Refresh front panel while BuildTarge​tBuildSpec​ification.​vi is working

How would one go about refreshing the front panel of a VI that calls, and it may spend 5 to 10 minutes compiling a project?
It is quite impossible to tell the difference of a hung process and something that is just chugging along, if the front panel of the calling VI just goes blank/unresponsive for all that time.
It would be nice to put something moving to give an "I'm still busy" kind of feedback.  I tried doing something like that but it just never updates.
I would expect something like wrapping the call into another VI and change the system where that VI hierarchy runs to work, and or the priority of either thread, but before I go experimenting maybe someone can tell me :-)

Yesterday I've tried playing with different execution systems and priorities to no avail.
Pretty silly to have a GUI based program lock the GUI for that long of a time, reminds me of similar problems with X11MainLoop and TkMainLoop, but with those there are work arounds via (careful) use of threading.
I'll have to background that thing from a different non LabVIEW process and hide it.

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    There are several options here.
    I would suggest using your own code for datalogging. The datalogging you are referring to is primarily for debug, and one shot datalogs of front panel indicators (and controls?), not including graphs, etc.
    If you go to the file functions, you will see a menu for datalogging. These functions will allow you to save your data, as you need it, simply, and in a compact format.
    I recommend opening the datalog file, doing all your file operations, and closing the file before the program is complete. There are several examples of this in the examples database.
    Good luck

  • LV 8.0.1 'NOT RESPONDING' and/or 'split' and unusable front panel while scrolling

    Is anyone aware of any display or front-panel glitches and bugs with LV 8.0.1?  I have been using LV for years, but I have never seen the front panel tear itself (literally) in sections while I use the standard scoll bars at the edges of teh screen, then become completely unusable and go into [NOT RESPONDING] mode (???). In other words, my front panel displays have always moved as one continuous piece when scrolling.  During these recent episodes, I would use the scroll bars and parts of my front panel displays would not move while the other section(s) tore away and scrolled as I commanded.  When this happens, my entire PC would slow down, the CPU usage would rise and a approach 100%, and the VI was unusable.  I have been writing a particular VI for several months, starting in LV 6.1, then LV 8.0 PRO-DEV, and recently upgraded to the LV 8.0.1 'maintenance' release.  The problem that  I describe here began to occur within two weeks of the maintenance upgrade.  The problem seemed to be propagating to my back-up version after I opened each VI in unsuccessful attempts to find a VI that did not appear corrupted.  It seemed as if any VI that I opened was going to be plagued by the bug that I described above and I thought that I was going to lose months of expensive work and my job!!!!.  In a last ditch effort ( and a stroke of pure genius) I started saving some of these coorupt version as 'PREVIOUS' in LV7.1 format.  This seems to have turned the situation around, for now, and saved my VIs from becoming corrupted and completely unusable. 
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    Thank you.

    Thank you. I can only point to the following events/ techniques that were somewhat different from my previous experiences/ techniques:
    1) Performed 'SAVE AS... ' new file name to these files over several months and several times a day using similar filenames with only one number character different between them
    2) Logging long data files to the root C: drive and closing in on less < 5GB HDD remaining (could this be overwriting soem temp files that LV uses to manag graphics???)
    3) After saving to LV 7.1 and re-opening with LV 8.0, I get a message that is new to me that explained something about wiring a Boolean constant to a case structure and how LV 7.1 or previous used this to keep a sub-vi in memory (???).  Unfortunately for me, I did not capture the exact syntax of this message and I do not wish to intentionally repeat this graphical feature.
    4) I copied a small block of code that contained a 'cloned' sub-vi from one block diagram to the a similar VI that , shortly afterward, exhibited the front-panle 'tearing' feature.  This is something that I usually do not do, and, again, is one of the only new actions from anything that I have done in LV for the past several years.
    5) After the message described in (3), above, the rescued LV 7.1 version had moved a handful of the most recently added indicators to a very remote location, about 30 seconds of edge-scrolling time, to the left of my front panel graphics.  I perfromed a 'drag' operation by selecting these and bumping them to the right edge of the screen for about 30 seconds to get them back to the vicinity of my front-panel graphics.  I have never experienced a VI that shifted inidcators so far off the edge of the screen.
    These are the only ' unique' events that I can recall before the 'tear; effect.
    Thank you.

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    I'm not sure if you're asking to be able to view the actual code module's front panel (ie. VI front panel) while it's executing, or if you just want to see the steps and overall sequence in a VI front panel. If the latter is true then you can use the simple LabVIEW operator interface that ships with TestStand, as Dennis mentioned in his answer. This would indeed be a great place to start if you want to add any further functionality to the operator interface. If the former is true and you want to see the actual VI front panels of the steps as they execute, you can check that box "Show VI Front Panel" from the "Specify Module" window in TestStand.

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    ... And here's where I keep assorted lengths of wires...

    Thanks  Partha,
    i have looked at this thread before, did not think it related too much.
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    So as much as i would like to stick it to Creative. But do they have anything with a frontpanel like the Titanium but working under Win7 64?

    Originally Posted by icke
    Since i'm finally fed up with my X-Fi Platinum not working in Win7 64 i would like to buy something else.
    Sadly Creative seems to be the only firm producing soundcards that can have a simultanious stereo output via the front panel while having he 5.1 setup connected at the back.
    So as much as i would like to stick it to Creative. But do they have anything with a frontpanel like the Titanium but working under Win7 64?
    What driver version are you using now? The one that's on the install CD that's included with the soundcard or the latest driver that's available via Creative Labs download service? Provide more info, otherwise no-one can help you. Anyway, the X-fi Platinum (including the Platinum drive bay) should work in Windows 7 x86 and x64.
    Try downloading and installing Daniel_K unofficial driver packs for the X-fi and see which one works the best for you.
    Daniel_K unofficial driver pack SB X-Fi Series Support Pack 2.5 (10/25/2011)
    Daniel_K unofficial driver pack SB X-Fi Series AuzenUAA Pack 1.8 (10/25/2011)
    Daniel_K unofficial driver pack SB X-Fi Series AuzenWDM Pack 1.8 (10/25/201​1)
    Uninstall the old X-fi drivers first and then use "Driver Sweeper" in Windows Safe mode to wipe X-fi drivers that are still left in the Windows OS. Make sure you create a restore point in Windows 7 first, so you can roll-back if something goes wrong.
    Good luck!

  • Loading images on front panel

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    it, but I haven't found one yet.
    I also tried the picture ring in the control
    menu, but my vi size gets really big.
    Any one has any suggestions about active X or a
    different aproach ????
    Sent via
    Before you buy.

    wrote in message
    news:8q64he$j3u$[email protected]..
    > I also tried the picture ring in the control
    > menu, but my vi size gets really big.
    > Any one has any suggestions about active X or a
    > different aproach ????
    Use the picture indicator? Put a big picture indicator on the front panel,
    with (perhaps transparent) controls and indicators in front of it if that's
    what you want, and load your images as needed from JPEG, PNG or BMP files?
    Perhaps loading them all at runtime to avoid the delay when displaying an
    image. I've never used them for loading picture files, but there's a
    comprehensive set of utilities in vi.lib/picture that should do what you

  • How to edit remote front panel

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    Hi tomsch1,
    If you have the Internet Developers Toolkit installed on your version of LabVIEW (provided in the Full and Profession Development System packages and as an add-on for the Base package), then the Web Publishing Tool will provide you with three viewing options:
    1. Embedded
    2. Snapshot
    3. Monitor
    Detailed information about these options can be found here:
    Web Publishing Tool Viewing Options
    It sounds like your application would want to use the Monitor option that will just take images periodically and refresh then on the front panel. The Embedded option might also work if
    you set the Option for Web Server: Browser Access to be Allow Viewing only.
    Here are some related links for more information as well:
    Products & Services: NI LabVIEW Remote Panels
    Internet Developers Toolkit Reference Manual
    Hope this helps!
    Kileen Cheng
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Recalling front panel

    I know it is possible to show a VI's front panel when it is called by selecting "show front panel when called" in the VI Properties.  If you were to close this vi or stop it, you could once again view its front panel when it was called again.  Now with that said...   Is it possible to call a VI's front panel many times if you don't close it or stop it?

    Are you asking about showing multiple instances of the same front panel at once, or just the ability to open and close a front panel while the VI is running.  If it's the latter, you can use the VI Server to do so.  Get a reference to the VI using the Open VI Reference primitive, then wire that into a property node and select Front Panel Windowpen.  If you set that to true, the FP will be visible, if it is false, the FP is hidden.
    If you are trying to show multiple instances of the front panel, that's more difficult, but also possible.  If you want to do that, you will have to clone the VI in question or use a VI Template instead of a normal VI.  What you do from there depends on why you want multiple instances -- is it for showing historical data, or for showing multiple versions of the same data? 

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    I have two top-level VIs running simultaneously using different execution systems.  The first VI has a list box scroll bar.  When the scroll bar is used by the operator, updates to the second VI front panel are temporarily blocked.  This is due to the single user interface thread shared by both VIs.  I there anyway to allow the second VI to update its front panel while the first VI is bound to its scroll bar?

    Your problem seems to be a bit more complex. I created two vi's, one with a simple loop, the other with a list box (both running in different execution systems). The first isn't noticeably affected by moving the listbox' scrollbar.
    It there an increase in processor load when you move the scrollbar? That could stop the other vi from updating. Perhaps you can isolate the problem (remove all irrelevant code) and post the remaining vi's?
    "wwwbrown" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]..
    I have two top-level VIs running simultaneously using different execution systems.&nbsp;&nbsp;The first VI&nbsp;has a list box scroll bar.&nbsp; When the scroll bar is used by the operator, updates to the second VI front panel are temporarily&nbsp;blocked.&nbsp; This is due to&nbsp;the single user interface thread shared by both VIs.&nbsp; I there anyway to&nbsp;allow the second VI to update its front panel while the first VI is bound&nbsp;to its scroll bar?

  • Editing front panel - vi locked

    How can i edit the front panel while vi is password protected??Is there any option to allow editing on the front panel??

    ssddii wrote:
    Is there any option to allow editing on the front panel??
    Yes, just enter the password!
    If you don't have the password, you cannot edit the VI.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Button Function Problem When Showing Front Panel of Sub VI

    Good Afternoon,
    I have a created a simplified version of a much more complicated vi to illustrate the problem I am having. Attached is a main vi and a sub vi. The main vi has a boolean which says to open or close the front panel of the sub-vi. This works great. However, the other push button ( " My Button Function" ) on the main vi does not work properly when the sub-vi front panel is being displayed. It is supposed to be a  "switch until released" button. However, if you try to click and hold it down while the sub-vi panel is displayed it acts as if I am clicking the button rather than being able to hold it down? I was wondering why showing the sub-vi front panel makes this happen? And also, if anyone has any recommendations to fixing this problem?
    Attachments: ‏12 KB ‏5 KB

    What is happening is the loop is running very fast.  It is constantly reading the open SubVI button and opening the subVI if true, even if the subVI front panel is already open.  If you are trying to hold down the other button, the opening of the subVI front panel is taking away the focus from the main VI and thus acting like you let up on the button.
    Maintain the status of the subVI in a shift register and only open or close it if the status changes.  See attached Main VI.
    Attachments: ‏12 KB

  • Front panel of my Audigy 2 won't w

    My front panel on my Audigy 2 won't work. I recently had to replace my motherboard and it won't work since then. It worked fine before. The mixer panel won't even give me the option of Line 2 and Auxilliary in, and my headphone jack won't work either. I don't think they're even getting power, though I'm not sure. I took the optical plug out to see if there was a red light showing, and there wasn't. The inputs and outputs from the back are operational.
    I've read other threads on this and none of the solutions there have worked. I've re-connected cables, uninstalled and reinstalled hardware, and software. Still nothing. Only inputs from the back work. I recently had to replace my motherboard. I've tried updating drivers - nothing.
    My motherboard is a GIGABYTE GA-K8NSC-939 Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce3 250Gb ATX AMD Motherboard. My processor is AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Venice GHz FSB 52KB L2 Cache Socket 939 Processor. I run Windows XP with both service packs installed (same as with my old motherboard).
    Is my card broken?

    There should be a light from the optical output as long as there is power to the dri've. Perhaps switch the power cable on that dri've with the cable that goes to your floppy, to see if that helps (in case the cable is faulty). It's possible otherwise that the dri've itself is broken.

  • Z97g43 connect front panel audio to computer case

    I have z97g43.
    Front panel audio computer case to mainboard not work.
    i have connect:
    mainboard                     chassis ( all pin available connected )
    mic_L                           mic_L
    mic_r                           mic_power
    headphone_r                 headphone_r
    headphone_L                 headphone_L
    ground                         ground
    not connect:
    Sense send
    mic detenction
    headphone detenction
    what is the right schematic connect?

     What case do you have? If it is an older case with AC97 audio then you would need to purchase something like one of these:
     I simply got me an inexpensive case for my last upgrade since I also needed front panel USB 3 and up to date card reader in addition to the HD audio. My case was only $10 more (free shipping at time of purchase ) than the front panel module I needed so I got the new case you see in my signature instead.

Maybe you are looking for

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