Rented Movie displaced photos

I rented two movies over the last two days and when the movies were downloaded they took up quite a bit of space on my atv hard drive. I then was trying to show some photos that I had synced to the atv and found that the photos were now gone. Try as I might, I could not get them back - until I deleted one of the rented movies and re-synced all the photos. This took some time as I have about 850 of my over 12000 photos synced to the atv.
Is this a feature or a bug? Shouldn't this automatically restore previously synced data?

it's a feature... and no it would not automatically replace the stuff that it removed to free up space for the rentals.

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    Pics and videos taken with the ipod are not part of the sync process at all.  This is covered in the manual.
    iPod touch User Guide (For iOS 4.3 Software)
    They are imported as you would with any digital camera.
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    Copy Photos (& Videos) Between iOS Devices
     Cheers, Tom

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    John Kitchen wrote:
    After downloading on the Apple TV, must I avoid doing anything else with the ATV before watching the movie?  What will cause an ATV to lose a downloaded movie?
    AppleTV 2 is very frustrating in this regard either if you have a slow connection or a data cap for each month.
    I suspect you have a slowish connection speed (6-8 Mbps required for near instant HD streaming). I'm on around 4 Mbps and it will take about 40 mins to buffer an HD film.
    As you say, other actions unfortunately unpredictably wipe the download from memory.
    There is no definite consistency here, but things which have caused this for me include simply browsing the trailer for another movie or playing content from my local iTunes library.  Can't get Netflix in UK but suspect thsi will also flush the download.
    The issue relates to AppleTV not having much internal storage compared to AppleTV1 which had a hard drive.
    The AppleTV2 has 8GB of solid state memory which is shard between all kinds of tasks, however I don't think this is managed particularly well for downloads which could easily be protected from deletion if they wanted to by simply asking the user when they try to do something that would need this - equally there should be enough memory to hold at least 1 HD movie and perform other actions including playing local content if they wanted to manage the memory in this way.
    For slower internet connections this makes renting a chore if you inadvertently do something else with the device as it's no longer ready when you want to watch.
    Both for slow connections, and those with data caps, the repeat downloading can really add up - one user notd using over 20GB of download bandwidth just to watch one film.
    Send some feedback here:

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    I don't think that cable is compatible with the iPhone or the iPod touch. I know the old Apple AV cable wont work with the iPod touch, you need either a Apple Composite AV Cable or an Apple Component AV Cable. See here for more info

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    Pad2, the new iPad Supported Video Formats & Movie Formats
    H.264 video up to 1080p, 30 frames per second, High Profile level 4.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats;
    MPEG-4 video up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats;
    Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280 by 720 pixels, 30 frames per second, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi file format
    You can use a USB flash drive & the camera connection kit.
    Plug the USB flash drive into your computer & create a new folder titled DCIM. Then put your movie/photo files into the folder. The files must have a filename with exactly 8 characters long (no spaces) plus the file extension (i.e.,; DSCN0164.jpg).
    Now plug the flash drive into the iPad using the camera connection kit. Open the Photos app, the movie/photo files should appear & you can import. (You can not export using the camera connection kit.)
     Cheers, Tom

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    May I ask how others with iTunes 8 manage to stream photos and non rented videos?

    Actually it was sync'ing, I now found out how configure it to streaming but it is still not find the video.
    However I have a bigger problem, this box is mainly used for music streaming and I just found out that it is refusing to play Apple Lossless files, giving me the error "AppleTV cannot play the current song" when I try to access it the shared library.
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    Every time I try to use Airplay to stream the movie from my Ipad the Apple TV 2 returns the message that is not authorize to play the content from the iPad.
    Anybody have any idea how to fix this?, I am using the Apple HDMI cable and both devices are login to the same Apple ID. I have restore to factoring settings my Apple TV 2 and restarted my iPad several times, I also have log out of my Apple ID and log back in in both devices.
    Do not know what else to try any help would be appreciates.
    Thanks on advance WFGE
    Message was edited by: wgrahame

    MickCharles wrote:
    It is supposed to function as i described (true/false?)
    False, per the link provided above:
    "If you download a rented movie on your iPhone 4 or later, iPad, iPod touch (4th generation or later), or Apple TV: It is not transferable to any other device or computer."  The only way to transfer a rented movie is if you rent it from your computer, and then it can be moved around to other devices but (a) it can only exist on one device at a time, and (b) you cannot move it to Apple TV 2 or 3.  It is odd that you can't do what you want, but I'm not a lawyer ;)
    MickCharles wrote:
    i'm renting SD movies from iT so copyright issues are in the full control of AAPL on all AAPL devices
    I don't know the legal agreements between Apple and movie studios, but with a rental you don't own the material so I suspect that is the difference.  With a purchase you're given some leeway that you don't have with a rental. 
    MickCharles wrote:
    It has functioned as described; rented iT movies on iP and played through ATV to Video Monitor on many occasions in the past - as recent as 8 days ago.
    Your original post mentioned that purchases worked, not rentals.  Have you ever seen a rental stream from your i-device to Apple TV?  I wouldn't think so, given Apple's statement above.
    MickCharles wrote:
    All other streaming functions from iP and iPh to ATV; music, photos, and home-made video function
    These would not be subject to the same copyright issues as a movie.
    You can try taking this up with Apple, and depending on who you communicate with (and your approach) may determine your success to get a refund.  Apple does state that you can't stream a movie from your device to ATV, but perhaps not clearly enough (which you might use to your advantage).


    I rented a movie on my IMAC which is streaming to my husbands Apple TV via broadband. The Apple TV is synced with my husbands ITunes Library. All of my library appears on the Apple TV menu; however the rented movie does not appear. When I click on "Devices" in my Itunes and click on "Apple TV" I have a "summary" tab and a "Photos" tab, but NO "Movies" tab. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

    Rented movies can only exist in one place at a time due to digital right management - this is to stop you say putting a copy on a TV, iPod, iPhone simultaneously.
    iTunes should have a new tab for rented movies that lets you transfer the rental tyo one of these devices.
    Are you talking about a single iTunes library with a single store account? If so the movie should be able to transfer to AppleTV (and back again) via iTunes provided it's set up as a sync library.
    If iTunes is a Shared library you only see the summary and Photo tabs, and content won't be seen on AppleTV when computer is off or iTunes closed down.

  • Troubling finding rented movies on Apple TV

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    In iTunes under the devices list the AppleTV will have a tab for movies and ransferring rentals.
    On AppleTV the rentals will be at the top of the Movies options under Rented Movies (or similar).
    I assume your AppleTV runs software 2.0 or higher.

  • Rented movies have floating green square spots all over screen

    We have a new Sony KDL-52W4100 connected to our v1 Apple TV via HDMI at 1080p. Cable images std and HD look great, DVD and Blueray look great, all functions of Apple TV (photos, intro, menus) look great. Rented TV shows and movies have large floating green squares all over screen. Has anyone else experienced this?

    Welcome to the  Discussion Forums.
    This sounds like the file is either corrupt or there is an issue with output from the tv. Firstly, I wasn't aware that tv v 1 software supported 1080p, I suspect you are either running v 2 software or you don't have 1080p as an output resolution.
    I doubt all your rented movies have become corrupt so I'd be looking at your HDMI connection as the source of your problem, have you tried another cable, is it seated properly. You should also be aware that 1080p requirers a category 2 HDMI cable (although in many cases category 1 does suffice)

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