Removing facebook from my droid

How can I remove facebook and all of its components from my motorola droid?

i don't know that you can. there are a few preinstalled apps on the various droids that can't be removed w/o rooting your phone (which can't be discussed here and i wouldn't recomend doing unless you REALLY know what you are doing).

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        I'm sorry to hear your screen is cracked spence425. I know its difficult to use the phone while its damaged. I'm happy you are receiving a replacement device. Have you saved any of your pictures and other data to the cloud? Here is a link about the cloud . Unfortunately, you will be unable to remove any data from the phone if the screen is unresponsive but if you are looking to transfer data to your new phone, it would have needed to be saved via the cloud first. Keep us posted.
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    yjchua95 wrote:
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    there should be an active standby mode here ,this is where you can remove or add features to suit your needs..
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    If you still have not gotten a reply:
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