Record transitions timing

Hi, I am new to keynote, and by stepping through it, i see a very powerful piece of software. There is only a function that save a lot of time creating a presentation, and it is the ability of record transitions timing.
It would be extremely useful be able to record transitions timing just like Powerpoint does. I mean, after creating a number of slides and text with their own transition type, to have a way to launch the presentation in "timing recording " mode , then Keynote should go through each trans. following the setting order, and, at each mouse click, it should record (and set) the exact time each presentation step happens at. Exactly as powerpoint does. Is such a feature exists in keynote ?

If you go into the Inspector/Transistions and select build options, you can select when each motion or transistion will occur. You can then select record transitions and set the timing for this!

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    Welcome to the Forum.
    <<And if I try to record the timing, it also records the ambient noise in my office. Is there a way to record the timing but not the narration? >>
    Go to the System Preferences > Sound > Input menu and select Line In. Then set the Input Volume control to zero. Now you can record with no audio input.
    Good luck.

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    Select the GIF and look at the run time in QuickTime inspector...
    Now open the Slide inspector and set the Delay time equal to or greater than the above...
    Here's an example exported as a Movie. Click the Freedom Bell title bar on the web page...

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    Anyone know what would be causing these dns-record transitions ?
    1 FEB 16:37:42 1/1 3520 NETMAN-4: dns-record: state transition from UP to DOWN
    1 FEB 16:37:42 1/1 3521 NETMAN-4: dns-record: state transition from UP to DOWN
    1 FEB 16:37:46 1/1 3522 NETMAN-4: dns-record: state transition from DOWN to UP
    1 FEB 16:37:46 1/1 3523 NETMAN-4: dns-record: state transition from DOWN to UP

    This can also happen if you do KAL-ICMP keepalive to your VIP
    CSCtj38660 Bug Details
    dns-record kal-icmp keepalive to vip could incorrectly go DOWN
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    Workaround:Configure "no load reporting" on the CSS

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    Actually, it's vice versa. If you adjust the page transition speed with a normal page selected and page transition assigned, then it is pagewise by default.
    Only if you select "Apply to all pages" from the page transition panel's mini menu, then it is not individual.
    However, depending on the type of transition, you either can't adjust the speed at all or only as fast, medium or slow.

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    Hello and welcome to the forum,
    I do not know of a possibility to change the slide transition durations, never use them personally but I"m only realizing all kind of trainings, not really using Captivate for presentations where such transitions can be more sensible. You can use effects on objects to realize other kind of transitions, or importing a PPT that has transitions... Or get back to Camtasia? Each app has its own pros and cons, I only use Camtasia for small clips of Full Motion Recording that I insert in Captivate. Really sorry,

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    Open the Settings app > Notifications > Messages. Scroll down adn turn OFF "View In Lock Screen". You may want to consider setting Alert style to none, but this will not impact what happens when the screen is locked.

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    Thank you Kelly, I've resolved this issue using your advice. Unfortunately I'm still experiencing grief trying to export - a 40 meg KN file is a 600 meg movie AND the audio stops mid way every screen. AND the image quality is poor.. it's frustrating as this is a client deliverable, is late, and now must be rebuilt in PowerPoint - it won't be as pretty but it will work that way. Thank you for your help.

  • Fetch records having timing before 3 PM

    Hellow All,
    We are using Oracle 10G R2 on windows.
    I have a requirment that i need to fetch the records which are having cut off time before 3 pm.
    query should not fetch records after 3 pm.
    Please help how we can achive this.
    For testing purpose I have records like below
    SQL> select empno,emptype,to_char(jdate,'dd-mm-yyyy hh:mi:ss')jdate from test;
         EMPNO EMPTYPE              JDATE
             6 back office          24-12-0012 03:00:00
             1 HR                   01-01-2012 03:01:00
             2 Admin                01-12-2011 03:20:00
             3 MARKETING            01-01-2012 03:00:00
             4 FACILITY             12-02-2012 03:00:00
             8 IT                   10-06-2010 03:14:00
             9 Finance              07-11-2012 03:10:00
            10 "100HR"              07-11-2012 03:31:00
    8 rows selected.In the above case records having time more than 3 pm should not fetch.

    I have tried below query, it is giving me
    /* Formatted on 1/21/2013 3:25:20 PM (QP5 v5.215.12089.38647) */
    WITH test
         AS (SELECT 6 empno,
                    'back office' emptype,
                    TO_DATE ('24-12-2012 15:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
               FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 6 empno,
                    'back office' emptype,
                    TO_DATE ('24-12-2012 15:40:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
               FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 1,
                    TO_DATE ('01-01-2012 03:01:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
               FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 2,
                    TO_DATE ('01-12-2011 03:20:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
               FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 3,
                    TO_DATE ('01-01-2012 03:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
               FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 4,
                    TO_DATE ('12-02-2012 03:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
               FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 8,
                    TO_DATE ('10-06-2010 03:14:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
               FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 9,
                    TO_DATE ('07-11-2012 03:10:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
               FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 10,
                    TO_DATE ('07-11-2012 03:31:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
               FROM DUAL)
    SELECT empno, emptype, TO_CHAR (jdate, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') jdate
      FROM test
    WHERE TO_CHAR (jdate, 'hh:mi:ss') <= '03:00:00'records for 6, 3 and 4 empno's check if this is your requirement

  • Generating sound signal and record the timing using labview

    can somebody help me in generating audio o/p from daq 6036 and record the same signal for reference.

    I think you will find there are lots of topics already on the forums talking about trying to do this.
    Here are a couple of examples:
    Forum: Continuous audio output with varying volume or frequency
    Forum: How do I get audio output from a labview program
    Probably the easiest way is to search the forums for what you are looking for:
    Search Results on for 'audio' and 'output'
    Finally, here is an example program that may also help you:
    NI-DAQmx: Acquiring Audio and Transferring It to a PC Sound Card
    Training and Certification
    Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Manuel slide timing with an audio track

    My wife is a professor and she is wanting to post podcasts of her lectures. I am trying to figure out how to include her Keynote '08 slides in those podcasts. Is there any way in Keynote '08 to add an audio file and still have manuel timing of the slides? Obviously, the slides are going to need to be displayed for varying amounts of time depending on how long she talks about the subject of each slide in the audio file. I have figured out how to do the record function and record varying timing for slide transitions. But that also picks up noise from my computer microphone. I already have the audio as a file. So how can I record the slide transitions so that they sink with the audio file without getting unwanted noise recorded? Should this be accomplished in Keynote, or is there a way to change slides at the proper times in Garageband?

    I believe you would have to break up the audio and place a clip on each slide. You can have one audio file for the whole keynote presentation, but if the timings change it would be better to use just the sound clip you need for each slide. You could do this in garage band and import them through the media pallet.
    Hope that helps.

  • Transitions in Photoshop Elements 9

    I'm using Photoshop Elements 9 to create a slideshow.  I created a simple slideshow in Photoshop and then exported to Premiere Elements to do some additional editing and add audio.  To some of the slides I've added text.  However, the transitions don't apply to any of the added text.  I've used "fade" and "dip to black"...and with both, these transitions don't work with the text, only the photo itself.  Thus, the transitions look jerky with the photos fading...but not the text.  Looks very poor.  Am I doing something wrong or is it a problem of the program?  Is there a work-around?

    1- I think you might receive a better answer if you ask (about your problem with the transitions timing on the text added to the photos) in the Premiere Elements forum.  
    2- Since I can't give you a direct answer- I am suggesting a workaround which would require that you redo most of the work of creating this slide show.
    Instead of adding text during the slide show creation process, you would make a copy of the photo file for each photo that you are using in this slideshow -- then for each photo use the TEXT Tool of the Photoshop Elements Editor to add the words to each of the copy photo files.  Then make the slide show again using the "copy photo file with the text on the photo" for each image where you use added text. 
    I know my workaround is a significant amount of work. I definitely recommend experimenting with only a few photos to verify that you can get your desired result. You need to take these tests to whatever will be the media format of your slideshow playback.
    If the ultimate destination ofr this slideshow video will be a DVD disc, I recommend using a read/write DVD while you are testing and then using a DVD-R for the final result. 

  • RE:  Keynote to Power Point; timing off

    I created a file in KEYNOTE with multiple transitions on the BULLET POINTS. When I EXPORTED to POWER POINT then sent to my client the transition timing was off. For example, a TWO SECOND DISSOLVE translated into 1/2 SECOND. Is this a systemic problem with KEYNOTE?
    Thanks, Andy

    how do i covert keynote to power point?
    In Keynote version 6:     File > Export > Powerpoint
    In Keynote version 5:     Share > Export >Powerpoint

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