Replacing one control field by another

Hello Everybody,
Is it possible to replace existing control by any other control in the same view? I am using removeFromSuperview method to hide some lable and fields when I click on another tab but I am not able to create any other on that location. Is there something wrong in my approach? or is there any other way?
Any suggestions are highly appreciated...
Pandit Pakhurde

First of all, I had taken one TabviewController. In one of the tab of that TabViewController , I placed one tableView. After clicking on a one row of tableView , One view will be open. This view created by me like below code.
self.window = [[[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]] autorelease];
_frontView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
[_frontView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor lightGrayColor]];
and in this _frontView I have one button and text field. then I am adding this _frontView into self.Window.
Next again I had created one another view and added it into self.Window. Now I am seeing the second view in my window.
Now in the second view ,I have added segmentedcontrol with two objects i.e. UserInfo and Friends.
When I will click on UserInfo then I should get userInformation that I am getting already and when I will click on Friends then I should get friends list but at the same time Userinformation should get hided. I am getting friends list but userInformation is not hided properly.
First I had user "removeFromSuperView" api to remove that fields and it works fine when I click on Friends but when I again click on the UserInfo then friends information is not hided eventhough I am hided them using "removeFromSuperView" method.
Can you please help how to get out of it?
I am working on this but not getting any solution.
Pandit Pakhurde

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