Reference value of an SQLPLUS variable in a PL/SQL anonymous block

Is there a way of referencing an SQLPLUS variable within a PL/SQL anonymous block. See my example below........
sqlplus -s /@${L_DB_SID} <<-ENDOFSQL >> ${L_LOGFILE}
VARIABLE l_ret_msg VARCHAR2(300);
exec\$secure_batch.p\$set_role(p_ret_sts => :l_ret_sts);
if :l_ret_sts > 0 then
${L_PLSQL_PROG}(p_ret_type => 0, p_ret_sts => :l_ret_sts, p_ret_msg => :l_ret_msg);
end if;
I need to be able to reference :l_ret_sts in the begin block using the if statement "if :l_ret_sts > 0 then"
:l_ret_sts is populated in a procedure call beforehand.
However it seems as though the begin block cannot reference the value returned to :l_ret_sts.
Any ideas.

Managed to solve this. I put my call to the package that the role enables via dynamic sql....
sqlplus -s /@${L_DB_SID} <<-ENDOFSQL >> ${L_LOGFILE}
VARIABLE l_ret_msg VARCHAR2(300);
exec dbms_application_info.set_client_info('CONTROL-M');
exec\$secure_batch.p\$set_role(p_ret_sts => :l_ret_sts);
v_text varchar2(500);
if :l_ret_sts > 0 then
v_text := 'begin ${L_PLSQL_PROG}(p_ret_type => 0, p_ret_sts => :1, p_ret_msg => :2);end;';
execute immediate v_text using in out :l_ret_sts, in out :l_ret_msg;
end if;

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    All blocks that do not commit in one of the ways I detailed (and which do not explicitly commit using a commit statement) are part of the transaction started with > the first DML statement issued in any of the page processes and continuing until a commit is issued.Say, there are the following processes in the After-Submit-Processes:
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    Based on what you describe, in the event that if there is no explicit "commit" issued in any of these processes, then an implicit "commit" will be issued at the end of Process3?
    Thanks, Scott.

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    Thanks, I tried the &&uom := your_function(); suggestion, but I am getting an error. It looks like the "value" of &&uom is being read in the assignment statement, not the variable name.
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    v_curr_uom_sys VARCHAR2 (50);
    v_uom_num NUMBER;
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    dbms_output.put_line('&&uom = ' || &&uom);
    --prompt "&&uom"
    start i:\utc\all\oracle\uom\uom_column_heading_&&uom..sql
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    0 = 0
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    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> <<
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    savepoint set sql execute commit forall merge pipe
    The symbol "<an identifier> was inserted before "0" to continue.
    Message was edited by:

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    This is the proble to get value for text variables with Replacement path ,in case system is getting 2 reference values .So it get confusion and says that <i>No value found for Text Variable </i> .
    So as a work around :
    Instead of a text variable with automatic substitution(replace ment path) from another characteristic value, you can also create a text variable that is filled by a customer exit.In the code you  assign the Text value by looking into TEXT table with the value you got from User entry variable( which is used in first Restricted KF).
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

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    For this create a variable- Types of variable= Characteristics Value> Processing type as Customer Exit-->Reference Char as Fiscal year..
    Try this code..
        when 'xxxx'.
          DATA: lv_zp0003_month(2) TYPE n,
                  lv_zp0003_year(4) TYPE n.
          CLEAR: lv_zp0003_month, lv_zp0003_year.
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          lv_zp0003_year = sy-datum(4).
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            l_s_range-opt = 'BT'.
          l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
          APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.
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    You can use the exit command of SQL*Plusm but this is restricted to numbers between 0 and 255:
    cat test.shecho "variable result number
    exec :result := 42
    exit :result" | sqlplus scott/tiger@oracle
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    echo The unix result value is $UNIX_RESULT
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mi Okt 14 09:48:39 2009
    The unix result value is 42Hth, Urs

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    Thanks for your replies.
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    Do we have to write Source and Target in separate steps of the procedure?
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    Are you talking about using Xpath on the XML document and assigning to a
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    <script language="JavaScript1.2">
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    Thanks and kind regards,

    Sure you can. All you need to do is to store what the function returns in your global variable. It don't need to be returned back to screen field.
           END OF VALUES.
              G_VALUE TYPE SPFLI-CONNID.  "global variable to store what is returned
    "in PAI first populate your table
        FROM  SPFLI
        UP TO 10 ROWS.
    "then call the function but don't return the value to screen field
    "If you specify the import parameters DYNPPROG, DYNPNR, and DYNPROFIELD, the useru2019s selection is
    "returned to the corresponding field on the screen. If you specify the table parameter RETURN_TAB, the
    "selection is returned into the table instead.
                RETFIELD         = 'CONNID'
                VALUE_ORG        = 'S'
                VALUE_TAB        = VALUES_TAB
                RETURN_TAB      = RETURN_TAB.
    "now simply read first row of return tab and store the value returned there in some global var

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    Thanks a lot.

    You can aslo use #sysdate directly.
    The way I'm doing in my report is, I have a database function (f_ret_sysdate) with the following code
    create function f_ret_sysdate return varchar2
    return to_char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy');
    Now, in the 'Customization Form Display Options' section of the report I'm calling this function as #f_ret_sysdate in the default value field of corresponding bind variable to display SYSDATE with the format.
    Hope this helps!...

  • How to Print the Value of a variable inside a PL/SQL package

    Hi Friends,
    Here is my Scenario
    I have a PL/SQL Package. Let us call it Baseline Package.
    This Package includes a dynamically built merge Statement.
    Execute Immediate v_merge_query.
    I have a procedure which replaces which few Keywords from the Package Text and Creates a new one depending on Inputs I provide. (This is something like a Code generator)
    Now while Creating the new package, I need to print the Value of v_merge_query.... I Need s Static Query to be Printed inside the new package and not a dynamic query.
    My Question is "Is there a way to print the value of the variable inside a different PL/SQL package?
    Thanks in Advance,

    Print where?
    That PL/SQL code is server-side code. It runs in an Oracle server process.
    That server process does not have a keyboard. Or a screen/monitor. Or display canvas. Or an attached printer.
    That server process is incapable of "printing" as that is not its job or responsibility and not part of its environment.
    What is can do is record data for the client to look at afterwards. This can be done using static PL/SQL session variables. Or a SQL table.
    The former is done by DBMS_OUTPUT - a very primitive interface for writing text into a static PL/SQL string array. That btw resides in expensive private process server memory. The client can query the array after a database call and render the contents.
    PS. Also keep in mind that bind variables are critical for performance and server robustness - especially when (ab)using dynamic SQL.

  • How to set a value to a Presentation Variable using GO URL?

    Hi All,
         I am working on a drill (GO URL) from Dashboard page1 to Dashboard page2.
         The problem I am facing is, I am not able to pass a value to the presentation variable through GO URL. (I have to pass "Customer Category" static
    value to The presentation variable present in Dashboard Page2 ).
         The Dashboard page2 is having a view select in which we are using presentation variable to select the report based on the value selected in
    View Select.
         For example: If the user selects "Customer Category" value in View select and clicks on GO button Customer Category report will show the out put.
         When i am drilling from Dashboard Page1 I have to pass a value to the presentation variable used in view select and also pass some filter condition in
         GO URL.
         Please let me know if it is feasible to pass a value to the presentation variable through GO URL in OBIEE
         It will be greate if you can provide me with the syntax to set a value to the presentation variable of dashboard page2 through GO URL.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Sagar Vishwanathwar.

    1) You have to navigate to dashboard page, not to answer request = you have to use "Dashboard URL API" not GO URL API.
    2) On the target page, you have to place dashboard prompt, which sets required presentation variable.
    3) Refer to the target using Dashboard URL API and set filter on prompt column using URL parameters. Example: http://localhost:9704/analytics/saw.dll?Dashboard&PortalPath=%2Fusers%2Fadministrator%2F_portal&Page=page%201&Action=Navigate&P0=1&P1=eq&P2=D_TIME.YEAR_CODE&P3=%221996%22
    Do not forget to use Action=Navigate. The syntax for setting filters using url parameter is the same as for GO URL API described in Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide.
    This is the way, you can implement navigation to parametrized direct SQL reports including passing filter values...
    Regards K.

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    Jimmy.  This might be that you are misunderstanding how the Interactive Master widget works with partial scoring.  Basically you need to specify the score that will be allocated to a slave object using the Scoring section in the Master Widget properties interface.  That's the score that will be reported to the Quiz instead of the default score you've assigned to the interactive widget via the Properties > Report Score section in Captivate.
    Using the preference settings you select, the Master Widget is going to try and work out whether or not the Variable Slave is in a Success or Failure condition, and THEN it will report whatever score you've assigned for that circumstance.
    What you're trying to do is a little different.  You want to have ONE variable slave that can have a score anywhere between 60 to zero.  My suggestion is that you consider using setting up different user variables for each of the interactive objects on the slide that you are tracking and then add each of these variables into the Master widget as Variable Slaves, assigning each one a Success or Failure score in the Scoring screen. 
    For example, if you ahve a number of click boxes on a slide and you are tracking whether or not the user clicks the right ones, you need to set up a user variable with a default value of 0 for each click box and assign that variable a value of 1 if the click box gets clicked.
    The Master Widget will be able to determine for each of these slaves whether they are in a Success or Fail condition based on whether the variable is set to 0 or 1 and then add up the relevant scores allocated for each variable.  This aggregated score is what can be reported to the quiz score, over riding the default score assigned to the widget.

Maybe you are looking for

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