Replacing the original audio track

so i'm kind of new to premiere and i was wondering how you would replace the audio of an original clip with a different audio track?

Alt drag audio into audio on timeline.
Must be of the same length or have an inpoint otherwise it will be out of sync.
Save way is to put the different audio on a track below the original and mute the original.

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    alidav wrote:
    well i imported the new audio track and have synced to the video one and  in the new syincronized clip i deactivated the original audio, is this what you would do?

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    Hi Mesaboogiewes,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions recommends disabling Energy Saver, fullscreen mode, and Exposé. I would recommend putting the 1Gb of RAM, you will find a better result. I suggest going to the website and looking for more troubleshooting issues.
    I hope that helps,

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    You were right, DVD decrypter was the solution after all. I found an on-line FAQ, showing what the program can do. Plenty more than 1 step ripping only!
    In fact I can now rip episodes as well instead of only .vob's and choose the correct audio track and subtitles as well!

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    Dear  <> Shai Schcolnik
    After you have edited the Audio file in Soundbooth, you should:
    1)      Select the Original Footage in PremierePro > Project Folder
    2)      Select with RIGHT Click the Video+Audio Clip in PremierePro Timeline, and in RIGHT Click Menu choose “Replace/Substitute with clip” > “From Folder”
    3)      Now you can delete in PremierePro > ProjectFolder, the named Audio File “…_Extracted.wav” edited previously with Soundbooth!
    The new one is your original footage!
    Best regards!
    Dario Cavallo  (Horsepower0171).
    “3DC multimedia Productions”
    Da: Shai Schcolnik [email protected]
    Inviato: lunedì 7 gennaio 2013 12:13
    A: Horsepower0171
    Oggetto: How to revert to original, the extracted Audio Tracks with SoundBooth?
    Re: How to revert to original, the extracted Audio Tracks with SoundBooth?
    created by Shai Schcolnik <>  in Premiere Pro CS5, CS5.5, & CS6 - View the full discussion <

  • Urgent help!! In 'export audio to movie' the final option to disable the original audio has disappeared. I am no longer allowed to deselect the audio tracks. Any ideas why Logic has stopped this?

    Greeting all
    I'm creating a movie with a new music track and follow the appropriate steps as in the manual:
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    It is still there and Logic did not remove it.
    Did you do some trouble shooting.
    Try to load a different video (with different codec) to see if it is video file related
    Try a new (empty) project to see if it is project related
    Try to remove Logic preferences (move the original back if this wasn't the problem because the file contains other info you might not want to lose)
    Hope that helps
    Edgar Rothermich
    'I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.'

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    Francis Ouellet

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    Hey Steve,
    You'll want to connect your phone to your computer and sync it in iTunes. You can read more about it here:
    iOS: Syncing your data with iTunes
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
    Have a good one,

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    MacPro1,1   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Dual-Core Intel Xeon, Processor Speed: 3 GHz, Bus Speed:1.33 GHz, Memory:2 GB, Number Of Processors: 2,Boot ROM Version: MP11.005C.B04

    The extract audio command copies the audio from the selected clip and place it on the one of the two audio tracks. It then sets the audio in the original clip to zero.
    To restore the audio in the original clip, just select it and raise the level back to 100%.

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    I am not understanding your question, or your complaint, if it is a complaint.
    I movies takes a video clip, including its audio track. 
    You have the option of mutimg it, or of importing some other sound from your music library, or narrating.  What other option do you want?

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    I knew I should never get rid of my old G5's.  By the way, there is a browser still supported for the PPC, TenFourFox, if you're not using it already.  Go to the Floodgap website (they author it)  download it for free.  The only thing it doesn't support is the Flash plugin, but the browser works great. Other video types are supported.  It's based on Firefox, and runs most of the plugins and add-ons. It's very fast, and beats all other browsers on the browser compatibility and speed test.  That's now my default on my G5's.  Firefox and Safari are no longer supported.  As far as the OS, both Tiger and Leopard were solid for me.  The reason, as I stated before, was iMovie.  The version in Tiger with iLife was far superior to what Apple changed it to.  They 'dumbed it down' for the masses.  Even the newest iLife 11 on my Mac Pro quad isn't is good, in my opinion.  So Leopard should be fine for you.  It's a much larger browser in terms of sheer megabytes and disk space, but it's fine.  As far as getting an OS disc, I'm seeing Tiger for about $45.00, Leopard for $50 - 60.00 on that famous auction site.  As far as RAM, I have 8GB in my G5 2.3, but you should check Activity Monitor when you are running your apps.  See how much green slice you have left (unused RAM).  You might find you don't need eight.  A Mac Pro will grab more free RAM than a PPC machine will.  I have a hard time maxing out use of my 8 on the PPC.  Not true with the eight on my Mac Pro.  The OS doesn't hesitate to grab and use it.  You might be OK with 6GB on your PPC. More will not make you faster, as long as you still have free RAM available.  As far as backup on your resurrected machine:  look for a firewire enabled backup if can.  Use CCC (Carbon Copy Cloner) and make a clone backup.  Next time your PPC machine wipes out the hard drive, just take your Firewire drive and plug it into another PPC machine, and you can select it as your boot drive. You'll be back and running in five minutes.  You can also take the physical drive out of your enclosure, and put it in your tower to replace the failed drive, and you'll be back to where you were in less than ten minutes, OS and all.  The PowerMac has an 800 port, so you can do the 800 on the machine to an 800 port on your backup. A firewire 800 to 800 cable is only about $8.00.  It runs nice and fast through the 800 port.  I like the OWC Mercury Extreme enclosures.  They use USB, Firewire 800, and eSATA, so all your options are open.

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    I have a Powermac Dual G5 running 10.4.8. I have a Lacie Firewire 800 RAID attached.
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    I have run the latest DiskWarrior 3.0.3 on the RAID (both from the boot volume and booted from the 303 rev39 CD) and it detects a formidable list of potential repairs to be done, creation dates on link files etc.
    It offers the next step which is to replace the existing directory with the pristine one it has just prepared.
    Every time I press 'Replace' it backs out, reporting;
    "The new directory cannot replace the original directory due to a MacOS services failure"
    (If I run DW when booted from the RAID, it replaces the normal boot drives directory OK btw)
    I do understand there used to be a bug in Mac OS Panther and an older DiskWarrior reporting similar to this but why now with 3.0.3?
    What does it mean?
    Google was no help. Maybe should have come here first
    PowerMac G5 2.5 - PB 12" 1.5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   SE30, IIsi

    If lots of errors are reported, it is probably a good idea not to replace the directory. Wiring anything to the drives could make things worse. With Disk Warrior run from your boot hard drive, have it create the new directory, but don't try to write it to the disks. You can then use the new directory to copy files from the bad disks to another disk, or DVDs. It should give you a more accurate backup than the old directory, with its errors. Others have reported LaCie RAID systems failing, so get the data while you can. You could then reformat the LaCie with zeroing and see if it generates errors again, maybe running Disk Warrior daily. If your are lucky, the LaCie may be OK then, but I wouldn't trust it.

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    I regularly end up provided with VO @48kHz and music @44.1
    (or vice versa), and as long as the fidelity is ok, I don't have
    any problems with 48kHz mixed final exports.
    As long as your 44.1 track sounds good, you will be fine.

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    If you want to do this to squeeze more songs onto a device then take advantage of the feature to downsample as songs are transferred. Device > Summary tab > Convert higher bitrate songs to to 128kbps AAC
    If you're running out of room on your library's hard drive then it is time to buy a bigger drive.

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    I'd recommend staring over, Pondini has created an excellent guide on how to use Setup Assistant. I'd recommend begin reading Pondini Setup Assistant tips where he talks about "Second Chance." Assuming your Time Machine backup is sound the restore  should be very smooth.

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