Reconnecting songs moved to new harddrive

This has probably been asked many times, but I just got a new G5 and have moved all my music files to a new drive, while mirroring my iTunes from my old G4. Is there a way to en masse reconnect all my songs or do I have to do them each one at a time? Right now I've got a lot of songs with "!" next to them.
Help! And thanks.

Select as couple of the songs that have a then select Add to library and see what happens. This is assuming that files are on the new HD and in the correct place. I have iTunes organize my music. In this case I believe that you want to de-select copy files as the files already exist on your HD. Try this and if it works then you can select all you files and ADD.

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    Read the thread from Zevoneer here:

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    Okay fellas, here's what I did:
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    So basically (not speaking of the changed UUID... will get to that later) my setup did not change very much, except that I have a bigger disk now
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    Then I copied all the contents of my former / to the new partition. For this I used cp (following this wiki ( … g#Using_cp), thanks to geniuz for the link!), which absolutely suited my needs (in this case).
    NOTE on the wiki entry: You'll have to use
    cp -a /mnt/source/* /mnt/destination
    instead of just
    cp -a /mnt/source /mnt/destination
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    Hope anyone will find this helpful. The wikis concerning this topic are very good btw. only stating some minor typos/bugs
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    If the motherboard crashed, the hard drive might still be OK. You can put the hard drive in an external USB hard drive enclosure for about $25. ll your music should still be on it!

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    Be very careful when connecting an iPod full of music to an empty iTunes library.There is very real risk of permanently losing all the music.
    To prevent auto sync, before you connect the iPod go to the iTunes preferences and select "devices", then select "disable automatic syncing for iPhones and iPods".
    An alternative method is to connect the iPod whilst holding down the 'control+shift' keys and do not let them go until your iPod appears in iTunes.
    If you see a message that your iPod is associated with a different library and asks if you want to link to a new one, make sure you press "Cancel".
    If you should click on "Erase and Sync" will erase all the content currently on your iPod and it will be replaced with the content of the iTunes library you just connected to.
    When you've pressed cancel your iPod should appear in the iTunes source list under "devices" and allow you to change the update setting to manage the iPod content manually, and that will let you use your iPod for the time being without the risk of accidentally erasing the contents.
    Then do any of the following to transfer your music from iPod back to the computer/iTunes.
    For iTunes version 7 or later, then you can transfer purchased iTunes store music from the iPod to an authorized computer by using the "file/transfer purchases from iPod" menu. Note that the maximum of 5 authorized computers applies here.
    Find out how to do that here.
    How to copy iTunes purchases from an iPod or iPhone to a computer.
    For all other non purchased content (your own CDs etc), check out the instructions/suggestions here.
    Music from iPod to computer (using option 2). This a manual method using "hidden folders" and although it works, it is a little more involved than other methods.
    Much easier ways are to use one of the many 3rd party programs that copy music from the iPod to the computer.
    One of the most recommended is Yamipod. This is a free program that transfers music from iPod back to the computer. However, it does not transfer playcounts/ratings etc.
    Other free programs are Pod Player, SharePod and Floola and iDump and iPodRobot.
    If you want to recover just the structure of playlists from the iPod (and not the actual song files themselves), there's iRepo for Windows. which I understand has this feature along with all the standard features for these programs.
    iPodRip also has the feature enabling you to reconstruct playlists.
    There is also CopyTrans. This does preserve ratings/playcounts etc if those are important to you but this program is not free. It also supports video transfer.
    More information is contained here.
    Copying content from your iPod to your computer - The Definitive Guide.

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    Thanks in advance,

    As for transferring purchases from the phone, you can: 
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer - - only purchases from iTunes Store
    To make sure your library transfers intact:
    Quick answer if you use iTunes' default preferences settings:  Copy the entire iTunes folder (and in doing so all its subfolders and files) intact to the other drive.  Open iTunes and immediately hold down the Option (alt) key (shift on Windows), then guide it to the iTunes Library.itl file in the moved iTunes folder.
    If you put the copied iTunes folder in the default location of Macintosh HD > Users > *User Name* > Music  then you don't even need to start with the option key held down, iTunes will automatically look for it there.  (Make sure there isn't anything already in the iTunes folder there that you want to keep since you will be replacing it with the one you are moving.)
    Longer answers if for any reason you do not think all library files are inside your iTunes folder (changed preferences settings at some point):
    iTunes: How to move [or copy] your music [library] to a new computer [or another drive] - - a somewhat bewildering and not always easily understandable set of options.
    For the record there's this reference for iTunes 11 but it really doesn't strike me as having the specifics you need. iTunes 11 for Mac: Move your library to another computer -
    2011 ilounge article: Transferring your iTunes library - -a-new-hard-drive/  - An article with good background information (similar to the links above), particularly if you are not sure your media files are all grouped for quick answer above. Unfortunately under the single term "transferring library" it describes two very different moves; relocating just your media (not  really transferring your library and not recommended unless you really need this configuration), and relocating media+database (really your whole "library").  Make sure you understand the difference before electing to move only media.

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    Unfortunately I'm not completely certain what the issue is. It might be that you're trying to move the iTunes Library and iTunes Music library files to another harddrive, but those only contain information data and is not where all the music is stored.
    If you're looking to move where all your music is. What you can do is go through this article: which is labeled: "iTunes for Windows: Moving your iTunes Music folder". Fortunately it describes step-by-step how to get all the music to another location.
    If I misinterpreted what you said, please correct me, I'll try to find a resolution for you if I'm able,
    iTunes Helper.

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    So, anybody an idea? Onother way of reconnecting? Wrong function in aperture?
    Thanx for any hint

    got it!! Very stupid way!!! You must click only on one missing item in the list, search the new location an then the button for all items in the list is clickable.

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    Please be patient, sync issues are time consuming, if you are lucky, just a Hard Rest and Restore will solved it.
    Ok Software Version 1.1.2.
    So you can see all your 10,000 songs, in the new PC iTunes, and do you have any problem syncing the iPod using iTunes on the old computer?
    Can you do a Hard Reset  as below
    After charging till full charge, at least 2 hours (preferably 4 hours)
    Toggle the Hold switch, make sure you dont see the red mark when you do the  next step
    Reset the iPod -> Press Menu and Center button simultaneously for about 10 secs till the Apple Logo comes ON
    Then release the buttons
    Select your preferred language.
    Here is the Apple support Article on the 5Rs
    On your iTunes please reset alert warnings, so that we can see the errors.
    We need to see what problems iTunes is having
    Then connect your iPod to the new PC and sync again.
    Have a nice day!

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    Hello Lady22:
             When you received your printer you should have received two insulation disks one is for Windows computers and the other one is for Mac ( Apple Computer) If you have the disks please install Mac disk.  Apple computers do search and down load the parcel software so you can do basic printing commands. You need to find the program that is some where in your computer that allows you to hook up Pinters and Devices. Ounce you find this open it up then connect the printer cable to the lap top. The computer program will list HP's printers yuo need to select your printers model number. Then it will down load the drivers for it to run basic commands. Ounce they are download run a test to make sure it is working right. Contact HP's store and asked them to send you a new set of insulation disk. Your old disk may have fine dust film on them. Clean them off pior to inserting them If you use glass cleaner and fine cloth make sure they are dry off before you insert them. If you used them before maybe a speck of dirt blocked out parcel program that caused it not to install correctly . frrw

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    I received an Iphone 5 as a gift two days ago. The first thing I did was set up ICloud for photos. Itunes would not allow me to add songs to my new phone without restoring it, yet when I did this, it deleted all 129 photos of my graduation and friends from the past two days. And I cannot find them anywhere, photo stream, ICloud, nothing. Where can I get back my memories?

    Were the photos taken by your new iPhone?  If so, did you not import them off your phone to your computer (as you would any other digital camera) before the restore?  If not, restoring wiped the data off the phone and your pictures are gone.
    Sounds like a good time to (re)read the User Guide.

  • I am trying to import songs to my new macbook pro from my old computer using home sharing. Both computers say that home sharing is now on but neither show up in each other's library menu. I am logged on with the same apple id for both computers.

    I am trying to import songs to my new macbook pro from my old computer using home sharing. Both computers say that home sharing is now on but neither show up in each other's library menu. I am logged on with the same apple id for both computers. and both are on a stable wireless connection

    Logging into itunes store on each machine wth different Apple IDs is OK Autorising each others machines with the other Apple ID is OK. This is completley separate from Home Sharing
    For Home Sharing to work you need to
    File > Home Sharing > Create Home Share.
    You need to select one of the two Apple IDs you are using and ENTER THIS ON BOTH MACHINES WHEN CREATING THE HOME SHARE.
    Home sharing will then work

  • How do I import an iPhoto Library  (V.7.1.5) created on my old MacBook (10. 6.8) into my new Macbook pro (10.9.1) running iPhoto 9.5.1? I tried copying onto memory stick and moving to new mac, but new iPhoto doesn't recognise the library.

    How do I import an iPhoto Library  (V.7.1.5) created on my old MacBook (10. 6.8) into my new Macbook pro (10.9.1) running iPhoto 9.5.1? I tried copying onto memory stick and moving to new mac, but new iPhoto doesn't recognise the library.

    So what exactly did you copy over? If it's a 12 gig iPhoto Library then it sounds like the files are there. Perhaps the copy went wrong along the way.
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. (In early versions of Library Manager it's the File -> Rebuild command. In later versions it's under the Library menu.)
    This will create an entirely new library. It will then copy (or try to) your photos and all the associated metadata and versions to this new Library, and arrange it as close as it can to what you had in the damaged Library. It does this based on information it finds in the iPhoto sharing mechanism - but that means that things not shared won't be there, so no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your events, albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.  

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