Reduce ERLOS (Revenue) from another field in CO-PA

Hello my friends....
After to finish a specific sale process, we need to reduce the Revenue field (ERLOS) with a value from specif local tax (ICM - field VVICM). To do this, we create a condition YICM and we set this condition in KE4I transaction. But it is not work... All the SD process (Price) is OK and it is fine to our client, except these CO-PA values.
The set in KE4I is:
YICM     ICMS Desc Z        ERLOS     Revenue
I try to change the field ERLOS to VVICM but I do not see any change in doc for profitab analysis CO-PA. I try to mark the flag too, but I can not see any effect in CO-PA (value fields).
We need to set this condition in another place in CO-PA configs? What can I doing to this work fine?
Thanks in advance.

I saw the accouting documents (OK FI and NON OK CO-PA). The condition is YICM. They are like below (ex.):
D - Client -       90.00
C - Revenue -  100.00
D - Revenue -  10.00
D - Tax 1-         10.00
C - Tax 1-         10.00
We are sending 100.00 to ERLOS and 10 to VVICM. It,s wrong!
We must to send to CO-PA 90.00 to Revenue and zero to VVICM (tax 1)
Another document with condition ICZF (OK FI and CO-PA)
D - Client -       85.00
C - Revenue -  100.00
D - Revenue -  10.00
D - Tax 1-         10.00
C - Tax 1-         10.00
D - Revenue -   5.00
D - Tax 2-         5.00
C - Tax 2-         5.00
We send the correct value to ERLOS: 85.00 and correct value to VVICM: zero
OBS.: ICZF is not in KE4I!!!
The Revenue accounts is same for both documents.
What can I do to fix this??? Where is this set?
Thanks in advance

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    Gene Dianoski - 5:22am Mar 23, 07 PST (#1 of 2)
    This, or some variation of this, should work:
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    Ben PF - 6:49am Mar 23, 07 PST (#2 of 2)
    Thanks very much.
    I put it in at document level to start, but it didn't run the script automatically when date1 was first filled in, so I have put it in as a mouse exit action in date1 and it works a treat.
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    Okay forget what I posted above and lets start over. Go to your first field and under Properties -> Actions Tab -> Select Trigger -> On Blur Run A JavaScript.
    Put this:
    this.getField("myField2").value =;
    Make sure that you replace ("myField2") with the actual name of your second field. I just tested this and it works for Acrobat version 6.
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    Yes it is possible but you will have to write some script to do it. You wil also have to ge the DataConenction to execute a SQL statement. There is a good blog on this topic at this location:

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    Here is a sample: where the script in the exit event of the dropdown sets the value of the address object.
    Good luck,

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              event.rc = false;
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    What code are you using to update the array currently? Are you completely rebuiding it when an element changes, or just changing specific elements for certain fields? I'm still not sure what exactly you are trying to do, but something like this in a document level script will create your array:
    var myArray;
    // Call 'updateArray' to initialize array
    function updateArray() {
         // Code here to create/update array
         myArray = new Array();
         myArray[0] = "Value 1";
         myArray[1] = "Value 2";
         myArray[2] = "Value 3";
    Then, for each field that needs to update this array, you can add a call to 'updateArray()' in the appropriate event. This will rebuild the array completely; if you just want to update specific elements, then you can access them directly.

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    1) in the attribute of the VO select the 'List of values' node and edit the list attribute you see there; in the dialog select the UI Hints tad and make sure the checkmark for the 'Include "no Selection Item' is off.
    2) you can base a VO on to EO which are then joined via one or more attributes (association)

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      I have a problem. I have to populate one internal table (sructure t_otput) from another internal table (sructure t_from) using field symbol.
    Structure for from table.
    types: begin of t_from,
             year(4) type c,
             ww(2) type c,
             site type marc-werks,
             demand type i,
           end of t_from.
    Structure for output table.
    types: begin of t_display,
           end of t_display.
    The from table looks like this:
    Year | WW | Site | Demand
    2005 | 1  | OR1  | 12.00
    2005 | 2  | OR1  | 13.00
    2005 | 3  | OR1  | 14.00
    The display table which has to be populated should look like this:
    Title  | WW1   | WW2   | WW3
    OR1    |       |       |
    Demand | 12.00 | 13.00 | 14.00
    How to populate display table using field symbol?
    Please give code snippets

    Here is the code, however I am not vary clear about the ORG1 and Demand display that you have shown in the display. I am sure with this code it should not be a big deal to tweak in whatever manner you want.
    TABLES : marc.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF type_display,
    END OF type_display.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF type_from,
    year(4) TYPE c,
    ww(2) TYPE c,
    site TYPE marc-werks,
    demand TYPE i,
    END OF type_from.
    data : t_from type table of type_from,
           t_display type table of type_display.
    field-symbols : <fs_from> type type_from,
                    <fs_display> type type_display.
    data : wa_from type type_From,
           wa_display type type_display.
    wa_from-year = '2005'.
    wa_from-ww   = '1'.
    wa_from-site = 'OR1'.
    wa_from-demand = '12.00'.
    insert wa_from  into table t_from.
    wa_from-year = '2005'.
    wa_from-ww   = '2'.
    wa_from-site = 'OR1'.
    wa_from-demand = '13.00'.
    insert wa_from  into table t_from.
    wa_from-year = '2005'.
    wa_from-ww   = '3'.
    wa_from-site = 'OR1'.
    wa_from-demand = '14.00'.
    insert wa_from  into table t_from.
    data : variable(3) type c.
    field-symbols : <fs_any> type any.
    Loop at t_from assigning <fs_from>.
    variable = 'WW'.
    wa_display-title = <fs_from>-site.
    concatenate variable <fs_from>-ww into variable.
    assign component variable of structure wa_display to <fs_any>.
    <fs_any> = <fs_from>-demand.
    append wa_display to t_display.
    clear wa_display.
    loop at t_display assigning <Fs_display>.
      write :/ <fs_display>.
    Note : Please award points if this helps you.

  • Set Default Value based on Field from another table for a custom object

    I'm trying to set the default value on a custom object field to the value of an account field. I have tried the syntax 50 different ways, and just am getting no where. The account field label displays as DBA, the integration tag is ltDBA_ACCT, and it shows up in reporting fx area as Account.Text_22.
    The custom object field I'm triying to update is also called DBA, which was originally the "NAME" required field. Does the table name, Account, have to be included? Do I need a function in front of the field?
    I have been updating the external ID using the row ID with syntex <ID> (Less than ID greater than) so I know it is possible to set the Default Value, but <DBA>, <ltDBA_ACCT>, "Account"."DBA", and so on just don't not work.
    If anyone knows how to enter this I'd really appreciate the help.

    Ok, so if you want to default a field to the value from another object, you have to use the JoinFieldValue function. I think you understand that, based on your original post, but I want to be sure that you do.
    Next, this will only work as a default if the record is created from the object that you wish to join on because a default works at record creation and the ID needs to be available for it to work properly. It will not work if you choose the related object record after the custom object record is created. You could set the value as a post-default, but that does not seem to meet your requirements.
    The syntax for the Default Value would be as follows: JoinFieldValue(ref_record_type, foreign_key, field_name).
    In your case, ref_record_type is '<Account>', foreign_key is &#91;<AccountId>&#93;, and field_name is '<YourFieldName>'. The best way to determine what the field name is would be to create a new workflow for Account and use the Workflow Rule Condition expression builder to pick your field ("DBA") from the list. The value that is returned by the expression builder should be placed in the field_name variable in the JoinFieldValue function (minus the brackets and in single quotes).
    Give this a shot and let me know how you do.

  • How to create a LookUp field, selecting a value from another record type ??

    Hello all,
    I am looking to create a new field in Opportunity in CRM On Demand where we can give the user an option to select one of the records. Data in this search applet should come from another Record Type in CRM On Demand. I am not able to find any similar literature in the Help books.
    I would appreciate if somebody could give me real life steps please.
    Thanks a lot

    Okay. I found the solution to this.
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    Thanks & Regards

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