Recovering overwritten music files

I was attempting to move some music folders that were located on my hardrive to the main music folder on my external hardrive. Noticing that for whatever reason a lot of the bands and albums were duplicated in both hardrives, I decided to replace existing folders with the copies I was making. Upon realizing this had deleted some of the albums for those bands that I had imported directly to my external drive, I undid the copy and put all the folders back onto my hardrive to do each one manually. However, the albums that were apparently overwritten are now gone and erased from my external drive and are nowhere to be found. Whole band folders are gone from my external drive where they had been originally imported. Any suggestions on how to recover these files?
Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

You will need a data recovery program such as "Data Rescue X" from ProSoft at
If you were trying to Add those file into iTunes it is best to do that function from within iTunes. If you have the "Keep and Copy" options enbaled then iTunes will do the work for you.

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    Is the Music not in iTunes on the computer you usually Sync and Back up to... If it is Re-Sync it...
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    If not... See Here  >  Download Past Purchases

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    Try Senuti.
    It's a program that transfers music from iPod to iTunes on a Mac.
    There's also a similar program called Yamipod which has a Mac version.
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    I'd pretty much resigned myself to screwing everything up, so I thought I might as well tidy up my iTunes folders to begin with, since these had got rather scrambled over the lifetime of iTunes.
    As a first step, I exitted iTunes and used the OS X Activity Monitor to kill the iTunes helper.
    I then moved all of the various iTunes media folders from the "iTunes" directory to the newer "iTunes\iTunes Media" folder. The media folders that I had on my system were: Album Artwork, Audiobooks, Books, Mobile Applications, Movies, Music, Podcasts, Ringtones, TV Shows, Voice Memos, iPod Games and iTunes U. Note that this is just what I found on my setup - ymmv.
    Rather pleasingly, by performing this step I located a number of orphan media files that I hadn't seen for ages (years in some cases), so it was a step well worth doing imho.
    Since I didn't want to waste time actually moving any files at this stage, I started up iTunes and set the iTunes/Preferences/Advanced dialog to disable the "Copy files to media folder" option.
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    Note that the "File/Add to Library..." menu option did not work in the same way - only dragging from Finder.
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    Unfortunately, I had lost all of my playlists, which is something I had resigned myself to. However, I'd read elsewhere that these might be recoverable from the "iTunes Music Library.xml" file. I did a quick scan of this file and was able to locate some of my old playlists - much to my surprise (recall, this was after I had already made several attempts to recover my files, so I was expecting this to have been scrambled).
    I therefore copied this file to my desktop and used the iTunes "File/Library/Import Playlist..." to see if I could recover any playlists from this file. Amazingly, they all re-appeared. Better yet, they actualy worked, despite the fact that I had moved loads of the files during the earlier housekeeping stage. A few playlists were duplicated but it was a trivial step to delete the unwanted ones.
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    Your i-device was not designed for unique storage of your media. It is not a backup device and media transfer was planned with you maintaining a master copy of your media on a computer which is itself independently backed up against loss.  To use a device with a new computer you transfer the content from the old computer (or its backup) directly to the new computer, not the device to the new computer. Media syncing is one way, computer to device, updating the device content to the content on the computer, not updating or restoring content on a computer. The exception is iTunes Store purchases which can be transferred to a computer.
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer - - only purchases from iTunes Store
    For transferring other items from an i-device to a computer you will have to use third party commercial software.  See this document by turingtest2: Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device -

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    Any ideas as to why this has happened and how to recover my music files without having to trawl through the guts of my computer?

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    HP F1503   Windows XP  

    If you erased your hard drive (which is what most system restore disks do), then you erased your music tracks. Just reinstalling iTunes won't get them back; you'd have to copy them back from a backup or your iPod.
    The easiest way to copy your tracks back from your iPod will be to search VersionTracker for "iPod". You'll find a number of utilities that can transfer your tracks and your playlists from your iPod back to your PC, some of which work quite well. I don't have a specific recommendation as I've never used any of the PC utilities, but check the reviews.
    It's also possible to do this manually, but the procedure is rather involved. If you're interested, though, see this thread:
    MacMuse: Computer crashed
    Forum Tip: Since you're new here, you've probably not discovered the Search feature available on every Discussions page, but next time, it might save you time (and everyone else from having to answer the same question multiple times) if you search a couple of ways for a topic, both in the relevant forums, in the User Tips Library and in the Apple Knowledge Base before you post a question.

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    My playlist appears in itunes, but the music files have mysteriously disappeared from my iTunes Media file. Is there a way to recover them? Tried searching and cannot find them.

    This page might help:
    Older Zens don't support AAC, which is the format iTunes uses for songs.
    You can convert from AAC to MP3, which every media player under the sun will play.  Here's a tutorial:

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    so is there any way to recover my music or to reboot from like a day ago in hopes of all my stuff still being there?

    Hi Viral,
    Check out Data Rescue II, it should have no problems recovering something that was deleted a day ago.

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