Reduced size when importing

Just bought Macbook Pro. I transferred my photos to the desktop on my Macbook from an external HD and then started importing them as folders in iPhoto. Works fine but I have noticed that for some of the photos, the size (mb) of the photo in iPhoto is reduced compared to the original one on my pc. Does anybody know why?

but at the same time it also creates small copies/thumbnails of all the photos as individual events (next to event “birthday”).
Just to be sure you're seeing this additional Event of small thumbnails in iPhoto's open window along with your other events, correct?
If the test with the second test library is the same try the following:
1 - create a new folder on the Desktlop.
2 - open about 5 photos in the birthday folder with Preview and do a Save As. Save them to the new folder.
3 - drag the new folder into the iPhoto window to import. See if the problem remains.
If the problem goes away with the new files created by Preview then the problem may be with how PCs manage thumbnails differently than Macs. If that's the case running this Automator Workflow application, Convert to JPG and Embed sRGB profile, to batch process all of your problem files may do the job. Try it on one file first and, if successful, run the batch. You can download the app from Toad's Cellar.

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    iDVD does not care about file sizes, as it compresses the file to the standard DVD format of mpeg2.
    It only cares about length i.e. max 2 hours including titles etc.
    iDVD encoding settings:
    Short version:
    Best Performance is for videos of up to 60 minutes
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    NOTE: With the Best Performance setting, you can turn background encoding off by choosing Advanced > “Encode in Background.” The checkmark is removed to show it’s no longer selected. Turning off background encoding can help performance if your system seems sluggish.
    And whilst checking these settings in iDVD Preferences, make sure that the settings for NTSC/PAL and DV/DV Widescreen are also what you want.

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    stage6 files use DivX for encoding.. a HighQuality produced iMovie project could look as good as the stuff there.. allthough, many 'videos' I've seen there are NOT done with a 200$-cheapo-consumer cam.. you can teach Quicktime, and therefore iM to export with that codec... install divx-plug-ins..
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    Yes, I made sure of that.
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    Hi EmmieLou,
    You need to reduce the resolution of the image down to 72dpi. The best program for image manipulation is Adobe Photoshop, but its rather expensive. You could also try Photoshop elements which is superb value for money. The most eceonomical route is to give GraphicConverter a go. The basic version is downloadable and if you want to upgrade to the Pro version its not too much as it is Shareware. Here's a link where you can download it:
    Graphic Converter
    Good luck.
    Cheers RoboScott

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    As for facebook, when using my old pc the photos remained the original size after uploading. It wasn't until I used iPhoto that they began to upload in a smaller version.
    Are you referring to file size as in KB or MB or image size as in pixel dimension. As Terence pointed out I doubt if Facebook will accept a full image files at the original size. Most are in the MB range and Facebook would run out of storage space in no time.
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    I copied this from the help.
    Scale assets automatically
    1 Choose Edit > Preferences > General (Windows) or Premiere Pro > Preferences > General
    2 Select Default Scale To Frame Size.(Mac OS).
    3 Click OK.

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    When you import a graphic by reference, you set the resolution in DPI. If the resolution you set is the same as the resolution of the original graphic, Graphics > Object properties will then inform you that the graphic is imported at 100% of its original size.
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    experiment to find out the DPI value that imports your graphics at 100%
    post again to ask whether you can make this DPI value the default; I suspect the answer will be Yes, but don't myself know
    an hour or so later … I've been working on a real document, and now it seems the resolution setting is sticky. That would, of course, make things a little easier.

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    Hi Léonie, thanks again for the detailed advise! I checked both my iPhoto Library and my Aperture Library and they are almost idendical as to the number of photos they show (22.424 photos in iPhoto, 22.884 photos in Aperture - and that's due to some new photos I have imported into Aperture since I imported my iPhoto Library to Aperture). Also, when following your advise to disply photos sorted by date, I only find very few duplicates in my Aperture Library (probably just a few dozen).
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    So I essentially have the following:
    - iPhoto Library with 22.424 photos and 38GB
    - Aperture Library with 22.884 photos and 90GB
    - A folder-structure where I hold duplicates of all my photos outside of iPhoto and Aperture (and NO, I don not use iPhoto nor Aperture as referenced databases) with 22.512 objects and a total of 69,44GB of data.
    Anything else you could think of? I'm lost the more I dive into this ...
    Rgds, Berthold

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    You are probably importing your CDs as full size, uncompressed Aiff files. You just need to change the import setting to a compressed format such as AAC or MP3. You can find out what format you songs are currently in by right clicking on one (control-click with a one button mouse) and choosing Get Info>Summary. You can read more at this link: iTunes: How to Choose Import Options
    You can also convert any uncompressed files that you previously imported using iTunes: How to convert a song to a different format

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    im trying to burn season one of flight of the conchords to a dvd that i will be able to watch in my standard dvd player or xbox 360. each episode is a separate .avi file, each at about 250MB. when i drag and drop one into idvd, the size increases to around 2GB per file. I dont know much about computers and this is my first time trying to make a dvd. ive also tried converting the files into mpeg-2 and .mov files using video converter 3.2 prior to dragging them into idvd and have had no luck, they either dont work at all or it doesnt fix the size inflation issue. i also have imovie, but i am unfamiliar with this as well. ive read in forums that idvd doesn't care about file size because it converts them automatically, but this apparently isnt the case for my version or something. any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Welcome to the forums.
    You've hit a key bit of info. Your .avi files are compressed and iDVD is uncompressing them to prepare the files for the standard DVD format (mpeg-2). iDVD's compression algorithms are reasonable but basic, and you're stuck with the 2hr max.
    If you poke around some more, you'll see various options for squeezing more onto a DVD. The common tradeoff (like with VHS recording), is lower quality for longer lengths. If you're willing to invest some time/cash, for example, Roxio Toast has additional video compression capability, but the menus are pretty basic if that matters.
    These suggestions assume, of course, that you own this material and are making a backup copy for your personal use in compliance with the laws or your jurisdiction.

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