Remove Lorem Ipsum add-on

Keep geting "Uinstalling The Add-on Lorem Ipsum Generator failed Generator failed to remove
I don't want it installed, since it for an old version of Photoshop and i only have the latest version installed (Photoshop 2014 CC).
Tried to install it and uninstall it from  To make the message go away !
The Add-on is not showing up in Adobe Extension Manager CC either.
Is there any way to remove this message ?

Contact Sheet is a welcome return. So many features can be adapted. I made this a few years ago by sizing up 40 images, and turning off titles, and ‘Flatten Layers’ when making the contact sheet. It was then fairly simple to FT each layer to give some overlap, and use Layer masks for creative affect.
It was eventually incorperated into a poster for the organisation running the event.
Some interesting JDIs  (thanks so much for the typed list!).
The Eye dropper changes appeal to me, and Ctrl J now working on Groups is very welcome.  Lots more there, but what worries me is that there are apparently twice as many new JDIs in CS6 as there were in CS5, which makes me think I must be missing a lot of the CS5 JDIs.  is there a list somewhere?

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    I have a big snippet of placeholder text in TextExpander.
    When I want a load of Lorem Ipsum, I just type
    lorips and the following text pops into place in front of the flashing text cursor, in any app:
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam ornare dictum ligula. Maecenas elementum suscipit nisl. Cras imperdiet leo ac felis dictum luctus. Pellentesque odio nisi, accumsan nec, scelerisque sed, consectetuer nec, justo. Sed tortor sapien, suscipit id, pulvinar vel, elementum id, lorem. Nullam consectetuer risus sit amet nibh. Vestibulum consectetuer, quam vitae euismod volutpat, magna magna consectetuer dui, et accumsan magna dui non nibh. Morbi adipiscing consequat erat. Vivamus quis massa eget orci fermentum laoreet. Morbi posuere purus. Duis feugiat lacus vel nisi. Aliquam ipsum felis, pretium sed, vehicula vel, dictum eget, nibh. Morbi turpis nulla, luctus viverra, pretium in, suscipit vitae, purus.
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  • Remove old Adobe Add-ons for PS CC, CS6

    Keep geting "Uinstalling The Add-on Lorem Ipsum Generator failed Generator for Photoshop CC, CS6., please try again.
    I don't want it installed, since it for an old version of Photoshop and i only have the latest version installed (Photoshop 2014 CC).
    Tried to install it and uninstall it from  To make the message go away !
    The Add-on is not showing up in Adobe Extension Manager CC either.
    Is there any way to remove this message ?
    This is a cleaned installed Macbook pro with Yosemite 10.10.1 and only latest version of all programs for Adobe Creative Cloud

    First I've ever heard of that happening, wow.
    Your display driver seems up to date, so no problem there.
    Do you have anything special configured in your nVidia driver panel that might partition your desktop, or some 3rd party software installed that controls some aspect of your desktop (e.g., StarDock Fences)?
    Some really basic things to try (sorry they're blunt)...
    Reset Photoshop preferences
    Press and hold Control - Shift - Alt simultaneously immediately upon cold-starting Photoshop. If you get the keys down quickly enough - and you have to be really quick - it will prompt you to confirm deletion of your current preferences, which will lead to the establishment of a fresh default set. If it does not prompt you, you haven't been quick enough to get the keys down.
    Check for an even more recent (or slightly older) display driver update from
    Please follow up here when you do find out what's wrong.  I'd love to know what could cause a system to report such a small desktop size metric.

  • "Lorem ipsum"-izer script to make your documents make less sense

    I made some newspaper mock-ups and needed to change the text of existing pages into lorem-ipsum nonsense, while keeping the formatting and amount of text the same. So I made this scripts. It will change any words in the current selection into nonsense.
    It's a bit slow because it loops through every single word in the selection and changes it into latin-sounding words with the same number of characters, and then adds or subtracts some letters to make sure the text is pretty much the same number of lines in the end.
    I have only tested it with CS3.
    for (var n=0; n<app.selection.length; n++){
    function loremIpsumize(myText){ // myText could be a TextFrame, Story, InsertionPoint, Word, Text etc...
         var loremIpsumDictionary = [[""], // this is the dictionary of words sorted by number of letters. The words are taken from InDesigns "fill with placeholder text"-feature
         var myStory; // the parent Story of myText
         if (myText instanceof Story){
              myStory = myText;
         } else if (myText instanceof InsertionPoint){
              myText = myStory = myText.parentStory;
         } else if (myText.hasOwnProperty("parentStory")){ // myText instanceof Word, TextFrame, Character, TextColumn or Paragraph
              myStory = myText.parentStory;
         } else { // myText is not text, but some other object
         if  (myText.hasOwnProperty("paragraphs") && !(myText instanceof Paragraph)){ // The script returns better looking results when one Paragraph is processed at a time
              var myParagraphs = myText.paragraphs.everyItem().getElements();
              for (var n=myParagraphs.length-1; n>=0 ; n--){
                   loremIpsumize(myParagraphs[n]); // clever recurson
         } else if (myText.contents!=""){
              app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "[\\u\\l'@\u00E6\u00C6]{1,"+loremIpsumDictionary.length+"}"; // only looks for word-characters and leave punctuation, spaces as they are
              var storyLineNumber = myStory.lines.length; // remembers how many lines the story has, and tries to make the new text the same number of lines
              var myWordMatches = myText.findGrep(); // an array of Word references that fit the grep
              for (var i=myWordMatches.length-1; i>=0; i--){
                   myWordMatches[i].contents = loremipsumWord(myWordMatches[i].contents); // changes the word into a random latin-sounding one
         function fineTuneText(targetNumberOfLines){ // tries to make the text the correct number of lines by adding or subtracting one letter at a time
              var myNumberOfCharacters;
              var newWord;
              var myWord;
              while (targetNumberOfLines != myStory.lines.length) {
                   myNumberOfCharacters = myText.characters.length;
                   for (var changeWord = myWordMatches.length-1; changeWord>=0; changeWord--){          
                        myWord = myWordMatches[changeWord];
                        if (targetNumberOfLines>myStory.lines.length){
                             newWord = loremipsumWord(myWord.contents+"a"); // adds a letter
                        }else if (targetNumberOfLines<myStory.lines.length){
                             newWord = myWord.contents.length>1? loremipsumWord(myWord.contents.slice(0,-1)): myWord.contents; // removes a letter                    
                        } else {
                             return true; // targetNumberOfLines == myStory.lines.length
                        myWord.contents = newWord;
                   if (myNumberOfCharacters == myText.characters.length){
                        return false; // Every word in the text has been reduced to a single character, and the text is still too long.... Give up.
                   } else {
                        myWordMatches = myText.findGrep(); // Need to do a new search, since the text has been changed
         function loremipsumWord(myWord){ // takes a string and returns a random word with same number of letters, and the same capitalization
              var replacementWord = "";
              var correctCaseWord= "";
              var wordLength = myWord.length;
                   if (wordLength >= loremIpsumDictionary.length){ // in case myWord is longer than the longest words in the dictionary
                        replacementWord = loremipsumWord(myWord.substr(0,loremIpsumDictionary.length-1))+loremipsumWord(myWord.substr(loremIpsumDictionary.length-1)); // The word is longer than the longest words in the dictionary. So it's split in two.
                   } else {               
                   replacementWord = loremIpsumDictionary[wordLength][Math.floor(Math.random()*loremIpsumDictionary[wordLength].length)]; // finds a random word of the same length
                   if (myWord.toLowerCase()!=myWord){ // the word contains uppercase characters
                        correctCaseWord = "";
                        for (var n=0; n<wordLength; n++){ // loops through each character in the original word, checking if it's upper or lower case.
                             correctCaseWord += myWord.charAt(n).toUpperCase()==myWord.charAt(n)? replacementWord.charAt(n).toUpperCase(): replacementWord.charAt(n); // makes the character the correct case
                        replacementWord = correctCaseWord;
              return replacementWord;

    Thank you Haakenlid, exactly what I needed now.

  • When I click the Sections button then click on the 1st page I get  a page that is titled "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"! Where did it come from and how do I get rid of it. I have tried deleting and "dont save" but it comes back.

    In Pages when I click the 'Sections'  button then click on the 1st page I get  a page that is titled "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"!  Where did it come from and how do I get rid of it? I have tried deleting and "dont save" but it comes back. It is a full page in some unknown language. The only thing I can decifer is 'cupy uf cak'.   Rdal

    The icon is +Sections, not just Sections, as in "Add a Section". When you click that icon you get a section break and and a new section template, complete with preformatted text called placeholder text. The reason "Lorem ipsum" is there is so you can see what the format looks like. The reason that it is Latin gibberish is so you won't get hung up on, or distracted by, what it says. It's just a display of format. Select the "Lorem ipsum" text and start typing your content.

  • Lorem ipsum feature

    I read about the new lorem ipsum text generator, it's really a nice and helpful feature.
    I saw on the youtube that it is found at Type -> "Paste Lorem ipsum"
    but I found it Type -> "Lorem ipsum" only and I tried it many times but it didn't work
    I'm using windows vista

    I tried it by opening a New transparent layer and selecting the tool Text icon to make a text layer. Then opened a box to add type into the layer and then the lorem ipsum selection in Type Menu will allow you to paste the paragraph or what ever it is into your layer text box...You can then highlight the text and view it in what ever font, color or attribute you want..The paragraph is in Latin maybe?. I used wide Latin font here. Have fun with it... Hope my instructions were not too confusing.

  • Lorem ipsum placeholder text generator

    I'm looking for some loren ipsum text that I can use for the Dreamweaver tutorial. Where can I find this text?

    I keep some inside my Snippets folder.  Copy & Paste the following:
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Mauris vitae libero lacus, vel hendrerit nisi!  Maecenas quis velit nisl, volutpat viverra felis. Vestibulum luctus mauris sed sem dapibus luctus.  Pellentesque aliquet aliquet ligula, et sagittis justo auctor varius. Quisque varius scelerisque nunc eget rhoncus.  Aenean tristique enim ut ante dignissim. </p>
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Mauris vitae libero lacus, vel hendrerit nisi!  Maecenas quis velit nisl, volutpat viverra felis. Vestibulum luctus mauris sed sem dapibus luctus.  Pellentesque aliquet aliquet ligula, et sagittis justo auctor varius. Quisque varius scelerisque nunc eget rhoncus.  Aenean tristique enim ut ante dignissim. </p>
    Below are some links to Generators:
    Dummy Lipsum :: Add-ons for Firefox
    || Dummy Text Generator | Lorem ipsum for webdesigners ||
    Nancy O.

  • HT1277 how can i remove the email add from a deleted mailbox from the prompts of the 'from' field?

    how can i remove the email add from a deleted mailbox from the prompts of the 'from' field?

    Thanks a lot, roam! That worked

  • Remove and re-add old NW65 server in mixed NW/Linux Tree 614

    Wasn't sure where to post this as it's really an eDirectory issue caused by trying to remove and re-add a rebuilt NW65 server.
    We have a mixed Netware and Linux Tree and due to some very strange hardware issues the Netware server completely died and corrupted DS. Novell assisted getting the server back in to the tree using this TID without the rebuild and everything was pretty good.
    Then Disaster 2 occurred, the Hardware failed completely and tanked the Netware server again. We've now completely replaced the Chassis, controller and drives and done a clean NW install in a new tree. Restored the SYS and DATA volumes from tape (Backup Exec 9.2 for NW) which has now 'broken' then temp tree as expected (error -6061) as the restored NICI is now unable to work with the new tree.
    So we're at step 5 again of the DR doc mentioned above. When we did this previously it worked fine. But it looks like something from the previous NCP server object delete is still stuck somewhere, we now get an error -614 "An attempt was made to add a duplicate value to the specified property" and we can't delete the NCP server object from ConsoleOne. I'm assuming it's something to do with the "Unknown Base Class" attribute which was set from the previous time the server was removed from the tree, I'm assuming that it's trying to add the attribute and it's already there (I can still see it in iMonitor). Can I clean this up so I can remove the server from the tree?
    I have a Chat session on hold waiting for Novell, but this could take a couple of hours for a response.

    I think this is going to need a dialin from NTS.

  • After installing FF 5.0 I am receiving a list of incompatible Add-Ons. I go into 'Extensions' and click to remove them, exit FF and lauch FF again, the same incompatible add-ons list appears. Is there a way to permanently remove the old Add-ons?

    After installing FF 5.0 I am receiving a list of incompatible Add-Ons. I go into 'Extensions' and click to remove them, exit FF and lauch FF again, the same incompatible add-ons list appears. Is there a way to permanently remove the old Add-ons?

    Thanks but I don't think this will help. Like I said, all of my add-ons were working fine and compatible until after running a previous version of FF. I am sure they are still compatible, but they are not working at all.
    I even checked my profile folder and all of the extensions' data is all still there but FF5 is just not reading it correctly. (like adblock plus... I see the folder for it but FF5 doesn't have it on the add-on manager page when I run FF5)

  • How do i remove internet explorer add ons?

    how do i remove internet explorer add ons?

    You may take the following steps to remove Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 8 add-ons:
    Open Internet Explorer by clicking the
    Start button , and then clicking
    Internet Explorer.
    Click the
    Tools button, and then click Manage Add-ons.
    Show, click Downloaded controls to display all ActiveX controls.
    Click the ActiveX control you want to delete, and then click
    More information.
    In the
    More Information dialog box, click Remove.
    If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
    Repeat steps 4 and 5 for every control you want to delete. When you are finished, click
    Please refer:
    Hope that helps
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”

  • Does DW CC have built in Lorem Ipsum gererator ?

    I am looking for Lorem ipsum for use in DW CC. I know that CC will not accept the previous versions extenstion but I need lorem ipsum and dont want to have to cut and paster from external source.

    maybe you can still use the DW "CS6" Extension Manager, so you could convert the extension to ZXP format. Now you can install and use it in "DW CC."
    ... and here Murray's hint, where you can get/produce so many "Lorem ..." you want, use even though you ...

  • 'Paste Lorem Ipsum' doesn't work.

    I'm on the latest MacBook Pro, running Lion 10.7.3.  Text tool works fine with text either that I type in directly or that I paste from the system clipboard, but Paste Lorem Ipsum doesn't work.

    I'm on the latest MacBook Pro, running Lion 10.7.3.  Text tool works fine with text either that I type in directly or that I paste from the system clipboard, but Paste Lorem Ipsum doesn't work.

  • Heads up the Lorem ipsum stays in the book

    I used a few photo gallery widgets in my book.  But I didn't write descriptions of each picture.  Just the first one in the gallery.  Each picture you drag into the box shows up with the default Lorem ipsum text.  I figured iBooks Author would know I didn't want that in the final version of my book, and didn't bother to delete it.  Now I'm getting emails from people wondering why some of the descriptions are in a different language.
    I'm not sure if there is a way to edit, and make changes once the book is in the store.  Need to look into it I guess.  Just wanted to post a warning in case someone else might make the same mistake.

    yes, I also think that it is very annoying that this lorem ipsum text has to be deleted manually!
    In the case of the gallery widget you can prevent this line for each photo if you select "same subtitle for all picures" in the inspector, widget, layout tab.

  • Dreamweaver content zeroed out - Lorem ipsum

    I created content in dreamweaver. Do I use business catalyst to publish it? I am a CC subscriber. My subscription includes web hosing, is this Business Catalyst? Everytime I attempt to create a Business Catalyst site in Dreamweaver, it wants to overwrite my content with the Lorem ipsum content. When I manage to put content up, it is promptly zeroed out. What is the problem?

    Hi Nancy,
    Thank you for the information but I think I was not clear in my question.
    It is my desire to create original content in Dreamweaver and publish it as I design it.
    It is not my desire to use Business Catalyst but it is difficult to get information from Adobe about site hosting.
    My Creative Cloud subscription allows me to host 5 web sites on Adobe but it is not clear how to use that aspect of my subscription. Adobe support does not appear to understand anything about this and refers me to Business Catalyst. For this reason, I ask "Do I have to use Business Catalyst?"
    My desire is to create content in Dreamweaver. I would love to have an FTP account that allows me to put my Dreamweaver content up some of my 5 hostings that come with my Creative Cloud subscription. Adobe cannot tell me how to do that.
    Dreamweaver has a button to create a Business Catalyst site. When I do this, a test site is created that contains Lorem ipsum placeholder content in a structured site. I want to create my own in Dreamweaver. If I am not careful, Dreamweaver will download this placeholder content and overwrite my content on my computer. I have lost work this way and now create a backup before risking letting Dreamweaver and Business Catalyst do their thing on my computer.
    When I do manage to push content up to my test site, the content is promptly zeroed (the file sized change to zero and my content is lost).
    Is there a way to talk to someone at Adobe that understands their web hosting?
    Any help?
    Thank you.

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