Remodelling Infocube

Hi all,
I have remodelled a standard infocube by d eleting the keyfigures.
But when I tried to activate the cube, it is not getting activated.
Please suggest the solution for this.
Thanks in advance.

Hi Pallavi,
can you tell me the reason why you have deleted the key figures ?
and also if delete all the keyfigures, system wont allow to activate the cube. because atleast one keyfigure is necessary in the cube to store the data apart from characteristics.
So if you have deleted all the KFs, then include atleast one KF and try to actiate the cube again.
Hope this helps.

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    I have removed few char from the InfoCube via Remodelling toolbox and schedule the same immediately
    Now the problem is the dimension in which I removed the char is not getting activated when I transport the same.
    Kindly help

    Take a look on the notes :664247, 636261.
    It seems doing <i>Transfer Global settings</i> from R/3 to QA BIW would solve the problem.
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

  • Short Dump in BI 7.0,While Remodelling the Infocube

    Hi Experts
    I got the below short dump in BI 7.0 while remodelling infocube to add a new time char (0CALMONTH2)
    Please update me what is wrong
    Runtime Errors         GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED
    Date and Time         
    Short text
    Field symbol has not yet been assigned.
    What happened?
    Error in the ABAP Application Program
    The current ABAP program "CL_RSCNV_ADD_CHAR=============CP" had to be
    terminated because it has
    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    Error analysis
    You attempted to access an unassigned field symbol
    (data segment 32776).
    This error may occur if
    - You address a typed field symbol before it has been set with
    - You address a field symbol that pointed to the line of an
    internal table that was deleted
    - You address a field symbol that was previously reset using
    UNASSIGN or that pointed to a local field that no
    longer exists
    - You address a global function interface, although the
    respective function module is not active - that is, is
    not in the list of active calls. The list of active calls
    can be taken from this short dump.
    How to correct the error
    If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
    find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
    If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
    "CL_RSCNV_ADD_CHAR=============CP" or "CL_RSCNV_ADD_CHAR=============CM002"
    If you cannot solve the problem yourself and want to send an error
    notification to SAP, include the following information:
    1. The description of the current problem (short dump)
    To save the description, choose "System->List->Save->Local File
    2. Corresponding system log
    Display the system log by calling transaction SM21.
    Restrict the time interval to 10 minutes before and five minutes
    after the short dump. Then choose "System->List->Save->Local File
    3. If the problem occurs in a problem of your own or a modified SAP
    program: The source code of the program
    In the editor, choose "Utilities->More
    4. Details about the conditions under which the error occurred or which
    actions and input led to the error.
    Information on where terminated
    Termination occurred in the ABAP program "CL_RSCNV_ADD_CHAR=============CP" -
    The main program was "RADGENREP ".
    In the source code you have the termination point in line 23
    of the (Include) program "CL_RSCNV_ADD_CHAR=============CM002".
    The program "CL_RSCNV_ADD_CHAR=============CP" was started as a background job.
    Job Name....... "ZC13_32/ZCM_INSERT"
    Job Initiator.. "GHANTAK"
    Job Number..... 10521300
    Source Code Extract
    METHOD if_rscnv_operation~convert.
       I_R_OLD =
       C_R_NEW =
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_s_oldtable> TYPE ANY.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_s_newtable> TYPE ANY.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_fillfield> TYPE ANY.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_addfield> TYPE ANY.
    DATA: l_r_fillfield TYPE REF TO data.
    DATA: l_r_addfield TYPE REF TO data.
    ASSIGN i_r_old->* TO <l_s_oldtable>.
    ASSIGN c_r_new->* TO <l_s_newtable>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT p_fillfieldnm OF STRUCTURE <l_s_oldtable> TO <l_fillfield>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT p_addfieldnm OF STRUCTURE <l_s_newtable> TO <l_addfield>.
    GET REFERENCE OF <l_fillfield> INTO l_r_fillfield.
    GET REFERENCE OF <l_addfield> INTO l_r_addfield.
    IF NOT p_constval IS INITIAL.
    fill constant
    CALL METHOD cl_rscnv_operation=>fill_const
    i_newiobj    = p_add_char
    i_constval   = p_constval
    i_fieldtype  = o_fieldtype
    c_r_newfield = l_r_addfield.
    ELSEIF NOT p_attriobj IS INITIAL AND NOT p_ofiobjnm IS INITIAL.
    fill using attribute of characteristic
    ASSIGN i_r_old->* TO <l_s_oldtable>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT p_fillfieldnm OF STRUCTURE <l_s_oldtable> TO <l_fillfield>.
    GET REFERENCE OF <l_fillfield> INTO l_r_fillfield.
    CALL METHOD read_attr

    i mean to say, just come out the transaction & try again..............
    or else u can check the short dump in ST22...........

  • Remodeling an InfoCube in BW 3.5

    Hallo experts!
    What is the best way to remodel dimensions of an productive InfoCube?
    What I know:
    - copy InfoCube A to InfoCube B
    - generate an exportDataSource on A
    - load data in B from A
    - delete data in A
    - remodel
    - generate an exportDataSource on B
    - load data in A from B
    Is this the best way? Any other Ideas? If I have a very large InfoCube, is it the best way to have an InfoCube as B? Wouldn't be an ODS-Object better because It maybe is faster to write in and read from a flat table?
    Is it a problem if the InfoCube is compressed?
    Anything else I should know?
    Best Regards,

    In my opinion you have the best way of doing and proceed with this model. info cube is better than ODS because you are copying data from Cube to cube so that structure will be the same.
    I didn't get your compression question correctly but there won't be any issues if you copy data from existing compression cube to other cube.
    Hope this helps

  • Remodeling of InfoCube

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    Thanks all
    Edited by: Arjun Ale on Feb 22, 2008 5:49 PM
    Syed Tayyab Ali

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    look at the below links
    to add new key figure in existing info cube (BI 7.0)
    Remodelling - Replacing a key figure
    Edited by: AnshulR on Feb 7, 2012 2:25 PM

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    Ok thanks for the suggestion, I will just capture the MP which the IC is feeding ? Do I need to capture all the queries on the MP /IC ? Why do we need to capture the bex queries if we are not changing those ? I mean we are adding the zfield to the DSO/IC/MP. I am not changing the bex queries on the MP. Still do we need to capture all the bex queries ? There are 27 bex queries on the MP. Please advise.

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    did you activate the cube after adding the new time chars? After activation, the new chars would append to the transformations at the bottom( last) of source fields

  • Remodelling of InfoCubes

    Hello Gurus,
    I need some Information for Remodelling ...
    Someone Can HELP me..

    Please try to search before posting...there are a lot of threads and references to remodeling.

  • InfoCube Remodelling - Addition of InfoObject

    Dear All,
    I have successfully added (and transported successfully) changes to an existing cube in my P system. The problem is that this data is only represented going forward.
    For example I have a cube 'Customer Sales' where the main report is total sales by material. This has data going back until the begining of last year (about 60 million records). The user requested that country is also made available for querying, so country was added to the cube. So this means that the data will be loaded from this point going forward. I have heard that it is possible to load back in time in 2004s - does anybody know how I could populate this InfoObject in the cube going back in time?
    Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated,
    Kind Regards,
    Ps: I know this could have been done as Master Data but on this many records Navigational Attributes would slow down querying (until accelerator gets implemented at least).

    theories are great.. real life is another story...
    Joining tables is not only a "BW common criticism" it is just simply any database challenge in terms of performance. You can't say "I prefer not to employ master data at all" because even not using nav attr, you are accessing your master data SIDs tables.... Sometimes you just can't avoid using nav... In your particular case the country attribute from the object you derive is unlikely to change so you can consider posting it in the cube. For other attributes, like the product group of a material, how do you manage the fact that your business want to see summarized reports by product group and they change this grouping let's say once or twice a year? If you have the product group posted in your cube, you'll to realign this data as often as your business is changing this grouping; this means millions of records and kB to move back and forth....
    As you said, indexing master data and aggregating on nav is definitively what we are doing. As per my experience, our reporting is made 80% on NavAttr (we are retailers) characteristics; our system is 2TB of live data posted atomic (document/item level); arround 500 users in several time zones reporting exclusively from the Web in BW since in the different OLTP it is just not possible (perf issues); some 500 dataloads daily (some are hourly loads); nevertheless, avg navigational step is 10 seconds.
    In my opinion NavAttr are easy to manage and can fulfill lots of requirements quite simply without impacting performance too much; you are right, one more table is accessed and the challenge is to make it transparent from a performance perspective. After all, when you query a cube with 5 characteristics in different DIMS, you are accessing already 1 or 2 Facts + 5 DIMs + 5 SIDs [+5 texts]; this is between 11 and 17 tables, right? What's the big deal in accessing 1 or 2 more for navs...

  • Adding a new field in the infocube

    Hi Friends,
    I have a small issue i need to add a field into the the infocube which already has data in it.
    I went through the concept of remodelling and through the posts in SDN and also a link which guided me through the entire process but still i have a problem.
    I have 5 characteristics and 3 keyfigures in my infocube which have data in it.
    Through i cam to know that i need to take a backup of the data before i do the remodelling.
    Is it that i need to create a new infocube push all the data there.Do the remodelling on the old infocube and again push the data from the new infocube to the old infocube.How do i do this.
    How do i populate data to the newfields  in the old infocube.
    Can someone explain me with any steps.It could be very useful to me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Kanagaraj,
    Thanks a lot for your help.
    Actually those steps dint work but i created a new infocube and copied the structure from old infocube and then just created a Transformation and DTP.It worked fine.Did not generate a export datasource.
    But for my previous question
    3 characteristics and 3 keyfugures.
    Want to add a new field based on the department ID
    Tthe values have to be populated for the new field.
    It is not a constant value.So what should i choose in the conditons.

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    I’m trying to change the Key Fields in my reporting architecture as per our new company mandate.  I’ve been able to successfully change the primary keys for DS, DSO and InfoSource.  Can any kind soul out there please tell me how to change the primary keys on an existing InfoCube?  I will surely appreciate all the assistance I can get.  Its kinda urgent!

    Check the possibility with Remodelling option . If it is not possible with Remodelling, then you can only change the cube deleting the Data.
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

  • Mapping Sales dist from customer master to 0SD_C01 infocube

    Dear All,
    I have a requirment of mapping Sales Dist ( 0SALES_DIST )  from Customer Master ( 0CUST_SALES ) into report based on Infocube Billing Condition Value ( ZSD_C01 ) . i.e. report should show Sales dist data fro customer master and not from transaction data.
    The infocube ( ZSD_C01 ) contains sold to party ( 0SOLD_TO ) which can not be mapped to 0CUST_SALES .
    Is there any solution for this.

    Dear Alex ,
    When I am doing remodeling to Add 0CUST_SALES in Customer Dimenssion and  using 1:1 maping with characteristics of 0SOLD_TO option . system is giving following error. 
    Characteristic 0SOLD_TO does not have all compoundings of 0CUST_SALES
    Since 0CUST_SALES is compounded with Sales Area  remodeling doesn't work in spite of having all characteristics of Sales area in the infocube.
    Is there any other way to replace the data.

  • ODS and Infocube showing different results

    I loaded same data to Infocube and ODS but they are both showing different result in BEX.
    ODS report is showing summarised values e.g
    vendor               order value                   invoice value        date
    00001                    20                               20                 01.01.2007
    result is showing not summarised values
    vendor               order value                   invoice value        date
    00001                    20                                 0                      0
                                  0                                20                  01.01.2007
    I would like to make the infocube result same as the ODS because I am remodelling so that we start reporting from Infocube rather than ODS.

    this is the scenario
    currently we are reporting from ODS object which fetch data from 3 ODSes. now I am asked to remodel so that we can report from infocube not ODS.
    steps I have taken so far.
    - created new infocube
    - created 3 update rules ( same Update rules that gives the reporting ODS data).
    my target is to make sure that the current ODS  report is the same as the infocube report but so far the report is not consistent
    I compared the data in the ODS and infocube and they are exactly the same but the report is showing differently

  • How to fill a new single field in a Infocube with historical data

    Hello Everybody,
    We have an SD infocube with historical data since 1997.
    Some of the infoobjects (fields) of the infocube were empty during all this time.
    Now we require to fill a single field of the infocube with historical data from R/3.
    We were thinking that an option could be to upload data from the PSA in order to fill only the required field (infoobject).
    Is it possible? is there any problem doing an upload from the PSA requests directly to the infocube.
    Some people of our team are thinking that the data may be duplicated... are they right?
    Which other solutions can we adopt to solve this issue?
    We will appreciate all your valuable help.
    Thanks in advance.
    Julio Cordero.

    Remodeling in BI 7:
    Hope it helps..

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