Recovering a lost word file.

I have been working on a word file on MacBook pro continuously over the last month. The last date that I had worked on it was 27th July but I opened my document today and it's an older version of the file, last modified on 25th. I'm not sure what's happened to the file, I know that I've saved it and I had sent the updated one to my gmail on the 26th - thus, it cannot have been modified last on 25th. However, I cannot find it anywhere on my system - i'm not sure if I've emptied it, i don't think that's possible (if that is the case, what do i do?) and if i haven't, how on earth do I locate it? It's just completely bizarre. I think this also happened as well when i was trying to upload it onto dropbox. Please help.

I mean that I had sent a file to my email on the 26th which I have already retrieved and saved on the local drive. However, the file had been worked on until the 27th (and i had not sent that updated version to my email) and that is what has been lost. 
The file that i found on my mac today did not even reflect the version that i had sent to myself on the 26th but an older version (25th) and that is what I don't understand. I'm not sure if I've made that any clearr.

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    Try this: In the top right corner of the menubar there's there's a spyglass icon which opens the Spotlight search. Since you lost a Word document it should end in .docx so type that in and press the Return key. A window will open and under its grey toolbar you should see Search: and after that at least one item: This Mac and perhaps several others. Select This Mac so Spotlight searches the entire hard drive for files ending in docx.
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    Hi Pat,
    I filled it out directly from the blank PDF online, and never got a chance
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    user9016606 wrote:
    I could recover the database and thank youGood. Now that you've put out the fire, you need to be finding out how it was you lost all of your redo and make a plan to prevent it from happening again. To that end ..
    Let me guess .. since your redo logs were named something dot log, someone was doing some housekeeping and thought there'd be no harm in deleting a log file. Up until 10g, the default names for redo logs was *.rdo. Shortly after my first upgrade to 10g, with the default of *.log, I twice had to recover due to some SA reclaiming space by deleting "log" files. Since then I've continued to name by redo logs *.rdo.
    And whether that was the cause or not, I hope you now see why it is strongly recommended that your multiplexed redo logs - the different members of each group - are as physically separate as possible. Ideally, they are on separate physical discs going through separate disk controllers. But at the very minimum they should be in separate directories to at the very least protect you from "rm *.log"

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    This is Oracle's is consistent. And so to that note, no, you cannot ONLINE a file unless it is consistent with the rest of the database.
    The only way to offline and online a file without requiring recovery is:
    1. OFFLINE NORMAL - peforms a checkpoint and all data is consistent to that point
    2. Make the tablespace READ-ONLY.
    If you have ALL OF THE ONLINE LOGS since the datafile was created, then you can issue recover datafile and enter the online logs at the prompt.
    Or, try to restore the last backup of the datafile and apply the online logs.
    You can restore the last cold backup of the whole database, which will then make the database consisitent.
    Or, you will have to drop the tablespace that contains the lost datafile. You can try to export the data from the files that remain online. After you have salvages any data remaining, then drop and recreate the tablespace and then import the database back in.
    When you do not archive, you have limited choices in recovery and understand that you could lose all data since the last cold backup.
    If your database is small, you may want to supplement your cold backups with exports.
    Or as a last resort, call Oracle consultanting and see if the can 'unload' the data from the tablespace. It will $$.

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        Hi tpolley,
    I can definitely understand the importance of this lecture you had saved on your phone.  When doing a master reset any info that was not saved to the sd card would be deleted and cannot be restored.  Back Up Assistant is a great tool to use for your contacts and media (such as pictures).  It would not have been able to assist with your other info.  I am sorry for any frustration this may have caused you.  Let us know if you need anything else.
    Thanks for your contribution to our community forums,
    Follow us on Twitter @vzwsupport

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    Well it's hard to say if recovery of your file is possible, but you can check if you have selected the Save AutoRecover information every x minutes check box in your MS Office settings.
    If yes just check AutoRecover file location box in MS Office settings.
    If not and you don't have backup, your file is lost i think.

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    I think he might rewrite the question in his own words.
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    I don't think you're on iOS 5, I think you're using iOS 6.  That's the latest version.
    Unless you've used iCloud to back up your documents, you won't be able to restore them.  And for future reference, you don't have to uninstall Pages to update your iPad anymore.  Sorry about this.

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    Well, iCloud has nothing to do with this.
    Do you have the built-in backup function Time Machine running on your Mac?

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    Thank You.

    Are you saying that these documents are password-protected? In that case, if you don't have the passwords, it's going to be next to impossible to open them.
    Stefan Blom, Microsoft Word MVP

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    Don't worry. I'm all for caution. I guess I should have asked a little more about what steps you took while trying to recover your lost library?
    The permissions thing may be a red herring, but if there is a problem with file access rights to the designated media folder iTunes has been known to place files on the desktop instead since it can access this location. The most common cause for such problems is working with a folder on an NTFS drive via a differnt account or on a different computer. In the normal course of events folders created inside user profiles have limited rights for other users.
    Here are the typical layouts for the iTunes folders:
    Normally the iTunes folder will be created at <User's Music>\iTunes with the media folder inside it. The library files should all appear in the same place so your comment about there not being an iTunes Library.itl file is confusing. Is it just the case that the .itl extension is hidden? The two .xml files makes sense from the above and indicates that the active library is not in <User's Music>\iTunes, but you have a recovered file from when it was.
    If, in fact, the situation is that your desktop is acting as the main iTunes folder, and contains the library file, Album Artwork, iTunes Media and (optionally) Previous iTunes Libraries folders, with all other content being inside the iTunes Media folder, then it should be relativly easy to rearrange your into the correct shape and move them to the correct location.
    If things are more complex, with something other than a library folder containing a media folder, then reestablishing the normal order is more complicated. The iTunes consolidate function is used to bring copies of files stored outside of the media folder into the media folder. It may sometimes be needed as part of the process of tidying up, however it leaves behind originals. There are circumstances where there isn't room for two complete sets of the media files on the same drive which is why I suggested the script might be useful as it produces the same results for the library without leaving the originals for manual clear up.
    I think before you do anything however, we should get a clearer picture of exactly what is where. Could you perhaps take a screenshot of the desktop and post it here? Take a look at this post on making a split library portable. The same techniques I outline there can be used to lick your library into shape, it is just a question of working out which to use in which order for the best effect.

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