Redestribute JRE through web server

I read the JRE license agreement, and I found that the installer can
be freely distributed with my software (an applet). The question is,
can I put the installer on my web site in order to my customers to
download it?
I don't want to depend on the installer from
best regards
Jonathan Sosa

Suggestion: Ask Sun; click on the "license" link at the bottom.
I know you can distribute it on a LAN, but that's not what you want.

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    JDK: 1.4
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    Not sure I understand what you are trying to do.
    What do you mean by "give control to a single VI" and "15 other vi's that are read-only".
    The web interface normally just shows the front panel of a VI. This can
    be set to allow control of the VI, or just view it. Permissions can be
    set so only authorized machines can access the web page with the VI.
    Ed Dickens - Certified LabVIEW Architect - DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Certified Alliance Partner
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    Please update the thread with the following information:
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    So do it.
    What's your question?
    Did you read the JavaMail FAQ and all the
    other wonderful documentation on the JavaMail
    web site?

  • SSO between R/3 and Web Server Filter is not working

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    I have to configure SSO to access from SAP R/3 to a third-party web application through Web Server Filter.
    R/3 &#61664; WSF &#61664; 3rdParty App
    I think everything is configured properly, but when I issue the http request from R/3 to WSF I get the following error in sapsso.log file in apache server:
    trc file: "/usr/local/app/apache/sapsso.log", trc level: 3, release: "620"
    Thu Nov 29 13:44:40 2007
    Webserver Ticket Filter Release Version
    Loading of the props returned 0=OK.
    Max cache size =  0
    Initialization done.
    Checking validity...
    Ticket Validation Error: expired.
    Checking validity...
    Ticket Validation Error: expired.
    Checking validity...
    Ticket Validation Error: expired.
    Checking validity...
    Ticket Validation Error: expired.
    Checking validity...
    Ticket Validation Error: expired.
    Checking validity...
    Ticket Validation Error: expired.
    And in the error_log file of the apache http server there’s the following:
    proxy_cache.c(969): No CacheRoot, so no caching. Declining.
    proxy_http.c(586): Content-Type: (null)
    Got date              from ticket.
    Cur time = 200711291244.
    Computing validity in hours.
    Computing validity in minutes.
    CurTime_t = 1196426640, CreTime_t = -496601312
    validity: 216000, difference: 1693027952.000.
    proxy_cache.c(969): No CacheRoot, so no caching. Declining.
    proxy_http.c(586): Content-Type: (null)
    Got date              from ticket.
    Cur time = 200711291244.
    Computing validity in hours.
    Computing validity in minutes.
    CurTime_t = 1196426640, CreTime_t = -496601312
    validity: 216000, difference: 1693027952.000.
    proxy_cache.c(969): No CacheRoot, so no caching. Declining.
    proxy_http.c(586): Content-Type: (null)
    Got date              from ticket.
    Cur time = 200711291244.
    Computing validity in hours.
    Computing validity in minutes.
    CurTime_t = 1196426640, CreTime_t = -496601312
    validity: 216000, difference: 1693027952.000.
    proxy_cache.c(969): No CacheRoot, so no caching. Declining.
    proxy_http.c(586): Content-Type: (null)
    It seems like there isn’t the date in the ticket issued by SAP R/3. However, I tried to configure sso between the same R/3 server and an EP and worked fine.
    I also tried to decrypt the ticket issued by R/3 but I get a segmentation fault.
    Does anyone can help me?
    Thanks in advance.
    Roger Allué i Vall

    Here's a excerpt of a strace of the httpd processes when receive the http request:
    13863 accept(16,  <unfinished ...>
    13864 accept(16,  <unfinished ...>
    13865 accept(16,  <unfinished ...>
    13866 accept(16,  <unfinished ...>
    13867 accept(16,  <unfinished ...>
    13868 accept(16,  <unfinished ...>
    13872 accept(16,  <unfinished ...>
    13863 <... accept resumed> {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(2476), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 3
    13863 rt_sigaction(SIGUSR1, , {0x805fd50, [], SA_INTERRUPT}, 8) = 0
    13863 fcntl64(3, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)   = 0
    13863 getsockname(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(80), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 0
    13863 setsockopt(3, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, [1], 4) = 0
    13863 read(3, "GET /Silicon/loginPasarela.jsp?accion=urgencias&icu=0010000694%20&nhc=0000147810 HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, /\r\nAccept-Language: ca\r\nsap-mysapsso: 200711291818281ppOT/XT2eKtb8Unh0aexQAjQxMDIBABgAUgBBAEwATABVAEUAIAAgACAAIAAgACACAAYAMQAwADADABAAUgBIAEkAIAAgACAAIAAgBAAYADIAMAAwADcAMQAxADIAOQAxADcAMQA4BQAEAAAAPAkAAgBj/wFQMIIBTAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIBPTCCATkCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMAsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATGCARgwggEUAgEBMBMwDjEMMAoGA1UEAxMDUkhJAgEAMAkGBSsOAwIaBQCgXTAYBgkqhkiG9w0BCQMxCwYJKoZIhvcNAQcBMBwGCSqGSIb3DQEJBTEPFw0wNzExMjkxNzE4MjhaMCMGCSqGSIb3DQEJBDEWBBRNZ7rlzxjw9r4UNi4m/MBvHYXK0TANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASBgNeYexwxhY7cUDZG7mGKmaljgqt2NBdlV!WA/4FUSFVpIewDtMQDtLjcAcVRsH2QMWxPs0!QSvlqlJHdm7VIvMe9pWMvs6ld8/U!lOTSQqtNyI!am770SgRMR60eiV3Ir8q8wfR8VXnO9acHHePnVN4O24!jwCOPxm6XAQuKMUAS\r\nsap-mysapred: http://sapwhi01.argos.gencat.intranet/Silicon/loginPasarela.jsp?accion=urgencias&icu=0010000694 &nhc=0000147810\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2)\r\nC", 4096) = 1260
    13863 rt_sigaction(SIGUSR1, , , 8) = 0
    13863 time(NULL)                        = 1196356708
    13863 time(NULL)                        = 1196356708
    13863 write(2, "Thu Nov 29 18:18:28 2007\n", 25) = 25
    13863 write(2, "Ticket is AjQxMDIBABgAUgBBAEwATABVAEUAIA... \n", 45) = 45
    13863 time(NULL)                        = 1196356708
    13863 write(5, "\nChecking validity...\n", 22) = 22
    13863 time(NULL)                        = 1196356708
    13863 write(2, "Got date              from ticket.\n", 35) = 35
    13863 time(NULL)                        = 1196356708
    13863 time(NULL)                        = 1196356708
    13863 write(2, "Cur time = 200711291718.\n", 25) = 25
    13863 time(NULL)                        = 1196356708
    13863 write(2, "Computing validity in hours.\n", 29) = 29
    13863 time(NULL)                        = 1196356708
    13863 write(2, "Computing validity in minutes.\n", 31) = 31
    13863 time(NULL)                        = 1196356708
    13863 write(2, "CurTime_t = 1196443080, CreTime_t = -496601312 \n", 48) = 48
    13863 time(NULL)                        = 1196356708
    13863 write(2, "validity: 216000, difference: 1693044392.000.\n", 46) = 46
    13863 time(NULL)                        = 1196356708
    13863 write(5, "Ticket Validation Error: expired.\n", 34) = 34
    13863 time(NULL)                        = 1196356708
    and so on.

  • Problems with Sun One Web Server  6.1 with SP1

    I get errors while compiling my JSP files on SUN one Web Server which is deployed on Solaris 9. it states that cannot compile JSP pages. here is the stack trace that i get.
    [03/Feb/2007:19:11:17] warning (  354): CORE3283: stderr: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/tools/javac/Main
    [03/Feb/2007:19:11:17] warning (  354): CORE3283: stderr:      at org.apache.jasper.compiler.SunJava14Compiler$
    [03/Feb/2007:19:11:17] failure (  354): for host trying to GET /reports1/jsp/common/ClientInstall.jsp, service-j2ee reports: StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: WEB2792: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: WEB4000: Unable to compile class for JSP
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
         at com.iplanet.ias.web.jsp.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.loadJSP(
         at com.iplanet.ias.web.jsp.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.access$000(
         at com.iplanet.ias.web.jsp.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
         at com.iplanet.ias.web.jsp.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletService(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(
         at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service( help. The Java version i am using is j2sdk1.4.2_08.

    It looks like the Web Server has somehow been configured to use a JRE. Web Server requires a JDK. The following message in particular indicates that a JRE, not a JDK, is being used:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/tools/javac/MainAre you using the JDK that shipped with Web Server, or did you attempt to configure Web Server to use a different JDK?

  • Web Server 7.0 update 8 and Web Server 6.1 SP12 have been released

    We are delighted to announce that Web Server 7.0 Update 8 has been released.
    It can be publicly downloaded at: []
    The Release Notes is here: []
    This release mainly addresses critical security vulnerabilities:
    o Digest authentication buffer overflow [1]
    o TRACE heap overflow [1]
    o WebDav Stack Overflow [1]
    o Format string vulnerability in WebDav extension [1]
    All users of Web Server 7.0 through Web Server 7.0 Update 7 are encourage to upgrade.
    Thank you to the entire product team for another great efforts!
    On Behalf of WS Team!
    [1]: Refer Latest Alert @ []
    We are delighted to announce that Web Server 6.1 SP12 has been released.
    It can be publicly downloaded at: []
    The Release Notes is here: []
    In addition to customer escalation & this release also contains fixes for some critical security vulnerability.
    o Web Server 6.1 SP12 bundled with JDK 6. We still support JDK#5, to maintain backward compatibility for existing customers.
    o Addressing SSL/TLS renegotiation vulnerability (CVE-2009-3555)
    o Addressing "::$DATA" (Source Viewing) vulnerability on windows
    o Digest authentication buffer overflow [1]
    o TRACE heap overflow [1]
    o Format string vulnerability in WebDav extension [1]
    All users of Web Server 6.1 through Web Server 6.1 SP11 are encourage to upgrade.
    Thank you to the entire product team for another great release!
    On Behalf of WS Team!
    [1]: Refer Latest Alert @ []

    JES#5, compatible native-patches are also available for download from sunsolve.
    Solaris-Sparc: 125437-19
    Solaris-x86: 125438-19
    Linux: 125439-17
    Hpux: 125440-17
    Windows: 125441-19

  • Sun One Web Server 6.1 with MS Active Directory??

    I know this type of question has been posted a few times, but I couldnt locate any clear answer.
    Can we have Sun One WS 6.1 use MS Active Dir as its source of users and groups? I am trying to configure this using the standard base DN and bind DN params, but I get an error saying "could not connect using the binddn and password you provided". I know the bind dn and the password I provided are correct.
    Another colleague of mine who tried the same thing was able to connect, but when he tried to navigate to the users and groups page, he got an error saying "Error trying to connect to the LDAP".
    Anyone who has tried this before, what does it take to get the SUN ONE WS to talk to AD? Can this be done at all?

    It looks like the Web Server has somehow been configured to use a JRE. Web Server requires a JDK. The following message in particular indicates that a JRE, not a JDK, is being used:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/tools/javac/MainAre you using the JDK that shipped with Web Server, or did you attempt to configure Web Server to use a different JDK?

  • Released :: Web Server 6.1 SP11

    We are delighted to announce that Web Server 6.1 SP11 has been released. It can be publicly downloaded at:
    The Release Notes are here:
    This service pack addresses around 15-bugs, which are mostly customer escalated issues. All users of Web Server 6.1 through Web Server 6.1 SP10 are encourage to upgrade.
    Thank you to the entire product team for another great release!
    On Behalf of WS Team!

    I did not understand very well what you told me.
    The directory server is on another machine ex(m1).
    I have other web server on another machine ex(m2). This web server working properly (solaris 10). And when I access to application, ldap error does not appear.
    This web server (windows, SP11), is installed on my PC.
    The ldap configuration on this instance is the same as another web instance (dbswitch.conf):
    directory default ldap://m1:port/<base dn>
    default:binddn <bind dn>
    default:encoded bindpw <passwd>
    From my PC I can communicate well with the server ldap, I used a ldap administration program, and users and groups tab of my web server (windows).
    I open a browser on my PC, and if I access the other web server works fine.
    if I access to my web server, the ldap error appear...
    There are commands to diagnose problems with ldap, something about the character encoding windows-unix?
    Thanks in advance

  • Released:  Web Server 7.0 Update 7

    We are delighted to announce that Web Server 7.0 Update 7 has been released. It can be publicly downloaded at: [|]
    The Release Notes is here: [|]
    In addition to customer escalation & other bug fixes (>40) this release also contains some new feature, bundling JDK#6 & fixes for critical security vulnerability.
    * Web Server 7.0 Update 7 introduces Kerberos/SPNEGO support.
    * Web Server 7.0 Update 7 supports Windows 2008 SP2 32 bit (x86) Enterprise Edition.
    * Web Server 7.0 Update 7 is bundled with JDK 6. We still support JDK#5, to maintain backward compatibility for existing customers.
    * Web Server 7.0 Update 7 is integrated with new Xerces C++ patch which fixes the vulnerability.
    * Web Server 7.0 Update 7 is integrated with NSS 3.12.5 which provides relief for the SSL/TLS renegotiation vulnerability (CVE-2009-3555)
    * Platform Deprecation Platforms:: Solaris 8 and Windows 2000 are deprecated. These platforms will not be supported from Web Server 7.0 Update 9 onwards.
    All users of Web Server 7.0 through Web Server 7.0 Update 6 are encourage to upgrade.
    Thank you to the entire product team for another great release!
    On Behalf of WS Team!

    Fantastic! Thank you WS team.
    What is the schedule for the bug fixes and enhancements to be integrated into Open Web Server?
    Also - It is Dec 18. the online shopping rush is on and many web sites are in lock-down (regarding software changes) until after the Christmas rush. Is there any way for these sites to apply JUST the NSS changes and Xerxes changes so that the vulnerabilities in SSL renegotiation and XML parsing are addressed, but everything else (as much as possible) remains unchanged? Applying an über-patch during the final week of Christmas shopping is not going to be an option for many administrators.

  • Send data from applet to web server

    I want to send data(event notification) to resource through web server using url.
    Like,As long as perticular action or event is occuring I am sending that message to url.
    I reffered Sevlet theory uses HTTPMessage,but I am confused how should start and what would be feasible?
    Even when I run my code I am not finding browser.How should I place an applet in web server page?
    Message was edited by:

    I agree usage of HttpClient is a better and a simple method.
    But If your Application Requirements are Simple you may go by using URL & URLconnection Objects in package.
    Just to Add In You Can Checkout the links given below to have a better understanding of how the communication works...
    The Example APPLET code:
    The Example SERVLET code:
    and the Example AppletDemo Class
    Hope this helps :)

  • I want to cache all files in my web server for JRE auto installation

    I have written an application for my customer. When they access my web server, they will auto-install jre 6.12 and then load my application using jnlp. All that is done, but i want to improve in the following ways:
    1. I want to have more quiet installation of java. It should only show progress bar or just run in background. In the jre installation file (cab file), there is a file jinstall-6u12.inf, the last line is "run=%EXTRACT_DIR%\jinstall.exe /installurl=http://localhost/1.6.0_12-b04.xml /installmethod=plugin". What should I add to this line to make the installation more quiet?
    2. When my client install jre, i want them to fetch all necessary files from my web server, so when java web site is down, i can still provide files they need to install java. I am aiming jre 6.12 only.
    Thank you in advance.

    Open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilitiies > AirPort Utility
    Click on the Time Capsule icon
    In AirPort Utility Edit to the right of the Time Capsule
    In AirPort Utility Manual Setup
    Click the Disks icon/tab at the top of the next window
    Click Erase
    The "Quick Erase" option will only take a few minutes, but it is not a secure Erase.
    The "Zero Out" option will replace everything on the disk with zeros, and will likely take 4-6 hours for the process to complete, depending on the size of the drive.
    The erase procedure will only affect the disk. It will not affect any of the network settings, passwords, etc that you have stored on the Time Capsule.

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