Replacing lost install disc

How do I replace a lost Install Disc for Photoshop 6 extended?

I assume you mean Photoshop CS6 Extended
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    My guess is that you will be unable to boot the computer from the Retail disk. Replacement disks are around $25 from an Authorized Service Provider.

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    The reason why the admin is no longer working as the router password because you might have setup a router password, not knowing, during the first time you setup your router...If you remember the router password when you first used your setup cd to install your router then enter that password else you need to reset your router and re-configure it...
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    You would have to contact Adobe. You will have to provide proof of purchase, unless you had registered with your install and they have that on record. I am not sure they provide disks back to CS2, but it is all I know to try. You may be out of luck if you did not register or they no longer have disks for CS2.

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    You can get replacement System Install & Restore CD/DVDs from Apple's Customer Support - in the US, (800) 767-2775 - for a nominal S&H fee. They will ask for the model and serial number.
    A flashing question mark on startup can mean several things. One the startup disk is failing, or failed, or your Mac can't find a system folder to boot from.
    Try booting while holding down the Option key. Normally that will prompt the Startup Manager window, you would select your startup disk and click Restart.
    If that doesn't work, try booting in Safe Mode
    What is Safe Mode
    As for Leopard, your Mac would have to meet the Mac OS X Leopard minimum requirements as stated here.

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    Contact Apple with proof of purchase, perhaps they will replace the disks.
    (Please don't suggest a torrent. I've already tried and it just takes waaaaay too long given the file size. And again, I'm trying to find a cracked or pirated copy, I just need the software for which I already have the registration key.)
    No one here will suggest that you do this. And you shouldn't. Bad. Very bad.

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    You can download the necessary files from the following website:
    If you need additional assistance with the process, please contact us at for further assistance.  Thanks!
    Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

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    just put the disk for 3 in and install
    when it asks for past serial number just put in your one for V1

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    This thing is a royal pain.
    Similar issue hardware is recognized cannot install the driver. Currently attempting to run ver 2 on XP.
    The downloadable drivers simply don't work but the ones on the original disk do. Unfortunately I don't have the original disk.
    If any gurus would iso the original installation disk or the Inf files therin and post it for posterity it would probably cure alot of headaches. At least mine lol.

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    You might want to get in touch with Customer Support, they will be able to assist you in getting the installation cd.
    Hope this helps.

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    Hi, Josh. Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    To get a copy of the original system CDs, call Apple at 1-800-275-2273.
    This will not include Mac OS X 10.3 nor Mac OS X 10.4, but an older version of Mac OS X. Which version of Mac OS X was on the original system CDs depends on which model iBook it is, but no iBook G3 came with these later versions of the OS.

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    You can use following link to download Acrobat 11 Pro.
    Download Acrobat products | Standard, Pro | XI, X

  • About the OSX Replacement Install disc...

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    Thank You...

    I am actually asking this because my original OSX disc has some scratches and I am not sure if the disc will be able to do another full reinstall (in other words OSX not being able to install and giving an installation error message) due to those scratches. In terms of those scratches they are very small and can only be seen in an angle with direct light hitting the OSX disc surface rather than from a top down view. What do you think? Should I keep using my original OSX disc until it becomes unusable?

  • I need to order old Mac Mini Install discs

    I hear I can order from Apple, i need a phone number.
    I have a 1.5 Gh 2005 Mac Mini

    Be sure to have your product's Serial Number, & a credit card, handy.
    If the unit is too old, they may not be able to provide you a disc set.
    Some discs, likely for early intel-based Mac, w/ Tiger & Leopard OS X
    originally, were said to be available from Apple support or applecare.
    These were shown by those who got some, to be white label replace-
    ment install discs, at about $16 each or so. Subject to availability.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Missing Mac OS X install disc 2

    Hello there I have install my iMac I have install disc 1 and after disc one is asking me please insert the Mac OS X install disc 2 witch I don't have is there any other way I can get my iMac back to live thank you

    If you are missing one of the install discs, there are two things you can do.
    You need to contact Apple in order to get OS X 10.4 Tiger or OS X 10.5 Leopard from Apple assuming they still have copies.   Apple Store Customer Service at 1-800-676-2775  These discs will be replacement OS install discs.  You will need to give the rep your Mac model and serial number and you'll, also, need a credit card as there is a nominal fee of around $18 for processing and shipping of the disc.
    If Apple can't help you, then you can search on sites like Amazon for OS X 10.5 Leopard disc.
    OS X 10.5 Leopard is the last OS X version that you can run on a PowerMac G5.
    Good Luck!

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