
Hi Inderjyot Singh ( Kaamin and other friends)
Thanks a lot to all of you , for your mails regarding the question I
have posted. The discussion has been really helpful .
Regarding your thought from your recent mail..,
"What if you drag a UserVisible SO that belongs to application 'A1'
into a reference partition with services for application 'A2'??"
This also does not work out. I have tried all combinations of User
visible and Environment visible objects to put them in the same
reference partitioning ( or the way U suggested above. No way U can put
both of them together).
Now I am trying to do the same ref.partitioning by changing the User
visibility (of one service object) to Environment visibility and trying
to put things together in the same reference partition.( for
experimental purposes)
Both environment visible service objects option also does not seem to be
easy ( for deploying purposes ), you have to compromise on some good
design issues and the side effects are right now not predictable, Just
to understand them, I am trying this option.
Once I am done with it, I will share the results with U all.
Let us meet in the next discussion.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Did I miss anything ?Depends on what you've read about it sofar and why you decided to implement it.
"The following conditions and restrictions apply to reference partitioning:
The child table must specify a referential integrity constraint defined on the table being created. This constraint must be in ENABLE VALIDATE NOT DEFERRABLE state (the default) and refer to a primary or unique key on the parent table.
The foreign key columns referenced in constraint must be NOT NULL.
The constraint cannot use the ON DELETE SET NULL clause.
The parent table referenced must be an existing partitioned table. All partitioning methods except interval partitioning are supported.
The foreign key cannot contain any virtual columns.
The referenced primary key or unique constraint on the parent table cannot contain any virtual columns.
Reference partitioning cannot be used for index-organized tables, external tables, or domain index storage tables.
A chain of reference partitioned tables can be created, but constraint used can't be self-referencing.
The ROW MOVEMENT setting for both tables must match.
Reference partitioning cannot be specified in a CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT statement."

Similar Messages

  • REF partitioning is affecting on complex queries

    I am having 7 tables consider A,B,C,D,E,F,G. whereas A is master table and others are dependent on table A. columnA is referential key for all tables. Table A is having one DateRange column.
    I have successfully created range partitioning with partitioning key is DateRange. and Refeernce partitioning on other tables with column referring to ColumnA with foreign key.
    Also created local indexes on partitioned key DateRange.
    Problem is that, while fetching complex queries for reports, it is taking more time as compared to non partitioning structure. Is ref partitioning affecting on complex queries, queries returning more rows ??? Please suggest me about it.

    Did I miss anything ?Depends on what you've read about it sofar and why you decided to implement it.
    "The following conditions and restrictions apply to reference partitioning:
    The child table must specify a referential integrity constraint defined on the table being created. This constraint must be in ENABLE VALIDATE NOT DEFERRABLE state (the default) and refer to a primary or unique key on the parent table.
    The foreign key columns referenced in constraint must be NOT NULL.
    The constraint cannot use the ON DELETE SET NULL clause.
    The parent table referenced must be an existing partitioned table. All partitioning methods except interval partitioning are supported.
    The foreign key cannot contain any virtual columns.
    The referenced primary key or unique constraint on the parent table cannot contain any virtual columns.
    Reference partitioning cannot be used for index-organized tables, external tables, or domain index storage tables.
    A chain of reference partitioned tables can be created, but constraint used can't be self-referencing.
    The ROW MOVEMENT setting for both tables must match.
    Reference partitioning cannot be specified in a CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT statement."

  • Has anyone heard whether Win 10 will allow booting from a ReFS partition?

    I've been running a few ReFS volumes for a year now under Windows 8.1. It's been flawless.
    Will we see Windows 10 enable ReFS for the boot volume?
    Maybe this could also give us the easy ability to have a larger than 2 TB boot volume on a BIOS computer?
    It would be nice...
    Detailed how-to in my eBooks:  
    Configure The Windows 7 "To Work" Options
    Configure The Windows 8 "To Work" Options

    Ordinarily there should not need to be a key needed.
    I am running the pro version on an old netbook and enterprise in a virtual machine
    neither asked for a serial to install and updates have been smooth lately, but I have had to make clean installs of both since the original preview was released
    glad I could be of help, feel free to come back to the forum in case you need more help
    Place your rig specifics into your signature like I have, makes it 100x easier!
    Hardcore Games Legendary is the Only Way to Play!
    Vegan Advocate How can you be an environmentalist and still eat meat?

  • Dolphin cannot mount Windows 8 (ntfs/refs) partition

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to figure out if I'm seeing a bug, or just a default configuration of KDE4. I can see my Windows partition in Dolphin, but when I click on it I get the following error: "An error occurred while accessing <drive>, the system responded: An unspecified error has occurred.: Authentication is required".
    I recall in the past that I would be prompted to put the admin/superuser password to mount the drive (but I cannot remember if my PC back then had hal, and notudev/polkit); this is not happening now. I have scoured the net for a potential solution and there are a few proposed ones. Our own wiki has this: … ormal_user, which works beautifully.
    So, is it normal that I am not prompted for a superuser password? The expected user action for udev/polkit is to follow that wiki page I linked earlier?
    Last edited by kcy29581 (2012-10-18 06:50:11)

    Ok, I figured out the freezing part; apparently, I had to connect to the USB port on the left side next to the power supply or the disk does not have enough power and causes the system to crash.  So, now Disk Utility can see the hard drive with no problem.
    But now, the partitions are detected as XFAT format and no volumes are mounted to the desktop.  Disk Utility displays the disk description as:
      Disk Description : INTEL SS DSA2M160G2GC Media  Total Capacity : 160.04 GB (160,041,885,696 Bytes)
      Connection Bus : USB  Write Status : Read/Write
      Connection Type : External  S.M.A.R.T. Status : Not Supported
      USB Serial Number : CVPO049000W0160AGN    Partition Map Scheme : Master Boot Record
    Why is the status "not supported"?  How should I go about mounting the data volume so I can access the files on my Mac?

  • Exchange Server 2013 SPS1 can't install CU5 on ReFS volume

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    As Konrad mentioned, system and binary files partitions must format as NTFS file system, this may be the root cause, please refer to the following information:
    Disk partitions formatted as NTFS file systems, which applies to the following partitions:
    System partition
    Partitions that store Exchange binary files or files generated by Exchange diagnostic logging
    Disk partitions containing the following types of files can be formatted as ReFS:
    Partitions containing transaction log files
    Partitions containing database files
    Partitions containing content indexing files
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Partitioning design question

    I'm investigating partitioning one or more tables in our schema to see if that will speed performance for some of our queries. I'm wondering if the following structure is viable, however.
    Table structure - this is a snippet of relevant info:
    asset NUMBER, -- primary key
    assetType NUMBER,
    company NUMBER,
    created SYSTIMESTAMP,
    modified SYSTIMESTAMP
    lobData CLOB
    ...)The current table has ~ 60 million rows. All queries are filtered at least on the company column, and possibly by other criteria (never/rarely by date). The number of rows a company can have in this table can vary greatly - the largest company has about 2.4 million, and the smallest about 1000. This table is joined by several other tables via the primary key, but rarely queried itself by the primary key (no range pkey queries exist).
    I'm thinking of partitioning by company (range) - however, I'm not sure if the uneven distribution of company data makes that an effective partition. The number of companies is relatively small (~6000 ) and does not grow significantly (perhaps 1-2 new companies a day). The data in this table is pretty active - ~200k deletes/inserts a day.
    Does it make sense to range partition by company? I was thinking of partitioning per company (1 partition per company) - but the partitions would be quite different in size. Is there a limit to the number of partitions a table can have (is it 64k?). Does partitioning even make sense for this table structure?
    Any thoughts or insights would be most helpful - thank you.

    kellypw wrote:
    I'm investigating partitioning one or more tables in our schema to see if that will speed performance for some of our queries. I'm wondering if the following structure is viable, however.
    Table structure - this is a snippet of relevant info:
    asset NUMBER, -- primary key
    assetType NUMBER,
    company NUMBER,
    created SYSTIMESTAMP,
    modified SYSTIMESTAMP
    lobData CLOB
    ...)The current table has ~ 60 million rows. All queries are filtered at least on the company column, and possibly by other criteria (never/rarely by date). The number of rows a company can have in this table can vary greatly - the largest company has about 2.4 million, and the smallest about 1000. This table is joined by several other tables via the primary key, but rarely queried itself by the primary key (no range pkey queries exist).
    I'm thinking of partitioning by company (range) - however, I'm not sure if the uneven distribution of company data makes that an effective partition. The number of companies is relatively small (~6000 ) and does not grow significantly (perhaps 1-2 new companies a day). The data in this table is pretty active - ~200k deletes/inserts a day.
    The version of Oracle is very important.
    Partitioning on company looks like a sensible option since you ALWAYS filter on company - but list partitioning makes more sense than range partitioning because it is more "truthful"
    Unfortunately it looks, at first sight, as if you have a logical error in the design - I'm wondering if the company should be part of the primary key of the asset. If you partition by company you won't be able to do partition-wise joins to the other tables when joining on primary key (I've interpreted your statement to mean that the asset is the foreign key in other tables) unless you happen to be running 11g and use "ref partitioning".
    It's hard to predict the impact of 6,000 partitions, especially with such extreme variations in size. With list partitioning it's worth thinking about putting each large company into its own partition, but using a small number of partitions (or even just the default partition) for all the rest.
    Jonathan Lewis

  • Two 'blunt' questions on Table Partitioning ?

    Version: 10.2, 11.2
    I wasn't fortunate enough to work in Partitioning in my DBA career. So , I have 2 basic questions.
    What is the most common form of partitioning you have come across ?
    Generally, would you prefer creating a global index or a local index for a partitioned table ?
    I mean: Global Index for particular type of partitioning or a particular column data type...etc

    I wasn't fortunate enough to work in Partitioning in my DBA career. So , I have 2 basic questions.
    What is the most common form of partitioning you have come across ?
    Generally, would you prefer creating a global index or a local index for a partitioned table ?
    I mean: Global Index for particular type of partitioning or a particular column data type...etc
    Sounds like interview questions to me. What answers to you give to those questions?
    If you are new to partitioning I suggest you review the entire VLDB and Partitioning Guide
    That doc covers all aspects of partitioning including the different types of partitioning and types of indexes and when to use each of them.
    Partitioning should only be used when it solves a demonstrated problem that can't be solved using traditional techniques.
    Common forms are RANGE, LIST, HASH, and composites of those. REF partitioning is also used as needed.
    The type of index to use depends on the data and the reason partitioning was used to begin with. Global indexes can degrade the performance of partition maintenance.

  • Bootcamp partition lost after moving to larger HDD (Mavericks and Win7 X64)

    Hi Folks!
    I read those topics concerning lost and broken bootcamp partitions and I am Wondering if someone may help me.
    What was my aim: Due to lacking space of my 320 GB HDD I moved to a 750 GB HDD.
    I did this by installing Mavericks from a USB disk and rebuilt it with TM. After the installation I had a fully working Mavericks partition and the MacOS recovery partition.
    Next step was to rebuild the Bootcamp partition. For that I installed a new copy of windows via bootcamp assistant. After booting up the first time I booted the mini partition wizard cd, deleted the bootcamp partition and rebuild the partition from the old HDD changing the size fitting to the available space. After rebooting I chose to boot from the Win7 DVD and chose the repair option to fix windows. Everything worked well, I could boot into Win7 and it showed me both partitions (Mavericks and bootcamp).
    when i boot into MacOS it is not able to mount the mavericks partition.
    After checking it with fdisk and disk I found out that the bootcamp partition was recognized as FAT32 by the disk utility program, which always told me that it was not able to repair the bootcamp partition.
    So I followed Christopher Murphy's instructions to change the type for FAT 32 (0C) to ntfs (07) with the effect that I can't boot windows anymore due to "operating system not found" error.
    So this is what the refit partition inspector tells me about my HDD:
    *** Report for internal hard disk ***
    Current GPT partition table:
    #      Start LBA      End LBA  Type
    1             40       409639  EFI System (FAT)
    2         409640    731457695  Mac OS X HFS+
    3      731457696    732727239  Mac OS X Boot
    4      732727296   1465147391  Basic Data
    Current MBR partition table:
    # A    Start LBA      End LBA  Type
    1              1       409639  ee  EFI Protective
    2         409640    731457695  af  Mac OS X HFS+
    3      731457696    732727239  ab  Mac OS X Boot
    4 *    732727296   1465147391  07  NTFS/HPFS
    MBR contents:
    Boot Code: Unknown, but bootable
    Partition at LBA 40:
    Boot Code: None (Non-system disk message)
    File System: FAT32
    Listed in GPT as partition 1, type EFI System (FAT)
    Partition at LBA 409640:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: HFS Extended (HFS+)
    Listed in GPT as partition 2, type Mac OS X HFS+
    Listed in MBR as partition 2, type af  Mac OS X HFS+
    Partition at LBA 731457696:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: HFS Extended (HFS+)
    Listed in GPT as partition 3, type Mac OS X Boot
    Listed in MBR as partition 3, type ab  Mac OS X Boot
    Partition at LBA 732727296:
    Boot Code: Windows BOOTMGR (Vista)
    File System: NTFS
    Listed in GPT as partition 4, type Basic Data
    Listed in MBR as partition 4, type 07  NTFS/HPFS, active
    This is the info got gives to me:
    sudo gdisk -l /dev/disk0
    GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.10
    Warning: Devices opened with shared lock will not have their
    partition table automatically reloaded!
    Partition table scan:
      MBR: hybrid
      BSD: not present
      APM: not present
      GPT: present
    Found valid GPT with hybrid MBR; using GPT.
    Disk /dev/disk0: 1465149168 sectors, 698.6 GiB
    Logical sector size: 512 bytes
    Disk identifier (GUID): 3AA6D384-5EC7-48C6-B593-4513AFF55241
    Partition table holds up to 128 entries
    First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 1465149134
    Partitions will be aligned on 8-sector boundaries
    Total free space is 1805 sectors (902.5 KiB)
    Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
       1              40          409639   200.0 MiB   EF00  EFI System Partition
       2          409640       731457695   348.6 GiB   AF00  Macintosh HD
       3       731457696       732727239   619.9 MiB   AB00  Recovery HD
       4       732727296      1465147391   349.2 GiB   0700  BOOTCAMP
    philipp-3:~ Phil$ sudo gpt -r -vv show disk0
    Sorry, try again.
    gpt show: disk0: mediasize=750156374016; sectorsize=512; blocks=1465149168
    gpt show: disk0: Suspicious MBR at sector 0
    gpt show: disk0: Pri GPT at sector 1
    gpt show: disk0: Sec GPT at sector 1465149167
           start        size  index  contents
               0           1         MBR
               1           1         Pri GPT header
               2          32         Pri GPT table
              34           6        
              40      409600      1  GPT part - C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B
          409640   731048056      2  GPT part - 48465300-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
       731457696     1269544      3  GPT part - 426F6F74-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
       732727240          56        
       732727296   732420096      4  GPT part - EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7
      1465147392        1743        
      1465149135          32         Sec GPT table
      1465149167           1         Sec GPT header
    This is what fdisk gives:
    sudo fdisk /dev/disk0
    Disk: /dev/disk0 geometry: 91201/255/63 [1465149168 sectors]
    Signature: 0xAA55
             Starting       Ending
    #: id  cyl  hd sec -  cyl  hd sec [     start -       size]
    1: EE 1023 254  63 - 1023 254  63 [         1 -     409639] <Unknown ID>
    2: AF 1023 254  63 - 1023 254  63 [    409640 -  731048056] HFS+       
    3: AB 1023 254  63 - 1023 254  63 [ 731457696 -    1269544] Darwin Boot
    *4: 07 1023 254  63 - 1023 254  63 [ 732727296 -  732420096] HPFS/QNX/AUX
    And this is a photo of the disk util (in german)
    And this is the error when I try to check it:
    Next step is to try to cover the windows copy. I guess startup repair will work, unfortunatly I  have no DVD at the moment right here.
    But my problem is not the restoring of windows but to mount the bootcamp partition in Mavericks again.
    Any help?
    Thanks in advance

    Ok, it works again. But actually I don't know why. After neither startup repair nor mini partition manager could repair the ntfs partition, i deleted it and rebuilt it from the old HDD (fortunately not deleted yet). The only thing I did in difference was to boot into Mavericks before starting startup repair after i copied the partition. For any reason Mavericks recognized it this time. I have no clue why but everything is working.
    So far...

  • Arch does not boot (MacBook Pro, rEFIt)

    Several months ago I installed Arch on my MacBookPro (5.1, late 2008) in dual boot with Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion).
    Everything was fine until last Friday when, after a forced shutdown, ArchLinux refused to boot and showed me a black screen instead (I use rEFIt).
    I followed several forum suggestions, mainly consisting in the reflagging of the boot partition (using both fdisk in Mac OS X and parted in Linux) and in the reinstallation of GRUB. After some work, nothing changed: Mac OS X works fine, whilst Linux still offers me a black screen. After few seconds of black screen, the laptop reboots, and rEFIt shows me the same options.
    Does anyone have any suggestion?
    Thank in advance for any help I can get
    This is the output of the rEFIt Partition Inspector tool:
    *** Report for internal hard disk ***
    Current GPT partition table:
    # Start LBA End LBA Type
    1 40 409639 EFI System (FAT)
    2 409640 200228415 Mac OS X HFS+
    3 200228416 201497951 Mac OS X Boot
    4 207269888 207464447 GRUB2 BIOS Boot
    5 207464448 247463935 Basic Data
    6 247463936 271464447 Basic Data
    7 271464448 488396799 Basic Data
    Current MBR partition table:
    # A Start LBA End LBA Type
    1 1 488397167 ee EFI Protective
    MBR contents:
    Boot Code: GRUB
    Partition at LBA 40:
    Boot Code: None (Non-system disk message)
    File System: FAT32
    Listed in GPT as partition 1, type EFI System (FAT)
    Partition at LBA 409640:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: HFS Extended (HFS+)
    Listed in GPT as partition 2, type Mac OS X HFS+
    Partition at LBA 200228416:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: HFS Extended (HFS+)
    Listed in GPT as partition 3, type Mac OS X Boot
    Partition at LBA 207269888:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: ext2
    Listed in GPT as partition 4, type GRUB2 BIOS Boot
    Partition at LBA 207464448:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: ext4
    Listed in GPT as partition 5, type Basic Data
    Partition at LBA 247463936:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: ext4
    Listed in GPT as partition 6, type Basic Data
    Partition at LBA 271464448:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: ext4
    Listed in GPT as partition 7, type Basic Data

    alesssia wrote:The rEFInd's auto-detection shows a generic Linux OS bootable from a generic HD. When selected, Tux is shown, followed by a grub line (that is "GRUB loading"), then by a black screen. Finally, the rEFInd menu shows up again. This is the same behaviour showed by rEFIt and the reason because I used stanzas.
    That description indicates that you were launching a BIOS-mode version of GRUB, and that it failed for some reason that's almost certainly GRUB-specific (bad configuration file, missing modules, etc.).
    After playing with the EFI shell I was able of fixing the Arch stanza, finally finding an error that should be expected:
    Starting vm-linuz-linux
    Using load options root=UUID=e6db22f2-e5bb-4933-bba7-20be86db00if ro quiet initrd=initramfs-linux.img
    Error: Unsupported while loading vmlinuz-linux
    In fact, I'm using a 32-bit version of Arch on a 64-bit EFI.
    That's the problem, then. On a 64-bit EFI, rEFInd can launch 64-bit kernels but not 32-bit kernels.
    I’m currently trying to fix my hybrid MBR, but despite all my efforts with the gdisk and the gptsync (in rEFInd) tools I always end up with the behaviour described in the first lines of this post: “Grub loading...”, black screen, then rEFInd menu again
    I'm not sure what's wrong with that, but I can say with some certainty that it's a GRUB issue. (That's not to say that the solution is in the GRUB configuration; adjusting the hybrid MBR might fix it, but I'm not sure precisely what to suggest.)
    I have no idea about how to proceed. Perhaps (re)installing the 64-bit version of Arch is the only possible solution, but I’m scared by all the painful configuration steps that will follow a fresh installation...
    As you suspect, installing a 64-bit version of Arch should fix the problem. For that matter, a 64-bit kernel with 32-bit userland should work OK, although that might be tricky to maintain -- I imagine that pacman would try to "upgrade" you to new 32-bit kernels every now and then. Still, it might be worth giving it a try. If you do, I recommend installing a kernel, initrd file, and kernel modules (in /lib/modules) outside of pacman. Install a kernel that's slightly behind whatever is current in pacman. That way, even if pacman upgrades your kernel, your 64-bit kernel will be untouched. You can then upgrade your kernel manually whenever it's convenient or desirable to do so.
    Another option is to install a 64-bit version of EFI-mode GRUB, ELILO, or SYSLINUX, and have it launch a 32-bit kernel. I know this is possible because I've done it in some test installations, but I don't recall offhand which boot loader I used, so I can't promise that all three of the ones I mentioned would work. If you go this route, you'll end up with rEFInd to select OS X or GRUB/ELILO/SYSLINUX, which you can then use to select your Linux kernel (or set a very short timeout to launch the kernel more-or-less immediately). See my Web page on EFI boot loaders for Linux for my thoughts on each of these boot loaders.

  • Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service

    [I did intend to start this post with a screenshot of the above error when I initiate the transfer from Windows Explorer, but apparently 'Body text cannot contain images or links until we are able to verify your account.' so I will just have to do some typing,
    viz the error dialog says:
     'An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.
    Error 0x800705AA: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.'
    I get this error pretty much 100% of the time from one particular PC when trying to copy a folder of 10 2GB files to a server with both mirror and parity storage spaces.
    I recently purchased a Thecus W5000 running Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Essentials. Absent any guidance either way I decided to set up a storage pool across the three 3TB WD Red drives that I have installed in it and to allocate 1.5TB of that space to a
    mirror storage space and the remainder to a parity storage space. Having read some faily dire things about storage spaces, but wanting the resilience provided by those two types of storage space, I decided to run some benchmarking tests before finalising anything.
    To that end I only went as far through the Essentials setup as creating a handful of user accounts before setting up the storage spaces and sharing both of them, with all authenticated users permitted full control. My benchmarking consists of a Take Command
    batch file timing three large directory copies - one with 10 2GB files, one with 10240 10K files and another with a multi-level directory with a variety of files of differing sizes. The first two are completely artificial and the latter is a real world example
    but all are roughly 20GB total size.
    To test various aspects of this I copied the three structures to and then from a partition created on the internal disk (the W5000 has a 500GB SSHD) and to the two storage space partitions. I also created a version of the batch file for use internally which
    did something similar between the internal disk and the two storage space partitions, and another as a control that tested the same process between the two Windows PCs. The internal test ran to successful completion, as did the PC to PC copy and the external
    one from my Windows 8.1 64-bit system (i5 3570K, 16GB RAM, 1TB HD) but when I ran it from my Windows 7 Pro 64-bit gaming rig (i7 2600K, 8GB RAM, 1TB HD) I got a number of failures with this error from Take Command:
    TCC: (Sys) C:\Program Files\bat\thecus_test_pass.btm [31] Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
    (where line 31 of that batch file is a copy command from local D: to the parity space on the Thecus).
    The error occurs only when copying large files (the 2GB ones already mentioned but some of those in the real world structure that are about 750MB in size) from the Win7 system to the Thecus and only when doing so to the storage space volumes - ie. copying to
    the internal disk works fine, copying from all volumes works fine, copying internally within the Thecus works fine, copying between the Win8 and Win7 machines works fine and initiating the copy as a pull from the server between the same two disks also works
    fine. One aspect of this that surprised me somewhat was just how quickly the copy fails when initiated from Windows Explorer - checking out the details section of the copy dialog I see roughly ten seconds of setting up and then within five seconds after the
    first file transfer is shown as starting the error dialog pops up (as per the image no longer at the top of this post).
    There are no entries in the event log on either machine related to this error and I've had the System Information window of the Sysinternals Process Explorer up and running on both machines whilst testing this, and it shows nothing surprising on either side.
    I've also run with an xperf base active and I can't see anything pertinent in the output from either system.
    Frankly, I am at a loss and have no idea what other troubleshooting steps I should try. The vast majority of the existing advice for this error message seems to relate to Windows 2003 and memory pools - which both the fact that this works from one PC but not
    the other and the SysInfo/xperf output seems to suggest is not the issue. The other thing I've seen mentioned is IRPStackSize, but again if that was the problem I would expect the failure to occur where ever I initiated the large file transfer from.

    Ff it works from the win 8 box, it must be in the win 7 box?
    I'm going to answer this one first because much of the rest of this is not going to be pertinent to the problem at hand. I've been over and over this aspect whilst trying to think this issue through and you are right, except that it only happens when copying
    files to the Thecus and only then when the target is a ReFS partition on a mirror or parity storage space. So the best I can come up with is that it is most likely an issue on the Win7 box that is triggered by something that is happening on the server side,
    but even that is a bit of a stretch. This is why the lack of information from the error message bugs me so much - in order to debug a problem like this you need to know what resource has been exhausted and in which part of the software stack.
    Now that may not be easy to do in a generic way, and since programmers are inherently lazy it is tempting just to return a simple error value and be done with it. However, I've been in the position of doing just that in a commercial product and ended up
    having to go back and improve the error information when that particular message/code was tripped and I was expected to debug the problem! Obviously there is a significant difference between a Microsoft consumer product and a mainframe product that costs many
    times as much and comes with a built in maintenance fee, but the underlying requirement is the same - somebody needs to be able to solve the problem using the information returned. In this case that simply isn't possible.
    You spend your time testing file copies, where I devote most of my time to backup and restore
    I don't really want to be testing file copies - the initial intention was to benchmark the different storage space and file system combinations that I was intending to use but the error whilst doing so has spiralled into a cycle of testing and tweaking that
    really isn't achieving anything. My primary reason for having a NAS at all has always been backup. My current strategy for the two boxes participating in this testing involves having a local drive/partition to hold backups, running a daily incremental file
    copy to that partition which is then immediately copied to a NAS and backing that up with a regular (needs to be at least once per month to be totally secure) full image copy of the local disks that is also copied to the NAS afterwards (hence my fascination
    with copying large files).
    There is a weakness in that strategy because I've never been very good at performing that full image backup regularly enough, so one of the reasons for buying the W5000 was the possibility of making those backups automatic and driven from the server end.
    However, that takes the local backup drives out of the equation and leaves me with the need to backup the NAS, which I don't do with my existing unit because there are (nearly) always copies held elsewhere.
    The other reasons for going with the Thecus were a desire to backup the other machines in the household - I've always dreaded a hard drive failure on my wife's laptop but getting her to perform any kind of housekeeping is nigh on impossible and also to provide
    a file server capability protected by a single set of userids (the existing NAS data is open to all household members). So my goal is backup and restore too ;)
    I meant a different nic on the beast (win 7)
    I should have realised that but obviously wasn't thinking straight. I don't have a spare gigabit NIC to hand (although perhaps even a megabit one might provide an interesting data point) although there is such a card in one of my other (less used) PCs that
    I could cannibalise for testing purposes. Another project for the coming weekend methinks.
    put some limits on it to keep the lawyers happy. 2gb ram, OS loaded on a drive, limit the # of Hard Drives
    That statement got me thinking, because I've never been able to find a definition anywhere of what the restrictions are with WSS 2012 R2 Essential - if I bring up the software license terms on the box itself they are for 2012 Standard!?- and wonder whether
    they'd stop me doing things like adding RAM or changing the processor.
    Even my buddies at wegotserved do not seem to have done any hands on reviews and they get "everything."
    The cynic in me wonders whether that is because Thecus know that they've just shovelled this onto a handful of existing boxes that barely meet the spec. and which simply aren't up to snuff as anything other than a box full of disks.  The Thecus boxes
    look like good value because they include the server OS (the unit cost me roughly 50% more than I could buy Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials for) but if you can't realise that value then they are just an expensive NAS. 
    if perhaps the algorithms in the Seagate SSHD do not know ReFS?
    I haven't put a ReFS partition on the SSHD, only on the three 3TB WD Reds.
    I will ask my contacts at MS to take a look at this thread, but they stay so busy with I don't know if they will spend many cycles on it
    Perhaps you could ask them if the next version of the OS could do a better job of identifying which resources have been exhausted, by what part of the stack and where in the maze of connectivity that makes up a modern computing environment?? {gd&r}
    Cheers, Steve

  • Ubuntu linux and bootcamp

    Has anyone done it and if so, was it successful? I just tried it with parallels- as yet, no web and no printer but other things are working. Just curious.

    hi Bea,
    After a looooong fight I managed to install the triple boot system.
    If not caring too much to waste some time and the data you have on intel macbook, one should try this:
    first of all read the successful stories and back-up the data
    make a clean Leopard installation
    install Boot camp without actually partitioning the disk
    install refit,
    partition the disk in 4: one for refit 200 MB, one for Leopard say 50 GB, the third for linux = 10 GB and the last one for windows = at least 30 GB
    install the infamous windows on the last partition
    install the windows drivers from the mac disk
    install linux (I use ubuntu but have seen on my screen fedora)
    there you are with the triple boot system, only the linux drivers to search and install.

  • Create view on type??

    Hi all,
    Yesterday, I hit the bug:
    DataPump Export (expdp) Returns ORA-1427 When Partitioned IOT With Same Name Exists in More Than One Schema [ID 1064840.1]
    One of the resolutions for this is to re-create ku$_iotpart_data_view view with the following code:
    create or replace force view ku$_iotpart_data_view of ku$_table_data_t with object OID(obj_num) as
    select '1','2',
           (select o1.obj#
            from   obj$ o1
                   and o1.subname=o.subname
                   and o1.owner#=o.owner_num),
           decode ((select 1
                    from   dual
                    where  (exists (select q.obj#
                                    from   sys.opqtype$ q
                                    where  q.obj#=t.obj#
                                           and q.type=1 /* xmltype col */
                                           and bitand(q.flags,2+64)!=0))), /* CSX or SB */
           decode ((select count(*) /* outofline xml table */
                    from   sys.opqtype$ q
                    where  q.obj# = t.obj# and
                           bitand(q.flags, 32) = 32 ),
           'N', /* partitioned table cannot have column with LONG datatype */
           decode ((select count(*)
                    from   sys.type$ ty, sys.coltype$ ct
                    where  ty.toid=ct.toid and ty.version#=ct.version#
                           and ct.obj#=t.obj#
                           /* 0x00008000 = 32768 = contains varray attribute */
                           /* 0x00100000 = 1048576 = has embedded non final type */
                           and bitand(,1081344)=1081344),
           decode ((select count(*)
                    from   sys.refcon$ rf, sys.col$ c
                    where  c.obj#=rf.obj# and c.intcol#=rf.intcol#
                           and c.obj#=t.obj#
                           and bitand(rf.reftyp,1)=0), /* ref is non-scoped */
           'N', /* default 'has_tstz_cols' to 'N' */
 , ts.blocksize, b.bytes_alloc,
           -- if this is a secondary table, get domidx obj and ancestor obj
           decode (bitand (bo.flags, 16), 16,
                   (select value(oo)
                    from   ku$_schemaobj_view oo, secobj$ s
                    where  bo.obj_num=s.secobj#
                           and oo.obj_num=s.obj#
                           and rownum < 2),
           decode (bitand (bo.flags, 16), 16,
                   (select value(oo)
                    from   ku$_schemaobj_view oo, ind$ i, secobj$ s
                    where  bo.obj_num=s.secobj#
                           and i.obj#=s.obj#
                           and rownum < 2),
           (select count(*)
            from   rls$ r
            where  r.obj#=t.obj# and r.enable_flag=1 and bitand(r.stmt_type,1)=1),
            0 -- note: piot cannot be ref partitioned
    from   ku$_iotpart_bytes_alloc_view b,
           ku$_schemaobj_view o, ku$_schemaobjnum_view bo,
           ku$_unload_method_view um, tab$ t,
           ind$ i, indpart$ ip, ts$ ts, partobj$ po
    where  ip.obj# = o.obj_num
           AND o.type_num = 20 -- index partition
           AND bo.obj_num = po.obj#
           AND i.type#=4 -- iot index
           AND t.obj# = um.obj_num
           AND ip.ts# = ts.ts#
           AND b.obj_num=ip.obj#
           AND (bitand (bo.flags,16)!=16
                OR sys.dbms_metadata.oktoexp_2ndary_table(bo.obj_num)=1)
           AND (SYS_CONTEXT ('USERENV','CURRENT_USERID') IN (o.owner_num, 0) OR
                EXISTS (SELECT *
                        FROM   sys.session_roles
                        WHERE  role='SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE'))
    /I did that as sys and created in INVALID state. When i do show errors, I get "table or view does not exist".. and indeed, if i search the object on what this view is being created, i get the following:
    sys@devbase> select object_name, object_type, status
    2 from dba_objects where object_name like '%TABLE_DATA_T%';
    This is an Oracle Type. I am not sure if we can create views on types... And even if can, why am I getting ORA-00942 if i am connected as sys???
    Did anybody hit this problem? Can you please help to compile this thing?
    Thanks a lot in advance!!!
    Edited by: MarGur on Feb 11, 2011 10:10 AM
    Edited by: MarGur on Feb 11, 2011 10:14 AM

    Thanks for formatting the original post. It now makes a lot more sense.
    Still worth opening a SR even though it's non-critical. Nothing wrong with asking both places - especially since you know that it'll take days before they get to it, so why wait those days AFTER you give up here <g>
    As to your question whether views can be created on types, reference the SQL Language Reference manual at where it states
    Use the CREATE VIEW statement to define a view, which is a logical table based on one or more tables or views. A view contains no data itself. The tables upon which a view is based are called base tables.
    You can also create an object view or a relational view that supports LOBs, object types, REF data types, nested table, or varray types on top of the existing view mechanism. An object view is a view of a user-defined type, where each row contains objects, each object with a unique object identifier.
    I would encourage you to post the actual error message from the compile.

  • Software SAN sanity check.

    I had a Xeon quad core based entry level server with 12GB RAM on which i install a RAID5 based Disk controller with 3 SATA 7200 rpm based Hard drives.
    Then i installed 3 additional Gigabit Ethernet cards along with Windows 2012 Standard Server.
    Formatted the 2TB single partition with the new resilient file system.
    After the server was ready i enabled iSCSI Target with nic teaming. hosted the VHD virtual disks on the ReFS partition and serve the SAN Targets to Hyper-V host.
    Although everything is running smooth as i have now hosted 4 Virtual Machines on it still i think that their is something lacking here as i plan to move more VMs on this so i tough i ask your say on this . Please do guide me as everything i did was on my
    own without any consultancy what so ever.  :-)
    Thank you

    For the iSCSI redundancy or high ability you can’t use the NIC teaming, the iSCSI type storage use the MPIO as the high ability method.
    More information:
    Multipath I/O Overview
    Hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • No external device bootable with EFI MBP91.00D3.B02 any more!

    Why can't early 2011 MacBookPro9,1 (OEM Mountain-Lion) boot from any external device ?
    I tried USB, FIREWIRE and DVD ROM Devices and nothing works.
    And why is this EFI MBP91.00D3.B02 not listed anywhere.
    Is there a way to downgrade to the recomended EFI as listed on the apple support page.
    This should be the Boot Rom Version i would like to work with : MBP81.0047.B27 (EFI 2.7)
    Thx in advance.

    Hi Brian,
    your setup being 'far' from the usual makes me think that the problem originates from that.
    Did you used rEFIs Partition Inspector yet ?
    Maybe it brings up some informations.
    Personally I use rEFIt now for quite some time and never had problems with it.
    So if it works why not use it.

  • No bootable device found -- Please insert bootable disk

    I am trying to dual boot Arch Linux with my MacBook. I went through the entire install process for my Arch Linux partitions and as soon as I reboot and select to boot from Linux partition in  rEFIt nothing happens. rEFIt shows the tux penguin logo and thats all, does not continue from there. Can someone tell me what is happening?
    I'm pretty sure the issue has to do with my Partitioning or something, so I copied some text from the rEFIt partition inspector (the inspector does't correct my GUID like I found in a lot of wiki/tutorials)
    *** Report for internal hard disk ***
    Current GPT partition table:
    # Start LBA End LBA Type
    1 40 409639 EFI System (FAT)
    2 409640 525126895 Mac OS X HFS+
    3 525126896 526396431 Mac OS X Boot
    4 526658576 526863375 Unknown
    5 526863376 568806415 Unknown
    6 568806416 625142414 Unknown
    Current MBR partition table:
    # A Start LBA End LBA Type
    1 1 409639 ee EFI Protective
    2 409640 525126895 af Mac OS X HFS+
    3 525126896 526396431 ab Mac OS X Boot
    MBR contents:
    Boot Code: Unknown, but bootable
    Partition at LBA 40:
    Boot Code: None (Non-system disk message)
    File System: FAT32
    Listed in GPT as partition 1, type EFI System (FAT)
    Partition at LBA 409640:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: HFS Extended (HFS+)
    Listed in GPT as partition 2, type Mac OS X HFS+
    Listed in MBR as partition 2, type af Mac OS X HFS+
    Partition at LBA 525126896:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: HFS Extended (HFS+)
    Listed in GPT as partition 3, type Mac OS X Boot
    Listed in MBR as partition 3, type ab Mac OS X Boot
    Partition at LBA 526658576:
    Boot Code: SYSLINUX
    File System: ext4
    Listed in GPT as partition 4, type Unknown
    Partition at LBA 526863376:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: ext4
    Listed in GPT as partition 5, type Unknown
    Partition at LBA 568806416:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: ext4
    Listed in GPT as partition 6, type Unknown
    Partition 4/5/6 are my boot/root/home partitions respectively.

    Is there anyone thar can help me out?
    Recently I tried to reinstall Arch under EFI mode, I installed rEFInd this time. I also tried to install GRUB/GRUB2 with no positive results.
    Here is my new Partition Data:
    *** Report for internal hard disk ***
    Current GPT partition table:
    # Start LBA End LBA Type
    1 40 409639 EFI System (FAT)
    2 409640 525126895 Mac OS X HFS+
    3 525126896 526396431 Mac OS X Boot
    4 526658576 527068175 EFI System (FAT)
    5 527068176 569011215 Unknown
    6 569011216 625142414 Basic Data
    Current MBR partition table:
    # A Start LBA End LBA Type
    1 1 625142447 ee EFI Protective
    MBR contents:
    Boot Code: Unknown, but bootable
    Partition at LBA 40:
    Boot Code: None (Non-system disk message)
    File System: FAT32
    Listed in GPT as partition 1, type EFI System (FAT)
    Partition at LBA 409640:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: HFS Extended (HFS+)
    Listed in GPT as partition 2, type Mac OS X HFS+
    Partition at LBA 525126896:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: HFS Extended (HFS+)
    Listed in GPT as partition 3, type Mac OS X Boot
    Partition at LBA 526658576:
    Boot Code: Unknown, but bootable
    File System: FAT32
    Listed in GPT as partition 4, type EFI System (FAT)
    Partition at LBA 527068176:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: ext4
    Listed in GPT as partition 5, type Unknown
    Partition at LBA 569011216:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: ext4
    Listed in GPT as partition 6, type Basic Data

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