Reformat IMAC

I tried reformatting my IMAC with the CD that came with it and after the install, I still have the same info.  The CD that came with it is the MAC OS and application CD, is there another CD I am missing?
Thanks in advance.

Ok, now I understood the problem. You should perform a clean installation of the operating system. If you have upgraded to Lion, you can't perform a clean install, because the only option you have is to perfom an upgrade. I suggest you two way:
Reinstall Snow Leopard: boot your iMac with the installation DVD inserted, holding the letter C right after the chime sound. Your iMac will boot into the the installation process. After choosing the language, the first window of the installer shows up, and so does the "application bar" on the upper side of the screen. You should find the Utility menu, and under that the Disk Utility: there you can complety erase all of the data in your HD. After formatting, you can start the installation process. When finished, you should install all of the updates available and then upgrade to Lion.
Create a bootable USB pendrive of Lion (Recomended, time saving): by following this guide -a-usb-flash-drive/, and perform a clean install of Lion. Like before, once the setup is loaded, you should format your HD like said before.
Let me know if that works!

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    Restart, holding down the CMD+R keys, and launch Disk Utility, wipe the HD, and reinstall Lion. Details in Recovery/ and About Lion Recovery. On first boot, use the Setup Assistant to do the migration. See Pondini's Setup New Mac guide.

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    Clean Install of Snow Leopard
         1. Boot the computer using the Snow Leopard Installer Disc or the Disc 1 that came
             with your computer.  Insert the disc into the optical drive and restart the computer.
             After the chime press and hold down the  "C" key.  Release the key when you see
             a small spinning gear appear below the dark gray Apple logo.
         2. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue
             button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
             After DU loads select the hard drive entry from the left side list (mfgr.'s ID and drive
             size.)  Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.  Set the number of
             partitions to one (1) from the Partitions drop down menu, click on Options button
             and select GUID, click on OK, then set the format type to MacOS Extended
             (Journaled, if supported), then click on the Apply button.
         3. When the formatting has completed quit DU and return to the installer.  Proceed
             with the OS X installation and follow the directions included with the installer.
         4. When the installation has completed your computer will Restart into the Setup
             Assistant. Be sure you configure your initial admin account with the exact same
             username and password that you used on your old drive. After you finish Setup
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    Download and install Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1.
    If you have your Time Machine backup drive connected, then you can use Setup Assistant to migrate your Home folder, application support files, and third-party applications and system preference files. I recommend doing this via the Setup Assistant when the option appears.

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    Hello, it may be a bad Drive, or just a bad sector...
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    There are few ways to do it. I personally prefer to use a 3rd party software for the copy.
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    Sounds like there are a couple of things wrong.
    1. When you erased and formatted the Hard Drive yourself using your Install or Upgrade DVD, did you return the drive back to 1 Partition in the Partitioning step...?
    2. Not all, but many of your older 06' or 08' iLife App's from Tiger or Leopard will not run in Lion and will need to be purchased from the App Store.
    The "not enough disk space" is a real problem and I would backup to an External HD if you have not already done so and start over from the beginning.
    First off, exactly which Install Disc's do you have, because originally that iMac came with Tiger 10.4.10 and an Additional Software Disc set. Which means that both Leopard and Snow Leopard can only be upgraded using a Retail Upgrade DVD.
    Second, if you are going to Lion (which is pushing that iMac) it might be better to Erase, Partition and Format using your white Snow Leopard Upgrade DVD, then upgrade to Lion and purchase newer versions of the iLife App's that you use. Besides you can always go back to your original Additional Software disc and get the older iLife App's that will still run in Lion.
    To reinstall OS X from your original Disc set or a Retail Leopard / Snow Leopard Upgrade DVD
    1. Boot from your original install disc set or uprade DVD and open Disk Utility.
    2. Highlight the new HD in the list of drives and select the Partition tab.
    3. Under Volume Scheme select 1 Partition and click on the Options... button.
    4. Select GUID Partition Table in the drop down window and click OK.
    5. Set the Format to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and click the Apply button.
    6. Then do a clean Install from your original Disc set or Upgrade DVD.

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    iMac G4/700/40   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  
    iMac G4/700/40   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

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    #1 - Do I only need to select the "Macintosh HD" partition in disk utility and hit reformat?
              Will it even allow me to do that within OSX?
              And will it guide me through the process to reinstall OSX?
    #2 - When I purchased the iMac it came with Snow Leopard, but have since upgraded to Lion, then Mountain Lion.
              If I reinstall using the DVD that came with the iMac, will I lose Mountain Lion?
              Or is that attached to my user ID or my Time Machine when I restore?
    #3 - I use iTunes - A LOT - Am I going to lose the iTunes database (all my plays, dates, ratings etc...) after reinstalling or will those be safe on my restore from my Time Machine?
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    Thank you so much for any help you may be able to give me ahead of time!

    #1 should allow that.
    #2, no need to reinstall 10.6...
    Or restore from the TM backup once the Drive is fixed.
    #3, If the TM backup is good you should be fine.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Which PowerMac G4 do you have?

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    To me this makes absolutely no sense and I hope someone can assist, as what's happened just doesn't seem logical.
    I appologise in advance if I haven't provided enough information.

    I too have this exact same problem. I recently replaced my hard drive and before doing so, did an entire system back up. When i went to restore the files onto the new hard drive there doesn't seem to be any files to back up from my time machine. Nothing!!! Pls can someone help?????

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    Volume is on one bar. If you plug in your headphones, the volume changes to what your last settings were for your headphones (let's say five bars). When you unplug your headphones, the volume goes back to the original one bar.
    But today I noticed that it hasn't been working the same way: when I unplug my headphones the volume for the speakers remains what it was for the headphones.
    Since this is happening on both my computers, I think it has something to do with software.
    The only thing I have installed in relation to sound is AirFoil, AirFoil Speakers, and the Soundflower extra for it. I've tried removing both (using AppCleaner) applications, as well as Soundflower from within AirFoil, but the problem persists. Any idea on what else it could be, or how to fix it?
    I've e-mailed Rouge Amoeba, but I'm not sure if this is a problem with AirFoil, or if they'll be able to help.

    Hmm, okay, so this is what I've done, and this is what has happened:
    I restored my MBP to January 1st, when I hadn't installed AirFoil, but the problem was still there.
    Since the problem is affecting all users, including Guest Users, I thought that it might be a system file. So I reformatted by computer, and used Migration Assistant to bring everything back. The problem was gone! Everything worked as it should. And this is with AirFoil and SoundFlower installed.
    But then I updated my computer, including a combo update to 10.6.2; all of a sudden, the problem is back.
    = (
    This makes me think the problem is in OS X. Which means by currently reformatting iMac is going to waste a few hours of my life for no reason.
    One advantage, though, is that my most recent back-up for it does not include AirFoil or SoundFlower. So I'll update the computer, and if the problem returns, it should be OS X, no?
    Can anyone with 10.6.2 check if they also have this problem? It'd be awesome if someone has 10.6 and 10.6.1 on a bootable drive they can test, as well.
    Any idea how we report this to Apple if it is OS X?
    Thanks in advance!

  • Dock hiding/magnification issue when using two mice.

    Hello.  I purchased and installed 10.7 Lion today on a freshly reformatted iMac (2.8 ghz, original aluminum) and I am having a very strange issue with the Dock.
    My business setup requires me to use a KVM switch so that I can use my PC and my Mac at the same time.  I have two separate monitors, so the display is not handled through this switch.  I have one keyboard that is handled through this switch, and one mouse: the Cyborg RAT 7.
    I have a second mouse, the Apple Magic Mouse, hooked up to the iMac only through Bluetooth.  Because of this setup, I have both the RAT 7 and the Magic Mouse capable of controlling the cursor on OS X when the KVM switch is set to Mac.
    However, when both mice are connected the dock becomes completely unusable:
    Normally I have the dock Hidden and with Magnification turned on.  However, the hiding doesn't work. If I move the cursor to the bottom of the screen, I have to click to get the dock to appear. This "magnifies" the icon that the cursor is over, but nothing else magnifies when I move over it and the dock does not re-hide when the cursor is moved off and will only re-hide once I've clicked elsewhere. When I right click on something in the dock, the options in the right click menu do not highlight like they are supposed to.  This highlighting issue applies on the top bar's icons as well.
    I have had this glitch happen occasionally on Snow Leopard, and in that case I would simply relaunch Finder and all would be well.  This does not fix this issue.
    What does fix this issue is removing one of the mice.  If I unplug the RAT 7 from the KVM switch, the dock works perfectly using the Magic Mouse.  If I turn off the Magic Mouse, the dock works perfectly using the RAT 7.  I have tried connecting the RAT 7 directly through USB, bypassing the switch, and I have the same issue.
    Is there perhaps an option in Lion that has multi-mouse support turned off somehow?  I can move the cursor fine with both mice attached, but the dock is simply unusable with both.
    Any information on this strange issue would be most appreciated.
    Thank you for your time.

    I have just configured a new Airport Extreme and I have just printed sucessfully to our printer. Weird its just a Graphite Airport base Station Issue. I am not sure if the problem occours with the Snow Airport Base Station....Ill have to try that one out. I am so happy that it works you wouldnt believe it.

Maybe you are looking for