Red cast

When using the 'Image Overlay' in the Retouch menu of the D3100 (i.e. putting two NEFs on top of each other) and I import the resulting file in Lightroom (or CameraRaw), it's got a very strong magenta cast, which I can't get rid of.
Anybody any idea what causes this?
When I import the same file in Picasa or another un-Adobe related RAW converter, this cast is not there.

It's a bug. On my machine I get the red cast if I choose any option for the number of rows other than 5. Other people report five or less works. At any rate, EVERYONE reports choosing any number of rows greater than 5 in the Options section results in the red cast. One person reported his mother rather liked the look....

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    its all photos now have a red cast
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    all photos  have a red cast to them

    Hi there cqerqso,
    Could you provide the community with a little more information to help narrow troubleshooting? Things like your printer model and your operating system help out a lot.
    You can say thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in my post. If my post resolves your problem, please mark it as Accepted Solution so others can benefit too.

  • Red cast in photos

    iphoto 5 with osx 10.4
    some of my photos have a red cast to them. When i open them with preview the image is fine.
    how do i fix this problem

    its all photos now have a red cast
    i dont think its a iphoto issue

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    Try the following:
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your
        Home/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache folder(s):
    and, if there is one, the
    Home/Library/Caches/ folder
    3 - reboot, launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: For Mavericks, 10.9,  go to your Home folder and use the View ➙ Show View Options menu to bring the this window:
    If that's doesn't help Try the following:
    1 - launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    2 - Run Option #4, Rebuild Database, followed by Option #1 if needed.
    Happy Holidays

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    If I understand the color management issues, images don't suddenly correct themselves when you move the mouse over them, which is why I thought I'd post this to see if there is a fix, or if anyone else is experiencing the same thing.
    Thanks for any replies.

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    It may be a little different with the 9000 as it is several models back by now.  But what I explained should be close.
    Don't have it?  Get it HERE  <--- click me
    EOS 1Ds Mk III, EOS 1D Mk IV, EF 50mm f1.2 L, EF 24-70mm f2.8 L,
    EF 85mm f1.2 L II USM, EF 70-200mm f2.8 L IS II,
    Sigma 120-300mm f2.8 EX APO, Photoshop CS6, ACR 9, Lightroom 6

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    Your install disk must look like this
    and not like this.
    Those gray disks are machine specific and will only work with model of Mac that they shipped with.

  • PS CS4 and red cast to photos

    Hi all,
    New to the forums here.  Let me start by saying, I've read around, and the only 'fixes' I've found for this issue did not work for me.
    Running a dual-quad core Mac with a single Dell 2209WA monitor.  The SAME issue happened first on my 15" MBP yesterday.  Both on my laptop yesterday, and desktop this early a.m. the problem began while I had PS open and working.
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    From out of the blue.  I did nothing out of the ordinary in either case, laptop and desktop.  Just listening to music and editing.  And suddenly from one image to the next I have a problem.
    I've read about all the color management settings in both LR and PS.  I'm no genius but I'm fairly savvy on that stuff.  Working profile in PS is ProPhoto RGB, set to preserve embedded profile.  Export settings in LR are set to export in ProPhoto RGB, and export as 16-bit PSD.
    Monitor on laptop and desktop are both calibrated within the last 2-3 weeks.  No issues on other projects since then until now.  I've also opened up other LR catalogs to make sure it wasn't just that one catalog.  The problem seems to be in CS4.
    Here is a link to a screengrab.  LR is in the background with true color.  PS is in foreground with tint.
    I went in to PS settings and deselected 'Enable OpenGL Drawing'.  Relaunched PS with no fix.  Changed my monitor profile via Sys Prefs, relaunched PS, no fix.  Tried several combinations of color profiles within PS's Color Settings window, no fix.
    PLEASE!!  Someone tell me why this just happened.  I'm supposed to deliver these pics by tonight.  aarrggghhh
    Thanks much,

    Old versions of Photoshop are not marketed by Adobe. Only CS5 can be upgraded to CS6.  There are many scams on the web if you find a cheap copy of Photoshop out there its most likely a scam... Be careful.....

  • I'm experiencing a red cast when converting from prophoto profile to srgb.

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    Mr. Rose,
    Richard Rose2 wrote:
    …"asinine . .  and ignorant. . . " well, I've been called worse…
    Aside from the fact that I do regret not finding more appropriate terms, please note that I applied them not to you personally but to the concepts expressed in the statement I was referencing.
    Richard Rose2 wrote:
    I'll back up here and modify one thing I said:
    There's no real advantage working in ProPhoto when the image is coming in from anything other than a very high end digital camera.
    I still disagree.  DSLRs under $1,000 do a fine job these days, some of them are closer to $500.  You might want to take another look at the current market. 
    Richard Rose2 wrote:
    … Point and shoot cameras, even good ones and anything in JPEG format, which is the way a great deal of photographers really do work
    Sunday snap shooters, maybe; not pro photographers.
    Richard Rose2 wrote:
    There's no real advantage working in ProPhoto when the image is coming in from anything other than a very high end digital camera. Point and shoot cameras, even good ones and anything in JPEG format, which is the way a great deal of photographers really do work, no matter how expensive their equipment, certainly do not contain color information in the ProPhoto gamut.
    By converting them in-camera from raw to JPEGs, yes, by definition they have been constricted to the narrower gamut of Adobe RGB or sRGB.  Duh! 
    Richard Rose2 wrote:
    …Jeff is able to surround himself with high end equipment…
    He often works with a Canon Digital Rebel in fully automatic mode when walking about, hardly a "high end" camera.  He just shoots RAW and does the processing in Camera Raw later on.  Watch that video, he actually names the camera model.
    Richard Rose2 wrote:
    …. (shrug) I also have spent a professional career getting photographers' work onto one kind of printing medium or another.
    Ooooh, I'm highly tempted to ask for the name of your shop, just so I can avoid it. 
    Richard Rose2 wrote:
    …I can show you case after case of disappointing results for the reasons I have already described…
    I can come up with even more examples of shoddy work by incompetent pigs masquerading as painters, physicians and assorted other professions.  Totally irrelevant.
    Richard Rose2 wrote:
    …Ask a thousand pro photographers what "named color space" even means and they won't have the faintest idea how to respond.  The few that do hang out in places like this and throw around terms like you, I and Jeff do. This place, and certainly the upper-levels that Jeff moves around in are not the "real world."
    But it is in THIS VERY PLACE that this discussion is taking place!  If you had posted elsewhere, (1) I may not have even read your comment and (2) it's entirely possible that it would have been appropriate for another audience or readership.  The issue is what you wrote HERE.  At least that is what I was addressing in this context.
    Not for a second do I believe that you have asked even ten photographers what a given color space means, let alone "a thousand pro photographers".  That is preposterous, and, at best, it would be an indication of the circles in which you move around.
    Richard Rose2 wrote:
    …And many will actually respond with anger at the idea that they need to understand anything coming close to  the words "Color Managed Workflow…"
    Which is why it would be an extremely dumb idea for me to go around asking that question of a thousand individuals, as you rhetorically suggest. 
    Finally, I would repeat that I do agree that the original poster probably shouldn't be using ProPhoto RGB given his lack of understanding of color management at this point.
    Once again, sorry for the unflattering, clumsy terms I used to describe your statements.
    Wo Tai Lao Le

  • Importing WoW captures has red cast

    I recognize that I am probably the basest of the base when it comes to market (as in, I use this on a friend's computer to tool around with...  more of a freeload-sumer, rather the prosumer) but I'm having issues with importing clips I've captured from World of Warcraft, using WoW's built-in capture utility.
    When I play them via quicktime or import them into iMovie (or Screenflow, even), the videos appear fine.  When I import the file into FCP X, the videos are totally red.
    Is there something I'm doing wrong?  Is there a setting I need to mess with?
    The "more info" bit on the file properties (from finder) says the the clips are in H.264 format with AAC sound.  The color profile is "(1-2-1)", but I don't know what that means.
    I don't think I'm a total idiot when it comes to screwing around with this kind of stuff, as I imported some of the "Meet the Team" videos from Team Fortress 2.  That required me to use Cocktail to transmute them into m4v's.
    Do I need to do a similar kind of thing?  As I look at the tf2 videos, I see the color profile for those is "HD (1-1-1)"
    Thanks for your help.

    I recognize that I am probably the basest of the base when it comes to market (as in, I use this on a friend's computer to tool around with...  more of a freeload-sumer, rather the prosumer) but I'm having issues with importing clips I've captured from World of Warcraft, using WoW's built-in capture utility.
    When I play them via quicktime or import them into iMovie (or Screenflow, even), the videos appear fine.  When I import the file into FCP X, the videos are totally red.
    Is there something I'm doing wrong?  Is there a setting I need to mess with?
    The "more info" bit on the file properties (from finder) says the the clips are in H.264 format with AAC sound.  The color profile is "(1-2-1)", but I don't know what that means.
    I don't think I'm a total idiot when it comes to screwing around with this kind of stuff, as I imported some of the "Meet the Team" videos from Team Fortress 2.  That required me to use Cocktail to transmute them into m4v's.
    Do I need to do a similar kind of thing?  As I look at the tf2 videos, I see the color profile for those is "HD (1-1-1)"
    Thanks for your help.

  • Terrible red color cast when printing from aperture

    I have printed the same image from Iphoto as well as a windows machine and got very nice prints on my Epson R2880. However, every time i print from Aperture it comes out with a terrible red cast. I have tried the system managed colorsync profile as well as the generic one. (FWIW, B&W prints from Aperture on the R2880 come out very nice)
    Any other ideas?

    You may find it helpful.
    Thanks, but if you look in the archives of the Apple ColorSync Users List, you'll find thousands of posts from his Mac dating back to the beginning of the List.
    The principle is that you configure your device colour spaces to the largest gamut of which they are capable, calibrate them to a stable condition, characterise that condition in a measured test chart, and build ICC device profiles for those characterisations in your ICC profiling package of choice.
    You then capture and correct colour with correct colour previews, resulting in normalised exposures in an ideal CIE colour space. With you normalised exposures, you convert into output condition 1, output condition 2, output condition n which is what repurposing is about.
    But you do no apply a gamma change on top of the colour managed rendering. That is incorrect by definition. You apply your gamma change as part of the colour correction in order to get your normalised exposure.
    If you imagine this in a prepress process, then you can forget the concept of determinate rendering which is the bedrock of the ICC architecture. If you as photographer do a gamma correction on top of your presentation print or proof print, then you can claim that you have a presentation print, but you cannot contractually claim that you have a proof print as your proof print is a colour correction on top of the colour management system. If Apple Aperture allows the user access to colour correction on top of colour management, then that is a bug in the application. Sorry ...

  • Removing an orangish/red color cast?

    I have a .jpg that was shot outside in the shade of a subject wearing orange surrounded by pumpkins and the whole image seems to have an orangish/red cast to it. I played with Levels a bit, though that did not remove the cast. I am not good with Curves. What are some other ways I can remove the cast?

    Color Balance and Hue/Saturation adjustment layers.  Color balance is just three sliders (cyan/red, magenta/green, and yellow/blue).  It doesn't give you the control of curves, but you get the simplicity of sliders.  Use those to balance out a decent looking color, then if needed you can tone down any extra orange/red by doing a hue/saturation layer, select "red" and expand the range on the bottom to include some orange, and move the saturation down a little bit.  If you move the saturation down all the way you can see what tones your affecting, then move it up to where you like.
    Edit: I didn't read your post very well on my first pass; just noticed the comment about wearing orange and surrounded by pumpkins.  Heh.  I would do the above in reverse, start with a hue/sat layer and pull down orange a bit so the whole image doesn't scream orange.  Then go into your color balance and cool it a bit more.  If you want to really give a go at editing, you can mask off some of the orange so you cool down everything else besides the orange.  Blue and orange are complimentary colors, they should go well together.
    Also, when I have images that are too dominant in one color I usually find that a general desaturation of the entire image helps.  Not a ton, just to take the edge off.  Besides, the cool desaturated look screams Autumn, IMHO.

  • Color Cast Only On Mac Generated jpg files When Viewed In Bridge Cs3 Preview

    ( Issue With Cs3 Bridge Viewing Jpgs - Getting Colour Cast on the Mac Generated Jpgs Files Only When Viewed In Bridge Cs3 On PC )
    Using  CS3 creative suite Mac & PC and viewing all files on the PC.
    We have  psd files when viewing in bridge they are  ok and save jpgs via PS3 both on the Mac & PC off the same PSD file that we started with.
    But when viewing these jpg files in bridge we get a red cast only when viewing from the Mac generated files from the same PSD we started with.
    When we open the jpg files up in Photoshop all of them are ok we no issues only when viewing in bridge we get the red cast.
    All PSD files have the same information content:
    Bit depth
    Colour space
    Pixel size
    Why are we getting this happening.

    Thanks very much for that lead, NormanPCN. I do have Auto Tone checked, though the rendered files in the example above do not have XMP sidecars. I will try unchecking Auto Tone even so, and post back when I see what happens.
    Thanks again,
    EDIT: Bingo! I took Auto Tone off in ACR Preferences (in Bridge) and the non-RAW files immediately regenerated thumbs and previews. They now are indistinguishable from the PSD. There is still the very slight difference which I mentioned between the PSD and the CR2. While that seems odd, it is small enough to be relatively trivial.
    Many thanks!
    Thumbnail view w/o Auto:

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