Remote agent crashing workstation

I have always installed the remote control agent on my workstations.
However when I intall it on the latest ones, they computers will just be
getting to the windows desktop and then reboot, sometimes after
bluescreen. Remove remote control agent and all is find. Winxp pro, zen

> On Sat, 20 Aug 2005 02:26:45 GMT, [email protected] wrote:
> > I have always installed the remote control agent on my workstations.
> > However when I intall it on the latest ones, they computers will just
> > getting to the windows desktop and then reboot, sometimes after
> > bluescreen. Remove remote control agent and all is find.
> which agent? try the latest agent, try the latest graphic card drivers,
> without installing the mirror driver
> --
> Marcus Breiden
It is the latest zen 4 agent.
> Please change -- to - to mail me.
> The content of this mail is my private and personal opinion.

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    Log Name: Application
    Source: MSDPM
    Date: 25.07.2014 14:12:07
    Event ID: 999
    Task Category: None
    Level: Error
    Keywords: Classic
    User: N/A
    An unexpected error caused a failure for process 'mmc'. Restart the DPM process 'mmc'.
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    Parameter name: item</ExceptionMessage><ExceptionDetails>System.ArgumentException: Cannot add or insert the item 'PCNAME' in more than one place. You must first remove it from its current location or clone it.
    Parameter name: item
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    <Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="MSDPM" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="0">999</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-07-25T10:12:07.000000000Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data>An unexpected error caused a failure for process 'mmc'. Restart the DPM process 'mmc'.
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    Parameter name: item
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    at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.ObjectModel.Utils.ThreadMarshaller.Raise(Object state)&lt;/ExceptionDetails&gt;&lt;/FatalServiceError&gt;
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    Source: MSDPM
    Date: 25.07.2014 14:14:44
    Event ID: 999
    Task Category: None
    Level: Error
    Keywords: Classic
    User: N/A
    An unexpected error caused a failure for process 'mmc'. Restart the DPM process 'mmc'.
    Problem Details:
    <FatalServiceError><__System><ID>19</ID><Seq>1</Seq><TimeCreated>25.07.2014 10:14:44</TimeCreated><Source>DpmThreadPool.cs</Source><Line>163</Line><HasError>True</HasError></__System><ExceptionType>NullReferenceException</ExceptionType><ExceptionMessage>Object reference not set to an instance of an object.</ExceptionMessage><ExceptionDetails>System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at System.Windows.Forms.ListView.ListViewNativeItemCollection.get_Item(Int32 displayIndex)
    at System.Windows.Forms.ListView.ListViewItemCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)
    at System.Windows.Forms.ListView.ListViewNativeItemCollection.Clear()
    at System.Windows.Forms.ListView.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
    at System.ComponentModel.Component.Dispose()
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
    at System.ComponentModel.Component.Dispose()
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
    at System.ComponentModel.Component.Dispose()
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
    at System.ComponentModel.Component.Dispose()
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
    at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
    at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Dpw.ClientsSelectionPage.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
    at System.ComponentModel.Component.Dispose()
    at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Dpw.PageCache.Dispose()
    at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Dpw.DataProtectionWizard.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
    at System.ComponentModel.Component.Finalize()</ExceptionDetails></FatalServiceError>
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="MSDPM" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="0">999</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-07-25T10:14:44.000000000Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data>An unexpected error caused a failure for process 'mmc'. Restart the DPM process 'mmc'.
    Problem Details:
    &lt;FatalServiceError&gt;&lt;__System&gt;&lt;ID&gt;19&lt;/ID&gt;&lt;Seq&gt;1&lt;/Seq&gt;&lt;TimeCreated&gt;25.07.2014 10:14:44&lt;/TimeCreated&gt;&lt;Source&gt;DpmThreadPool.cs&lt;/Source&gt;&lt;Line&gt;163&lt;/Line&gt;&lt;HasError&gt;True&lt;/HasError&gt;&lt;/__System&gt;&lt;ExceptionType&gt;NullReferenceException&lt;/ExceptionType&gt;&lt;ExceptionMessage&gt;Object reference not set to an instance of an object.&lt;/ExceptionMessage&gt;&lt;ExceptionDetails&gt;System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
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    at System.ComponentModel.Component.Dispose()
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    at System.ComponentModel.Component.Dispose()
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    at System.ComponentModel.Component.Dispose()
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    at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
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    at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Dpw.PageCache.Dispose()
    at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.Dpw.DataProtectionWizard.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
    at System.ComponentModel.Component.Finalize()&lt;/ExceptionDetails&gt;&lt;/FatalServiceError&gt;
    Where "PCNAME" is a name of workstation I moved between PGs BEFORE current move. i.e. I moved "PCNAME" then I'm moving "PCNAME2" and receive console crash with "PCNAME" in logs.
    You can find Crash-file of DPMUI0Curr.errlog here:

    What operating system are you using? What processor does your computer have, how much RAM do you have and how much free, clean space is on your hard drive? When did you last run Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter?
    Have you ensured that you have the latest version of Quicktime from
    What model of camcorder is your video coming from and what format and resolution is it?
    When you add the video to your timeline in Expert view, is there a yellow orange line along the top of the timeline, above your clips? This would indicate a mismatch between the program's project settings and your video specs?

  • Zcm11 remote control crashes?

    We started a ZCM rollout. Currently doing live testing in 1 building. The clients are XP SP3 and server is ZCM11 on OES Linux. I have noticed a problem with remote control after remoting into a workstation and logging on to the workstation i loose connection of remote (it just sits there, it doesn't kick me out or close). if I close it and try to reconnect I am unable to establish a new session. however the computer is on and running. from observation it appears as those the ZCM client is crashing after login (icon disapppears from the task tray). but no errors are logged. a reboot of the workstation renables remote control but that is not a solution as it requires someone onsite.
    Has anyone else experienced this or have any troubleshooting tips?

    Yes, agent is on update 2a.
    Originally Posted by craig_wilson
    I have not heard this, but are your agents patched at least to Update
    Agent 2?
    On 9/7/2011 4:36 PM, azuercher wrote:
    > We started a ZCM rollout. Currently doing live testing in 1 building.
    > The clients are XP SP3 and server is ZCM11 on OES Linux. I have
    > noticed a problem with remote control after remoting into a workstation
    > and logging on to the workstation i loose connection of remote (it just
    > sits there, it doesn't kick me out or close). if I close it and try to
    > reconnect I am unable to establish a new session. however the computer
    > is on and running. from observation it appears as those the ZCM client
    > is crashing after login (icon disapppears from the task tray). but no
    > errors are logged. a reboot of the workstation renables remote control
    > but that is not a solution as it requires someone onsite.
    > Has anyone else experienced this or have any troubleshooting tips?
    > Thanks,
    > Aaron
    Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA
    Novell Knowledge Partner
    Novell does not officially monitor these forums.
    Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own.
    These thoughts may not be shared by either Novell or any rational human.

  • Windows 8.1 pro Remote App crashes connecting to 2012 Remote Desktop Web Access published application

    Using 2012 Remote Desktop Web access to gain access to published applications. The workstation was a Windows 8.1 (home) upgraded to Windows 8.1 Pro with the Media Center add on. Launching the url to the login page for the RDW works fine. When the app is
    clicked on to launch the Remote App crashes. How do I get it to properly connect. Other Windows 8.1 pro workstations work. Although none were upgraded from the 8.1 (home) Here is the event.
    Faulting application name: mstsc.exe, version: 6.3.9600.16384, time stamp: 0x5215e2b5
    Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.3.9600.17031, time stamp: 0x530895af
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x0000000000065e8e
    Faulting process id: 0xab4
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cf5f2ed029e83f
    Faulting application path: C:\Windows\System32\mstsc.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    Report Id: 21a471d6-cb22-11e3-8263-a0886933dd25
    Faulting package full name:
    Faulting package-relative application ID:

    More info.
    The computer is brand new HP.
    Windows 8.1 pro with media center
    processor Intel i7-4700mq - 12gig ram -64bit
    Full windows touch support with 10 touch points 
    The computer is connecting to a 2012 Server hosted on Microsoft's Azure platform. Trying to access applications hosted by this server with Remote Desktop Web services. The computer can RDP using just the mstsc.exe to other computers and to the server with
    no problem.
    The computer presents the following msg box  Body: Remote Desktop Connection has stopped working. I have tried the following to resolve this and narrow the scope:
    -Created a new user account for the computer with admin rights, rebooted and logged in as the new user.
    -Tried a different user account for the portal, that does work. The user does not show up as connected.
    -All MS updates were loaded.
    -Added these changes to the registry to keep alive the connection: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Gateway\Transports\Rpc-----HttpKeepAliveTimeout=dword:00000001
    And HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client----RDGClientTransport=dword:00000001
    Loaded this update
    -Removed all printers
    -Removed Antivirus
    -Added the server to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default
    -Disabled everything in MSCONFIG startup
    -Ran sfc /scannow as administrator - no integrity violations
    Any suggestions?

  • Windows 10 Remote desktop crash

    Almost every time when connecting to W10 Preview build 9860 the remote desktop crashes with the following message:
    Faulting application name: svchost.exe_TermService, version: 6.4.9860.0, time stamp: 0x5436329a
    Faulting module name: rdpcorets.dll, version: 6.4.9860.0, time stamp: 0x543626df
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x000000000002b4c9
    Faulting process ID: 0x3e8
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d00ef1ef145db3
    Faulting application path: C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\rdpcorets.dll
    Report ID: ca08b2a1-7ae7-11e4-95fd-0023549b70e3
    Faulting package full name:
    Also some services werde stopped due to this crash, like cryptsvc, workstation and others..
    The connection was established from Windows 8.1. Any Solutions available?

    What Remote Desktop options have you chosen on the client (i.e., system where you're making the connection from) when making the connection?  Have you tried varying them?
    For what it's worth, I seem to be able to make a remote desktop connection to my Win 10 TP 9879 test system just fine.  In my case I happen to be making the connection at the same screen size (1920 x 1200 pixels) as my local console uses.
    Also, how are you breaking the connection?  Are you selecting "Disconnect" on the remote system, or are you just closing down the Remote Desktop application?  That could make a difference.
    Detailed how-to in my eBooks:  
    Configure The Windows 7 "To Work" Options
    Configure The Windows 8 "To Work" Options

  • Test ACS SE / Remote Agents

    We are deploying two new ACS SE's using RA's talking to AD. These will be used for PEAP authentication of wireless users. I was wondering if there is an easy way to test user authentication so that I can verify the Remote Agent is talking properly to our AD (RA is not running on a domain controller)? Our test wireless lan controller is being used for other testing, and I don't want to add the ACS to our production controllers at this point. Basically, I have the ACS SE, the server on which the RA is running, and a workstation that I can use for testing. Any help would be greatly appreciated...

    If you can fetch all AD groups that means RA is able to communicate with DC.
    ACS-->External user db--> Database group mapping--->Windows--->New Configuration--->Highlight your domain name and submit---->Now click on your domain name and ADD Mapping.
    If you see all group that means you are all set.
    Also make sure your remote agent status should say Available and Used by ACS.
    ACS--->Network configuration--->Remote agent.
    Do rate helpful posts

  • Lost RPC connection to heterogeneous remote agent....

    I'm trying to establish a db link to a Sybase server however i'm constantly presented with a ORA-28511 error. I've searched all over the place for solutions and nothing seems to work.
    Can some on please help diagnose this.
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = au-par-orasrv)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID = TG4SYBS)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = au-par-orasrv)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (ORACLE_HOME = D:\oracle\ora92)
    # HS init parameters
    # Environment variables required for Sybase
    set SYBASE=D:\\Sybase
    set SYBASE_OCS=OCS-12_5
    A TNS ping to AUSProfile is successful however if I try and execute select * from all_catalog@ausprofile, the error above is returned.

    Here's the details on the error message:
    28511, 00000, "lost RPC connection to heterogeneous remote agent using SID=%s"
    // *Cause:  A fatal error occurred in one of the following places:
    //          -- the connection between the ORACLE server and the agent
    //          -- the heterogeneous services remote agent itself
    //          -- the connection to the non-Oracle system
    //          This error occurred after communication had been established
    //          successfully.
    // *Action: Check for network problems and remote host crashes. The problem is
    //          probably in the agent software. If so, contact a customer support
    //          representative of the agent vendor.In my experience, this is usually caused by the OTG agent process failing.
    Simple explanation - your db link to the OTG gateway connects to an Oracle listener that starts up an agent process. This process connects to the foreign database and acts as the gateway between your end and the foreign database. When this agent process fails, your side realises that the remote process is no more as it is no longer responding. The above error is then raised - as all your side knows that something critical went wrong on the agent side.
    This agent has its own +.ora+ configuration file. One of the parameters that can be set is HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL (just confirm it for your OTG version - been years since I last used OTG). When the agent give problems, enable this parameter and have a look at the trace file generated by the agent process. The reason for the agent process failing should be listed in the trace file.

  • Windows Remote Agent Failover timeout (ACS 4.2)

    Hey everybody,
    I'm using two Windows 2003 Servers with local users as External User Databases (so they're both usind the \LOCAL domain) for my ACS 4.2 appliance. I've added the machines as Windows Remote Agents and configured them as Primary and Secondary Remote Agents. In general, all this works great including the failover. However, if the primay machine actually fails, it takes about 10 - 15 minutes until the ACS uses the secondary server for authentication. Is there any way to adjust the failover timers? As far as I understand, the Remote Agent response timeout setting on the Remote Agent selection page is only for retrieving the Windows groups for group mapping. I've lowered this setting but it didn't have an effect on my problem.
    Can anybody tell me more about the failover mechanism here? Does the ACS simply wait for the Primary Remote Agent for a while and then proceed to the Secondary? How long is failover supposed to take? Can any adjustments be made?
    Any hints will be much appreciated!

    sorry for the long delay, it took a while to collect the necessary data.
    A few comments on the logs. I've abbreviated them to the relevant parts (in my opinion) to make things a little easier to find.
    Also, I had to change IP addresses and hostnames (but kept them consistent to represent our actual IP settings).
    This is our set-up:
    IP Adress
    Please note that the system clocks are not in sync. I've tried to help with some comments in the logs (marked with ***)
    I tested the following:
    1. Only CSWinAgent_2 is running, everything working fine.
    2. Also started CSWinAgent_1 (see log at 21:47:14)
      -> authentication still working (not in the logs)
    2. Shut down the service on CSWinAgent_2 (21:52:37)
    3. 5 unsuccessful authentication attempts for 15 minutes (see ACS log)
    4. First successful attempt (ACS log, 22:06:33)
    5. Another fail (strange) and successful login from another client (ACS log, 22:08:01)
    6. Shut down the service on CSWinAgent_1 (22:04:47)
    7. Started the service on CSWinAgent_2 (22:09:48)
    8. Failed attempt (ACS log, 22:09:03)
    9. Successful attempt after < 1min (ACS log, 22:09:11)
    I would appreciate any ideas and information on how and in which timeframe the switchover process is supposed to work.
    Thank you very much for your help.
    Here are the logs:
    ACS (
    *** 5 failed login attempts over 15 minutes (CSWinAgent_1 is available during this time):
    Jul 13 21:51:55 CisACS_02_FailedAuth 1oz5bgsae 1 0 Message-Type=Authen failed,User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,Authen-Failure-Code=External DB is not operational,Caller-ID=,NAS-Port=tty1,Group-Name=USER_GROUP,
    Jul 13 21:52:01 CisACS_02_FailedAuth 1qn2vrgaf 1 0 Message-Type=Authen failed,User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,Authen-Failure-Code=External DB is not operational,Caller-ID=,NAS-Port=tty1,Group-Name=USER_GROUP,
    Jul 13 21:52:53 CisACS_02_FailedAuth 61f498ag 1 0 Message-Type=Authen failed,User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,Authen-Failure-Code=External DB is not operational,Caller-ID=,NAS-Port=tty1,Group-Name=USER_GROUP,
    Jul 13 21:56:41 CisACS_02_FailedAuth 1xaujikah 1 0 Message-Type=Authen failed,User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,Authen-Failure-Code=External DB is not operational,Caller-ID=,NAS-Port=tty1,Group-Name=USER_GROUP,
    Jul 13 22:06:32 CisACS_02_FailedAuth k6ymh8aj 1 0 Message-Type=Authen failed,User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,Authen-Failure-Code=External DB is not operational,Caller-ID=,NAS-Port=tty1,Group-Name=USER_GROUP,
    *** 2 successful, 1 fail (See 22:02:53 & 22:04:20 on CSWinAgent_1):
    Jul 13 22:06:33 CisACS_01_PassedAuth kgy7v0ak 1 0 User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,Caller-ID=,NAS-Port=tty1,Group-Name=USER_GROUP,Filter Information=Access Filter Deny_RZ-SAN from USER_GROUP did not fail any criteria. This is sufficient to satisfy an 'Any Selected' SPC NAR config.,
    Jul 13 22:06:34 CisACS_04_TACACSAcc kqxt8sal 1 0 Group-Name=USER_GROUP,User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,NAS-Portname=tty1,Caller-Id=,Acct-Flags=start,service=shell,task_id=196,
    Jul 13 22:06:40 CisACS_02_FailedAuth mevdjgam 1 0 Message-Type=Authen failed,User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,Authen-Failure-Code=External DB is not operational,Caller-ID=,NAS-Port=tty1,Group-Name=USER_GROUP,
    Jul 13 22:08:01 CisACS_01_PassedAuth 18vyhjgan 1 0 User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,Caller-ID=,NAS-Port=tty1,Group-Name=USER_GROUP,Filter Information=Access Filter Deny_RZ-SAN from USER_GROUP did not fail any criteria. This is sufficient to satisfy an 'Any Selected' SPC NAR config.,
    Jul 13 22:08:01 CisACS_04_TACACSAcc 18vyhjgao 1 0 Group-Name=USER_GROUP,User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,NAS-Portname=tty1,Caller-Id=,Acct-Flags=start,service=shell,task_id=134,
    Jul 13 22:08:03 CisACS_04_TACACSAcc 19fxob0ap 1 0 Group-Name=USER_GROUP,User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,NAS-Portname=tty1,Caller-Id=,Acct-Flags=stop,service=shell,elapsed_time=1,task_id=134,
    Jul 13 22:08:35 CisACS_04_TACACSAcc 1ibkojwaq 1 0 Group-Name=USER_GROUP,User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,NAS-Portname=tty1,Caller-Id=,Acct-Flags=stop,service=shell,elapsed_time=121,task_id=196,
    *** much faster switchover the other way (one failed attempt, failover in < 1min):
    Jul 13 22:09:03 CisACS_02_FailedAuth 1q39b9oar 1 0 Message-Type=Authen failed,User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,Authen-Failure-Code=External DB is not operational,Caller-ID=,NAS-Port=tty1,Group-Name=USER_GROUP,
    Jul 13 22:09:11 CisACS_01_PassedAuth 1sb62bwas 1 0 User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,Caller-ID=,NAS-Port=tty1,Group-Name=USER_GROUP,Filter Information=Access Filter Deny_RZ-SAN from USER_GROUP did not fail any criteria. This is sufficient to satisfy an 'Any Selected' SPC NAR config.,
    Jul 13 22:09:17 CisACS_01_PassedAuth 1tz3mmkat 1 0 User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,Caller-ID=,NAS-Port=tty1,Group-Name=USER_GROUP,Filter Information=Access Filter Deny_RZ-SAN from USER_GROUP did not fail any criteria. This is sufficient to satisfy an 'Any Selected' SPC NAR config.,
    Jul 13 22:09:23 CisACS_01_PassedAuth 1vn16x8au 1 0 User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,Caller-ID=,NAS-Port=tty1,Group-Name=USER_GROUP,Filter Information=Access Filter Deny_RZ-SAN from USER_GROUP did not fail any criteria. This is sufficient to satisfy an 'Any Selected' SPC NAR config.,
    Jul 13 22:09:42 CisACS_01_PassedAuth 1vqtscav 1 0 User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,Caller-ID=,NAS-Port=tty2,Group-Name=USER_GROUP,Filter Information=Access Filter Deny_RZ-SAN from USER_GROUP did not fail any criteria. This is sufficient to satisfy an 'Any Selected' SPC NAR config.,
    Jul 13 22:09:42 CisACS_04_TACACSAcc 1vqtscaw 1 0 Group-Name=USER_GROUP,User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,NAS-Portname=tty2,Caller-Id=,Acct-Flags=start,service=shell,task_id=3782,
    Jul 13 22:10:21 CisACS_04_TACACSAcc cpazpoax 1 0 Group-Name=USER_GROUP,User-Name=USER_ID,NAS-IP-Address=,NAS-Portname=tty2,Caller-Id=,Acct-Flags=stop,service=shell,elapsed_time=39,task_id=3782,
    CSWinAgent_1 (
    *** service started manually:
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:47:14 A 0528 14340 0x0 Logging mode: LOW
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:47:14 A 0228 14340 0x0 CSWinAgent server starting ==============================
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:47:14 A 0233 14340 0x0 Running as console application.
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:47:14 A 0059 15332 0x0 Will listen on port 2005
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:47:14 A 0064 15332 0x0 Permitted CSWinAgent Clients: *.*.*.*
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:47:14 A 0116 15332 0x0 NTLIB: Library behaviour mode 2
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:47:14 A 0136 15332 0x0 NTLIB: Initialising locally
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:47:14 A 0139 15332 0x0 NTLIB: The local computer name is CSWinAgent_1
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:47:14 A 0171 15332 0x0 NTLIB: The insist on domain is disabled
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:47:14 A 0281 15332 0x0 NTLIB: We are NOT a domain controller
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:47:14 A 0423 15332 0x0 NTLIB: We are NOT a member of a domain => we cannot authenticate accounts on other trusted domains
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:47:14 A 0112 15332 0x0 Listener activated
    *** first incoming connection:
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:02:53 A 0140 15332 0x0 Client connecting from
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:02:53 A 0390 15480 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser received
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:02:53 A 1807 15480 0x0 NTLIB: Got WorkStation ACS
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:02:53 A 1808 15480 0x0 NTLIB: Attempting Windows authentication for user USER_ID
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:02:53 A 1866 15480 0x0 NTLIB: Windows authentication SUCCESSFUL (by CSWinAgent_1)
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:02:53 A 1947 15480 0x0 NTLIB: Domain name  in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  \LOCAL
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:02:53 A 1952 15480 0x0 NTLIB: Group Mapping Flag in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  enabled
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:02:53 A 1968 15480 0x0 NTLIB: Group Map Count in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  -1
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:02:53 A 0190 15480 0x0 NTLIB: User has 10 groups
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:02:53 A 0431 15480 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser groups: None,LAN_Admins,Users,Administrators
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:02:53 A 0436 15480 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser Domain Name is: CSWinAgent_1
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:02:53 A 0452 15480 0x0 RPC: Success
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:02:53 A 0465 15480 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser reply sent
    *** second authentication:
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:20 A 0390 15480 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser received
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:20 A 1807 15480 0x0 NTLIB: Got WorkStation ACS
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:20 A 1808 15480 0x0 NTLIB: Attempting Windows authentication for user USER_ID
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:20 A 1866 15480 0x0 NTLIB: Windows authentication SUCCESSFUL (by CSWinAgent_1)
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:20 A 1947 15480 0x0 NTLIB: Domain name  in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  \LOCAL
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:20 A 1952 15480 0x0 NTLIB: Group Mapping Flag in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  enabled
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:20 A 1968 15480 0x0 NTLIB: Group Map Count in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  -1
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:20 A 0190 15480 0x0 NTLIB: User has 10 groups
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:20 A 0431 15480 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser groups: None,LAN_Admins,Users,Administrators
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:20 A 0436 15480 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser Domain Name is: CSWinAgent_1
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:20 A 0452 15480 0x0 RPC: Success
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:20 A 0465 15480 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser reply sent
    *** service stopped manually:
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:47 A 0046 14340 0x0 Service stopping
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:47 A 0049 14340 0x0 Shutting down NT library
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:47 A 0192 14340 0x0 NTLIB: Finalising locally
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:47 A 0053 14340 0x0 Shutting down EndPoint library
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:47 A 0609 15480 0x0 Client disconnected, thread 15480 terminating
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:04:47 A 0153 15332 0x0 Listener terminating
    CSWinAgent_2 (
    *** manual shutdown:
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:52:37 A 0046 1388 0x0 Service stopping
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:52:37 A 0049 1388 0x0 Shutting down NT library
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:52:37 A 0192 1388 0x0 NTLIB: Finalising locally
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:52:37 A 0053 1388 0x0 Shutting down EndPoint library
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:52:37 A 0609 3676 0x0 Client disconnected, thread 3676 terminating
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:52:37 A 0609 0340 0x0 Client disconnected, thread 340 terminating
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:52:37 A 0609 2900 0x0 Client disconnected, thread 2900 terminating
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:52:37 A 0609 3404 0x0 Client disconnected, thread 3404 terminating
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:52:37 A 0153 1944 0x0 Listener terminating
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:52:37 A 0609 2072 0x0 Client disconnected, thread 2072 terminating
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 21:52:37 A 0609 3576 0x0 Client disconnected, thread 3576 terminating
    *** service started manually:
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:09:48 A 0528 3504 0x0 Logging mode: LOW
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:09:48 A 0228 3504 0x0 CSWinAgent server starting ==============================
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:09:48 A 0233 3504 0x0 Running as console application.
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:09:48 A 0059 3480 0x0 Will listen on port 2005
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:09:48 A 0064 3480 0x0 Permitted CSWinAgent Clients: *.*.*.*
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:09:48 A 0116 3480 0x0 NTLIB: Library behaviour mode 2
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:09:48 A 0136 3480 0x0 NTLIB: Initialising locally
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:09:48 A 0139 3480 0x0 NTLIB: The local computer name is CSWinAgent_2
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:09:48 A 0171 3480 0x0 NTLIB: The insist on domain is disabled
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:09:48 A 0281 3480 0x0 NTLIB: We are NOT a domain controller
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:09:48 A 0423 3480 0x0 NTLIB: We are NOT a member of a domain => we cannot authenticate accounts on other trusted domains
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:09:48 A 0112 3480 0x0 Listener activated
    *** first authentication:
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:42 A 0140 3480 0x0 Client connecting from
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:43 A 0390 2800 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser received
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:43 A 1807 2800 0x0 NTLIB: Got WorkStation ACS
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:43 A 1808 2800 0x0 NTLIB: Attempting Windows authentication for user USER_ID
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:43 A 1866 2800 0x0 NTLIB: Windows authentication SUCCESSFUL (by CSWinAgent_2)
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:43 A 1947 2800 0x0 NTLIB: Domain name  in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  \LOCAL
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:43 A 1952 2800 0x0 NTLIB: Group Mapping Flag in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  enabled
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:43 A 1968 2800 0x0 NTLIB: Group Map Count in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  -1
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:43 A 0190 2800 0x0 NTLIB: User has 10 groups
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:43 A 0431 2800 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser groups: None,LAN_Admins,Administrators,Users
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:43 A 0436 2800 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser Domain Name is: CSWinAgent_2
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:43 A 0452 2800 0x0 RPC: Success
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:43 A 0465 2800 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser reply sent
    *** some more logins:
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:49 A 0140 3480 0x0 Client connecting from
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:49 A 0390 2296 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser received
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:49 A 1807 2296 0x0 NTLIB: Got WorkStation ACS
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:49 A 1808 2296 0x0 NTLIB: Attempting Windows authentication for user USER_ID
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:49 A 1866 2296 0x0 NTLIB: Windows authentication SUCCESSFUL (by CSWinAgent_2)
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:49 A 1947 2296 0x0 NTLIB: Domain name  in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  \LOCAL
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:49 A 1952 2296 0x0 NTLIB: Group Mapping Flag in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  enabled
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:49 A 1968 2296 0x0 NTLIB: Group Map Count in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  -1
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:49 A 0190 2296 0x0 NTLIB: User has 10 groups
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:49 A 0431 2296 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser groups: None,LAN_Admins,Administrators,Users
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:49 A 0436 2296 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser Domain Name is: CSWinAgent_2
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:49 A 0452 2296 0x0 RPC: Success
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:49 A 0465 2296 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser reply sent
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:52 A 0140 3480 0x0 Client connecting from
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:52 A 0390 1768 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser received
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:52 A 1807 1768 0x0 NTLIB: Got WorkStation ACS
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:52 A 1808 1768 0x0 NTLIB: Attempting Windows authentication for user USER_ID
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:52 A 1866 1768 0x0 NTLIB: Windows authentication SUCCESSFUL (by CSWinAgent_2)
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:52 A 1947 1768 0x0 NTLIB: Domain name  in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  \LOCAL
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:52 A 1952 1768 0x0 NTLIB: Group Mapping Flag in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  enabled
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:52 A 1968 1768 0x0 NTLIB: Group Map Count in MSCHAPAuthenticateUser is  -1
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:52 A 0190 1768 0x0 NTLIB: User has 10 groups
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:52 A 0431 1768 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser groups: None,LAN_Admins,Administrators,Users
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:52 A 0436 1768 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser Domain Name is: CSWinAgent_2
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:52 A 0452 1768 0x0 RPC: Success
    CSWinAgent 07/13/2010 22:10:52 A 0465 1768 0x0 RPC: NT_MSCHAPAuthenticateUser reply sent

  • More than one Windows ACS Remote Agent

    We recently added a second Windows Remote Agent to have Windows authentication service available for our two ACS.
    Agent definition (CSAgent.ini) is correct but in Network Configration - Remote Agent (on each ACS web console) we see that the second Remote Agent is "available" but "not in use" (while the first one is, of course).
    If we stop the CSAgent Service on the first Remote Agent server, we do not see any activity on the second one (auth not working) and service still remains "avilable" but "not in use".
    Then, debugging with csagent.exe -z -p all we can see is something like:
    Debug printing on..
    Logging mode: LOW
    ACSRemoteAgent server starting ==============================
    Running as console application.
    Will listen on port 2004
    Configuration will be fetched from
    Agents: CSWinAgent
    CSWinAgent File: ..\bin\CSWinAgent.exe
    CSWinAgent Port: 2005
    1 agents configured
    Permitted CSAgent Clients:
    Hit Return/Enter to stop...
    Listener activated
    Watchdog activated
    CSWinAgent launched
    Client connecting from
    RPC: Info request received
    RPC: Info reply sent
    Client disconnected, thread 944 terminating
    Client connecting from
    RPC: Info request received
    RPC: Info reply sent
    Client disconnected, thread 2108 terminating
    Client connecting from
    and, in the CSWinAgent log windows we see NO logs at all....
    Where are we wrong???

    You must use ACS Remote Agent for Windows, version 4.0, with ACS Solution Engine, version 4.0. Other releases of Cisco Secure ACS are not supported.
    The following URL may help you:

  • NFR Agent Crashes Halts Server

    I've had a NFR server running for a couple of months now and keep experiencing a server seizure that the only way that I can mange to fix it is to restart the server. Novell File Reporter as installed by a consultant and operationally it runs fantastically except for that it can be a matter of days to a couple of weeks that the server/service stops working. The server is in a VM running Server 2008 R2, 64-bit, 6GB of RAM, 2x 3.6 GHz processors, 80GB of storage.
    Usually, what I am finding is that since the server sits on the CTRL+ALT+DEL screen which as a result of whatever my NFR issue is, it becomes unresponsive until I do a restart of the VM, using VMWare ESXI restarting just the Guest doesn't work while this error is active but restarting the VM on the "machine" level works. After restarting I find the service NFRAgent in an error state with the message:
    "The description for Event ID 2 from source NFRAgent cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. Youc an install or repair the component on the local computer.
    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
    The following information was included with the event:
    01 2013-07-15 08:26:47 - 14400 2 8001 1488 1572 Failed to write to the log file "",RC = 14. Closing log file."
    Aside from the references to the log file I'm reading this as a fairly generic error message. Is anyone familiar with these symptoms or error messages that can maybe shed a little light on the error and point me towards a resolution? Thank you!

    marklar23 wrote:
    > I've had a NFR server running for a couple of months now and keep
    > experiencing a server seizure that the only way that I can mange to
    > fix it is to restart the server. Novell File Reporter as installed
    > by a consultant and operationally it runs fantastically except for
    > that it can be a matter of days to a couple of weeks that the
    > server/service stops working. The server is in a VM running Server
    > 2008 R2, 64-bit, 6GB of RAM, 2x 3.6 GHz processors, 80GB of storage.
    > Usually, what I am finding is that since the server sits on the
    > CTRL+ALT+DEL screen which as a result of whatever my NFR issue is, it
    > becomes unresponsive until I do a restart of the VM, using VMWare ESXI
    > restarting just the Guest doesn't work while this error is active but
    > restarting the VM on the "machine" level works. After restarting I
    > find the service NFRAgent in an error state with the message:
    > "The description for Event ID 2 from source NFRAgent cannot be found.
    > Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your
    > local computer or the installation is corrupted. Youc an install or
    > repair the component on the local computer.
    > If the event originated on another computer, the display information
    > had to be saved with the event.
    > The following information was included with the event:
    > 01 2013-07-15 08:26:47 - 14400 2 8001 1488 1572 Failed to write to the
    > log file "",RC = 14. Closing log file."
    > Aside from the references to the log file I'm reading this as a fairly
    > generic error message. Is anyone familiar with these symptoms or
    > error messages that can maybe shed a little light on the error and
    > point me towards a resolution? Thank you!
    Is this NFR 1 or NFR 2? If it's NFR 2, there were some issues with
    agent crashes which I believe have been resolved in the latest 2.0.1
    release from May.
    Your world is on the move.
    We know what your world looks like.

  • Remote Agent for ACS for Windows 2008 R2 64-bit

    We having difficulties with installing remote agent on windows 2008 R2 64-bit server and got the attached error.
    Our ACS is and remote agents we tried are and
    I see following urls says it does not support Windows 2008 R2 and also 64-bit Windows,
    However following url says its support 2008 R2 with 64-bit version
    Appreciate if someone can adivse us what vesion (file name) of Remote Agent can support (or working) for Windows 2008 R2 64-bit.
    thanks in advance

    Hi Tarik,
    What I wanted to say that the below url says that ACS 4.2 does not support on 64-bit OS:
    ACS Requirements
    You must use ACS Remote Agent for Windows, version 4.2, with ACS SE, version 4.2. We do not support other Cisco Secure ACS releases.
    Note ACS Remote Agent 4.2 for Windows does not support 64-bit operating systems.
    However could you please let me know what exact Remote Agent file you recommend to use for windwos 2008 R2 64-bit Server. The ACS SE version that I have is

  • 802.1x and Remote Agent

    AD 2000 Domain, ACS appliance (running 3.3.1), remote agent on the Certificate authority. setup PEAP per instructions.
    When i try to login with a user on a desktop, it errors out. This is the error message i see in the RemoteAgent logs
    CSWinAgent 02/03/2005 17:13:56 A 0048 0604 NTLIB: Attempting Windows authentication for user RFI5771
    CSWinAgent 02/03/2005 17:13:56 A 0048 0604 NTLIB: Windows authentication SUCCESSFUL (by DC1)
    CSWinAgent 02/03/2005 17:13:56 A 0048 0604 NTLIB: Obtaining RAS information for user RFI5771 from DC1
    CSWinAgent 02/03/2005 17:13:56 A 0048 0604 NTLIB: NetUserGetLocalGroups failed with result [5]
    CSWinAgent 02/03/2005 17:13:56 A 0048 0604 NTLIB: nt_GetUsersNTGroups failed
    Its funny. With my ID, everything works (dot1x gets authenticated, dynamically assigned VLAN, properly authenticated.
    But I can't get it to work with any other user. Thinking that there was a rights issue Service account, i tested with a Domain admin account. No avail.
    Any thoughts? I tested this whole setup in a lab with ACS for windows and it works like a charm. Getting it to work with the appliance has been a bit challenging.

    Did you ever get to the bottom of this issue. I have the same issue with ACS 3.3.3 for windows. I have not seen this issue on any other ACS Win / Appliance installs.
    Thanks in advance

  • Interfaces not visible in 'Operator' when executed with 'Remote Agent'

    I am new to ODI, and have an issue with running Interfaces/Packages with a Remote Agent.+
    I have setup an agent on the machine on which the Database is installed. I have created a Physical Agent with the details, and on using the 'Test' button in the client, it works fine.
    However, when i try an execute a package with this agent, i get the 'Session Started' pop up, but the interface does not register in the 'Operator' section, and nothing happens.+
    However, this does not happen when i use the 'Local (No Agent)', and the interface runs successfully and is registered in the 'Operator'.+
    I just get this error under the 'Physical Agents' tree in the 'Operator' section for the interface - "ODI-1266: Agent agent_apo13110026 detected Session as stale session and set to error status"
    Would appreciate any inputs.

    Thank you for your response.
    We have actuall just migrated the from DEV to TEST. But in DEV we were only using the local agent, and we have configured the new standalone agent only in TEST.
    The way the migration was done, was that we exported the Master and Work Rep from DEV, and then imported it into TEST.
    Could this have had any impact, and would appreciate any pointers on how i can check if indeed the Agent is interacting with the wrong repository.

  • "The Page Cannot Be Displayed" error when clicking the Remote Agent

    Hi everyone! We have installed ACS SE 4.0 and we have added a remote agent running on Windows Server 2003. Recently, we are encountering "The page cannot be displayed" error when we click the RA under a network device group. This is resolved by rebooting the ACS SE appliance and accessing the ACS SE web console again but after few hours, problem reoccurs. Clicking the links on the ACS SE web console is okay at first but after clicking the RA, every link shows the error "The page cannot be displayed." Hope you could help us on this problem. Anyone's support is very much appreciated.

    Hi JG,
    Thank you so much for your response. Does Cisco have a documentation that states that this is a known issue with 4.0, such as release notes, for we might need this for the proposal upgrade?
    Again, thanks a lot!

  • Logs are lost frequently in Remote Agent Server

    Hi All,
    ACS 4.2 and remote agent was working properly two months before. But in past two months we are facing weird issue in RA server.For Somedays we are missing logs from both ACS and RA server. Once we notice this we use to restart the services in ACS to give workaround. But due to this we loose our daily logs intermittently and facing risk in without having logs.
    This is not like communication between ACS and RA is not at all happening. It happens properly for a week or month, but again it is going bad without any config change.
    CSAgent.ini file is properly configured.
    Full version is and patch is 10 in acs and ra.
    ACS and Remote Agent Major and Patch version are same.
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Do you see the same intermittent logging issue with all services like csauth, rds, tcs etc.
    Could you plz. provide the cslogagent file from the remote agent server when you see this issue happening.
    C:\Program Files\Cisco\CiscoSecure ACS Agent\CSLogAgent\Logs
    Steps to gather msinfo32
    - Click the Start button.
    - Click the Run option.
    - Type "msinfo32" into the box and press Enter.
    - Click "System Information."
    - Choose "Save as System Information File" from the "Action" menu.
    - Open an appropriate directory, or something easy like the desktop.
    - Type "MSInfo32" into the Filename box and press Enter.
    - Wait several minutes for the program to collect and save information
    Did you check whether cisco remote agent server is excluded for being scanned by AV?
    Jatin Katyal
    - Do rate helpful posts -

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