Réinstallation après update du hardware

J'ai mis à jour mon Hardware - nouveau processeur, nouvelle RAM etc. et j'ai du formater le disque dur de base (C:/) pour réinstaller Windows qui n'avait plus les mêmes drivers.
Mais j'ai aussi effacé Photoshop CS6 et je n'arrive plus à le réinstaller car je n'ai pas désactivé la version qui se trouvait sur l'ancien PC
Et maintenant, je n'ai plus la possibilité de faire cette désactivation, l'ancienne installation ayant disparu au formatage !!
Merci pour toute aide

Contact support by phone to reset activations.

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    I am not sure if this latest Software Update messed things up, but there are a lot of problems with my MBP now that I just noticed tonight after I installed this Apple Software Installer Update 1.0.
    First off I am unable to watch any of the online videos like CBS nightly News, some of the BBC News Videos, as far as I can tell anything that shows its content on a video screen from the companies website.  I updated Flash Player about 2 weeks ago to the current version because I started keepng Flash updated to the current version, someting I wish I would have never started.  when I went to CBSnews.com, clicked on CBS Evening News, nothing  (not even a video screen) shoes up but in small letters it says Please Upgrade Your Adobe Flash Player. According to adobe Flash (current versions for MacOS-Safari) I have the correct Flash version and I have watched these news broadcasts seveeral nights on ABC, CBS, and many other videos on mostly news websites.  On ABC I noticed it tonight since I installed this Apple Software Installer 1.0 Update, it shows a blank video screen but in the middle it says, "This content requires Adobe Flash Player - Ver 10.1. (on top) and on the bottom is a link that says " Click here to get the latest version of Flash." 
    The latest version of Flash for a Mac using Safari is what I installed about 2 weeks ago and is  I am not sure what ABC means by 10.1.  The versions confuse me, especially if I look in Safari under "Help"--> "Installed Plug-Ins", it usually just gives the first couple of numbers, but now I cannot even bring up "Installed Plug Ins" under Safari---Help---Installed Plug-Ins.  it just gives me a blank screen.
    Is it possible to uninstall an installed update?  it is a major deal.  any suggestions on what I should try?  I know people who hate Adobe Flash (seems like there are a lot) will say get rid of Adone Flash.  But whay would it stop showing me what is on the Installed Plug-Ins Page?  Before, I just did this the other night, I open a new tab, go to Help on Safari's Menu bar to Help, then Installed Plug-Ins and it usually fills up the blank New Tab page with all the Installed Plug-ins.  Down toward the end it will show me that Shockwave Player, I think Mac calls it is installed, and it just gives the first few numbers of the current version that is installed.  Now I get no Installed Plug-Ins.
    thanks for any assistance.  I looked up in the suppot articles how to uninstall an installed Update.  I was going to repair permissions, but I have only ever done that using the Operating Disk.  that is how I was taught by a genius bar person several years ago, and I just kept up with it.  when I repair permissions using Disk Utility from the dock, let's say I do a test run and 20 permissions come up, I repair them and nothing changes, but if I use the OS disk and repair the permissions, if there are a lot it will get rid of them all but it usually takes 2 runs at it.  I know this is different from what most others say,

    I use Firefox 95% of the time, and there's no problem with flash content (and I'm still at .55 - downloaded .64 last week but I haven't got round to making the change yet). At the rate they've been changing it recently it may well be out of date already .
    I've been trying it in Safari, too with no problems apart from You Tube, but that's because I'm blocking Google cookies.
    One thought does occur - if your Flash preferences are set to block all Local Storage, it may be that the problem site is trying to use Flash cookies (LSOs). I had this problem recently with the BBC iPlayer streaming content. Little Snitch notified an attempt to connect to a new URL - emp.bbci.co.uk.
    If I disallowed it, no streaming; when I allowed the connection, it still wouldn't stream, so I did a bit of digging and came to the conclusion that it was trying to set a Flash cookie. When I unblocked, lo and behold - streaming resumed as normal.
    I now have LSOs blocked in a more subtle way that lets the site think it's being set (but it ain't) and the streaming still works.
    As for permissions repair - always repair from local; the permissions on the original disc will have been superceded by updates and new installations of Apple software.
    DU needs to be reading the packages on the HD, not the (now out of date) install disc.
    The recurring repair messages are normal and don't mean anything's wrong. As long as the final message is 'repair complete' there's no need to dwell on it.
    http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1448 (for Leopard and Snow Leopard - Lion no doubt has it's own set).

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    I have iphone4. I tried 2 update some applications when I was in USA, updates installation were not complete. Coming back 2 my country Egypt, I am unable to complete the installation of the update; it is still waiting. Is there a way 2 complete installation other than deleting the application that contains important data?

  • Imessage doesn't work after the installation of the update 6.0

    imessage doesn't work after the installation of the update 6.0

    iMessage will not work until it's activated.
    Switch iMessage OFF. Double tap Home button and delete Messages in multitask-bar.
    Do a reset (Hold Sleep/Wake and Home buttons about 10 secs or more till Apple logo appears, ignore the Slide to Power Off that appears)
    Note: You will not lose any data.
    Switch iMessage back ON.

  • IMessage doesn't work after the installation of the update 5.1

    iMessage doesn't work after the installation of the update 5.1

    I am unsure whether my issue relates to updating to OS5.1 but seems coincidental that I have only had the problem for the last few days since updating.
    I can use iMessage without a problem although some messages are delayed in being sent or received recently. However, I can no longer send MMS picture messages. I have spoken to my provider who has been through all their relevant settings checks. I have restarted the phone (iPhone 3GS), I have tried turning off iMessage to send MMS but still nothing works.
    I've had no issue sending MMS picture messages since owning the phone right up until a few days ago.
    Has anyone else experienced this or does anyone have any suggestions on anything else I can try please?

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    Hello Krish,
    We have a business case where in, I need to update the installation facts using BAPI_UTILINSTALLATION_CHANFACT. But our development environment system does not have any installation facts created earlier. So I am trying to create one and change the same using the BAPI.
    So I want to know how to create the installation facts using which T-Code and how to use the BAPI for change.
    Please Help if you are aware of doing it

  • My iPhoto app will not complete the installation of an update

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off the router and then power it back on
    - Reset network settings: Settings>General>reset>Reset Network Settings. You will have to rejoin all networks

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    After installing iOS 6.0, the previously installed YouTube was gone, and couldn't  find it at app store.  Also, the installation of new updates Can not be completed, they have been in "installing" status for days.  And there seems to be no way that I  can cancel it.  What should I do?

    Thanks, I understand that.  Now the biggest problem is that I can not purchase or install anything from App Store.  They have been in "waiting" mode ever since I tried to install them.  What might be the reason? 

  • ERP EHP4 Installation Problem in Update Database registry Phase.

    We are installing ERP 6.0 EHP4 Ready SR1 on AIX6.1 (6100-03-01-0921)  and DB2 v9.1.0.7.
    During installation in phase Update Database Registry, we are getting below error:
    SQL1042C  An unexpected system error occurred
    If any body has faced this error earlier, then please suggest.

    Please find below the latest entries in db2diag.log:
    2009-12-14- I25354A304         LEVEL: Event
    PID     : 630830               TID  : 1           PROC : db2stop2
    INSTANCE: db2ged               NODE : 000
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, DB2StopMain, probe:260
    DATA #1 : String, 43 bytes
    System controller termination is completed.
    2009-12-14- I25659A383         LEVEL: Event
    PID     : 630830               TID  : 1           PROC : db2stop2
    INSTANCE: db2ged               NODE : 000
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, DB2StopMain, probe:270
    DATA #1 : String, 26 bytes
    Active EDUs to be waited :
    DATA #2 : Hexdump, 4 bytes
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFFCF70 : 0000 0001                                  ....
    2009-12-14- I26043A381         LEVEL: Event
    PID     : 630830               TID  : 1           PROC : db2stop2
    INSTANCE: db2ged               NODE : 000
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, DB2StopMain, probe:280
    DATA #1 : String, 24 bytes
    There is no active EDUs.
    DATA #2 : Hexdump, 4 bytes
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFFCF70 : 0000 0000                                  ....
    2009-12-14- E26425A301         LEVEL: Event
    PID     : 630830               TID  : 1           PROC : db2stop2
    INSTANCE: db2ged               NODE : 000
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, DB2StopMain, probe:911
    MESSAGE : ADM7514W  Database manager has stopped.
    STOP    : DB2 DBM
    2009-12-14- I26727A1630        LEVEL: Event
    PID     : 545014               TID  : 1           PROC : db2start
    INSTANCE: db2ged               NODE : 000
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, sqleStartStopSingleNode, probe:1130
    DATA #1 : String, 31 bytes
    DATA #2 : Hexdump, 256 bytes
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9C20 : 2F64 6232 2F64 6232 6765 642F 7371 6C6C    /db2/db2ged/sqll
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9C30 : 6962 2F61 646D 2F64 6232 7374 6172 3200    ib/adm/db2star2.
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9C40 : 4E4F 4D53 4700 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    NOMSG...........
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9C50 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    ................
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9C60 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    ................
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9C70 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    ................
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9C80 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    ................
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9C90 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    ................
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9CA0 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    ................
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9CB0 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    ................
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9CC0 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    ................
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9CD0 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    ................
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9CE0 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    ................
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9CF0 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    ................
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9D00 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    ................
    0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9D10 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000    ................
    2009-12-14- E28358A856         LEVEL: Warning
    PID     : 602312               TID  : 1           PROC : db2star2
    INSTANCE: db2ged               NODE : 000
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, license manager, sqllcRequestAccess, probe:1
    MESSAGE : ADM12007E  There are "89" day(s) left in the evaluation period for
              the product "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition". For evaluation license
              terms and conditions, refer to the IBM License Acceptance and License
              Information document located in the license directory in the
              installation path of this product. If you have licensed this product,
              ensure the license key is properly registered. You can register the
              license via the License Center or db2licm command line utility. The
              license file can be obtained from your licensed product CD.
    2009-12-14- E29215A384         LEVEL: Warning
    PID     : 667782               TID  : 1           PROC : db2wdog 0
    INSTANCE: db2ged               NODE : 000
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerInitFmpTable, probe:30
    DATA #1 : String, 16 bytes
    DATA #2 : String, 3 bytes
    DATA #3 : String, 5 bytes
    DATA #4 : Boolean, 1 bytes
    2009-12-14- E29600A1208        LEVEL: Event
    PID     : 602312               TID  : 1           PROC : db2star2
    INSTANCE: db2ged               NODE : 000
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, DB2StartMain, probe:911
    MESSAGE : ADM7513W  Database manager has started.
    START   : DB2 DBM
    DATA #1 : Build Level, 152 bytes
    Instance "db2ged" uses "64" bits and DB2 code release "SQL09017"
    with level identifier "02080107".
    Informational tokens are "DB2 v9.1.0.7", "s090308", "U823509", Fix Pack "7".
    DATA #2 : System Info, 224 bytes
    System: AIX gpldeve1 1 6 00C1EF854C00
    CPU: total:8 online:4 Threading degree per core:2
    Physical Memory(MB): total:14336 free:10662
    Virtual  Memory(MB): total:35328 free:31640
    Swap     Memory(MB): total:20992 free:20978
    Kernel   Params: msgMaxMessageSize:4194304 msgMaxQueueSize:4194304
                     shmMax:68719476736 shmMin:1 shmIDs:131072
                     shmSegments:68719476736 semIDs:131072 semNumPerID:65535
                     semOps:1024 semMaxVal:32767 semAdjustOnExit:16384
    Cur data size (bytes)  = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
    Cur stack size (bytes)  = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
    Cur core size (bytes)  = 0x0000000077359400
    nofiles (descriptors)  = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
    2009-12-14- E30809A597         LEVEL: Warning (OS)
    PID     : 544840               TID  : 1           PROC : db2set
    INSTANCE: db2ged               NODE : 000
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloqcurdir, probe:100
    MESSAGE : ZRC=0x840F0001=-2079391743=SQLO_ACCD "Access Denied"
              DIA8701C Access denied for resource "", operating system return code
              was "".
    CALLED  : OS, -, unspecified_system_function
    OSERR   : EACCES (13) "Permission denied"
    DATA #1 : File name, 0 bytes
    Object not dumped: Address: 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFE688 Size: 0 Reason: Zero-length data
    2009-12-14- I31407A290         LEVEL: Event
    PID     : 544840               TID  : 1           PROC : db2set
    INSTANCE: db2ged               NODE : 000
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, db2set_main, probe:40

  • Macbook dies after 2008-005 security update: even hardware test not working

    My Macbook no longer boots after installing security update 2008-005. Behaves as if HD is dead, AND as if boots from SuperDrive are broken too.
    Sequence of events:
    1. 10.5.4, Software Update notifies me of update.
    2. I permit it. Immediately requires a reboot.
    3. Go away for several hours.
    4. Upon return, I notice the Leopard outer-space background.
    5. Spinning beachball when I move the mouse.
    6. Go away for several minutes.
    7. Return. No change. Power down computer.
    OK ... by now, you may be saying that it might still have been updating and I shouldn't have interrupted it.
    But since then, the machine behaves not only like the disk is dead, but I can't even get a hardware test to run from DVD.
    So, to continue.
    8. Start machine again. Apple boot sound. Nothing on screen.
    9. After a while, flashing "folder" icon with question mark.
    Since then I've attempted to boot in safe mode, verbose mode, FireWire target disk mode (against a 10.4.x box), boot from original install disk, boot into hardware test mode from original install disk. None of these things worked. I've reset the PRAM.
    The only diagnostic activity of all of these that has produced any different feedback is the PRAM reset (which sounded the Apple boot sound a second time). Everything else does not work. If the HD was dead, I could understand that none of the attempts to boot into FireWire target disk mode, or to boot from DVD and then expect to see the HD mount in some way, would work. But since it doesn't even boot the hardware test from the DVD, I'm really baffled. Any ideas? Thanks.

    Well, my solution was to buy DiskWarrior and copy what I could (which was a lot, thankfully) to a FireWire external disk, then reinstall. DiskWarrior reports S.M.A.R.T. status OK, so I've gone with a fresh partition in Disk Utility and successfully installed 10.4 from the original DVDs.
    Have also run Apple Hardware Test and had no problems, so I've decided to trust the drive in the short term.
    Unfortunately, now, 10.5 upgrade disks won't finish and guess what ... a partial install of 10.5 breaks the 10.4! So, the machine has a recognizable startup disk but justs sits in a loop rebooting itself, presumably as it hits some inter-10.4/10.5 state and gives up.
    Next up I tried to restore my 10.5 from a wired ethernet connection to my Time Capsule. Having never once been able to browse my backups in Time Machine under 10.5, I was somewhat surprised to find that the 10.5 Installer was happy to let me try a restore from the Time Capsule. It crunched away until it was happy that I had enough space on my new partition, and then did what seemed a pretty instantaneous restore. The Macbook reboots and ... can't see the startup disk.
    Maybe my disk really is on the way out.

  • The installer refuses to update beyond 10.4. =(

    I've just got a Mighty Mouse and saw that to be able to use it to max I need to have 10.4.2 or later. I currently have 10.4, so I tried to download the combo updater to get 10.4.3 instead.
    But the installer says "this unit does not meet the requirements for this installation" (it says roughly that, but in Swedish...). I've had the same problem when I've tried to update eariler on too (when trying to update to 10.4.2). AFAI understand, the software update thingy should also automatically find this update, but it doesn't. There seems to be something about my computer that makes it impossible to upgrade beyond 10.4? =/ I've got a regular eMac G4 1.25 GHz with 512 mb ram...
    Any ideas? It's very frustrating that it just says that it doesn't work, without any explanation whatsoever about why. Any help would be dearly appreciated! Here's a complete copy of the installation logs if it can help anyone:
    Dec 27 19:00:45 Macintosh : @(#)PROGRAM:Install PROJECT:Install-115 DEVELOPER:root BUILT:Mar 24 2005 19:49:35
    Dec 27 19:00:45 Macintosh : @(#)PROGRAM:Installer PROJECT:Installer-83 DEVELOPER:root BUILT:Mar 22 2005 20:32:47
    Dec 27 19:00:45 Macintosh : Hardware: PowerMac6,4 @ 1249 MHz, 512 MB
    Dec 27 19:00:45 Macintosh : Running OS Build: 8A425
    Dec 27 19:00:45 Macintosh : It took 0.013907 seconds to parse the distribution script "MacOSXUpdateCombo10.4.3.dist"
    Dec 27 19:00:45 Macintosh : Mac OS X Kombinerad uppdatering Installation Log
    Dec 27 19:00:45 Macintosh : Opened from: /Volumes/Mac OS X 10.4.3 Combined Update/MacOSXUpdateCombo10.4.3.pkg
    Dec 27 19:00:45 Macintosh : It took 0.155189 seconds to load 7 UI sections
    Dec 27 19:00:46 Macintosh : It took 0.015995 seconds to -[IFDistXMLDocument readAndValidateDocument]
    Dec 27 19:00:46 Macintosh : It took 1.935197 seconds to finish launching.
    Dec 27 19:00:46 Macintosh : It took 0.006799 seconds to perform the Installation Check
    Dec 27 19:00:46 Macintosh : Installation checks completed successfully.
    Dec 27 19:00:48 Macintosh : It took 3.251394 seconds to do the initial process of the targets
    Dec 27 19:00:49 Macintosh : It took 0.001415 seconds to perform a Volume Check on "Hårddisk"
    Dec 27 19:00:49 Macintosh : / cannot be used as a target because: Den här enheten uppfyller inte kraven för uppdateringen.
    Dec 27 19:00:49 Macintosh : It took 2.242921 seconds to process the volume "Hårddisk"

    Yes torb,
    It does make a difference. If the Tiger install DVD is a model specific, or upgrade Disk, then it won't install a full operating system, on your Mac.
    More info here Tip:Install Disks/Use On Multiple Macs.
    The tip applies to Tiger DVDs as well.
    The Tiger Full Retail Version Install Set, has an install DVD that looks like THIS.
    ali b

  • Installation of Photoshop update 13.1.2 for creative cloud fails with error code U44M1P7 I need help

    I need help installing update 13.1.2 for Photoshop creative cloud, installation fails with error code: U44M1P7. Could someone please help?

    Sorry to bother you.
    I could find the answer after searching previous posts about this language problem.
    Had to change my language in AAM profile and then download PS CS6 again ( english version ).
    Then open the actual Photoshop and in preferences > interface you can besides the Dutch also option for English.
    restart application and Voila.
    Greetz, Jeroen

  • HT1551 How do I fix a 2nd generation Apple TV that does not restore to factory settings after a failed installation of software update 6.0?

    Yesterday, I got asked by my 2nd generation Apple TV if I wanted to update download and install the new software update. I clicked "Yes" and the download and installation process began. Nothing out of the ordinary happened and when the installation completed the Apple TV automatically rebooted itself, which is what has happened with previous software updates.
    Alas, after reboot, the only thing that appeared on screen was an old iTunes logo (the one with the CD in the background) and what looked like a USB cable. I went online and found out that other people had been experiencing similar problems with the newly released Apple TV 6.0 update and that they had also ended up with the same image on their screen.
    As it turns out, this image apparently means that you need to restore your Apple TV to factory settings by hooking it up to your computer using a micro-USB cable and then using iTunes to restore it in a way analogous to restoring an iPhone via iTunes.
    I followed all of the instructions to the letter such as disconnecting my Apple TV from all cables including the power cord and then hooking it up to my computer with the micro-USB cable. I opened iTunes and absolutely nothing happened. The Apple TV does not appear as a device so I am not able to restore it.
    I have attempted rebooting my computer and leaving my Apple TV disconnected for a while before hooking it up to my computer since it apparently has an internal baterry that keeps a charge for about 30 seconds after being disconnected. Nothing has worked.
    Any ideas on how to fix this?
    System configuration:
    Apple TV 2nd generation running update 5.3
    iTunes version 11.1 (126)
    Mac OS X 10.8.5 on an Intel Core 2 Duo

    Did you follow the instructions here:
    Pay attention to differences in power connection depending on whether or not you have AppleTV2 or AppleTV 3.
    Also some microUSB leads don't seem to work - try another if you can. Disconnect superfluous USB device/hubs too if possible.

  • Who kills your iPod after the installation of iPod updater?

    Hello all,
    First, sorry for my poor English. I am not a professional nor a technician and I could be wrong, so please correct me. There are many problems reported mainly from the PC users that their iPod can't be recognized nor mounted after the installation of the latest iPod updater. Most of them claimed that the iPod updater kills their beloved iPods. Before we jump to a conclusion, we must understand what is iPod, and how does the iPod update work.
    I believe that iPod equals a basic computer and need a OS in order to communicate with the PC. Installation the Updater will format the Hard disk of the iPod and then install the simple OS, so if we open the iPod updater file, it will show a window with two buttons i.e. Restore and Update, an Update is to copy the latest OS over the old version, but the Restore will format the hard disk before it install the OS over it. And importantly, during this process, the iPod needs sufficient of power to complete the upgrade, however, the problem comes just after the format, and the PC's USB (only 2 will work not 1.1) does not supply the stable power,even some cases that iPod does not get charge in the half way of installatin (a proper installation, you will see a running bar showing on the iPod screen just after the format), so you can imagine a hard disk got format but only got an uncompleted OS, of course, the iPod would not get recognized and mounted, and do not manage to communicate with the computer. At this stage the iPod will show a Sad iPod icon, a folder with exclamaiton points or a battery charging icon.
    So, what would you do when it reach at this stage, a Reset would not work, and you would not able to do the Restore as the iPod is totally unrecognized by the computer.
    Therefore, is there anyway to solve this problem, in my opinion and from my past experience, the answer is "yes", the simple way is to put your iPod in Disk Mode, when it plug to the computer, it will show as an external Hard Disk, you must fix it by doing a format (RESTORE would not work at this stage as it still can't recognized and mounted), in Mac we can use "Disk Utility" but the XP would not allow you to do the format in FAT32. After the formatting, replug the iPod with the computer, then it can be mounted and allow you to do the RESTORE.
    In addition, I find an interesting point is, if your iPod formatted with a Mac, you will have better chance to be mounted with a PC, even your iPod does not complete the process of the installation of the iPod updater, and a PC formatted iPod will be likely to be fixed by a Mac as well.
    How should we do before the update of the lastest software, for the XP user please do the following:-
    1. Go to the system restore and create a check point in order to revert back to the previous version of the iPod updater, or do the back up using the 3rd party software such as Ghost or Go Back.
    2. To have a test and make sure the PC's USB works properly. You can use the iPod or a PDA, and just make sure it got charged.
    3. Have your iPod a full charge before the installation of the iPod updater
    So, who is the main killer for the iPod?
    For further infomation please read the following link - which wrote by a groups of great people - thank you guys

    Hello Shanker Ghimire,
    Please try run the following command:" devenv /resetuserdata " to have a test, it will clear all your settings. 
    By the way, have you ever got any error when install that Visual Studio SDK?
    In case there are some unknown errors, I'd like to ask you for some logs. Please use 
    to gather the installation logs. After using it, you will find vslogs.cab from %temp% folder. Please upload the file to
    and share the link here.
    Best regards
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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  • Problem with Installation on DELL Poweredge with Hardware RAID 1

    Hello Arch LInux community, 
    I am a newbee with good linux knowledge of working on linux but not much of systems administration. I am very much interested to install Arch Linux on my new desktop which is a Dell poweredge having hardware RAID 1(PERC .... controller). It has windows 7 OS on its first partition.
    I saw on the controller's BIOS menu that there are 2 1tb hard drives with something like --:--:00 and --:--:01 labels. And they were partitioned into two logical volumes which are visible once I boot into Arch linux live CD as, /dev/sda (about 250GB, and has windows OS on it) and /dev/sdb (about 700GB).
    Firstly, I am confused with the hard disk labels: even though they are logical partitions (i.e: combined by RAID 1, they are seen as /dev/sda and /dev/sdb). In the arch linux Beginner's wiki, there is some description on configuring for RAID, which included mdadm or mdadm_udev module specification. I did include these modules, and followed the installatin instructions carefully. I was trying to install on /dev/sdb, with the following partitioning:
    Sector map of partitions on /dev/sdb  : 1542848512 : 735.7 GiB
    Disk identifier (GUID) : 967BF308-6E5E-43AD-AB2E-94EB975C3603
    First usable sector = 34 Last usable sector  = 1542848478
    Total  free space is 2023 sectors
    Number        Start    End                  Size             Code    Name
                      34    2047                     FREE    
    1               2048    2099199        1024.0 MiB    EF00            EFI System
    2          2099200    2103295         2.0 MiB    EF02      BIOS boot partition
    3          2103296    2615295         250.0 MiB    8300      Linux filesystem
    4          2615296    212330495         100.0 GiB    8300     Linux filesystem
    5       212330496    317188095      50.0 GiB    8300     Linux filesystem
    6       317188096    1541924863    584.0 GiB    8300            Linux filesystem
         1541924864     1542848478                         FREE    
    The instruction on the Beginner's wiki is somewhat difficult to understand for beginners. Especially I wasn't sure whether to make EFI System partition and BIOS boot partition or just EFI system partition. So I made both as per the instructions.
    Is using UEFI compulsory, on UEFI based systems?
    A little bit more sub-headings or division of instructions, in the Beginner's wiki,  based on the usage scenarios can be very beneficial for newbees like me.
    I am finally getting the following error when I select the Arch Linux from the GRUB menu. Why it can't find the device?  I shall wait for your initial responses, and will give more specifics of my installation to find out any wrong step that I may have made.
    [ 0.748399] megasas: INIT adapter done
    ERROR: device 'UUID=40e603e9-7285-4ec8-8a06-a579358a52a0' not found. Skipping fsck
    ERROR: Unable to find root device 'UUID=40e603e9-7285-4ec8-8a06-a579358a52a0' .
    You are being dropped to a recovery shell
    Type 'exit' to try and continue booting
    Sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
    [rootfs /]#

    Well, you can see your RAID partitions and you're getting GRUB to load, and you are even being dropped to the recovery shell which means that the /boot partition is being found and is accessible. All vary, vary good things.
    I would boot into the Arch live CD/USB again. Then check the UUID of the / Root partition. To do this I just check the log listing of /dev/disk/by-uuid
    ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid
    Hopefully the UUID for the /root partition in the /boot/grub/grub.cfg is incorrect, and all you need to do is change it from 'UUID=40e603e9-7285-4ec8-8a06-a579358a52a0' to the correct UUID.
    If the UUID is correct... then maybe the correct driver module is not complied into the initramfs. You could try adding that mdadm to the MODULES= list in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf then rebuild the initramfs again.
    mkinitcpio -p linux
    Hum..., the whole /dev/sda and /dev/sdb.... hum, You know... Maybe you need to change the line in /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    set root='hd1,msdos1'
    The hd1 is the equivalent to /dev/sda and the msdos1 is the equivalent of the First Partition i.e. /dev/sda1.. (note this is my disk yours may correctly have different numbers and not be a msdos partition)... owe wait... hum, you know I am fairly sure that like is really the root disk where the /boot partition is and has no relation to the / Root partition... Someone clear that up please.... It is hard for me to recall and I have my / Root parition encrypted, so It is hard for me to make heads or tails of that one right now, but that could be the problem too i.e. try changing hd1 to hd2 or hd0 or something.
    Owe, and it may be faster if you just make temporary corrections to the GRUB menu by hitting the "e" key on the menu entry you want to change then hit.. I think F10 to boot the modified entry. That way you don't need to keep booting into the Live CD/USB
    Last edited by hunterthomson (2012-09-20 05:52:33)

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