Recovering project

Is there any way to recover older versions of captivate projects? I have accidently saved over a file incorrectly and lost work.

All of your possible options are listed in this page:
If you did not have backups turned on, and you've already cleared your cache or saved your changes in the current project to the cache, then you may be sunk.

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    there is nothing there, but the version name and an arrow with an ! in the lower right hand corner of each of the 151 non existent photos in the project. Can I delete these Recovered Projects?
    Deleting the recovered projects will not damage your Aperture Library, but they are an indication, that some images may be missing. In that case the filenames will give you an indication which images you need to restore from your backup.
    Before deleting these projects, I would check first, if the images exist in your other projects. Usually there is nothing wrong, if you see "recovered projects"; sometimes files are left in the library package, when you use an external editor, that saves into the Library package, or if Aperture crashes, when writing an image version.

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    So here's my question, how, if possible, can I review my "recovered" project and keep working on it?
    I would normally assume that all of your "resource" pointers were "orphaned" by the removing of the project file. While it is theoretically possible to restore the file to its former location and check to see the pointers are re-instated, I personally would not bother to try and manually correct them if the pointers themselves have been changed. The "forté" of iMovie '08 is your ability to quickly edit content and, generally speaking, I find it easier to re-edit the project material than to manually edit all of the individual project package files.

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    It sounds like maybe you have a corrupt image in the Library. Try Importing small sets of images into new Projects so you can isolate the corrupt image. If this is the case, you'll be able to run fine after that image is deleted.
    You might try with a New Library since the Image could be somewhere in your Library already.

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    No - totally different case
    This is one of the VERY few time that you should ever delete anything from your iPhoto library
    quit iPhoto and go to your iPhoto library and right click (control click) on it - select show package contents and find the folder names import (or importing) and drag it to the desktop
    This is deleting a very specific folder which does not danage the library - deleting files is different - what effect is this having you your use of iPhoto? If you really want to try go ahead as long as you ahve a tested good backup to go back to if it does not work

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    1) Why are the photos missing from their respective projects and showing up in the recovered projects folder? 
    2) Why is this NOT happening on the MacBook Air?
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    I haven't had any recent issues with Aperture crashing while using this library.

    The drive I am using is Mac OS Extended.  I checked the "Ignore ownership..." flag; it appeared to be set already, but I de-selected then re-selected it.
    That is perfect.  And I do not think you need to copy the library again.
    I've also changed permissions on the Aperture Library file itself to give read & write permissions to everybody; realistically only I will ever be using the library, and never more than one person at any given time.
    That is good, but I would prefer to use Aperture's built-in permission repair. Launch Aperture while holding down the key combination option-command ⌥⌘, to bring up the First Aid panel, then select "Repair permissions".
    The upsetting thing is - copying the photos from the recovered project folder back into the projects they belong in is not only tedious - they don't seem to stay there!  Very odd, and very frustrating.
    How did you copy the photos back? Drag them in Aperture's browser from the Recovered project to their original project? That should move them permanently back.
    Are you using PhotoStream with that Aperture library? Can it be, that you have Photo Stream enabled on your MacBook Air, but not on your other Macs? An automatic import from Photo Stream on one computer, but not on the other machines, or an automatic syncing with FaceBook or other cloud services could account for different projects on different Machines.  Check, if any Aperture preference settings are different on your Macs. I.e. check, if your Import settings are differnet - if your MBA is set to import referenced (as Ernie pointed out) and the other macs not.
    Which of your macs are running Mt. Lion, and which Macs are running Mavericks? If you are using Photo Stream, it may be behaving differnetly on the different systems.

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    Many thanks for any help.

    I don't think you can import a FCP X project to iMovie, but if I am wrong I guess someone will correct me.

  • Cleaning up a recovered project?

    RH7, .chm help.
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    You could just use the Unused Files report from the Tools menu. I've always found what is there to be deletable.
      The RoboColum(n)

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    >familiar with linux
    Since the Image program includes a routine to make a bootable CD, you don't need to know Linux at all... you simply choose options from various menu screens after the CD boots and starts the program
    >secondary backup of a project
    I've never done so, but I would guess you can use the project save as command

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    Powermac G4 2x800/ iBook G3 700   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    No, I don't think any of Karsten's solutions apply. His answers relate to "playable" DVDs, including commerical disks. In my case I don't have a DVD that can be played on anything - a DVD player or my Mac. The complete uncompressed files of the movie project have been burnt to a DVD disk for archival purposes, using iMovie's Burn Project to Disk command in the File menu. My question is how to re-import them to iMovie. So far the program can't recognise them.

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    My question is how can I recover my projet ?  Is their a Autosave Vault somewhere ?
    Pleas... help me :-(

    I just find a way to work around that problem.
    I dragged my Problematic project out of the «Final Cut Projects». It took a while...
    I relaunched FCP X and I was able to open this project becaus I worked with a sub-timeline.  Whien It opened, I trashed the last title that I made and I quit FCP X.
    I placed the project back in the «Final Cut Projects».
    I crossed my fingers and I open FCP X and everything is back in line.  Ouf!!!
    Thanks for your support and I hope this workaround will help others fighting to get back in line.

  • Help needed recovering project files from trash

    Hi everyone, I am hoping that someone will be able to help me. I just did something stupid!
    I created two new projects in iMovie this morning and then needed to clear out the mac in order to speed up a clip as I was getting the warning that my disk was full. So I copied a lot of files from iPhoto onto a hard drive and then moved them to trash including the raw files that I was using for these projects. (I got a bit carried away!) Yes the video files were in iPhoto and not iMovie Events as the last time I uploaded files iMovie was not playing the game.
    The files are still on the mac as I have not emptied the trash and they are also backed up on an external drive connected to the mac, but I have emptied the iPhoto trash. I tried importing the files back into iPhoto from trash and only got so far before the disk full message came up again. But even those ones that I did manage to re import are not showing up.
    Is there any way that I can continue with these projects or have I effectively ruined them? Do I need to start again from scratch? I hope not as they took me hours and hours to create and had pretty much finished them.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. :-)
    To see these "other" backups, you need the Browse Other Backup Disks or (Browse Other Time Machine Disks on Snow Leopard or Leopard) option.  It's available by Alt/Option-clicking the Time Machine icon in your Menubar, or by control-clicking (right-clicking) the Time Machine icon in your Dock.

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    Also, anyone know how to get rid of the little tool option popup when I touch my pen to the tablet? It's driving me NUTS!

    Had you saved the image files at any time before the crash?  If so, you can search your hard drive for them.
    When Photoshop doesn't shut down properly, it retains very little.  I've even seen a crash make PS wipe my preferences and other settings to their factory state.
    Nancy O.

  • Restore FCP X to Recover Project that Disappeared

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    After updating FCP X to version 10.0.6, some of my projects were gone and clips from some events were moved into totally unrelated events.  This happened in a number of cases.
    I have invested a lot of time in on of the missing projects and dread having to totally recreate it.  Since FCP X is a database driven product, I assume I can't simply find and restore the old project.  Will I have to do the "Restore" on FCP X itself?  Any advice will be appreciated.

    You cannot open projects in FCP. You need to update your projects and events for the new version. Read about it. Start here

  • External Drive scrambled :-( Can I recover project?

    My external hard drive had a power surge and scrambled the project I was working on, now the computer wont recognise the disk saying it is unreadable.
    I have had our local Mac agent look at it. He said we could dig up the individual files (at a hefty cost I might add) but no guarantees I will get my DVD project back how it was when things went hay wire (99% finished too).
    I would like to know if anyone can help and suggest a way I might be able to unscramble things and get the project back. I am not worried about just the files as I still have the original tapes, jpg, sound effects etc that make up the project. I would really just like to save myself about 2 weeks work in re-capturing and rebuilding it if I can. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

    EXTFREE wrote:
    Problem is my computer wont even recognise the external HD where everything is and wants me to reset the scratch disk but how can I do that - even my FCE copy is on it?
    Sounds like BIG troubles.
    Do you know where the _Project file_ is located or did you have a backup? As mentioned if you have that and it's a DV tape sourced Project it's straight forward to re-build.
    If not you are probably up for some serious surgery to get the info back. If you can't figure out how to do this yourself then it's off to see someone than can. Reteiving files can be pretty expensive from dead drives, if it's actually dead.
    Double check your cables and connections first, it may be something simple.
    The FCE application can be loaded to your System drive, that's where it should be rather than an external.

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