are.
    I have over 5,000 clips (some of 15 or even 20 minutes but most less than 25 seconds). These are split between ten events.
    I have a 2 x 2.26 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon Mac Pro with 16GB RAM.
    When I click an event, it opens more or less instantly.
    I suggest you have fewer actual events, and use keywords to categorise the locations.
    It would be easy to do - just select all the clips in one event and press Cmd+K to add the location keyword to every clip, then drag the clips into an event.

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    Dear all,
    Wish you all a very Happy new year.
    I hve two questions.
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    2. When there are more than one instructor in one business event, then how attendee appraisal and business event appraisal are done?
    3. In training & event mgt is it possible to perform periodic appraisal?
    Have a happy weekend.

    Hi Daniel,
    There is no SAP standard report on Trainer wise attendance history for this purpose you have to define the Adhoc query.
    When there are more than one instructor in one business event it is a tough scenario to have attendee appraisal .
    In TEM it is possible to have periodic Appraisals.
    Warm Regards,
    Kapil Kaushal

  • App-V 5 sp2, Citrix user profile manager and Event IDs 19104

    the environment:
    Full Infrastructure, Appv 5 sp2 Client on server 2008r2, xenapp 6.5 and Citrix user profile manager.
    We get the event error 19104 on published packages. But not on all users. %APPDATA%\Microsoft\AppV\Client\VFS and %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\AppV\Client\VFS are excluded per from my test GPO:
    List of directories to exclude:
    Still some users get app-v Applications, but some that are copies of the ones working does not get the Applications. I have tried to delete the profile. but still no closer to a solution. Anyone got this working?

    Thanks Nicke, I should have tried harder to get you to come and work with me in Oslo earlier this year ;)
    That thread does point on the Profile managment, and redirection of %appdata% and %localappdata% . Those to folders are not redirected. But when i run Procmon, i can see that a working user creates the c:\users\<username>\appdata\local\temp but non
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  • Service control manager error, event 7011

    - <Event xmlns="">
    - <System>
    <Provider Name="Service Control Manager" Guid="{555908d1-a6d7-4695-8e1e-26931d2012f4}" EventSourceName="Service Control Manager" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="49152">7011</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-08-27T11:43:13.853282700Z" />
    <Correlation />
    <Execution ProcessID="668" ThreadID="208" />
    <Security />
    - <EventData>
    <Data Name="param1">30000</Data>
    <Data Name="param2">wuauserv</Data>

    Hi  utkarsh,
    Based on the information you provided, the “ Service Control Manager“ is responsible for this. In this case, I would suggest to run System File Checker to fix this.
    System File Checker is a utility in Windows that allows users to scan for corruptions in Windows system files and restore corrupted files, you can do it in this way:
    1.Open an elevated command prompt: type Command Prompt in the Search box, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
    2.and then type: sfc /scannow  hit enter.
    Or you can follow the article below to fix this:
    Wade Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Updated to 10.8, calendar duplicated many events forever how can I fix it?

    I recently upgraded my old PB to the new retina version running 10.8.3
    Calendar now shows quite a few events as repeated every day for years in the future.
    There are too many to deal with manually.
    There must be a fix that doesn't delete all my Calendar history.
    Anyone have a work around?
    I also use Microsoft Office 2011 and iCloud.

    Resolving duplicate calendars after setting up your calendar application for iCloud Calendar

  • Version 6.84 produces many Event Logs

    I have just updated from 6.83 to 6.84 and, although the software appears to be working fine, I am getting several events logged in the Application Event Log when my 6131 synchronises.
    Event 1004
    Detection of product '{A982E6CC-9F0D-4948-9B18-BDFD55DE4A72}', feature 'PCSuite', component '{9B373FD2-8E0A-4A76-80C7-63B6521FD237}' failed. The resource 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Nokia\' does not exist.
    Event 1001
    Detection of product '{A982E6CC-9F0D-4948-9B18-BDFD55DE4A72}', feature 'Platform' failed during request for component '{7BA39C00-ED40-417C-8C5C-3804B2DDD646}'
    Event 1004
    User JSSOLUTIONS\John Smith
    Detection of product '{A982E6CC-9F0D-4948-9B18-BDFD55DE4A72}', feature 'PCSuite', component '{9B373FD2-8E0A-4A76-80C7-63B6521FD237}' failed. The resource 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Nokia\' does not exist.
    Event 1001
    User JSSOLUTIONS\John Smith
    Detection of product '{A982E6CC-9F0D-4948-9B18-BDFD55DE4A72}', feature 'Platform' failed during request for component '{7BA39C00-ED40-417C-8C5C-3804B2DDD646}'
    These 4 Event Log entries are repeated 3 more times.
    I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling but to no avail.
    I have checked the Registry and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Nokia\ does exist.
    I have tried adding premissions to this key for NETWORK SERVICE (John Smith already has full premissions) again to no avail.
    I am running version of PC Suite and Windows XP Professional SP2.
    Whilst this is not a big issue as the software appears to be working fine, I do like to keep clear Event Logs so would appreciate any help in getting rid of these annoying entries.
    Many thanks.

    I tried to follow the post of miksu and patched with but still the same problems...
    So, like Jssolutions I reinstalled a previous version of Nokia PC Suite (v6.83.14.1). It works fine now... no more Event Logs
    This former version can be downloaded on Edited by rabbyn on 23-Sep-200706:44 PM

  • Managing various event listeners in multi-frame movie

    I'm working on a gunslinger game. I have numerous frames
    which correspond to different stages of the game. The frame that
    corresponds to the actual gameplay has a really involved
    ENTER_FRAME function attached to particular item on the stage. When
    the game is over (or an error occurs, or the network connection
    fails) I want to leave the gameplay frame and move to some other
    frame. When this happens, I would like the ENTER_FRAME function on
    the gunslinger to be removed because the player may finish a game
    and then re-enter the gameplay frame later after selecting a new
    QUESTION: Can anyone recommend a good way to manage the
    keyboard event listeners, all the button event listeners, etc? As
    you might imagine, I have no reliable way to determine which frame
    might be entered after the gameplay frame because the frame change
    could be triggered by a variety of different reasons.

    I have tried using hasEventListener to check for an existing
    ENTER_FRAME function before adding the event listener again but it
    never seems to notice that there is an existing enterframe function
    running. Furthermore, when I leave the frame, the enterframe
    function (which is attached to a particular movie clip on frame 2)
    continues to run even though that movie clip doesn't exist on any
    other frame in the flash movie.
    The first frame in my movie just has a button that takes the
    movie to frame 2. frame 2 has a movie clip (myMovie) and a button
    (btnFrame1) which goes back to frame 1. It also has the attached
    I start the movie.
    I click 'goto frame 2'
    the enterframe listener is added and starts to output trace
    statements of the current frame of myMovie (e.g., 1-2-3).
    i click 'goto frame 1' on the main movie
    although i am looking at frame 1 of my main movie which has
    no instance of myMovie, the enterframe function keeps tracing the
    current frame--interestingly, the frame of myMovie does not stays on 1, 2, or 3 and announces that frame over and
    over again.
    Repeating the visit to frame 1 and frame2 over and over again
    results in more listeners being added over and over again.
    I have uploaded a sample FLA here:
    I hope that you might help me determine how to remove the
    listener upon exiting this frame. I don't want that enterframe
    function running (and referring to movieclips that don't exist)
    when I exit the frame where it is relevant. I'm wondering if I
    should try adding the event listener to the root movie

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