Regular expression to convert sqlite query to 'normal' query.

How would go about using this regular expression
strftime\([^'"]['"]([^"']+)['"], [^ ]+[^\)]\)to return a value like
DATE_FORMAT( backreference1, backreference2 )Basically I need to do something like:             ResultSet waarnemingen = stat.executeQuery(  "SELECT strftime( '%Y%m%d', datum ) as dtm, minTemp, maxTemp, etmaalneerslag FROM waarnemingen " +
                       "WHERE stationsnummer = '"+stationsnummer+"' "+
                       "AND strftime( '%Y%m', datum ) = '"+jaar+maand+"'" );       
//             ResultSet waarnemingen = stat.executeQuery(  "SELECT DATE_FORMAT( datum, '%Y%m%d' ) as dtm, minTemp, maxTemp, etmaalneerslag FROM waarnemingen " +
//                       "WHERE stationsnummer = '"+stationsnummer+"' "+
//                       "AND DATE_FORMAT( datum, '%Y%m' ) = '"+jaar+maand+"'" ); Where the commented part is what it's supposed to become.
Edited by: Axeia on May 22, 2009 8:50 AM

public static void main(String[] args)
        final String theQuery = "ResultSet waarnemingen = stat.executeQuery(  \"SELECT strftime( '%Y%m%d', datum ) as dtm, minTemp, maxTemp, etmaalneerslag FROM waarnemingen \" +"
                                + "\"WHERE stationsnummer = '\"+stationsnummer+\"' \"+"
                                + "\"AND strftime( '%Y%m', datum ) = '\"+jaar+maand+\"'\" );";
        final Pattern thePattern = Pattern.compile("(strftime\\(([^,]+),([^\\)]+)\\))");
    }Would it be something like that that you are looking for?

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  • Trying to use regular expressions to convert names to Title Case

    I'm trying to change names to their proper case for most common names in North America (esp. the U.S.).
    Some examples are in the comments of the included code below.
    My problem is that *retName = retName.replaceAll("( [^ ])([^ ]+)", "$1".toUpperCase() + "$2");* does not work as I expect. It seems that the toUpperCase method call does not actually do anything to the identified group.
    Everything else works as I expect.
    I'm hoping that I do not have to iterate through each character of the string, upshifting the characters that follow spaces.
    Any help from you RegEx experts will be appreciated.
    * Converts names in some random case into proper Name Case. This method does not have the
    * extra processing that would be necessary to convert street addresses.
    * This method does not add or remove punctuation.
    * Examples:
    * DAN MARINO --> Dan Marino
    * old macdonald --> Old Macdonald <-- Can't capitalize the 'D" because of Ernst Mach
    * ROY BLOUNT, JR. --> Roy Blount, Jr.
    * CAROL mosely-BrAuN --> Carol Mosely-Braun
    * Tom Jones --> Tom Jones
    * ST.LOUIS --> St. Louis
    * ST.LOUIS, MO --> St. Louis, Mo <-- Avoid City Names plus State Codes
    * This is a work in progress that will need to be updated as new exceptions are found.
    public static String toNameCase(String name) {
    * Basic plan:
    * 1. Strategically create double spaces in front of characters to be capitalized
    * 2. Capitalize characters with preceding spaces
    * 3. Remove double spaces.
    // Make the string all lower case
    String retName = name.trim().toLowerCase();
    // Collapse strings of spaces to single spaces
    retName = retName.replaceAll("[ ]+", " ");
    // "mc" names
    retName = retName.replaceAll("( mc)", " $1");
    // Ensure there is one space after periods and commas
    retName = retName.replaceAll("(\\.|,)([^ ])", "$1 $2");
    // Add 2 spaces after periods, commas, hyphens and apostrophes
    retName = retName.replaceAll("(\\.|,|-|')", "$1 ");
    // Add a double space to the front of the string
    retName = " " + retName;
    // Upshift each character that is preceded by a space
    // For some reason this doesn't work
    retName = retName.replaceAll("( [^ ])([^ ]+)", "$1".toUpperCase() + "$2");
    // Remove double spaces
    retName = retName.replaceAll(" ", "");
    return retName;
    Edited by: FuzzyBunnyFeet on Jan 17, 2011 10:56 AM
    Edited by: FuzzyBunnyFeet on Jan 17, 2011 10:57 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    Hopefully someone will still be able to provide a RegEx solution, but until that time here is a working method.
    Also, if people have suggestions of other rules for letter capitalization in names, I am interested in those too.
    * Converts names in some random case into proper Name Case.  This method does not have the
    * extra processing that would be necessary to convert street addresses.
    * This method does not add or remove punctuation.
    * Examples:
    * CAROL mosely-BrAuN --> Carol Mosely-Braun
    * carol o'connor --> Carol O'Connor
    * DAN MARINO --> Dan Marino
    * eD mCmAHON --> Ed McMahon
    * joe amcode --> Joe Amcode         <-- Embedded "mc"
    * mr.t --> Mr. T                    <-- Inserted space
    * OLD MACDONALD --> Old Macdonald   <-- Can't capitalize the 'D" because of Ernst Mach
    * old mac donald --> Old Mac Donald
    * ROY BLOUNT,JR. --> Roy Blount, Jr.
    * ST.LOUIS --> St. Louis
    * ST.LOUIS,MO --> St. Louis, Mo     <-- Avoid City Names plus State Codes
    * Tom Jones --> Tom Jones
    * This is a work in progress that will need to be updated as new exceptions are found.
    public static String toNameCase(String name) {
         * Basic plan:
         * 1.  Strategically create double spaces in front of characters to be capitalized
         * 2.  Capitalize characters with preceding spaces
         * 3.  Remove double spaces.
        // Make the string all lower case
        String workStr = name.trim().toLowerCase();
        // Collapse strings of spaces to single spaces
        workStr = workStr.replaceAll("[ ]+", " ");
        // "mc" names
        workStr = workStr.replaceAll("( mc)", "  $1  ");
        // Ensure there is one space after periods and commas
        workStr = workStr.replaceAll("(\\.|,)([^ ])", "$1 $2");
        // Add 2 spaces after periods, commas, hyphens and apostrophes
        workStr = workStr.replaceAll("(\\.|,|-|')", "$1  ");
        // Add a double space to the front of the string
        workStr = "  " + workStr;
        // Upshift each character that is preceded by a space and remove double spaces
        // Can't upshift using regular expressions and String methods
        // workStr = workStr.replaceAll("( [^ ])([^ ]+)", "$1"toUpperCase() + "$2");
        StringBuilder titleCase = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < workStr.length(); i++) {
            if (workStr.charAt(i) == ' ') {
                if (workStr.charAt(i+1) == ' ') {
                    i += 2;
                while (i < workStr.length() && workStr.charAt(i) == ' ') {
                if (i < workStr.length()) {
                    titleCase.append(workStr.substring(i, i+1).toUpperCase());
            } else {
        return titleCase.toString();

  • Regular Expressions for converting HTML to Structured Plain Text

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    Edited by: jritschel on Oct 26, 2010 9:58 AM

    Here's a function I wrote for an app. I'm not making in promises on it's accuracy as the app was just a proof of concept and never made it to production.
    function strip_html( p_clob in clob )
    return clob
        l_out clob;
        l_test  number := 0;
        l_max_loops constant number := 20;
        i   pls_integer := 0;
        l_out := regexp_replace(p_clob,'<br>|<br />',chr(13)||chr(10),1,0,'imn');
        l_out := regexp_replace(l_out,'<p>',chr(13)||chr(10),1,0,'imn');
        l_out := replace(l_out,'<li>',chr(13)||chr(10)||'*<li>');
        l_out := regexp_replace(l_out,'<b>(.+?)</b>','*\1*',1,0,'imn');
        l_out := regexp_replace(l_out,'<u>(.+?)</u>','_\1_',1,0,'imn');
            l_test := regexp_instr(l_out,'<([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)[^>]*>.*?</\1>',1,1,0,'imn');
            exit when l_test = 0 or i > l_max_loops;
            l_out := regexp_replace(l_out,'<([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)[^>]*>(.*?)</\1>','\2',1,0,'imn');
            i := i + 1;
        end loop;
        return l_out;
    end strip_html;{code}
    The loop is there to handle nested HTML.
    Tyler Muth
    "Applied Oracle Security: Developing Secure Database and Middleware Environments":
    Edited by: Tyler on Oct 26, 2010 10:03 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Regular Expression to convert URI to HTML link tag

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    For example,
    String input = "This is a test string.  I like and think you should check out"; The output should contain an html a tag for each URI and use the URI as the text as well.
    I need this for a blogging web app i'm working on.
    I tried a few things like
    import java.util.regex.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class test
         public static void main(String[] args)
              final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\sI\\n|^)(\\w+://[^\\s\\n]+)");
            final Matcher m = p.matcher(args[0]);
              args[0] = m.replaceAll( "$1<a href=\"$2\">$2</a>");
    }Any ideas? Something like this will match "" but not a complex string. I've googled this quite a bit and I'm not very good with regular expressions.

    Couldn't get your posted regex to work on anything. Try this:public static void main(String[] args) {
        String input = "This is a test string.  I like and think you should check out";
        final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\s|^)(\\w+://\\S+)(\\s|$)");
        final Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
        input = m.replaceAll("$1<a href=\"$2\">$2</a>$3");
    }It should match any uri, however I recommend replacing \\w+ with a more concrete string like (?:(?:http)|(?:https)|(?:ftp)). Let me know if you have a uri that it doesn't match.

  • Need Regular Expression to convert URL to Hyperlink

    I need Help Please..........
    I am fairly new to Java and really new to Reg Exp. I have a String that has normal text and may contain a URL. I would like to display the URL as A hyperlink using JSP.
    Can anyone help.

    This is actually not that hard, if you know where the text is located? Using the regex you can find the beginning and ending pattern of text that you are looking for. Then extract the data and put it into a variable. add stuff to it if you need by concatenating it like: "http://"+variable+".com" what every you need.
    something like this will help.
    String page = new String("");
              String inputLine;
              // This is sorta strange, but I use the concat to put the whole string on one line.
              // besides it is just for looking through. I use the trim() to get rid of whitespace.
              while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
                  page = page.concat(inputLine.trim());
             // The "URL:" is basically a pattern match to find in your text file.
             // and the font tags are where the data is to be extracted between, by using the split()
             //  I used this to extract data from Websites, but you can use it on text files, xml files, etc...
             // as long as you can pattern match.
              String urlString = (String)(page.split("\\<[Bb]\\>URL:\\</[Bb]\\>")[1].split( 
              "\\<font size=\"-1\"\\>")[1].split("\\</font>")[0].trim()); 

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    Enter the regular expression to grep.
    []> MID 123456

    No - unfortunately - from the CLI on the ESA/SMA - the 'grep' command is not as intuitive as the unix/linux 'grep'.  You would need to push logs off appliance, and then take advantage of an external OS in order to parse through the logs as definitively needed.
    (*If you have received the answer to your original question, and found this helpful/correct - please mark the question as answered, and be sure to leave a rating to reflect!)

  • How to use regular expression to delete a character?

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    select partition_name from dba_tab_partitions where table_owner='xxx'and num_rows <>0 and table_name = 'xxx';
    How can I use regular expression in above SQL query to get result without letter 'P', like..
    thank you

    I find answer...
    select regexp_replace(partition_name,'P','')
    thanks anyway

  • Help in query using regular expression

    I need a help to get the below output using regular expression query. Please help me.
    SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR ('PWRPKG(P/W+P/L+CC)', '[^+]+', 1, lvl) val, lvl
    I need the output as
    correct result:
    val lvl
    P/W 1
    P/L 2
    CC 3
    But i tried the above it is not coming the above result. Please help me where i did a mistake.
    Thanks in advance

    Frank gave you a solution in your other thread. You could simplify it if you are on 11g:
    SQL> select * from table_x
      2  /
    select  txt,
                         ) element,
            column_value element_number
      from  table_x,
                                select  level
                                  from  dual
                                  connect by level <= regexp_count(txt,'\+') + 1
                       as sys.OdciNumberList
      order by rowid,
    TXT                                      ELEMENT    ELEMENT_NUMBER
    TECHPKG(INTELLI CC+FRT SONAR)            INTELLI CC              1
    TECHPKG(INTELLI CC+FRT SONAR)            FRT SONAR               2
    PWRPKG(P/W+P/L+CC)                       P/W                     1
    PWRPKG(P/W+P/L+CC)                       P/L                     2
    PWRPKG(P/W+P/L+CC)                       CC                      3
    SQL>  SY.

  • Query help in regular expression

    Hi all,
    SELECT * FROM emp11
    WHERE INSTR(ENAME,'A',1,2) >0;
    Please let me know the equivalent query using regular expressions.
    i have tried this after going through oracle regular expressions documentation.
    SELECT * FROM emp11
    WHERE regexp_LIKE(ename,'A{2}')
    Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated .
    P Prakash

    please go here
    Introduction to regular expressions ...
    P Prakash

  • Converting String Characters into Regular Expression Automatically?

    Hi guys.... is there any program or sample coding which is available to convert string characters into regular expression automatically when the program is run?
    String Character Input: fnffffffffffnnnnnnnnnffffffnnfnnnnnnnnnfnnfnfnfffnfnfnfnfnfnnnnd
    When the program runs, it automatically convert into this :
    Regular Expression Output: f*d

    hey guys.... i am sorry for not providing all the information that you guys need as i was rushing off to urgent meeting... for my string characters i only have a to n.. all these characters are collected from sensors and stored inside database... from many demos i have done... i found out that every demo has different strings of characters collected and these string of characters will not match with the regular expressions that i had created due to several unwanted inputs and stuff... i have a lot of different types of plan activities and therefore a lot of regular expressions.... if i put [a-z|0-9]*... it will capture all characters but in the same time it will be showing 1 plan only.... therefore, i am finding ways to get the strings i collected and let it form into regular expression by themselves in the program so that it will appear as different plans as output with comparing with the regular expression that i had created.... is there any way to do so?
    please post again if there is any questions u are still not familiar with... thank you...

  • How to convert SQVI to a normal query in SQ01 under client-specific query

    Dear all,
    I would like to know how to perform the following. Can you show me step by step as I don't know how to use SQ01 nor SQVI.
    Convert SQVI to a normal query in SQ01 under client-specific query area
    Thien is right. Invest some time into researching the above mentioned topics before turning to the forums for help.
    Edited by: kishan P on Aug 25, 2010 10:24 AM

    If you don;t know any of them. I think you should take a little time to research or search from Google, SDN wiki,...

  • Please convert decode query to case expression

    Please convert decode query to case expression
    Decode(Sign(id), 1, id, null) positive, Decode(Sign(id), -1, id, null) negative from dual;

    this is a serious forums that help people, if you want that we do your "homeworks" i must told you that you should pay us for that.
    Edited by: Fran on 05-jun-2013 23:41
    Handle:      1002966 
    Status Level:      Newbie
    Registered:      Apr 28, 2013
    Total Posts:      20
    Total Questions:      12 (12 unresolved)

  • Sqlite query want to convert in MS Sql server 2008

    Please let me know how to write MS SQL server query for the below:
    Sqlite query :
    SELECT strftime('%s',event_time_gmt,'unixepoch','330 minutes') as time;

    Declare @dt0 datetime, @dt datetime, @LocalTimeOffset int=5.5*60*60, @epochdt bigint=1389595157, @AdjustedLocaldt bigint;
    SET @AdjustedLocaldt = @epochdt + @LocalTimeOffset
    SELECT @dt0=DATEADD(second,@epochdt, CAST('1970-01-01 00:00:00' AS datetime))
    ,@dt=DATEADD(second,@AdjustedLocaldt, CAST('1970-01-01 00:00:00' AS datetime))
    ; with mycte as (SELECT @epochdt as epochdt, @dt0 as gmtdt , @dt as localdt
    , DATEADD(minute, DATEDIFF(minute,0,@dt),0) as StartOftheMinute
    ,DATEADD(hour, DATEDIFF(hour,0,@dt),0) as StartOftheHour
    , DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day,0,@dt),0) as StartOftheday
    , DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,@dt),0) as StartOfThisMonth
    , DATEADD(year, DATEDIFF(year,0,@dt),0) as StartOftheYear
    , DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,@dt),0) as StartOftheWeek)
    select epochdt,
    Left(datename(weekday,localdt),3) +' '+ CONVERT(varchar(26),localdt,109) as localdt
    ,Left(datename(weekday,gmtdt),3) +' '+ CONVERT(varchar(26),gmtdt,109) as gmtdt
    ,Left(datename(weekday,StartOftheMinute),3) +' '+ CONVERT(varchar(26),StartOftheMinute,109) as StartOftheMinute
    ,Left(datename(weekday,StartOftheHour),3) +' '+ CONVERT(varchar(26),StartOftheHour,109) as StartOftheHour
    ,Left(datename(weekday,StartOftheday),3) +' '+ CONVERT(varchar(26),StartOftheday,109) as StartOftheday
    ,Left(datename(weekday,StartOfThisMonth),3) +' '+ CONVERT(varchar(26),StartOfThisMonth,109) as StartOfThisMonth
    ,Left(datename(weekday,StartOftheYear),3) +' '+ CONVERT(varchar(26),StartOftheYear,109) as StartOftheYear
    ,Left(datename(weekday,StartOftheWeek),3) +' '+ CONVERT(varchar(26),StartOftheWeek,109) as StartOftheWeek
    from mycte

  • Query regarding Regular expressions

    Help me in regular expression for “one or two digits must followed by : and one or two digits”

    user8701050 wrote:
    thanqI assume you meant "thank you." Please use real words.
    In any case, you're welcome. So now that you know, your best course of action would be to study that tutorial, and/or this one:, take your best shot, then post again if you get stuck, showing what you tried and explaining clearly the problems you encountered.
    Good luck!

  • Regular Expression query help.

    Hi, your help will be appreciated,
    I need to replace the a string's pattern with some special characters.
                            Input String := 'mytext*% align="quot;leftquot;><font face="quot;Arialquot;"> *% align="quot;leftquot;"><this is text><p this to replace >'
                            Output String := 'mytext@ align="quot;leftquot;$<font face="quot;Arialquot;"> @ align="quot;leftquot;"$<this is text><p this to replace >'
    Replacing Rules:
    1)              '*%'             should be replaced by '@'
    2)              '>'            should be replaced by $ (only the EVERY FIRST occurrence after the character @ )
    Tried with REGEXP but looks like need your help!

    Hi, DJ,
    DeeJay wrote:
    Perfect Frank. Thanks for your help.
    Could you please explain how it is working? you know, these Regexps are hurdle for me always in understanding.Not just you; regular expression can be very cryptic.
    We're saying "replace '*%x>' with '@x$', where x is 0 or more characters from the set of all characters except '>'.
    SELECT     REGEXP_REPLACE ( 'mytext*% align="quot;leftquot;> *% align="quot;leftquot;"><this is text>'
              , '\*'     || -- aserisk (special character, must be escaped)
              '%'     || -- percent sign
                   '('     || -- begin \1 definition
                   '['     || -- begin set definition
                   '^' || -- "The set consiting of all characters EXCEPT ...
                   '>' || --     ... the greater-than sign"
                   ']'     || -- end set definition
                   '*'     || -- 0 or more characters from the preceding set
                   ')'     || -- end \1 definition
                   '>'     -- greater-than sign
              , '@\1$'
              )     AS txt
    FROM     dual;

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