Hi All,
Can anybody tell me wht is the main purpose of class CL_EXITHANDLER,  its method GET_INSTANCE and parameters of this method like EXIT_NAME, NULL_INSTANCE_ACCEPTED and INSTANCE
Thanks in Advance

Often the call occurs early in treatment, because its outcome affects the processing logic. But there are no absolute rule, a BAdi only processed at save may not be checked for implementation til actual save processing.
Apart of break-point you can use a tool like SAT ABAP trace (SE30 or old) to find it.

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    hi experts...we are using SAP ECC 6.0  version
    I have created  BADI Def   and  Implementation using  se18   and se19 with some interface methods..
    I'm writing  a report to call  that using  class CL_EXITHANDLER but it shows an  Exception..
    " Exception condition "DATA_INCONS_IN_EXIT_MANAGEM" raised."
    Report example:
    CALL METHOD cl_exithandler=>get_instance
       EXIT_NAME                       = 'ZBADI_USERMAIL_DEF'
    *    ACT_IMP_EXISTING              =
        instance                       = IF_USER_INSTANCE
    *    NO_REFERENCE                  = 1
    *    NO_INTERFACE_REFERENCE        = 2
    *    NO_EXIT_INTERFACE             = 3
    *    CAST_ERROR                    = 6
    *    EXIT_NOT_EXISTING             = 7
    *    others                        = 9
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *            WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    so i found that all  EXITs  are in the Table " SXS_ATTR" 
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    but  in Implentation class  its working fine..

    yes i have created  badi  in  Enhancement spot so  regarding what u told i'm using  GET BADI  and CALL BADI
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        uname  = UNAME
        mailid = W_EMAIL
    CALL BADI w_handle->get_user_address_data
        uname    = UNAME
        addrdata = W_ADDRDATA
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    Thanks in Advance

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    OBJECTKEY                       ?0100000000000011643
    OBJECTTABLE                     IFLOT              
    CLASSNUM                        ZPMI_BLDG          
    CLASSTYPE                       003                
    KEYDATE                         29.07.2009         
    LANGUAGE                        EN                 

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    class Student
    public String insertStudent(String sname)
    { return("Student has been inserted ");     }
    class Teacher
    public String execute(String methodName, String className)
    {  //return statement of the method 'insertStudent' in the class 'Student'; }
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    You should have just added that as a comment on your [initial posting|] instead of starting a new thread.
    Now, i have a class with the main method. Here, i would like to call the method 'insertStudent' of class 'Student'using the method 'execute' of class 'Teacher', passing the method-name and the class-name (viz. insertStudent, Student) as the
    String parameter.
    Why oh why? What do you want to achieve?
    Let me tell you: there is a way to do what you try to do, but it's not recommended and should be used only very sparingly. Especially not in anything like your code, that resembles normal business logic (as opposed to an application framework such as Spring, for example).
    Can you explain what exactly you want to do with that? Why should a Teacher be able to call any random method ony any other class. And what good would that do?

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    How did you resolve this problem ?
    Re: Object <Custom Program Name> of class RE and language EN does not exist.
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  • From which table I can find the "Class type" and "Class" of the material?

    From which table I can find the "Class type" and "Class" of the material?
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    try following table
    KSSK     Material number to class     
    KLAS     Class description     
    KSML     Characteristic name     
    CABN/CABNT     Characteristic name description     
    CAWN/CAWNT     Characteristic name
    kailas Ugale

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    spent lots of time trying to figure out how to do one thing with no luck, hope anybody can help me here. Here is what I have:
    I need to create a new object, I have dynamic variable of what kind of an object I need:
    sObjectType = "Article";
    ItemObject oItem = Item.init(1000, 1);           
    oItem.ArticleObjectCall();                      // ERROR is here, method does not exist, ArticleObjectCall is method of the Article classItem is a static Class that inits objects
    public class Item {
         public static ItemObject init(String sObjectType) {
                  ItemObject oClass = Class.forName("com.type." + sObjectType).newInstance();
                  return oClass;
    }Below are the 2 classes Article and ItemObject
    package com.type;
    public class Article extends ItemObject {     
         public void ArticleObjectCall() {
              System.out.println("Article Hello");
    public class ItemObject {
         public ItemObject() {          

    Ajaxian wrote:
    This is a method INIT, I am dynamically including class com.type.Article , Article extends ItemObject, I am casting new instance of Article to (ItemObject) to return a proper type but later when I try to call oClass object which is I believe my Article class, I get an error. None of which answers my question, yet it does show that you are thoroughly confused...
    String x = "blub";
    Object y = x;
    System.out.println(y.length); // We both know y is a string, but the compiler does not. => ErrorThe compiler enforces the rules of a static type system, your question is quite explicitly about dynamism, which is not without reason the antonym to statics. If you load classes dynamically, you need to use reflection to invoke their methods.
    With kind regards

  • Class-Map and Policy-Map Configuration in CM Confusion

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    Assuming a typical WAAS Deployment using WCCP for off-path interception, branch to DC.
     ==> 61 in LAN (BRANCH ROUTER) <== 62 in WAN        (WAN CLOUD)        ==> 61 in WAN (DC ROUTER) <== 62 in LAN
    We are using two distinct device groups, BRANCH and DATA CENTER.
    If the customer has traffic that we need to classify in order to provide TFO only optimisation, should the single class-map include the traffic in both directions? Ie., (assume the SERVER is TCP Port 443). Should the class-map be configured as:
    Line 1: DST IP DST Port 443
    Line 2: SRC IP SRC Port 443
    Or in this case is only the DST line required? And in which Device Group should the custom policy be applied? Or should it be applied to both Device Groups? If it should be applied to both Device Groups, then would it make more sense to have the policy-map in the Branch DG configured to match the DST traffic, and on the Data Center DG have a different class-map match the SRC traffic?
    My confusion is how to classify the traffic (SRC or DST or Both - Separate classes for each or different lines within the same class-map), and where to apply the appropriate policy (both Device Groups, just Branch, just DC) and why...
    I tried to apply a custom policy and the impact in the PoC was that the TCP Summary report stopped reporting the individual traffic classes showed 'other traffic' only. Can anyone explain why this may have occurred?
    I hope this makes sense.

    for instance like this:
    policy-map police-in
    class class-default
    police rate 10 mpbs <optionally set burst>
    policy-map shape-out-parent
    class class-default
    shape 10 mpbs <optional burst config>
    service-policy shape-out-child
    policy-map shape-out-child
    class class-default
    queue-limit 10 packets
    int g 0/0/0/0
    service-policy police-in in
    service-policy shape-out-parent out
    also have a look at CL 2013/2014 (orlando/sanfran) ID 2904 for more QOS details
    and the support forum article of "asr9000 quality of service architecture"

  • Object Program Name of class RE and language EN does not exist

    I'm encoutering this problem.
    Object <Custom Program Name> of class RE and language EN does not exist
    This appears when i am executing the report .
    Has anyone encoutered this? How did you resolve this problem?
    Any pointers in this regard are appreciated.

    This must be coming from the one of the function module exceptions that you are calling in the method. Put break points at all function module calls and find out the reason.
    Naveen Inuganti.

  • Custom class loader and local class accessing local variable

    I have written my own class loader to solve a specific problem. It
    seemed to work very well, but then I started noticing strange errors in
    the log output. Here is an example. Some of the names are in Norwegian,
    but they are not important to this discussion. JavaNotis.Oppstart is the
    name of my class loader class.
    java.lang.ClassFormatError: JavaNotis/SendMeldingDialog$1 (Illegal
    variable name " val$indeks")
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at JavaNotis.Oppstart.findClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
    at JavaNotis.SendMeldingDialog.init(
    at JavaNotis.SendMeldingDialog.<init>(
    at JavaNotis.Notistavle.sendMelding(
    at JavaNotis.Notistavle.access$900(
    at JavaNotis.Notistavle$27.actionPerformed(
    JavaNotis/SendMeldingDialog$1 is a local class in the method
    JavaNotis.SendMeldingDialog.init, and it's accessing a final local
    variable named indeks. The compiler automatically turns this into a
    variable in the inner class called val$indeks. But look at the error
    message, there is an extra space in front of the variable name.
    This error doesn't occur when I don't use my custom class loader and
    instead load the classes through the default class loader in the JVM.
    Here is my class loading code. Is there something wrong with it?
    Again some Norwegian words, but it should still be understandable I hope.
         protected Class findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException
             byte[] b = loadClassData(name);
             return defineClass(name, b, 0, b.length);
         private byte[] loadClassData(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException
             ByteArrayOutputStream ut = null;
             InputStream inn = null;
                 JarEntry klasse = arkiv.getJarEntry(name.replace('.', '/')
    + ".class");
                 if (klasse == null)
                    throw new ClassNotFoundException("Finner ikke klassen "
                 inn = arkiv.getInputStream(klasse);
                 ut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(inn.available());
                 byte[] kode = new byte[4096];
                 int antall =;
                 while (antall > 0)
                     ut.write(kode, 0, antall);
                     antall =;
                 return ut.toByteArray();
             catch (IOException ioe)
                 throw new RuntimeException(ioe.getMessage());
                    if (inn != null)
                    if (ut != null)
                 catch (IOException ioe)
         }I hope somebody can help. :-)
    Knut St�re

    I'm not quite sure how Java handles local classes defined within a method, but from this example it seems as if the local class isn't loaded until it is actually needed, that is when the method is called, which seems like a good thing to me.
    The parent class is already loaded as you can see. It is the loading of the inner class that fails.
    But maybe there is something I've forgotten in my loading code? I know in the "early days" you had to do a lot more to load a class, but I think all that is taken care of by the superclass of my classloader now. All I have to do is provide the raw data of the class. Isn't it so?

  • Want to know more about class and class type and characters in batch determ

    hi ,
    i want to know abt class functionality and how it is related to batch mgt,means functions of class type , characters etc.
    ok thanks

    Hi ,
    Find the Class and Class Type for Batch Determination.
    Create Class for Batch Management
    In this step, you define two classes for use with batches. One class contains the characteristic LOBM_VFDAT: Expiration Date, and the other class with three characteristics:
    LOBM_RL: Remaining shelf life for batch,
    LOBM_LFDAT Batch determination delivery date, and
    LOBM_VFDAT Expiration date, shelf life.
    Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
    Transaction Code: CL02SAP R/3 Role Menu     Installation ® Create Class for Batch Management
    2.Choose Create and maintain the necessary master data manually. The relevant data can be found in the file:
      Class     Class type     Description     Characteristic        Characteristic     Characteristic
    023_001     023     Products with Expiration Date     LOBM_VFDAT     
    023_002     023     Search class with expiration date     LOBM_RLZ     LOBM_LFDAT     LOBM_VFDAT
    The materials are later assigned to class 023_001 in the material masters. 023_002 is used in the batch determination search strategies for SD and PP/PI. 

  • What does the class CL_EXITHANDLER do ? What the significance of this class

    what does the class CL_EXITHANDLER do ? What the significance of this class,

    Welcome to SDN!
    you can see this class in SE24 and than choose GET INSTENCE method DB on it. than put break-point on
    CALL METHODcl_exithandler=>get_class_name_by_interface
    finally run any t-code you will come into debugger mode and if you see in exit_name value after pressing F6 you will get BADi name of this perticuler T-code.
    basically we use this class for findings BADi.

  • Reg : information Regarding Class Cl_HTTP_Ext_CSIF

    Hi floks,
    i requested you any body having documentation or links regarding class CL_HTTP_EXT_CSIF . How is it works and need more information this class . Can any body helpout .

    Hi Suresh,
    just check out the following link.

  • Regarding class argument in createPopUp()

    Hi All,
    How to dynamicaly find and  type cast a title window application movie as class argument and pass it to createPopUp() of popup manager on click of popup button.

    Use this to get the class name and cast to class:
    If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such.
    Greg Lafrance - Flex 2 and 3 ACE certified

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