Reinstalled Belle, now can't restore multipe calen...

Arrghh!  I backed up my phone last night. Then formatted the mass memory, then reinstalled Belle because the techs at support told me that was needed to solve the bluetooth issued of constanly being stuck in 'Sharing'.
But when I went to restore the phone, the only calendar that comes accross is my personal one.  I'm missing my two business calendars!  Anyone know how to restore the other calendars?

Dear sipm,
Welcome to the Nokia Discussion Boards,
We think you might still need to activate your Mail for Exchange account in order to have your business calendars back.
Make sure you set-up your business MfE email account on your device and sync calendars.
This way you will have your business calendars back on your device.
Make sure you restart the device once they have been activated.
Let me know if this has helped you!
All the best,

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    DocDoc, that worked. I read that page and it meantioned how to exactly click what. I'm not sure why TM is so particular, but nevertheless, I was able to open a finder window pre-TM, click on my new hard drive. Then I opened TM and again, clicked on my hard drive in that finder window. Then navigated to the folder I wanted, which was the applications folder.
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    David, welcome to these discussions.
    I've never heard of Apple shipping the "Pro" upgrade of QuickTime on anything.
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