Registering Modules

Someone help please! I have been trying to install iTunes since Christmas Day and keep having the same problem. When I am installing, the installer screen freezes on "Registering Modules." I have uninstalled and completely deleted SpyCatcher, but it didn't help. I have deleted and redownloaded iTunes and QuickTime about a thousand times. Does anyone have a solution?

... afraid i do know what you're talking about. but we've been having a reasonable amount of success recently with getting past this one.
the best place to start is with the following document:
iTunes 7 or later for Windows Installation stops responding while "registering modules"
... but if no joy there, and if you have SpyCatcher installed on the PC, try uninstalling SpyCatcher altogether prior to attempting an itunes install. if the itunes install then goes through properly, you can then reinstall SpyCatcher.

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    I've found a doc regarding iTunes 7 "registering modules" lock up:
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    CIN and adam ... dropping a link to gailj's technique here too, for other folks who might find this particular thread:

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    some folks have been having some success with gailj's technique with that one:
    gailj: Solution to registering modules hang for windows users

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    I can't offer any specific help except to say that you may want to post your question in the installing iTunes forum. Here's the link.
    There are experts over there (b noir for one) who don't visit here very often.

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    THANK YOU for pointing me in the right direction!! It was my SpyCatcher program that was the problem! I've been dealing with this for months! This is such a relief.
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    I looked up troubleshooting tips from this site and followed them to a T. I did pretty much everything I could find that was suggested (disabling all antivirus and personal firewall measures, disabling all non-critical windows components/processes, clearing out temporary files, deleting/removing previous installations, etc.)
    just doublechecking. do you have SpyCatcher installed on that PC? if so, have you tried uninstalling SpyCatcher altogether prior to the itunes install?

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    Arivalagan s

    As well as that make sure you are a local PC administrator or belong to that group. Also check Microsoft's site to make sure you have the latest Microsoft Installer. I believe there is a test tool to check your PC.
    Do you know what version of CR 2008 you have? There should be a ProductId.txt file to confirm the version. SP 3 should fully support DEP so if you don't have it download it from this [link|].
    Then it should get past Microsoft's security. If it's your Anti-V as Stratos suggests then only option is to disconnect from the network and disable it, install and the reconnect.
    The other common registration issue is due to missing dependencies or possibly updated dependencies that CR found but can't use. Some of our dependencies are specific versions.
    Thank you

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    We are looking for some more information on this issue. If the iTunes 7.0 or 7.0.1 installation is hanging at "Registering Modules" please follow these steps:
    1. Choose Run from the Start menu.
    2. Enter this text and press Return:
    3. Choose Save from the File menu.
    4. Save the file as "sysinfo" to your desktop.
    5. Attach this file to an email to me.
    Please make the subject line of the email "Registering Modules" and let me know what version of Windows you are using.

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    that's usually caused by SpyCatcher. see:
    iTunes 7 or later for Windows Installation stops responding while "registering modules"
    (it's best to launch itunes at least once prior to reinstalling SpyCatcher.)

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