Remodelling of InfoCubes

Hello Gurus,
I need some Information for Remodelling ...
Someone Can HELP me..

Please try to search before posting...there are a lot of threads and references to remodeling.

Similar Messages

  • Short Dump in BI 7.0,While Remodelling the Infocube

    Hi Experts
    I got the below short dump in BI 7.0 while remodelling infocube to add a new time char (0CALMONTH2)
    Please update me what is wrong
    Runtime Errors         GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED
    Date and Time         
    Short text
    Field symbol has not yet been assigned.
    What happened?
    Error in the ABAP Application Program
    The current ABAP program "CL_RSCNV_ADD_CHAR=============CP" had to be
    terminated because it has
    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    Error analysis
    You attempted to access an unassigned field symbol
    (data segment 32776).
    This error may occur if
    - You address a typed field symbol before it has been set with
    - You address a field symbol that pointed to the line of an
    internal table that was deleted
    - You address a field symbol that was previously reset using
    UNASSIGN or that pointed to a local field that no
    longer exists
    - You address a global function interface, although the
    respective function module is not active - that is, is
    not in the list of active calls. The list of active calls
    can be taken from this short dump.
    How to correct the error
    If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
    find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
    If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
    "CL_RSCNV_ADD_CHAR=============CP" or "CL_RSCNV_ADD_CHAR=============CM002"
    If you cannot solve the problem yourself and want to send an error
    notification to SAP, include the following information:
    1. The description of the current problem (short dump)
    To save the description, choose "System->List->Save->Local File
    2. Corresponding system log
    Display the system log by calling transaction SM21.
    Restrict the time interval to 10 minutes before and five minutes
    after the short dump. Then choose "System->List->Save->Local File
    3. If the problem occurs in a problem of your own or a modified SAP
    program: The source code of the program
    In the editor, choose "Utilities->More
    4. Details about the conditions under which the error occurred or which
    actions and input led to the error.
    Information on where terminated
    Termination occurred in the ABAP program "CL_RSCNV_ADD_CHAR=============CP" -
    The main program was "RADGENREP ".
    In the source code you have the termination point in line 23
    of the (Include) program "CL_RSCNV_ADD_CHAR=============CM002".
    The program "CL_RSCNV_ADD_CHAR=============CP" was started as a background job.
    Job Name....... "ZC13_32/ZCM_INSERT"
    Job Initiator.. "GHANTAK"
    Job Number..... 10521300
    Source Code Extract
    METHOD if_rscnv_operation~convert.
       I_R_OLD =
       C_R_NEW =
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_s_oldtable> TYPE ANY.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_s_newtable> TYPE ANY.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_fillfield> TYPE ANY.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_addfield> TYPE ANY.
    DATA: l_r_fillfield TYPE REF TO data.
    DATA: l_r_addfield TYPE REF TO data.
    ASSIGN i_r_old->* TO <l_s_oldtable>.
    ASSIGN c_r_new->* TO <l_s_newtable>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT p_fillfieldnm OF STRUCTURE <l_s_oldtable> TO <l_fillfield>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT p_addfieldnm OF STRUCTURE <l_s_newtable> TO <l_addfield>.
    GET REFERENCE OF <l_fillfield> INTO l_r_fillfield.
    GET REFERENCE OF <l_addfield> INTO l_r_addfield.
    IF NOT p_constval IS INITIAL.
    fill constant
    CALL METHOD cl_rscnv_operation=>fill_const
    i_newiobj    = p_add_char
    i_constval   = p_constval
    i_fieldtype  = o_fieldtype
    c_r_newfield = l_r_addfield.
    ELSEIF NOT p_attriobj IS INITIAL AND NOT p_ofiobjnm IS INITIAL.
    fill using attribute of characteristic
    ASSIGN i_r_old->* TO <l_s_oldtable>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT p_fillfieldnm OF STRUCTURE <l_s_oldtable> TO <l_fillfield>.
    GET REFERENCE OF <l_fillfield> INTO l_r_fillfield.
    CALL METHOD read_attr

    i mean to say, just come out the transaction & try again..............
    or else u can check the short dump in ST22...........

  • Remodeling an InfoCube in BW 3.5

    Hallo experts!
    What is the best way to remodel dimensions of an productive InfoCube?
    What I know:
    - copy InfoCube A to InfoCube B
    - generate an exportDataSource on A
    - load data in B from A
    - delete data in A
    - remodel
    - generate an exportDataSource on B
    - load data in A from B
    Is this the best way? Any other Ideas? If I have a very large InfoCube, is it the best way to have an InfoCube as B? Wouldn't be an ODS-Object better because It maybe is faster to write in and read from a flat table?
    Is it a problem if the InfoCube is compressed?
    Anything else I should know?
    Best Regards,

    In my opinion you have the best way of doing and proceed with this model. info cube is better than ODS because you are copying data from Cube to cube so that structure will be the same.
    I didn't get your compression question correctly but there won't be any issues if you copy data from existing compression cube to other cube.
    Hope this helps

  • Remodeling of InfoCube

    Has anyone used Remoding of InfoCube? I heard that it is too risky. Can anyone please provide me Step-by step Screen shoot and some tips/tricks to avoid any risks. I have already researched this blog to find Screen shoot and foud that. Please provide me something that is not mentioned in this blog.
    Thanks all
    Edited by: Arjun Ale on Feb 22, 2008 5:49 PM
    Syed Tayyab Ali

  • Time Char-remodelling an Infocube

    My Requirment is to include a New Time Chars (0CALMONTH2) into the Exisisting Cube with Historical Data by performing Remodelling.
    Can we include a Time Char by Remodelling and fill the Data

    did you activate the cube after adding the new time chars? After activation, the new chars would append to the transformations at the bottom( last) of source fields

  • Infocube line item dimension and performance optimization

    I remodelled an infocube and line item dimension contains only one characteristics set as line item dimension.
    previously the dimension as one characteristics but it wasn't set as line item dimension.
    and when I checked the SAP_INFOCUBE_DESIGNS from SE38  it looks ok.
    /SAP/CUBE   /SAP/CUBE3   rows:        8663  ratio:          3  %
    After setting it as line item the rows is now minus but it is showing red which means that there is problem with the dimension
    /SAP/CUBE   /SAP/CUBE3   rows:          1-   ratio:          0  %
    Its this a performance problem since it is showing red.

    No,its not performance issue.
    for a dimension to be line item dimension...the dimension size shouldn't be more than 20% size of the fact table size.
    when a dimension is set as line item dimension,the regarding SID will be placed in Fact Table,but not the DIM ID.
    may be that is the reason when your dimension is not line item dimension,it shows the number of rows and when it is made line item dimension,its not showing any rows and the ratio also null.
    hope this is clear for you.

  • Update mods and remodelling

    Hello Masters,
    I have some doubts could you please clear for me for which i could not find correct answers,i have searched in SDN foruns but i could not find accurate answer.
    I have 1&1/2  years of experience which i worked in 2007,then i resined and i want to come back to SAP BI,but i dont remember all the concepts which i am asking and i dont have real time friends to help me.
    1)  First question about Delta mode for Generic datasources,
    We have 3 types 0calday,timestamp and Numeric pointer.
    As per my knowledge  0calday is used for Lo extractions and that brings all changed and new records to BI Right?
    But when i am practising at home i ceated an ODS and loaded 9 records as full load and i changed 1 record and created 2 newrecords in SAP side so total 3 records should be extracted from R/3 but where i get only newly created records and i dont get changed record,I enableed delta using field AEDAT(created date) and lower limit as 1,is this the reason for i am not getting changed records??
    if so how do we do to get changed and newly added records???
    AND how do we enable delta Timestamp ??what should we enter as Field name(column)_______________?for time stamp??
    IS there any SAP delivered field for Timestamp to enter in the fieldname.
    second question 2) I have worked in maintenance project in development server, i used to change the cubes and ODS by adding new IO's.tht was BW3.5 version,so in 3.5 we say tht we can add new IO's in cube when we have data in it right??i searched in sdn forums some says tht we cannot add,delete or replace IO's in cube which has data but some say tht we can add new IO's but we can not delete and replace which one is correct?
    Third question 3) In BW3.5 wan we modifyadd,delete,etc of IO's) in ODS if we have data in it????
    Plesae help me out by ansering with these questions???please.
    Thanking you in advance and sure points will be assigned.

    2) Remodelling is the concept by which we can able to modify the datatarget with data present in that cube. We can able to add / delete / replace  new infoobject based on the some condition like if u are adding new infoobject to the infocube then  u can add that object by adding some constant value or some values based on that condtion.
    3) As of now  u can perform remodelling onlyon infocube but from 7.3 onwards  u can perform remodelling on ODS also.
    Thanx & Regards,

  • Problem of remodeling ...

    Hi everybody
    I have a cube with many dimension.
    One of them is the dimension "Agence".
    It contains only one characteristic: IATA_Agent.
    This InfoObject contains the navigation attribute Group_Agent.
    For reporting reason, i do want remodeling my infocube by adding a
    new characteristic GRP_AG.
    And i want that GRP_AG has the same values that Group_Agent.
    So, when i launch the remodeling, i specify the following options:
    Add characteristic GRP_AG To Dimension "Agence"
    Attribute Group_Agent of characteristic IATA_Agent.
    But, when i execute "Check" buttom,
    the Log Display says that:
    Error: The line item dimension AGENCE contains more than one characteristic
    Error:  Error while checking metadata
    Any suggestions ?
    Do i perform the right manipulation ?
    Thanks a lot for your help

    Hi Rodolphe,
    Line item dimensions can only contain one characteristic! If you need to know more about this, please search the forums - you will find lots of information. ;o)
    In order to activate the cube you will have to move GRP_AG to another dimension.
    Hope it helps.

  • I have a few questions after reviewing postings on Remodeling

    Hi Experts,
    I have some questions after review postings on Remodeling
    Review Source:
    a)  /people/mallikarjuna.reddy7/blog/2007/02/06/remodeling-in-nw-bi-2004s
    1. In Adding a new char Zreg, the author set it to a CONSTANT  as INDIA. What if in my environment, the added characteristic is also ZCOUNTRY but could take on VALUES such as US, Canada, Mexico, will the be the option:
    1:1 Mapping with Characteristics? If not, please help.
    2. Again, in the demonstration of the u201CAdd key figureu201D in the remodeling of the cube, the author used CONSTANT = 100. Can you help me understand a situation in production where you will have to set a key figure to a constant value? E.g. u201CNet Salesu201D should always be $5000? I may be missing the point in that remodeling.
    3. I also noticed that while remodeling CHARACTERISTICS, there was the option u201CCUSTOMER Exitu201D but in the case of KEY FIGURE the option was u201CUSER Exitu201D
    Any reason why one is CUSTOMER and the other as USER?
    4. There was the emphasis to u201C.. backup database before running remodeling requests..u201D Is it referring to Basis backing up the BW system? Or, is there a way to take a copy of the cube to be remodeled and its data? If it is the second option, any hints on how?
    5. I have heard of scary cases during remodeling, is there a way to simulate and approve of the changes before actually implementing it? How?
    Also, Are these changes that need to be done in development to be transported to production?
    Edited by: Amanda Baah on Jan 23, 2009 12:18 PM

    Hi Amanda........
    1. In Adding a new char Zreg, the author set it to a CONSTANT as INDIA. What if in my environment, the added characteristic is also ZCOUNTRY but could take on VALUES such as US, Canada, Mexico, will the be the option:
    1:1 Mapping with Characteristics? If not, please help.
    In this case coding is required............So u hav to go for Customer exit........
    If u do 1:1 Mapping with will access value as per that Characteristics.....
    2. Again, in the demonstration of the u201CAdd key figureu201D in the remodeling of the cube, the author used CONSTANT = 100. Can you help me understand a situation in production where you will have to set a key figure to a constant value? E.g. u201CNet Salesu201D should always be $5000? I may be missing the point in that remodeling.
    Suppose price of a will not change everyday...............that keyfigure hav to set as a constant value...........
    3. I also noticed that while remodeling CHARACTERISTICS, there was the option u201CCUSTOMER Exitu201D but in the case of KEY FIGURE the option was u201CUSER Exitu201D
    Any reason why one is CUSTOMER and the other as USER?
    Look thereis a difference between User exit and Customer exit..........I am not very sure when user exit is required and when customer exit.......
    Check this..............
    4. There was the emphasis to u201C.. backup database before running remodeling requests..u201D Is it referring to Basis backing up the BW system? Or, is there a way to take a copy of the cube to be remodeled and its data? If it is the second option, any hints on how?
    if you want to transfer the content of one infocube to another one ...............
    a) generated the export datasource for the source infocube...right-click->'generate export datasource
    b) create transformation.......(without any filter or calculation, with the mapping 1:1 to all the infoobjects) this way u can 'copy' (with one shot data load, as a full request) all the data.........
    5. I have heard of scary cases during remodeling, is there a way to simulate and approve of the changes before actually implementing it? How?
    Also, Are these changes that need to be done in development to be transported to production?
    Generally u will don't hav changing authorization in PROD.........Look frankly speaking..........I hav never done Remodeling..........but as per the statement .......During remodeling process InfoCube is locked for any changes or data loads so make sure you stall all the data loads for this InfoCube till the time this process finishes..............I think we do remodeling directly in PROD only.........

  • Activation failed in DSO  for BI 7

       I have an existing custom DSO. I want a add a  new infoobject ZMATERIAL which has ZMATL_GRP as attribute. I have firstly added ZMATERIAL at data source and acivated . DTP is already activated.
    Now I have added ZMATERIAL in DSO and trying to activate the DSO. But getting the following errors-       1. Structure change at field level (convert table /BIC/AZBI7_DSO00)     
                                      2. Enhancement category for table missing
                                       3.enhancement category for include or subtype missing
    Please guide me , how to resolve this issue

    Hello Deep,
    Did you find a solution to this problem? I know that if you want to change the structure you have to delete the data in the target first otherwise it throws the errors you listed below.
    In BI 7.0 you can change, in other words, remodel an infocube using the remodelling option but i couldn't find anything of the sort for ODS. I have to do something similar and was wondering if you were able to add the field without having to delete the data in the ODS. I would really appreciate it if you can get back to me on this problem.
    Thank You

  • How to get the histoical data for newly added field in the cube?

    Hi Experts,
    I have small doubt on remodeling the infocube.
    After adding the characteristic or keyfigure  to a cube by using remodeling concept, how can I get the historical data for that particular field.
    I have searched in SDN also but I didn't get proper information.
    Please excuse me if I posted repeated question.
    helpful answer will be awarded with poitns.
    Thanks & regards,

    depending on your customer need you could use the remodelling functionnality but sometimes you have no way to retrieve what you want so another option you should consider is the following:
    that will cost less effort and guarantee the result.
    data is redondant for a while
    space (depending on the volume of historical data)
    So here are the steps :
    step 1Adjust your extraction process according to the fields you need to add to populate the cube.
    step 2 Then create a dso next or even a cube, feed the dso with a full load with the enhanced extractor you adjusted with the new fields in step 1 only once in fact this should be one shot.
    step 3 Copy the query to the previous built  multi-provider on top of the new historical data from dso and the running live delta cube. Adjust the queries if necessary.
    optionnal Then if you want to get rid of the dso or new cube for historical data you could empty the actual one push the data from the new data provider and that's all.

  • How i add 0tax_amount KF in the 0SD_C03

    Can anyone suggest me that how i add 0tax_amount in the cube 0SD_C03 without deleting the data from the cube. And for this cube daily delta is running.
    And if I add the field and run the delta then what will happen?

    U have go for the Remodelling concept if your system is BI 7.
    For InfoCubes, you have the following remodeling options:
    For characteristics:
    a) Inserting, or replacing characteristics with:
    1. Constants
    2. Attribute of an InfoObject within the same dimension
    3. Value of another InfoObject within the same dimension
    4. Customer exit (for user-specific coding).
    5. Delete
    b) For key figures:
    1. Inserting:
    2. Constants
    3. Customer exit (for user-specific coding).
    Blog: /people/mallikarjuna.reddy7/blog/2007/02/06/remodeling-in-nw-bi-2004s
    /thread/754296 [original link is broken]
    Remodeling of InfoCube
    Remodelling option in 7.0
    Is remodelling only poss for Cubes...?

  • Adding a keyfigure in Infocube by using remodeling

    HI Everyone,
    I want to add an Keyfigure to the Infocube which is having a data, can some one help me with step by step guide, including how to write the ABAP code also, please......

    look at the below links
    to add new key figure in existing info cube (BI 7.0)
    Remodelling - Replacing a key figure
    Edited by: AnshulR on Feb 7, 2012 2:25 PM

  • Remodelling Infocube

    Hi all,
    I have remodelled a standard infocube by d eleting the keyfigures.
    But when I tried to activate the cube, it is not getting activated.
    Please suggest the solution for this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Pallavi,
    can you tell me the reason why you have deleted the key figures ?
    and also if delete all the keyfigures, system wont allow to activate the cube. because atleast one keyfigure is necessary in the cube to store the data apart from characteristics.
    So if you have deleted all the KFs, then include atleast one KF and try to actiate the cube again.
    Hope this helps.

  • Remodelling InfoCube Transport Error

    Hi All,
    I have removed few char from the InfoCube via Remodelling toolbox and schedule the same immediately
    Now the problem is the dimension in which I removed the char is not getting activated when I transport the same.
    Kindly help

    Take a look on the notes :664247, 636261.
    It seems doing <i>Transfer Global settings</i> from R/3 to QA BIW would solve the problem.
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

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