Recreating texture of drawing

Hey, I'm looking to recreate the texture of this floor plan and its surroundings. I've had a few attempts at applying the texture through 'Pattern Overlay', though i'm not sure which blend mode to use? Or altogether if there's another way to achieve the texture? The aim is for it to be very light so it doesn't detract from the main plan of the building. Any suggestions please post, will be greatly appreciated

Hi there! Below I've provided some steps for you to try out. Note that you can easily substitute in other textures, and tweak settings accordingly
First, go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Pattern, and click "OK" when the New Layer dialog box pops up. Creating a pattern fill layer will make it easier for you to change the texture later if you decide to use another one.
In the Pattern Fill dialog box, go ahead and pick your texture by clicking on the texture swatch. To add new textures, click on the small settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the texture swatch gallery. In this tutorial, I'm using the Gray Granite texture in the Grayscale Paper collection that comes installed in Photoshop CS6. You can use whatever texture you'd like
With your pattern fill layer selected, change the layer Blend Mode to Multiply. This will allow your plan drawing to show through under the texture.
You can adjust the Opacity of the layer using the the opacity slider in the layers panel. This will make the texture lighter and more subtle.
If you want to get that "faded" effect in your original image, you can apply a Layer Mask to the texture. This will allow you to paint away selective parts of the texture, without permanently erasing it. To do so, first click on the icon highlighted below to add a layer mask to your texture layer.
Now, making sure you have the layer mask selected, grab the Brush Tool and select a large, soft brush. Change your brush color to Black (#000000), and start painting away any areas where you don't want the texture. If you want to add texture back in, switch your brush color to White (#ffffff).
The great thing about using a layer mask to hide or reveal parts of your texture is that it's non-destructive, meaning it doesn't permanantly effect your texture layer. If you ever want to bring back your full texture layer, just right click on the layer mask.
I hope this helped, or at least gave you a few tips! Remember that the texture you use is completely up to you, and you can change the opacity of your texture layer as much as you'd like. Below is a before and after shot of my two images: on the left is my original plan, on the right is the plan with the texture overlayed.
Please post again if you need additional help or clarification!

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    In regarding of the issue, please provide us more information to assist you better.
    Which Office version are you using with the two pcs?
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    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
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    As CeciNEstPasUnProgrammeur said you do need a loop. You can probably make good use of the % operator inside your loop also.
    for(int i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_RECTANGLES; i++){
         if(i % 2 == 0) {
             //draw black rectangle
         } else {
             //draw white rectangle
    }Just think about what you need to do:
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    -Pick an increment [this will be the 'width' of each rectangle]
    -Now for each rectangle you want to move your x and y points right and down by your increment. Moreover, you want to make your width and height smaller by your increment*2
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    This means on the first loop:
    x = 0
    y = 0
    width = getWidth()
    height = getHeight()
    Second loop:
    x = 10
    y = 10
    width = getWidth()-20 [10 to compensate for the shift, and 10 for the width]
    height = getHeight()-20
    Here is what I came up with - hope it helps.
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class AprilTest1 extends Applet {
         private int x, y, z = 0;
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
              for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
                      g.setColor( Color.white );
                      g.fillRect(x+z, y+z, getWidth()-(z*2), getHeight()-(z*2)); 
                   } else {
                      g.setColor( );
                      g.fillRect(x+z, y+z, getWidth()-(z*2), getHeight()-(z*2));
                   z += 10;
    }Any questions, feel free to ask :)

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    | GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2
    | GeometryArray.COLOR_3
              float length = 0.5f;
              float epsilon = 0.1f;
         Point3f p = new Point3f(-length/2.0f, length/2.0f, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(0, p);
    p.set(-length/2.0f, -length/2.0f, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(1, p);
    p.set(length/2.0f, -length/2.0f, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(2, p);
    p.set(length/2.0f, length/2.0f, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(3, p);
         Point3f upperborder = new Point3f(-(length/2.0f+epsilon), length/2.0f+epsilon, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(4, upperborder);
    upperborder.set(-(length/2.0f+epsilon), length/2.0f, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(5, upperborder);
    upperborder.set((length/2.0f), length/2.0f, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(6, upperborder);
    upperborder.set((length/2.0f), length/2.0f+epsilon, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(7, upperborder);
    Point3f rightborder = new Point3f((length/2.0f), length/2.0f+epsilon, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(8, rightborder);
    rightborder.set((length/2.0f), -(length/2.0f), 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(9, rightborder);
    rightborder.set((length/2.0f+epsilon), -(length/2.0f), 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(10, rightborder);
    rightborder.set((length/2.0f+epsilon), length/2.0f+epsilon, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(11, rightborder);
    Point3f lowerborder = new Point3f(-(length/2.0f), -length/2.0f, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(12, lowerborder);
    lowerborder.set(-(length/2.0f), -(length/2.0f+epsilon), 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(13, lowerborder);
    lowerborder.set((length/2.0f+epsilon), -(length/2.0f+epsilon), 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(14, lowerborder);
    lowerborder.set((length/2.0f+epsilon), -length/2.0f, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(15, lowerborder);
    Point3f leftborder = new Point3f(-(length/2.0f+epsilon), length/2.0f, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(16, leftborder);
    leftborder.set(-(length/2.0f+epsilon), -(length/2.0f+epsilon), 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(17, leftborder);
    leftborder.set(-(length/2.0f), -(length/2.0f+epsilon), 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(18, leftborder);
    leftborder.set(-(length/2.0f), length/2.0f, 0.0f);
    plane.setCoordinate(19, leftborder);
    TexCoord2f q = new TexCoord2f(0.0f, 1.0f);
    plane.setTextureCoordinate(0, 0, q);
    q.set(0.0f, 0.0f);
    plane.setTextureCoordinate(0, 1, q);
    q.set(1.0f, 0.0f);
    plane.setTextureCoordinate(0, 2, q);
    q.set(1.0f, 1.0f);
    plane.setTextureCoordinate(0, 3, q);
    /** My Texture (using Appearance) **/
    // can't use parameterless constuctor
    Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(Texture.BASE_LEVEL, Texture.RGBA, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
    texture.setImage(0, image);
    texture.setBoundaryColor(new Color4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
    Is there a better way to do it?
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Do a control-A (select all). This should put a selection outline around your image. Then do an Edit-Stroke. Define your Width in pixels, Color, and then choose Inside. Set blending to whatever you want (Normal for a solid color) and then the Opacity.
    Play with it. Have fun. Do NOT edit original images - always do an Image-Duplicate before doing edits until you know what you're doing. It is way too easy to make edits and then save that file over your original - losing the source file forever (unless you have a backup).

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    As our Bruce has just told you, there are so many ways to add texture.  Strangely, none of the obvious methods would use the paint brush.  Also, as suggested by our Bruce, it depends entirely on what you want to do, and a scale of any patten involved.
    The denim patten in this was done using the Half Tone filter, for instance.
    There are weave pattens available from Scripted Fill if you have CC, or a great tool to experiment with overlaying textures, is to install the free Flypaper Textures extension by Russell Brown.
    end of the line

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    I have a texture, 128*128
    I want to draw it to a 68 * 98 rectangle. I do not want the texture to be scaled
    Plz tell me what I should do.

    So you want to display only a part of the texture? In this case you need to set the right texture coordinates to the vertices.

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    Is anyone knowledgeable about loading sprites with an alpha channel?
    This is the code I am using to load my sprites. The image files were png files with an alpha channel(parts where you can see through the image). But when loading it the parts that are supposed to be invisible turn out to be black.
    I have searched far and wide across the internet and what a surprise I only see solutions for mobile phones other than the iphone! It would be great help to the iphone community if someone can be kind enough to point out what it is thats supposed to be done to get this to work.
    myTexture = Texture2D alloc initWithData:data bytes pixelFormat:kTexture2DPixelFormatRGBAPVRTC4 pixelsWide:512 pixelsHigh:512 contentSize:CGSizeMake(512,512);
    then running the following in drawView:
    myTexture drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(0,0);
    the result is the texture showing correctly except the invisible parts turn out black. Perhaps I have to set something in the drawView? Please If anyone out there can help.
    Message was edited by: Darpachief

    You may need to enable alpha blending systemwide, e.g. glEnable (GL_BLEND), as well as glBlendFunc(), glAlphaFunc(), etc.

  • Recreating a program interface with the drawing API?

    Hey there all!
    I've been out of the developing arena for awhile, so please
    bear with me.
    I'm currently doing a road trainer gig, and it would help me
    out tremendously to have a Flash version of the software I'm
    providing training on. Can someone point me in the right direction
    to find the ActionScript for drawing a specific programs interface?
    I'm going to be needing databaseing info too, but that's
    another question :-) .
    Thanx in advance!

    i don't know why you would draw an interface, but the flash
    drawing api can be found under the movieclip methods: lineStyle,
    moveTo, lineTo, curveTo, beginFill etc.

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    I have uploaded the image and trace image, where do i go from here?

    Yes.  What I typically do is scan the drawing as a Grayscale .tiff > "Place" the .tiff oto a Layer in Illustrator > Create a second Layer for your drawing or redraw in Illustrator.  This requires a lot of fancy footwork using Illustrator's drawing tools, but is much faster and more accurate ( in my opinion ) than some sort of automated draw attempt in Illustrator.  Sometimes it depends on the artwork itself.  Hint: if you can, dim the Pllaced .tiff in its Layer options palette.  This helps your redraw lines show up better against the Grayscale background of the image.

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    (Problem 1) AppleWorks gets corrupted when dragging a picture file (.jpg or .png) from the desktop into a drawing document. Various dialogs (e.g. "Format : Document..." or "Format : Ruler : Settings ..." or "Options : Object Size ...") become uneditable. These dialogs will display blank boxes instead of the given object settings, and nothing can be entered into these boxes. AppleWorks must be shut down and restarted in order to continue work.
    (Problem 2) When a formula (i.e. an equation) has been created in a MathType window, selected and copied, it takes ages to make AppleWorks the active application (spinning rainbow coloured ball appears and keeps spinning for a long while). Thereafter, it takes another century to get the formula appearing in the AppleWorks document when selecting the command "Edit : Paste".
    Everything worked still fine under Leopard; under Snow Leopard it's a desaster.
    I've produced thousands of work sheets for my Maths teachings using the Drawing module of AppleWorks in combination with MathType (Design Science). Now I'm stuck since there is no decent successor of AppleWorks available:
    * iWork doesn't feature a drawing module.
    * EazyDraw doesn't collaborate with MathType (i.e. no OLE; inserted formulae cannot be edited by double-clicking).
    * OpenOffice doesn't collaborate with MathType.
    * Micro$oft Office doesn't feature a drawing module.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    I don't use AppleWorks as much as I used to & I've never had a need to use MathType, but I just tried dragging 3 images - a .png, a .tiff & a .jpg - to a new AppleWorks draw document. I had no problems resizing them using Format > Scale by percent & I had no problems using any of the other dialog boxes you mention.
    Some basic troubleshooting you might try:
    Whenever you do an update, it's a good idea to do two maintenance tasks, one for the system (Repair Permissions) and one for AppleWorks (delete preferences). (Thanks to Barry for this way to format this very common answer.)
    To Repair permissions in 10.4.x, launch Disk Utility, found in the Utilities folder in your Applications folder, click on First Aid, then on Repair Permissions.
    To delete AppleWorks’ preference files, go to HD > Users > Library > Preferences. Find and delete the file Find and open the folder AppleWorks in this Preferences folder, then delete all of the enclosed files (with the exception of the Button Bar Preferences if you have customized the Button Bars). AppleWorks will recreate the preference files as it needs them. You should do this step anytime AppleWorks crashes or you force quit it.
    The slowness is likely the "Recent Items bug" & it has been around since AppleWorks 6 was released in March, 2000. It can make it appear that AppleWorks has frozen or failed to launch. The user tip by Dale Gillard, AppleWorks slow? Spinning ball appears?, explains a lot.
    Could you send me a copy of one of these worksheets? Perhaps I can see if I can easily duplicate one in Pages/Numbers/Keynote. Even though iWork doesn't have a draw app, all of the apps do have basic drawing capabilities.

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    public void makeBackground() {
            // the texture size must be multiply of 2
            int tWidth = 2;
            while (tWidth < getWidth()) {
                tWidth *= 2;
            int tHeight = 2;
            while (tHeight < getHeight()) {
                tHeight *= 2;
            Texture t = new Texture(getWidth(), getHeight()); // new texture is created with width and height same as the window size
            int px, py, ox, oy; // some variables
            final int pw = getWidth(),  ph = getHeight(),  hww = tWidth; // as above
            ByteBuffer bb = t.getData(); // blank texture is converted to a byte buffer
            Utils.startStoper(); // start timer (for a benchmark)
            try {
                for (int p = 0;; p++) {
                    px = p % hww; // get the X of the pixel
                    py = p / hww; // get the Y of the pixel
                    ox = ROUND_ANGLE - Math.min(px + 1, pw - px + 1); //  ox = <0, 32> if near corners
                    oy = ROUND_ANGLE - Math.min(py + 1, ph - py + 1); //  as above
                    bb.put((byte) 0); // r = 0
                    bb.put((byte) 0); // g = 0
                    bb.put((byte) 0); // b = 0
                    if (ox > 0 && oy > 0) {  // if near corners
                        double hypot = Math.hypot(ox, oy);
                        if (hypot > ROUND_ANGLE) { // if outside the corner
                            bb.put((byte) 0); // apha = 0
                        } else if (hypot > ROUND_ANGLE - 1) { // if on the corner edge
                            bb.put((byte) Math.round(
                                    (ROUND_ANGLE - hypot) * 200));
                        } else {
                            bb.put((byte) 200);  // if inside the corner (200 is a max value cause the whole window is a bit transparent)
                    } else {
                        bb.put((byte) 200); // inside the window
            } catch (BufferOverflowException ex) {
            Utils.stopStoper();  // stop timer
            t.setData(bb);   // set data for a texture
            super.setImage(t);  // set texture as a background
        }And here we have a problem. The whole method takes about 70ms for a window 200x200.
    I can do it in another way: create a pictures of a rounded corner and a black box. The box would be the window inside and the corner would loaded 4 times each time rotated. Only the box would be stretched then. But I would have to override all methods of a window (setX, setY, setXY, some more).
    Any ideas?
    Edited by: tom_ex on 2009-02-17 16:58

    Hi Tom,
    I haven't used lwjgl, so hope the following helps:
    1- What does it matter if it takes 70ms. Your windows will be created once. At that point juste create the texture for that window and store it until you destroy the window. The penalty hit is 70ms but only at the initialization.
    2- You are drawing a pixel at a time for everything. Why don't you calculate the area of the corners and only draw the corners a pixel at a time. For the rest, draw some filled polygons.
    3- The java Graphics object has method fill methode that can take any Shape object. Why don't you use that?
    I would use a combination of 3 and 1.
    Hope that helps.
    Edited by: ekram_rashid on Feb 18, 2009 2:21 PM

  • How to minimize the file size of a file with drawing markups

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    Unfortunately, even after using Preflight and Save As>Reduced Size PDF, the file size is still over 900 kb.  The original file size before I make any changes is less than 150 kb.  I need the final file size to be 200-300 kb.
    Windows 7
    Adobe Acrobat X Pro
    I may be going about this all wrong, so any advice you have is much appreciated!  The only other thing I can think of to do (since I can't get a blank sample report), is to recreate the report in Word and then PDF it.  I'm hoping there's a better solution.  I tried Photoshop first and the file sizes were in the MBs, so I switched to Acrobat.  Maybe a different program would work even better?

    Basically that is what Bill is telling you. The best method is to:
    create the design of the form in Word.
    Save as a PDF (on a Mac the best method is to go to print menu click pdf and hold mouse or track pad button down, and Chose Adobe PDF) .
    Then open PDF in Acrobat
    Click on Tools
    Click on Forms and create form. Either letting acrobat create the fields and add or take away fields as need.  Or create fields manually.
    This way should you need to make correction you can open the original Word Document, Make chages save as PDF The in open original in PDF. Click on Tools > Pages and choose replace pages and replace desired page(s) as needed. Then readjust fields if needed or add or take fields as needed.

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    I have an iPhone 4S that refuses to sync when disconnected from the computer. I have a Mac Book Pro, with iTunes 10.7 (21) and iOS 6 installed on the phone.  I have the two options in iTunes checked, Open iTunes when this phone is connected and Sync

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    Hi all, first - sorry for my english - i hope you get my problem I have the following issue: I have a bunch of threads which take their time. But I want to limit their time and so use a timeout. So e.g. I want to say that all threads have to be finis