Replay slideshow?

Hi! I am wondering if it is possible to replay a folio overlay slideshow whenever I revisit the page it is on. For example, I currently have a multi state object set up to play a slideshow as a mock loading screen and then show the page, so I don't want it to loop. It works as intended the first time I visit its page, but the slideshow doesn't play again whenever I go back to the page. Is there a way to make the slideshow play whenever I visit the page? Maybe there is a better way to set up my document to get this effect? Thanks!

Hi TriciaC,
If I'm not mistaken slideshow is always reloaded when you come back from different article (swipe horizontal). If you swipe up and down inside the article then it's not. May be it will be a solution if you turn on "horizontal swipe only" check box in Folio Builder?

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    == URL of affected sites ==

    Error: $.ad is undefined
    Source File:
    Line: 850
    // Slideshows - updated: 04/30/2010
    // Dependencies: jQuery, jfoxCarousel plugin
    function SlideShows() {
    this._data = {}; // slideshow data
    this._info = {}; // current slideshow info
    this._relatedMedia = {}; // related media data
    this._trackData = false;
    this.initialized = false;
    this.toolTipId = "carousel-tooltip";
    this.defaultTrackFrequency = 1; // tracker trigger
    this._preloaderSrc = "/static/all/img/slideshow/slideshow-preloader.gif";
    this._timer = { // timers
    main: { fadeIn:800 },
    carousel: { fadeIn:300 },
    overlay: { onLast:10000,fadeIn:300,fadeOut:300 }
    this.currentFocus = 1; // current item in focus
    this.holderObj = {}; // holder for elements
    this.hashObj = {}; // hash location holder
    this.imgPreloadObj = {}; // holder for preloaded images
    // carousel object controllers
    this.carouselControlObj = {};
    this.overlayControlObj = {};
    this.trigger = { // listeners
    main: false,
    carousel: false,
    overlay: false
    this.overlayTimeout = false; // overlay timeout holder
    SlideShows.prototype = {
    init: function(config) {
    for (i in config) { this['_'+i] = config[i]; }
    this.main.root = this.carousel.root = this.overlay.root = this;
    this.hashObj = this.helper.getHash();
    if (typeof $.fn.jfoxCarousel<u>'undefined') {
    showToConsole("[init] Error: carousel plugin not found!");
    if (this._trackData) { // set tracking data
    sTracker.track("pageLoad"); // page load tracker
    this.initialized = true;
    preload: function() {
    var preloadImg = new Image();
    preloadImg.src = this.preloadSrc;
    setHolders: function() {
    var SH = this;
    var slideshowElm = $("#slideshow");
    this.holderObj = {
    doc: $(document),
    body: $("body"),
    intro: $("#section-intro"),
    main: slideshowElm.find("#main-img"),
    mainHolder: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-placeholder"),
    mainControl: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-controller"),
    description: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-desc"),
    relatedMedia: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-related"),
    carousel: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-feature .slideshow")
    var intro = $(this);
    if (this.holderObj.main.size()>0) { = this.holderObj.mainHolder.innerHeight(); // get set height as "min-height";
    if (this.holderObj.carousel.size()>0) {;
    $(document).ready(function(){ // wait for page load for the overlay
    SH.holderObj.overlay = $("#slideshow-overlay");
    var set = (SH.holderObj.overlay.size()>0) ? (typeof $.fn.jfoxCarousel!=='undefined') ? SH.overlay.set() : false : false;
    setListeners: function() {
    var SH = this;
    var control = this.holderObj.mainControl;
    // main image controls
    return false;
    return false;
    if (typeof touchEventListener!=="undefined") {
    var listenerConfig = {
    elm: SH.holderObj.mainHolder,
    moveSensitivity: 15,
    eventsCallback: {
    touchmoveMoveOnce: function(direction,moveProperties,rawEvent) {
    // move callback - sensitivity
    var directions = direction.join("|");
    if (directions.indexOf("left")>-1) {
    if (directions.indexOf("right")>-1) {
    setDocReadyListeners: function() {
    var SH = this;
    // browse slideshow overlay
    $("#section-intro .additional-slides a").click(function() {;
    return false;
    SH.holderObj.overlay.find(".close a").click(function(){
    return false;
    replaySlideshow: function() {
    var SH = this;
    //TODO: build replay
    this.overlay.hide(); // hide overlay = 1); // reset focus
    // main image holder
    SlideShows.prototype.main = {
    properties: {},
    build: function(slide,origin) {
    var SH = this;
    var root = this.root;
    if (root.trigger.main) { return false; }
    root.trigger.main = true;
    slide = slide || false;
    origin = origin || "main";
    var control = root.holderObj.mainControl;
    var data = root._data;
    var initData = false;
    var desc = [];
    var helper = root.helper;
    if (slide) {
    if (slide 0) { desc.push('Source: ' + data.items[slide].source + ''); }
    // load related media
    if (root._relatedMedia.items) {
    var rmItems = root._relatedMedia.items;
    if (rmItems.length>0) {
    var rel = [];
    rel.push('Related Articles');
    for (var x=0; x 0) {
    sTracker.track("clickPrevMain"); // tracker
    if (!SH.isLast() && root.overlayTimeout) { clearTimeout(root.overlayTimeout); } // clear overlay timeout
    isLast: function() {
    var root = this.root;
    return (root.currentFocus+1 > root._data.items.length) ? true : false;
    // carousel
    SlideShows.prototype.carousel = {
    build: function() {
    var SH = this;
    var root = this.root;
    var carousel = root.holderObj.carousel;
    var data = root._data;
    var list = [];
    for (var x=0;x 0) {
    var li = $(".slideshow > ul",carousel).children();
    var el = $(this);
    var setClass = (i == ? el.addClass("active") : el.removeClass("active");
    controlsCallback: function(control) { // callback to set up controls
    root.carouselControlObj = control;
    carousel.find(".prev").click(function(){ // previous link
    sTracker.track("clickPrevCarousel"); // tracker
    return false;
    carousel.find(".next").click(function(){ // next link
    // show overlay on last carousel link
    //var lastLink = (!currentEventObj) ? false : (currentEventObj.batch.current+1 > currentEventObj.batch.max) ? $(document).ready(function(){,true); }) : false;
    sTracker.track("clickNextCarousel"); // tracker
    return false;
    if (typeof touchEventListener!=="undefined") {
    var listenerConfig = {
    elm: carousel,
    moveSensitivity: 15,
    eventsCallback: {
    touchmoveMoveOnce: function(direction,moveProperties,rawEvent) {
    // move callback - sensitivity
    var directions = direction.join("|");
    if (directions.indexOf("left")>-1) {
    if (directions.indexOf("right")>-1) {
    // overlay
    SlideShows.prototype.overlay = {
    set: function() {
    var root = this.root;
    var overlay = root.holderObj.overlay;
    var carousel = $(this);
    var allItems = carousel.find(".slideshow ul").children().children();
    var div = $(this);
    var link = div.find("a:first").attr("href");
    window.location.replace(window.location.hostname + link);
    var config = {
    auto: { set:false,speed:3000 }, // auto scroll
    slide: "horizontal", // horizontal or vertical
    scroll: 3, // number of items to scroll per event
    show: 3, // items shown
    speed: "slow", // scroll speed
    rotate: false, // rotate back to star if end
    //focus: { item:0,animate:false }, // focus to target item on load
    eventCallback: function(eventObj) {
    if (eventObj.batch.current</u>1) {
    } else {
    if (eventObj.batch.current<u>eventObj.batch.max) {
    } else {
    controlsCallback: function(control) { // callback to set up controls
    root.overlayControlObj = control;
    carousel.find(".prev").click(function(){ // previous link
    sTracker.track("clickPrevOverlay"); // tracker
    return false;
    carousel.find(".next").click(function(){ // next link
    sTracker.track("clickNextOverlay"); // tracker
    return false;
    if (typeof touchEventListener!=="undefined") {
    var listenerConfig = {
    elm: carousel,
    moveSensitivity: 15,
    eventsCallback: {
    touchmoveMoveOnce: function(direction,moveProperties,rawEvent) {
    // move callback - sensitivity
    var directions = direction.join("|");
    if (directions.indexOf("left")>-1) {
    if (directions.indexOf("right")>-1) {
    show: function(delay,isReplay) {
    isReplay = isReplay || false;
    delay = delay || false;
    var root = this.root;
    if (root.trigger.overlay) { return false; } // if already open
    var SH = this;
    delay = (isNaN(delay)) ? 0 : delay; // delayed show
    root.overlayTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
    if (root.main.isLast()) {
    root.holderObj.overlay.fadeIn(root._timer.overlay.fadeIn,function(){ root.trigger.overlay = true; });
    sTracker.track("showOverlay"); // tracker
    else {
    root.holderObj.overlay.fadeIn(function(){ root.trigger.overlay = true; });
    hide: function(delay) {
    delay = delay || false;
    var root = this.root;
    if (!root.trigger.overlay) { return false; } // if already closed
    delay = (isNaN(delay)) ? 0 : delay; // delayed hide
    root.holderObj.overlay.fadeOut(root._timer.overlay.fadeOut,function(){ root.trigger.overlay = false; });
    sTracker.track("hideOverlay"); // tracker
    setReplay: function(isReplay) {
    var root = this.root;
    var overlay = root.holderObj.overlay;
    var firstList = overlay.find(".slideshow-feature .slideshow ul").children().filter(":first");
    var divs = firstList.children();
    var replayDiv = divs.filter(":first");
    var cloneDiv =;
    function configInfo(elm) {
    var currentSS = root._data.items;
    var info = root._info;
    var count = currentSS.length;
    var first = currentSS[0];
    var slideshowTitle = (info.title.length > 16) ? info.title.substring(0,16) + "..." : info.title;
    var slideshowImg =;
    var slideshowDate =;
    function replay() {
    var items = elm.children();
    items.filter("").html(count + " image" + [[count>1) ? "s" : ""]];
    var item = $(this);
    item.find("a").attr({ href: "#", title: slideshowTitle });
    item.find("img").attr({ alt: slideshowTitle, src: slideshowImg });
    var item = $(this);
    return false;
    return false;
    if (replayDiv.children().size()</u>0) {
    if (isReplay) {
    } else {
    SlideShows.prototype.helper = {
    toNum: function(item) {
    item = (isNaN(item)) ? parseInt(item.replace(/[a-zA-z]/gi,""),10) : item;
    return isNaN(item)?0:item;
    imgLoad: function(obj,fn) {
    var SH = this;
    obj.alt = obj.alt || "";
    if (obj.preload && !$.browser.opera) { // opera =/= img.onload
    if (obj.mainHolder) { obj.mainHolder.css({ background:"url("+obj.preloaderSrc+") no-repeat center" }); }
    var img = new Image();
    obj.holder.css({ display:"inline", opacity:"0" });
    img.onload = function() {
    if (obj.outer) {
    if (img.height > SH.toNum(obj.outer.minHeight)) { obj.outer.holder.css("height","auto"); }
    else { obj.outer.holder.css("height",obj.outer.minHeight); }
    obj.holder.attr("src",obj.src).animate({ opacity:"1"},obj.speed,"linear",function(){
    if (obj.mainHolder) { obj.mainHolder.css({ backgroundImage:"none" }); }
    img.src = obj.src;
    } else {
    if (obj.mainHolder) { obj.mainHolder.css({ backgroundImage:"none" }); }
    obj.holder.css({ display:"inline", opacity:"0" });
    src: obj.src,
    alt: obj.alt
    }).animate({ opacity:"1"},obj.speed,"linear",function(){ fn(); });
    getHash: function() {
    var hash = (window.location.hash).substr(1);
    if (hash) {
    var pairs = hash.split('&');
    var valuePair = {};
    for (var x=0;x 1 && callback && count%freq<u>0) {
    var sTracker = new Trackers(); // private
    function showToConsole(str) {
    if (typeof window.console</u>'object') { console.log(str); }
    var slideShowsPack = window.slideShowsPack = new SlideShows();
    // Tracking Data Here
    var trackData = {
    ads: {
    buildSlide: {
    frequency: 1,
    callback: function() {
    if (typeof $.ad.dc.load!=="undefined") {
    omni: {
    buildSlide: {
    frequency: 1,
    callback: function(data) {
    data = data || false;
    if (!data) { return false; }
    if (!data.slideNumber) { return false; }
    if (typeof $.ad.omni.load!=="undefined") {
    $.ad.omni.load({ "slide": data.slideNumber });
    var initializeSlideShow = window.initializeSlideshow = function() {
    if (typeof slideshowData!=="undefined") {
    if (!slideShowsPack.initialized) {
    data: slideshowData,
    info: slideshowInfo,
    relatedMedia: relatedsData,
    trackData: trackData
    } else {
    if (typeof window.console==='object') { console.log("[error] No Data found for: slideshowData"); }
    This the line highlighted:
    if (typeof $.ad.dc.load!=="undefined") {

  • How many songs can I add to a iDVD slideshow

    I am putting topgether a long slideshow in iDVD and would like to use several musical items, rather than one replaying.  Is there any way to do this?

    Scroll down to para. 11 here:

  • Adding Pause and Replay Buttons

    Ok here is my script for an external XML loading Flash
    1. How do I add a "constant" Pause and Replay on this?
    2. Every time I add something to the stage the "fade effect"
    affects that too!
    Thanks in advance.
    delay = 5000;
    function loadXML(loaded) {
    if (loaded) {
    xmlNode = this.firstChild;
    image = [];
    description = [];
    total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
    for (i=0; i<total; i++) {
    = xmlNode.childNodes.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
    = xmlNode.childNodes.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
    id = setInterval(preloadPic, 100);
    } else {
    content = "file not loaded!";
    xmlData = new XML();
    xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
    xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;
    var loadTot = 0;
    var k = 0;
    function preloadPic() {
    var con = picture.duplicateMovieClip("con"+k, 9984+k);
    var temp = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("temp"+k, 99+k);
    temp.onEnterFrame = function() {
    var total = con.getBytesTotal();
    var loaded = con.getBytesLoaded();
    percent = Math.round((loaded/total*100)/image.length);
    preloader.preload_bar._xscale = loadTot+percent;
    info.text = "Loading picture "+k+" of "+image.length+"
    if (loaded == total && total>4) {
    con._visible = 0;
    loadTot += percent;
    delete this.onEnterFrame;
    function nextPic() {
    if (k<image.length-1) {
    else {
    preloader._visible = 0;
    info.text = "";
    listen = new Object();
    listen.onKeyDown = function() {
    if (Key.getCode() == Key.LEFT) {
    } else if (Key.getCode() == Key.RIGHT) {
    previous_btn.onRelease = function() {
    next_btn.onRelease = function() {
    var p = 0;
    var current;
    MovieClip.prototype.fadeIn = function() {
    if (this._alpha<100) {
    current._alpha -= 5;
    this._alpha += 5;
    } else {
    current._visible = 0;
    delete this.onEnterFrame;
    function nextImage() {
    current = this["con"+p];
    var picture = this["con"+p];
    picture._visible = 1;
    picture._alpha = 0;
    picture.onEnterFrame = fadeIn;
    desc_txt.text = description[p];
    if (isPaused == true) {
    current = this["con"+p];
    p<total-1 ? p++ : p=0;
    function prevImage() {
    if (p>0){
    current = this["con"+p];
    var picture = this["con"+p];
    picture._visible = 1;
    picture._alpha = 0;
    picture.onEnterFrame = fadeIn;
    desc_txt.text = description[p];
    function firstImage() {
    con0._visible = 1;
    con0._alpha = 0;
    con0.onEnterFrame = fadeIn;
    desc_txt.text = description[0];
    function picture_num() {
    current_pos = p+1;
    pos_txt.text = current_pos+" / "+total;
    function slideshow() {
    myInterval = setInterval(pause_slideshow, delay);
    function pause_slideshow() {
    if (p == (total-1)) {
    //Resetting...fadeout=300 milliseconds.
    endFadeOut = setInterval(fadeOut, 300);
    //Try using a movie clip called restart_mc that is a button
    } else {
    Here is the Source Files:
    Download the


  • Elements 10 will not display my slideshows in full screen, any ideas?

    My 'Full screen preview' remains square with black borders down the left and right sides.  The same happens when outputting to DVD for replaying on TV.  I previously ran Elements 4 on my old machine without this problem!  I would appreciate some help.  Many thanks, Allan Stevenson

      In the slideshow editor click:
    Edit à Slideshow Preferences
    If you have crop to fit selected try un-checking the box.

  • Scanner resolution question related to idvd slideshow

    I would like to scan 35mm slides for an eventual iDVD slideshow. I have plenty of storage space.
    1. Would a 1200 dpi scan be good enough for an eventual slideshow to replay
    on an HDTV?
    2. What slide file format is best, e.g., pdf, tiff, jpeg
    3. Do I need to do anything special to have the 16:9 aspect?
    Advice would be appreciated.

    No, I didn't use those numbers. I used some higher
    number but kept the 16:9 ratio, e.g., 720 dpi was 935
    x 527. Apparently, not the right thing to do.
    That should be fine if you are creating a NTSC DVD - you are working in NTSC and NOT PAL aren't you?
    As far as 72 verse 1200. I didn't try anything lests
    than 720 dpi for my scan. I guess I thought
    (probably wrong) that higher resolution would be
    better for hdtv.
    So, if I use the number you mentioned (per Apple) I
    should see the entire screen filled on the hdtv
    playback? And is there a point at which increasing
    the dpi for the initial scan doesn't help the final
    resolution that much?
    Unless you are working with the 'Ken Burns' pan and zoom effect for still images in iMovie, the size listed in the Apple document is all you need.
    As far as "should see the entire screen filled on the hdtv playback?" goes, you need to have set your set top DVD player correctly to do this - I know this was an issue when iDVD 6 first came out.

  • Powerpoint slideshow problem

    I did not know what other discussion group to put this on.
    I made a Powerpoint slideshow presentation with 16 jpeg slides. This went fine. Now, I want to insert a song (.wav) file to play as long as the slideshow is running. When I try to do this using "Insert/Movies and Sounds/Sound from file....", the music plays only on the first slide. If I choose the file using the "Side Show/Slide Transition" and apply it to all slides, then the song starts to replay each time the next slide starts. I cannot get it to play continuously throughout the entire slideshow. Can anyone help me with this?

    My song is 153 sec long. In the Slide Transition menu, under "Advance slide", I have "Automatically after 4 seconds". So, the 16 slides consume about 64 seconds, well within the length of the song. But, it still restarts fresh each time a new slide appears. I even tried to save this as a .pps (now a .ppt), with no success.
    Is there anything in the Preferences that has to be reset? I note that I cannot change the "Provide feedback with sound to screen elements". If I check this, it defaults back to unchecked. Any other suggestions?

  • Very annoying music problem with slideshow

    I have been trying the whole afternoon to solve a perplexing problem when trying to set up a slideshow:
    Initial problem:
    When selecting one or more songs, using various methods such as directly selecting the song, using a playlist from iTunes or a "custom playlist" in iPhoto slideshow music settings, iPhoto for no apparent reason when previewing, simply restarts a song before it or the slideshow have finished. This is despite choosing the "Fit to music" option in settings.
    Second much more irritating problem:
    I thought I'd see what would happen if I exported it. I selected two songs, and combined those songs using all the methods listed above as well as actually creating a new iLife preview song file in garageband and even exporting the two songs into a combined .mp3 file again with garage file. I must stress that when played in Garageband, in iTunes and even with iPhoto's music preview, the two songs play perfectly one after the other with no problems. However, no matter what method or indeed file combination I use, when exporting, iPhoto causes the first song to restart a few seconds after the second one has begun resulting in them playing at the same time which as you can imagine is pretty frikking annoying and basically makes it impossible to present such a slideshow. At first I thought it was "selecting" the first song to replay but it does this even with a single .mp3 which must appear to it to be only one song, so it appears that it simply restarts the track from the beginning at a random place in the slideshow, while continuing to play the track already playing.
    Anyone else experience this - I have yet to try the delete, write to CD and re-import option but this seems like a ridiculous and unacceptable thing to have to do to get something so simple to work.
    Any suggestions would be welcome.

    Try deleting the iPhoto caches in the your User/Library/Caches/ folder and the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your User/Library/Preferences folder. Reboot and try exporting again.
    I'm able to export a slideshow with 3 songs without any issues except that there are long gaps between songs. Lots of dead air due to the fade out and in of the tracks.
    Question: Do you have the Quicktime Player 7 installed? It's an option with Snow Leopard installation. Also when the slideshow is being exported which icon do you see in the Dock, the older Quicktime Player 7 icon or the newer QT Player 10 icon.
    For several reasons I've removed the QT 10 Player and use the 7 exclusively. It have more features and, IMO, does a better job at most everything. What I'm getting at is that if the QT 10 player is exporting the slideshow that may be the problem.
    If you have QT 7 then zip the QT 10 player and delete the unzipped application. Then try an export to see if you have better luck. A long shot but might work.
    Some more info about QT Player 7 and it's use alone can be found in this topic: UPDATE!.

  • Apple tv random slideshow

    Hi guys,
    Does anyone know if the apple TV slideshow feature generates a random order for the images in a slide show?
    I want to use 3x apple TV's to show a slideshow on 3 tvs, using images from a central library and I want it to randomly show different images on the different screens. Will it show random images on the different screens or will they display in the same order on each screen?

    Welcome to the  Discussion Forums.
    Is this repeatable with the same photo's or when you replay the slideshow does it occur to different photos.

  • Slideshows Quality is poor

    Hello everyone the slideshows I try to burn on standard mac software has a really poor result when replayed. is it possible to use something like final cut to give me better results? I am wanting to give these DVDs to my customers, with the results I have had so far this is not possible.

    It would have helped if you had stated what Mac you have and what version of OS X, but:
    There are many ways to produce slide shows using iPhoto, iMovie or iDVD and some limit the number of photos you can use (iDVD has a 99 chapter (slide) limitation).
    If what you want is what I want, namely to be able to use high resolution photos (even 300 dpi tiff files), to pan and zoom individual photos, use a variety of transitions, to add and edit music or commentary, place text exactly where you want it, and to end up with a DVD that looks good on both your Mac and a TV - in other words end up with and end result that does not look like an old fashioned slide show from a projector - you may be interested in how I do it. You don't have to do it my way, but the following may be food for thought!
    Firstly you need proper software to assemble the photos, decide on the duration of each, the transitions you want to use, and how to pan and zoom individual photos where required, and add proper titles. For this I use Photo to Movie. You can read about what it can do on their website:
    (Other users here use the alternative FotoMagico: which you may prefer - I have no experience with it.)
    Neither of these are freeware, but are worth the investment if you are going to do a lot of slide shows. Read about them in detail, then decide which one you feel is best suited to your needs.
    Once you have timed and arranged and manipulated the photos to your liking in Photo to Movie, it exports the file to iMovie  as a DV stream. You can add music in Photo to Movie, but I prefer doing this in iMovie where it is easier to edit. You can now further edit the slide show in iMovie just as you would a movie, including adding other video clips, then send it to iDVD 7, or Toast,  for burning.
    You will be pleasantly surprised at how professional the results can be!
    To simply create a slide show in iDVD 7 onwards from images in iPhoto or stored in other places on your hard disk or a connected server, look here:

  • Very Basic Slideshow question

    I have a question about creating a slideshow -- in the Help File, it says to Save as a file, and then says that if I want the show to automatically replay, select Loop.  Where do I select loop???  When I hit Save as a File, it asks for name of file, but does not ask anything else.  I know this is probably really easy, but I am going crazy.  Can someone please put me out of my misery?

    Are you making your slideshow using the option under the create button or a web gallery slideshow under the share button?
    I believe you only have the loop option for web galleries and it also depends which template you use when you first create your project.
    The slideshow and journal templates seem to loop automatically i.e after the last photo the sequence starts again from the first until the viewer presses pause/stop.
    Other templates such as standard and animated normally stop after the last slide. These web-gallery slideshows can be uploaded to Adobe or other web-sites for on line viewing.

  • Slideshow has glitch in burned disc

    I am having a problem with idvd. I prepared a slideshow with music and menus. It plays beautifully within idvd. I burn a disc and at a certain point in the replay, it either shuts down or stops for a minute and then restarts. (depends on which dvd player I am using.) I can play it on the computer and it just hesitates a moment and then goes on but one player actually stops and will not complete that portion of the menu. I have tried changing the music to no avail. Also tried removing the slide that is showing when it happens. Is it possible to have a problem with the burner that would show up at the exact same spot each time? I am trying to complete a slideshow for some friends 50th anniversary and am getting very frustrated. Have wasted about six discs so far. Not sure what else to try.
    Help! makes sense when you say that! It is happening right at the 99-100 slide. And I noticed that when I play it on the computer, the timer sets back to 0 at the glitch. I have three slideshows, two with less than 100 that work fine and the other with 153. I knew it had to be something simple. Most of the players that I play it on just pause and go on. Just the cheapie that I have in one room kicks the whole thing out.
    Thank you so very very much. I will try arranging the slideshow in Lightroom and import it into idvd and hopefully that will work.

  • Why does my slideshow stop on my live site, but works fine in test?

    I have an auto-play slideshow of 7 images that stops after 4 on our live
    website. If you click the arrow to advance, the next three images never
    However, when I test it—preview page and business catalyst— it plays through
    to 7, then replays (what I want)
    I have tried rebuilding it, but that didn't help. Can't think of anything.
    The whole site is full of slideshows. Other than the horizontal transition,
    this one is not much different. I have checked the file names of the images
    and updated the assets.
    Please help! We would like to announce the new website to our clients.

    If the slideshow is working fine in Business Catalyst and not on another (external) host, the issue may be with the upload not being completely successful, or the host itself. Please make sure it's not an upload issue, by reuploading the site again with "all files" selected in the upload option. If that doesn't resolve the issue, then have your host "reset the FTP permissions" for you and then reupload the site to see if that fixes the issue.

  • HELP PLEASE: .swf Controls take over in Powerpoint Slideshow

    I have a .swf embedded within an Powerpoint slideshow. When I
    use the controls I've set within the .swf file (pause, play, replay
    animation) I no longer can use the Powerpoint slideshow mode
    controls (forward or backward to next slide). If I don't touch the
    controls within the .swf, letting the .swf animation play through,
    the Powerpoint slideshow controls work fine.
    Can anyone offer any workarounds that may enable me to use
    the .swf file controls while in Powerpoint slideshow mode, yet not
    loose the ability to advance to the next slide (using the arrow
    keys) in Powerpoint?

    Hi Michael,
    I'm  not an expert however if I understand the links correctly, it's saying that you are missing the .webm extension for apache which is server side. I'm not a dev geek so I really can't dive into it with any type of authority.
    I viewed it with IE and I got "invalid source". Which means the files maybe corrupted, something is just slightly off in your coding, or you need to add that .webm extension (which I have no idea how to do). It seems highly unlikey that your server is not set up for this though >
    For some reason this doesn't seem right to me. If the files are .mp4, ogg and vp8 then what is the reference to shockwave?
    <embed src="Laser.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="650" height="400" />
    Try this link: N9
    Give that technique a shot and see how it goes.
    Hopefully somebody with more technical expertise will put in their "two cents".
    Good luck.

  • How Do You Make a Slideshow Loop Twice?

    I'm making a slideshow and need it to replay once through again. I've tried to drag the same photos back into the drop zone but nothing happens. Any suggestions?

    I need the slideshow to run for 12 min on a DVD., but I only have enough pictures with a 5 sec. transition between shots to run for 6 min. I've got to put it on a DVD and don't want to run back to the player(because we won't have the time) and hit replay after it runs through the first time. Does that make sense?
    Thanks for getting back TD

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