Remove schema information

I'm using "Crystal Reports for Visual Studio" version with C#/.Net 4.5. I'm connection to an Oracle database and I'm searching for a way to remove the schema information of the report.
We create reports for customers using our development database (schema "X"). Apparently Crystal Reports stores this information and when the SQL is generated, the tables are fully qualified, eg. "X.CUSTOMERS" as "CUSTOMERS". This is kind of an issue because we have several databases for testing (with the same database tables, views, etc, but different data). When we start our application we can specify start parameters to tell the application to which database (read: schema) it should connect, e.g. "TestDB1", "TestDB2", etc. The report connects to the desired database (via 3713954 - Changing server/database of a report in code), but of course it now should use the tables of that schema, not "X" which was used when creating the report.
I found 3713954 - Overridden Qualified Table Name issue which sounds like a similar request, but it's quite old and the outcome is not applicable for my scenario. I've already experimented with CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table.Location, but without success (also, setting location always performs a "VerifyDatabase", so it's pretty slow)
I guess what I'd actually like to set is CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table.RasTable.QualifiedName, but the "RasTable" is not publicly accessible.
Any suggestions are welcome.

Hi Markus,
Removing the Schema caused all sorts of table and security issues, if someone else has access to a table with the same name the DB server may simply use it because that was the first one found.
So CR must have a a schema to fully qualify the connection.
Search for "replaceconnection" and you should find sample on how to use it. One of the properties is to DoNotVerify, so as long as the DB's are identical CR should not call the verify.

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    Hi everyone. I have a very reproducible case where the DataTable schema created by the OracleDataAdapter is incorrect. It is driving me crazy :-).
    OracleConnection cnn = new OracleConnection("User ID=XXX;Password=XXX;Data Source=XXX");
    string strQuery = "CREATE TABLE FOO (a INT, b INT)";
    OracleCommand cmdExec = new OracleCommand(strQuery, cnn);
    OracleCommand cmdQuery = new OracleCommand("SELECT * FROM FOO", cnn);
    OracleDataAdapter adp = new OracleDataAdapter(cmdQuery);
    DataTable dtb = new DataTable();
    Console.WriteLine("FOO has {0} columns.", dtb.Columns.Count);
    for (int i = 0; i < dtb.Columns.Count; i++)
    Console.WriteLine("{0}th column's name is {1}.", i, dtb.Columns[ i ].ColumnName);
    cmdExec.CommandText = "DROP TABLE FOO";
    cmdExec.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE FOO (c INT, d INT, e INT)";
    dtb = new DataTable();
    Console.WriteLine("FOO has {0} columns.", dtb.Columns.Count);
    for (int i = 0; i < dtb.Columns.Count; i++)
    Console.WriteLine("{0}th column's name is {1}.", i, dtb.Columns[ i ].ColumnName);
    The console output is:
    FOO has 2 columns.
    0th column's name is A
    1th column's name is B
    FOO has 2 columns.
    0th column's name is A
    1th column's name is B
    But it should be:
    FOO has 3 columns.
    0th column's name is C
    1th column's name is D
    2th column's name is E
    for the second iteration.
    What should I do?
    -- Matt

    I agree with the earlier comment stating '...that the caching is happening inside of the ODP layer rather than a lower layer such as OCI. It looks like the caching is occurring in the m_metaData member of the OracleCommand...'.
    It looks like all of the caching is indeed taking place in ODP. However there is in fact two levels of cache taking place in your particular example - at the OracleCommand level but also deep inside ODP.Net there is a static MetaData class which has a private member m_pooler that maintains a metadata cache on a per connection basis. Basically even if the OracleCommand object entry m_metaData is reset values still appear inside the internal pool and so there need to be removed too - this cache is indexed initially through a hash of the connection details and then statement text. This is why even a new OracleCommand object but with same statement text on same connection also returns incorrect information.
    Within the OracleReader implementations various calls are made to MetaData.Pooler.Get.. calls to retrieve cached information.
    I came across a similar problem (not identical) because we are using the 'alter session set current schema...' command and this causes some problems.
    Basically it appears a base assumption has been made that the definition of object will not change at runtime (which you can understand) but in my case it is possible that 'select * from emp' say could be execute from the same connection but relate to different objects because name resolution has been adjust using the 'alter session...' command which is a big problem.
    I have written some helper routines which enable the internal caches to be 'managed' although it uses some nasty reflection to accomplish this (using private members directly!). It work successfully in my case and I have done a quick change to your example code (added a single call) and it now works, i.e.
    cmdExec.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE FOO (c INT, d INT, e INT)";
    OracleMetaDataRemover.Remove(cmdQuery, true);
    dtb = new DataTable();
    If you use the Remove method above and change true to false you will still receive the problem because although the Command has been cleared the details still remain centrally.
    The code which accessed above I include below as is (coded for Oracle ODP - it may work on other releases but note this could break in future). Ideally methods are required within ODP to allow cleardown/control of this.
    using System;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Collections;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
    namespace Oracle.DBUtilities
         /// <summary>
         /// Summary description for OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner.
         /// </summary>
         public class OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner
              private static string OracleAssemblyShortName = "Oracle.DataAccess";
              private static string OracleMDType = "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.MetaData";
              private static string OraclePoolerType = "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.Pooler";
              // Fast access pointer to internal hash of information
              private Hashtable PooledItems = null;
              private static OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner _oracleMetaDataPoolerCleanerInstance = null;
              static readonly object _syncRoot = new object();
              private OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner()
                   Assembly OracleDataAccess = null;
                   // Get hold of the Oracle Data Access assembly
                   Assembly[] LoadedAssemblyList = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
                   for(int i=0; i<LoadedAssemblyList.Length && OracleDataAccess == null; i++)
                        Assembly LoadedAssembly = LoadedAssemblyList;
                        string[] AssemblyNameDetails = LoadedAssembly.FullName.Split(',');
                        if (AssemblyNameDetails[0] == OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner.OracleAssemblyShortName)
                             OracleDataAccess = LoadedAssembly;
                   // Make sure located details
                   if (OracleDataAccess != null)
                        // Get access to the MetaData cache details
                        Type OracleMetaData = OracleDataAccess.GetType(OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner.OracleMDType);
                        if (OracleMetaData != null)
                             // Retrieve static pool item
                             FieldInfo f_Pooler = OracleMetaData.GetField("m_pooler", BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.Static);
                             if (f_Pooler != null)
                                  // As we cannot get direct access to the object type assume it is OK
                                  object pa = f_Pooler.GetValue(null);
                                  if (pa != null)
                                       Type OraclePooler = OracleDataAccess.GetType(OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner.OraclePoolerType);
                                       if (OraclePooler != null)
                                            FieldInfo f_Pools = OraclePooler.GetField("Pools", BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.Static);
                                            PooledItems = f_Pools.GetValue(pa) as Hashtable;
                                            if (PooledItems == null)
                                                 throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to initialise metadata cache access...");
              public static OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner Instance()
                   // Make single copy of this item ready for use
                   if (_oracleMetaDataPoolerCleanerInstance == null)
                        // Thread safe locking and initialisation - 'double-checked lock'
                             if (_oracleMetaDataPoolerCleanerInstance == null)
                                  _oracleMetaDataPoolerCleanerInstance = new OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner();
                   return _oracleMetaDataPoolerCleanerInstance;
              /// <summary>
              /// Using reflection the process determines the command text
              /// contents of the specified OracleCommand
              /// Note this could simply have been delegated through to the
              /// OracleConnection version using OCommand.Connection
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="OCommand">OracleCommand object containing command to be retrieved</param>
              /// <returns>Command string located</returns>
              public static string CommandText(OracleCommand OCommand)
                   string OracleCommandCommandText = null;
                   // Using reflection get direct access to the 'private' member details..
                   Type TypeOracleCommand = OCommand.GetType();
                   FieldInfo FieldInfoCommandText = TypeOracleCommand.GetField("m_commandText", BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance);
                   if (FieldInfoCommandText != null)
                        OracleCommandCommandText = FieldInfoCommandText.GetValue(OCommand).ToString();
                   return OracleCommandCommandText;
              /// <summary>
              /// Using reflection the process determines the command text
              /// contents of the specified OracleCommand
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="OReader">OracleDataReader object containing command to be retrieved</param>
              /// <returns>CommandString located</returns>
              public static string CommandText(OracleDataReader OReader)
                   string OracleDataReaderCommandText = null;
                   // Using reflection get direct access to the 'private' member details..
                   Type TypeOracleDataReader = OReader.GetType();
                   FieldInfo FieldInfoCommandText = TypeOracleDataReader.GetField("m_commandText", BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance);
                   if (FieldInfoCommandText != null)
                        OracleDataReaderCommandText = FieldInfoCommandText.GetValue(OReader).ToString();
                   return OracleDataReaderCommandText;
              /// <summary>
              /// Using reflection the process determines the hashvalue
              /// specified OracleConnection
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="OConnection">OracleConnection for which the HashCode is to be retrieved</param>
              /// <returns>HashValue located or -1</returns>
              public static int ConnectionStringHashValue(OracleConnection OConnection)
                   int HashValue = -1;
                   // Using the Oracle Connection retrieve the hashvalue associated
                   // with this connection
                   if (OConnection != null)
                        Type TypeOracleConnection = OConnection.GetType();
                        FieldInfo f_ConStrHashCode = TypeOracleConnection.GetField("m_conStrHashCode", BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance);
                        if (f_ConStrHashCode != null)
                             HashValue = Int32.Parse(f_ConStrHashCode.GetValue(OConnection).ToString());
                   return HashValue;
              /// <summary>
              /// Using reflection the process determines the hashvalue
              /// specified OracleDataReader
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="OReader">OracleDataReader for which the associated connection HashValue is to be located</param>
              /// <returns>HashValue located or -1</returns>
              public static int ConnectionStringHashValue(OracleDataReader OReader)
                   int HashValue = -1;
                   // Using reflection get direct access to the 'private' member details..
                   Type TypeOracleDataReader = OReader.GetType();
                   FieldInfo f_OraConnection = TypeOracleDataReader.GetField("m_connection", BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance);
                   // Ensure have access to a connection and retrieve has information
                   if (f_OraConnection != null)
                        OracleConnection ConnectionValue = f_OraConnection.GetValue(OReader) as OracleConnection;
                        HashValue = OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner.ConnectionStringHashValue(ConnectionValue);
                   // Return the hashvalue information located
                   return HashValue;
              /// <summary>
              /// Using reflection the process determines the hashvalue
              /// specified OracleCommand
              /// Note this could simply have been delegated through to the
              /// OracleConnection version using OCommand.Connection
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="OCommand">OracleCommand for which the associated connection HashValue is to be located</param>
              /// <returns>HashValue located or -1</returns>
              public static int ConnectionStringHashValue(OracleCommand OCommand)
                   int HashValue = -1;
                   // Using reflection get direct access to the 'private' member details..
                   Type TypeOracleCommand = OCommand.GetType();
                   FieldInfo f_OraConnection = TypeOracleCommand.GetField("m_connection", BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance);
                   // Ensure have access to a connection and retrieve has information
                   if (f_OraConnection != null)
                        OracleConnection ConnectionValue = f_OraConnection.GetValue(OCommand) as OracleConnection;
                        HashValue = OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner.ConnectionStringHashValue(ConnectionValue);
                   // Return the hashvalue information located
                   return HashValue;
              /// <summary>
              /// Using the supplied OracleDataReader internal calls are made
              /// to determine the ConnectionHash and CommandText details which will
              /// then be used to remove the item
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="OReader">OracleDataReader to be probed to obtain information</param>
              /// <returns>Indicates whether the item was actually removed from the cache or not</returns>
              public bool Remove(OracleDataReader OReader)
                   bool Removed = false;
                   // Lookup the ConnectionStringHashDetails
                   int HashValue = OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner.ConnectionStringHashValue(OReader);
                   if (HashValue != -1)
                        // Lookup the command text and remove details
                        string CommandText = OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner.CommandText(OReader);
                        // Attempt to remove from the cache
                        Removed = this.Remove(HashValue, CommandText);
                   return Removed;
              /// <summary>
              /// Using the supplied OracleCommand internal calls are made
              /// to delegate the call to the OracleConnection version
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="OCommand">OracleCommand to be probed to obtain information</param>
              /// <returns>Indicates whether the item was actually removed from the cache or not</returns>
              public bool Remove(OracleCommand OCommand)
                   // Call into internal other routine
                   return this.Remove(OCommand.Connection, OCommand.CommandText);
              /// <summary>
              /// Using the supplied OracleConnection internal calls are made
              /// to determine the ConnectionHash and it uses CommandText details
              /// to remove the item
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="OConnection">OracleConnection from which the cache object should be removed</param>
              /// <param name="CommandText">CommandText to be removed</param>
              /// <returns>Indicates whether the item was actually removed from the cache or not</returns>
              public bool Remove(OracleConnection OConnection, string CommandText)
                   bool Removed = false;
                   // Lookup the ConnectionStringHashDetails
                   int HashValue = OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner.ConnectionStringHashValue(OConnection);
                   if (HashValue != -1)
                        // Attempt to remove from the cache
                        Removed = this.Remove(HashValue, CommandText);
                   return Removed;
              /// <summary>
              /// Routine actually removes the items from the cache if it exists
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="ConnectionHashValue">ConnectionHash which is used to key into the Pooled items</param>
              /// <param name="CommandText">CommandText to be removed</param>
              /// <returns>Indicates whether the item was actually removed from the cache or not</returns>
              private bool Remove(int ConnectionHashValue, string CommandText)
                   bool Removed = true;
                   // Retrieve Pooled items for particular hash value
                   Hashtable PoolContents = PooledItems[ConnectionHashValue] as Hashtable;
                   // Remove item if it is contained
                   if (PoolContents.ContainsKey(CommandText))
                        Removed = true;
                   return Removed;
         /// <summary>
         /// Summary description for OracleMetaDataRemover.
         /// </summary>
         public class OracleMetaDataRemover
              private OracleMetaDataRemover()
              /// <summary>
              /// Routine which Removes MetaData associated with OracleCommand object
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="OCommand">OracleCommand to have associated MetaData removed</param>
              /// <returns>Indicates whether the MetaData associated with the OracleCommand was reset</returns>
              public static bool Remove(OracleCommand OCommand)
                   bool Removed = false;
                   // Retrieve current MetaData values from OCommand
                   Type OracleCommandMetaData = OCommand.GetType();
                   FieldInfo f_metaData = OracleCommandMetaData.GetField("m_metaData", BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance);
                   if (f_metaData != null)
                        f_metaData.SetValue(OCommand, null);
                        Removed = true;
                   // Indicate Removed from OCommand object
                   return Removed;
              /// <summary>
              /// Routine which Removes MetaData associated with OracleCommand object
              /// and allows for the removal of information from the internal cache
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="OCommand">OracleCommand to have associated MetaData removed</param>
              /// <param name="RemoveFromMetaDataPool">Whether item should be removed from the internal metadata pool too</param></param>
              /// <returns>Indicates whether the MetaData associated with the OracleCommand was reset</returns>
              public static bool Remove(OracleCommand OCommand, bool RemoveFromMetaDataPool)
                   bool Removed = false;
                   // Remove details from Command
                   Removed = Remove(OCommand);
                   if (Removed && RemoveFromMetaDataPool)
                        // Remove information form internal cache
                        Removed = OracleMetaDataPoolerCleaner.Instance().Remove(OCommand);
                   // Indicated Removed from OCommand and Internal MetaData collection
                   return Removed;

  • Could not find schema information for the attribute 'filename'

    Can anyone help me.
    I download the VB.NET sample source and try to run the application and got this error.
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    "Could not find schema information for the attribute 'url'"
    "Custom tool warning:Schema validation warning:Schema item 'element' named 'AccountWS_AccountUpate_Input' from namespace 'urn:crmondemand/ws/account/' is invalid. Namespace 'urn:/crmondemand/xml/account' is not available to be referenced in this schema"

    Are these errors or warnings? If warnings, you should be able to just ignore them.

  • How to disable 'Remove Hidden Information' popup when closing PDF in Acrobat X on Mac?

    How do I disable the function that causes the 'Remove Hidden Information' popup when closing PDFs in Acrobat X? I'm using OS X 10.9.4 on a Mac?
    I've searched online and was directed to Preferences>>Security (enhanced) to uncheck 'Unable Enhanced Security', but it wasn't checked.
    This box (see screen shot) opens each time I close a PDF. I'm forced to select an option before closing.
    Please help.

    Go to the menu Acrobat>Preferences
    In the Preferences window's "Categories" pane, select "Document"
    In the "Hidden Information" section deselect both check boxes
    Click the OK button
    You should be good now.

  • Warning Messages - Could not find schema information for the element applicationSettings - App.Config of a console app

    This is my app.config file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
            <sectionGroup name="applicationSettings" type="System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" >
                <section name="IntelBrandFX.Properties.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" />
        <add key="connStr" value="Data;Initial Catalog=brandplan;Integrated Security=True"/>
          <setting name="IntelBrandFX_rollupViewerService_extract" serializeAs="String">
    And the Warning messages  are
    Message 1 Could not find schema information for the element 'applicationSettings'.
    Message 2 Could not find schema information for the element 'IntelBrandFX.Properties.Settings'.
    Message 3 Could not find schema information for the element 'setting'.
    Message 4 Could not find schema information for the attribute 'name'.
    Message 5 Could not find schema information for the attribute 'serializeAs'.
    Message 6 Could not find schema information for the element 'value'.
    Althought they do no hinder me from successfully running the project. these messages are annoying. I have seen many articles on the web but could nowhere find the exact schemas for that the above elements that I could add to the  DotNetConfig.xsd file.
    Could somebody give me an idea how to create xsds for the elements above and include in the dotnetConfig.xsd.
    I understand what needs to be done but not sure of the exact way to do it.

    You don't need to modify the dotnetconfig.xsd.  All you need to do is generate an XSD for your section and let VS know where it is at.
    1) Create your XSD using any of the various tools available or by hand.
    2) Copy your XSD into the <VSDir>\Xml\Schemas directory.
    3) Create a catalog file for your schema.
    4) Restart VS and it'll load the XSD and give you Intellisense.
    Here's the MSDN documentation for it:
    Michael Taylor - 8/18/09

  • Remove Hidden Information tool

    I would have a question regarding Acrobat's 'Remove Hidden Information' tool. Under Tools, Protection there is the 'Remove Hidden Information' tool. When I click it the results can be seen on the left side. Under 'Comments and markups' the sum of objects can be seen. I figured out that it detects bookmarks, links (internal, external) and objects described here: .html.
    But it also detects some other objects as well which I am not aware of (based on the number of objects detected). I also know that it counts 2 objects when using 'Replace text' from the link above.
    Does anybody happen to know what additional types of objects does this tool detects and how to search for them in the document?
    Thanks for your help,
    I use Acrobat version 10.1.5

    The hidden text is the collection of glyphs on the PDF page that use text rendering mode 3 (no stroke, no fill). 
    Any links placed in association with such hidden text are not "hidden" (that is not how it works with PDF Link annotations - see ISO 32000-1:2008). 
    Any Link annotation placed in a PDF are the same as any other Link annotation (with the exception, of course, of whatever the link's Action happens to be).
    So, no special sauce for links that were placed in association with now removed "hidden text".  
    In context of what you've written it may be that you will have to select - Ctrl+click the Link annotations of interest then tap the Delete key. 
    Be well...

  • Synchonous webservice call is missing xml schema information

    We migrated an interface to a new PI server. All repository objects were exported and imported. The interfaces is working fine on old PI environment but on new environment we get an error:
    From an Integration Process we do a call to a synchronous webservice via a soap receiver communication channel.
    In the old envrionment we get response back with right message content and:
    xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:env=""
    In the new environment we get response back with right message content but without:
    xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:env=""
    The first message mapping needs this XMLSchema information and throws an error:
    during appliction Java mapping
    Thrown: The prefix
    "xsi" for attribute "xsi:type" associated with an element
    type "ns0:responseOut" is not bound.
    I expect this error is thrown because this XMLSchema information is missing in webservice response:
    xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:env=""
    Does anybody know why this information could be missing?
    I also used SOAP UI from the new PI server to call same synchronous webservice and then I do get this XML Schema information back.
    Many thanks for your help!

    Hi ,
    Go through below links for sol.
    PI 7.11: Prefix for attribute is bound
    &amp;lt;element xsi:type=&quot;T3&quot; attribute=&quot;USD&quot;&amp;gt;1.... | SCN

  • DM / Can't delete schema information from PK in relational model

    I’m trying to erase schema infromation from primary keys in relational mode by opening Primary Key Properties window and selecting the empty line from “Schema” pull down menu. When I click OK I get the following: "There is a Foreign Key on this Key. The status cold be PK or UK only". I didn’t change anything else, only tried to clear the schema information. This does not happen with every primary key, only some of them, but I haven’t figured out how they differ from each other.
    I managed to clear schema information from some primary keys by deleting the schemaObject tag from the xml file. But I still have few primary keys left that didn’t have the schemaObject tag in xml and still have schema name in Primary Key Properties, and I’m not able to choose empty from the Schema pull down menu

    Thanks. I logged a bug on this. It looks like the problem is occurring if there is a Foreign Key relationship to the Table with the PK.

  • File sizes explodes after removing hidden information

    After removing hidden content in Acrobat Pro X (Tools/remove hidden content or Tools/sanitize) the file size increases, up to 10x (2 MB -> 20 MB). Save as optimized PDF only partly reduces the problem, file is still 3-4x the initial size. Document was created with Adobe PDF writer, but this problem occurs in principle also with other PDFs. Bug? Necessary? Workaround? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    Any one found a solution to this problem?
    I'm having it too, acrobat xi pro 11.0.10...
    Original file size before cropping ~27MB
    Same file saved as optimized PDF before cropping ~12MB
    Original file size after cropping ~27MB
    Same file saved as optimized PDF after cropping ~12MB
    Original file saved as some other file name after removing hidden information ~60MB
    Same file saved as optimized PDF after cropping AND after removing hidden information ~60MB
    What on earth is going on?

  • Remove UWL information areas under preview

    Hi UWL Experts
    I need to remove some of the information which is shown when a preview of a workflow item is displayed like “Attachments” and “You can also – links”.
    This part is easily fulfilled by use of the ivew parameters; but is this possible to customize on work item level instead? Because I only need to remove these information from some of the items and not all?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Kai
    Thanks for the input, we have some tasks form the backend which is actually does not contain attachments but are displayed in the portal as attachments.
    I have looked into the standard uwl.webflow configuration and found an item called “uwl.task.webflow” is guess that this is the one which the rest of my tasks receive the standard configuration from; if I want to create a new set of settings for some specific tasks then I need to copy this ad add a new prefix like “costumized.webflow” and add this prefix to the specific task that I want to change?
    From this configuration I can see that it is possible to remove links from the “you can also” section, but is it also possible to remove informations from the details display of items as well (in the same way as it can be controlled globally from iview parameters)?
    Thanks in advance

  • Stop prompting me to remove hidden information

    I would dearly love Acrobat Pro X to sto prompting me to remove hidden information EVERY TIME I try to close a document.
    Please advise.  Thank you.

    Edit > Preferences > Documents > Examine document when closing document

  • BUG - remove hidden information - Acrobat remove some visible/live text (in all Acrobat versions)!!!

    I need to check many pdf for hidden/clipped text and remove them. Acrobat can find this BUT have bug.
    Acrobat mark some live visible text and this is problem if you click "remove" button.
    Here is evidence (6):

    It was strange in my copy of DC, but I selected the Redact tool and then remove hidden information. I highlighted the hidden info in both files, but then backed out, not doing the remove. When I tried again, the remove hidden tool was blocked. When I actually did the removal, those items were missing as you mentioned. I am not sure why they were listed as hidden since they were indeed visible. I am not really helping answer the problem, but confirming your results.
    Also, if you select remove hidden information when closing the document, you lose these fonts characters just as when using the Redact tool. I would agree that this is indeed an issue for a bug report. An earlier post provided the bug report link and I would suggest using it.

  • Remove Hidden Information

    Hi! I am using Adobe Reader XI and can't find the QuickTool menu on teh right side of the document. I need it because I want to use the command Remove Hidden Information from a PDF file which keeps on giving me the error code 135 whenever I edit it and try to save it. I tried to save it under a different name but didn't help! I've read in the forum to try using the Remove Hidden Information, but didn't find it Any help will be appreciated.

    May be that this function is not available in Adobe Reader.

  • Schema information was not read from MDS Repository

    Hi All,
    When running the SCA Components and reading the schemas information, we are facing issues, like....
    " Schema information was not read from MDS Repository " and the instances are getting failed.
    this is not happending that regularly, but when checked the network connection, it seems to be fine.
    any thoughts ? .
    thanks in advance
    anvv sharma.

    How are you checking the network connection stability ?
    There may be some fluctuation in network, during that time the network connection may had lost for a fraction of second.

  • My computer was used by someone else how can i remove their information for mine

    my computer was my wifes old one and her iphone information is on here so i cant connect mine how would i remove her information so i can start clean with my own

    The right way to do that is to copy your iTunes Library - the one that you used to sync your iPhone - to your wife's old computer.
    The way it works is that your computer's content is transferred to the iPhone. So you need to start with a computer that already contains the information that you want to transfer to the iPhone. Or, simply restore the iPhone and configure it as a new device.
    This KB article will explain further:

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