Removing Language Files

Hello all!
I have an iBook G3 Clamshell Tangerine, 300 MHz with 192 MB Ram and 6GB HD, currently running OS 10.2.8 and I'd like to remove the language files to give it some more HD space. My problem is that Monolingual is for 10.3.x and above. I've read many excellent reviews of the freeware utility Bombich's DeLocalizer, but he has 'retired' that utility and doesn't carry it on his website anymore. Does anybody know of a third party site that still carries it? Since it's freeware, I woudn't see why Mike Bombich would mind third party sites continuing to offer it, even if he doesn't support it anymore. Or would anyone have a copy of this utility they would be will to send to me.
I have a second problem on this machine. I installed Norton Utilities and Anti-Virus on this machine, and it installed some things in my startup items folder. I deleted Norton Utilities and Anti-Virus, but I can't seem to remove the stuff in the startup items folder. listed a freeware utility called Boot Config that was supposed to allow you to disable startup items in your /Library and /System/Library folders. Their link to download takes you to a page that says it's not available on that site anymore. Here again, can anyone point me to someplace where I can find a copy of this item?
Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.

I'm sorry, I guess I should have posted this in the iBook forum.
But this might apply to my 'Fresh Fruits' post of a couple of weeks ago.
I actually have a family license for Mac OS 10.2.X, and I only have it on one machine (the iBook) at the moment. I just updated the iBook from 10.2.6 to 10.2.8, and then downloaded an older version of Camino. It's a big improvement on it for web browsing, and I could probably get away with using 10.2.8 and this version of Camino on both the Strawberry and Grape iMacs, because of the improvement from OS 8.6. But now that I think about it, I could just custom install 10.2.X on these, and that would allow me to remove the language files.
Oh well. Sorry.

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    Hello Elizabeth, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    A relatively painless Archive & Install, which gives you a new/old OS, but can preserve all your files, pics, music, settings, etc., as long as you have plenty of free disk space and no Disk corruption, and is relatively quick & painless...
    Then re-apply the Big Combo to get you back to 10.4.11...
    The combo update for Intel-based Macs...
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    kacmaz wrote:
    Can I replace those files with my Time Machine back ups?
    Which folder would I need to replace back with previous file?
    That's the problem; language files aren't in a central location; each application has it's own set of language files, containing the translations of the messages for that application.
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    I don't know much about Monolingual; I don't know if it removes language files from your System folders, or only Applications. And if you've installed any apps anywhere else, I don't know if it got them, too.
    If you're only having trouble with apps, you might be ok to restore only Applications, but to get everything back the way it was, you'd need to do a full system restore, per #14 in the Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum).

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    Go to Library/Receipts. If there are printer software .pkg's there that you know you don't need, just send them to the trash, empty the trash and reboot.
    A good way to keep track of which files are taking up the most space is this program:
    What Size

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    I recommend that you do not do this. Extraneous language files do not occupy much space, and removing them has been known to break future upgrades for those apps. There is also no way to undo their removal, short of restoring your system from a backup.
    Your computer's performance is unaffected by the presence of these localized language files. Deleting them will result in no performance improvement whatsoever. Localized language resources are stored in resource folders contained within each app. They load what is required according to your specifed settings in System Preferences.

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    Can you post a link?
    Did you try to clear the cookies from that site and maybe the cache as well?
    "Clear the Cache": Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"<br />
    "Remove the Cookies" from sites that cause problems: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Your above posted system details show outdated plugin(s) with known security and stability risks.
    * Java Plug-in 1.5.0_02 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
    Update the [[Java]] plugin to the latest version.
    * (Java Platform: Download JRE)

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    Have a look at DeLocalizer. It's fairly 'old' now, but it works perfectly even now in OS 10.4.9 because it only removes .lproj resources and nothing else. Don't be put off by seeing that it hasn't been updated for a long time: it simply doesn't need updating because Unix hasn't changed and still uses .lproj resources. I and many others are still using it and freeing up a lot of space; I run it after every large upgrade/update. Be aware that it takes quite a time (allow, say, 15 minutes on your G4) to check your entire drive. The only known caveats concern Acrobat Pro and Linotype FontExplorer X – see this doc.

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    How many of these can be removed?
    I've currently got 5627.
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    I thought that when I initially installed Leopard I opted for only English, but the Spring Cleaning Language File Folder indicated that I had over six thousand.
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    The files do take up space. If I don't need them why shouldn't I delete them?

    As per one other respondent, I have used Monolingual with OSX (note:prior to Leopard. I haven't seen anything to confirm it won't mess up Leopard) but I haven't had any problems with it.
    The advice it offers is to leave any file related to your main language - in other words if you use US English, keep International English. I also erred on the side of caution and kept anything that mentioned English. You can easily save about 2Gb of space doing this as it deletes a lot of project and help files related to apps like iDVD.
    I'm no expert but if you opt for English as your installed language it might be the case that OSX installs in English but additional stuff like iLife still installs all the foreign language files.
    It also gives you the option to remove unwanted processor architectures. I was wary of this option but I had no problems, although it didn't save quite as much space.
    Good Luck

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    bad dad wrote:
    I have an iMac G4 running OS X 10.4.11 with 1GB of DDR SDRAM. I'm wondering what's the best way to remove unwanted files from the RAM, if it's even possible. There are apps and other files I no longer need. If I can dump the unused files will it help the computer run a little faster? Can I eliminate the unwanted files some how by myself or do I need a program that does it? Thanks
    Applications are stored perminately on the harddrive [ Macintosh HD ]. When applications are running that is when they appear in a window, they take up RAM. You see your running applications by using activity monitor:
    Macintosh-HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Activity Monitor
    Application when they are not running, they do not take up RAM.  You will not see any performance improvement when you delete an application from your Harddrive.  [ unless you have filled up your harddrive ]
    Best to have greater than 2gig of free space on your Harddrive.  Many posters to these forums state that you need much more free space: 5 gig to 10 gig or 10 percent of you hd size.
    Most applications do not take up much space on the Harddrive.  I copy my unused application to a folder named additional applications.
    Be careful when deleting files. A lot of people have trashed their system when deleting things. Place things in trash. Reboot & run your applications. Empty trash.
    Go after large files that you have created & know what they are.  Do not delete small files that are in a folder you do not know what the folder is for. Anything that is less than a megabyte is a small file these days.
    "The simple, fast way to save disk space"
    OmniDiskSweeper is now free!
    This will give you a list of files and folders sorted by size. Go after things you know that are big.
    This will save you a gig of space.
    Monolingual is a program for removing unnecessary language resources from Mac OS X,in order to reclaim several hundred megabytes of disk space. It requires at least Mac OS X 10.3.9 (Panther) and also works on Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger). It worked for me on 10.4
    A detailed write-up on how to use Monolingual:
    These pages have some hints on freeing up space:
    Buy an external firewire harddrive.
    Buy a flash card.

  • Deleted language files + architecture

    Ok I screwed up big time I think. I used Monolingual to delete what I thought were unnecessary files. I have intel version of software I use like Dreamweaver, Acrobat and Photoshop. Well neither of them want to start now. I can only put it down to me removing the language files and achitectures. I have English and English United Kingdom as my only language files. After that is the only language I ever use.
    Could that be responsible for the problems with Photoshop Acrobat and Dreamweaver? Thunderbird, Firefox, Word, Excel, Xcode, ImageReady, Fireworks, Shake, Final Cut Pro and Blender all work just fine.
    My computer is a Macbook Pro with 2GB RAM, Dual processor and 160GB HD 70GB of which is free space.
    I have tried to install the above software so this problem really intrigues me. I am not really sure of any sort of activity monitor as I have only been using Macs for a few months. So sorry for I sound like a total newbie here.

    Archive and Install will not work. It will preserve your Applications folder as-is with all the missing components. If you opt to preserve users then your /Home/Library/ folder will be preserved including any now damaged components.
    Trust me I've been down this path once. When you remove all the required frameworks needed you cannot get them back by Archive and Install because the A&I will preserve parts of the installed OS that you don't want preserved.
    Do your backup, but do an Erase and Install then reinstall all your third-party software.

  • I keep getting blue screen and error message to remove this file from system. spooldr.sys

    HP Officejet 4500 Wireless All-in-One Printer - G510n    w/operating system     Windows XP Professional
    I installed the printer in February and the disk did not finalize the setup process.  I went online and
    down loaded the drivers and software that was offered from the HP website.
    The printer works, but as the months have gone along, I keep getting updates for the printer and
    the system needs to reboot and it does automatically.
    Now I am getting a blue screen with a critical dump error message.  HP error reporting keeps sending
    the same message back to restore to earlier date before the updates.  That worked for awhile.  Now
    HP Error system says that malware has corrupted and needs to remove system file     spooldr.sys
    Is this in your driver software.  Spooldr is the system that caches pages of data for printing in chronological
    Can I uninstall my software and drivers and change to the plain & simple, print and scan to prevent the
    spool driver from loading to my system?

    Thank you for your input.  But, It is amazing that you can tell me that I was infected with  rootkit. 
    Without information as to how to fix, your information is after the fact and useless.
    I used the Safety Scanner provided to me by HP.  A full scan didn't detect any Malware in any files on my system.  But the last screen dump provided the information that   spooldr.sys  was corrupted and  needed
    to be removed.  
    Coming into HP Form, I did read on the HP website that my system Windows XP Professional was not listed
    and noted that the software may have not been just what I needed.  This was the reason for the question
    about uninstalling and reinstalling less of the program.  I really don't need my printer to print backward and
    that is all I see that it is doing that other printers don't.
    Besides, Kudos goes to the person from HP who sent the email,  suggesting I used the HP Update software and drives recommended  for my computer system.  Computer, printer is working, back to normal and hasn't taken a dump since, I uploaded  software and drives for Windows XP Professional.

  • Error 550 when using CFFTP to remove a file

    I'm using cfftp to download files which I parse, then I need to delete the file from the server. (coldfusion 11 - development)
    I can list, and download the files fine, but am butting my head into a problem that I can't seem to resolve.
    USING THE SAME PATH AND FILE NAME that allowed me to 'get' the file - When I try to remove the file - I get this error.
    Error: 550 file: No such file or directory .
    (again - the path and file name I provide are identical to the path/filename -
    if this is a permission problem, I can delete files thru Filezilla, using the same credentials - with no problem)
    Here is the call to remove -
        <cfftp  action="remove"
                item="file" >

    I'm not sure where you got the "This is not what the docs say" part.  Looking down the list of CFFTP attributes in the CF11 docs that apply to a "remove" operation, those were the attributes I would have expected to need.  Although I agree the examples could be clearer and a specific example of removing a file would be useful.
    -Carl V.

  • Cant remove a file from a directory

    hi gems...god morning...
    I am facing an issue but i cant figure it out..
    I have two users which belong to same group i.e. user1 and user2
    Now user1 owns a directory(dir1) and the permission is 775.
    Now user2 makes a FTP and places a file(fil1) into that directory(dir1) owned by user1.
    The umask setting is 027 and thats why in that directory(dir1) the file permission becomes 640.
    But when i am trying to delete that file(fil1) using user1, then it is not allowing me..
    what can i do..please suggest...thanks in advance...

    thanks for replying...
    It really looks strange and all i thought it is a code problem..
    Means the scenario i have told here is not from the direct access to the solaris box...
    It is happenning when a batch job is being called from there. The operations the batch job does is to take the file, do some processing and then remove that file. Everything is getting successful except the last step.
    But when I tried from the backend(direct access through putty) then it behaves normally.
    So i am confirm that it is a code issue. I have told the developers to check the code.


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