Remove Remote Erase/Lock Right on OS X Server 10.8 Managed Devices?

Re: Mac OS X Server 2.2.1
Recently, a friend had his iCloud account hacked into, and all of his devices were wiped and locked. They had to be taken to an Apple Store to be restored.
To keep this from happening for OS X Server managed devices, is there a way to restrict "Mobile Device Management" Rights, to remove Remote Wipe/Erase/Lock capability?

Bumping this old thread.  We are a distributed company with independent contractors who enroll in MDM via Profile Manager.  I'd love to disable these features so as to save the time I end up wasting trying to convince people that these "features" are not a threat to them. 
Up until the recent Server 3.1.1 release, we offered our users the ability to just download the 'Settings for Everyone' profile without actually enrolling the device.  This appeased the most security conscious users who didn't want the scary management privelages looming over them.  As of this latest release, however, it seems this approach does not work any longer.  The settings fail to install.  I should note that we do NOT sign configuration profiles.

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    I normally don't rant, but this is a killer feature removal, and the reason given is for aesthetics - 'Removal of clutter" is how it's worded here:
    [Changes in Office 2013]
    I copy n pasted below the operative row from the linked TechNet page as to the reason WHY this critical (and very popular feature) has been removed from Microsoft Office 2013 Word's context-menu: LESS CLUTTER
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    Maximus Mednick
    Contents of spelling error context menu
                    Word and WordMail within Outlook
    Modifying the feature
    Auto-Correct and certain formatting tools are no longer available from the spelling error context menu.
    To make Word 2013 cleaner and less cluttered, we removed AutoCorrect and certain formatting tools from the spelling error context menu. The features are still available in Word 2013 through other entry points within the Word user interface.
    Less clutter in the spelling error context menu. This enables users to find popular commands more quickly. In addition, the spelling error context menu now fits better on the screen.
    To change AutoCorrect options, do the following:
    Choose File -> Options -> Proofing
    Choose the AutoCorrect Options button.
    Thanks, MAXIMUS

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    While I whole heartedly agree with this suggestion, if you look through this blog about the design decisions that went into the 2007 ribbon:
    Jensen Harris: An Office User Interface Blog -
    You'll see that one of the considerations of the ribbon was to ELIMINATE/REDUCE customization because it was costing large corporate customers too much time/money to support their users with 2003 customized menu/toolbars.  In other words, the ribbon
    was intentionally built as a fixed design so that average user cannot change it.  The QAT was an afterthought, a sop, to allow users minimal customization. 
    They found that the 2007 lock down was too much of a "good thing", too much like the good old "IBM 360 green screen" (even if most people don't recognize the reference), so in 2010 they
    re-introduced limited Ribbon customization within the UI.
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    </end rant>  sorry, this is a hot button for me.

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    If the phone is offline there is no way to track it or send a message to it.  You can place it in lost mode to lock it and send it a message (see, but this will not take place until the phone goes back online, if it ever does.  If it does, you will get an email informing you.
    You might want to read this:

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    Contact whoever you purchased the phone from. That's called activation lock. There is no way to bypass it without the credentials for the account that was used to lock it.

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    Set Find My iPhone to erase phone when back online.
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    What To Do If Your iDevice Is Lost Or Stolen
    If you activated Find My Phone before it was lost or stolen, you can track it only if Wi-Fi is enabled on the device. What you cannot do is track your device using a serial number or other identifying number. You cannot expect Apple or anyone else to find your device for you. You cannot recover your loss unless you insure your device for such loss. It is not covered by your warranty.
    If your iPhone, iPod, iPod Touch, or iPad is lost or stolen what do you do? There are things you should have done in advance - before you lost it or it was stolen - and some things to do after the fact. Here are some suggestions:
    This link, Re: Help! I misplaced / lost my iPhone 5 today morning in delta Chelsea hotel downtown an I am not able to track it. Please help!, has some good advice regarding your options when your iDevice is lost or stolen.
      1. Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
      2. Find my lost iPod Touch
      3. AT&T. Sprint, and Verizon can block stolen phones/tablets
      4. What-To-Do-When-Iphone-Is-Stolen
      5. What to do if your iOS device is lost or stolen
      6. 6 Ways to Track and Recover Your Lost/Stolen iPhone
      7. Find My iPhone
      8. Report Stolen iPad | Stolen Lost Found Online
    It pays to be proactive by following the advice on using Find My Phone before you lose your device:
      1. Find My iPhone
      2. Setup your iDevice on iCloud
      3. OS X Lion/Mountain Lion- About Find My Mac
      4. How To Set Up Free Find Your iPhone (Even on Unsupported Devices)

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    Hello, I have a brand new SONY Xperia , Model Number D5803, Android version 5.0.2. , Baseband version 8974-AAAAANAZQ-00063-42, Kernel version 8974-perf-g3f600d1. , Build number 23.2.A.1.62.
    I set a screen lock by PIN. However when I receive calls I can’t take them, because the screen in locked.
    I tried to turn off the screen lock, but when I select the “ Screen lock” menu and after entering the correct PIN, the following items are not active “None”, “Slide” and “Pattern” . So I can't select  “None”
    The only active items are “PIN” and “Password” .
    Please advice how to remove the screen lock by PIN. I hope this will help to be able to receive calls.
    Thank you

    To enable None and Swipe options, you need to go to Settings -> Security -> Clear credentials. Then those options will become active again.
    However, you should be able to take calls even when you have PIN security, can you describe what shows on the screen when you have an incoming call while screen is locked?
    A proud Sony User since 2002
    If I was helpful to you, thank me by Kudos

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    Try deleting the old backup.
    Settings>iCloud>Storage & Backup>Manage Storage, tap the device name and on the resulting screen, scroll down and tap on Delete Backup.

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    You can't cancel an erase command.

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    If the phone is off nothing can be done about it.
    As is evident in the thread that aspergerguy linked you can check by sending the required sms to your phone but that guy was reporting what sounds like a bug if you do just send the message to test.
    Honestly you have very little time to actually do something about a stolen phone. It's not like tracking a car which itself is not 100% effective. I don't bother with such software it's actually for the stupid thieves.
    Show your appreciation. Hit that kudos button real hard

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    Would throwing it in Recovery mode and restoring as new clear it up?
    (same for Ipad)
    Step 1: Turn off the iPhone. To do this press and hold the power button till you see the “Slide to Power off” screen. Now slide the button to turn it off.
    In case your iPhone is stuck in an infinite loop and the previous option is unavailable, press and hold the Power and Home button till the screen goes off. Remember to leave both the buttons as soon as the screen goes off and before the Apple logo appears again.
    Step 2: Connect the iPhone’s USB cable to your computer but not to your iPhone yet.
    Step 3: Now hold down the Home button and while you are holding it connect the USB cable. Keep holding the Home button till you see the Connect to iTunes screen on your iPhone(Screenshot shown below). iTunes will show an alert saying a device in recovery mode has been detected.
    Here’s what your iPhone screen will look like once its in the iPhone Recovery Mode.
    Read more: ry-mode/#ixzz296y04ygX
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
    LEAST THE SECURITY WORKS HAHA!!! I also wouldnt get upset, be thankful you found it.

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    thers no  you cant put a reset tool on your site to reset phones thats not stolen or in lost mode

    it's an anti-theft measure DAH Its Not Stolen SO what the crap Then. I wish thay would Remove it From there Ios and Redo it so it Only Locke if you Report it Stolen  or enter Lost Mode. BC thers A lot of PPL that abuse it.

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    Am using OS 10.7.4. Tried everything.  Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi ike69,
    There are several causes to this issue, please see the following for an explanation and troubleshooting of the possible causes:
    If I have helped in any way, just click the Kudos star on the left. Also, if your issue has been resolved, don't forget to select Accept as Solution

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    Try placing it in recovery mode with one of these programs and then try a restore
    For PC
    RecBoot: Easy Way to Put iPhone into Recovery Mode
    If necessary:
    Download QTMLClient.dll & iTunesMobileDevice.dll for RecBoot
    RecBoot tip
    RecBoot may have problems on 64X windows, then try:       
    Tenorshare ReiBoot – Enter & Exit iPhone, iPad, iPod Recovery Mode with a Single Click
    For MAC or PC       
    The Firmware Umbrella - TinyUmbrella
    Installs blootware on PC too

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