Replicated Partition - overwrite

Has anyone heard of this?I have cube2 that gets data from cube1 via a replicated partition.The user wants the flexibility to override a member after replication.Problem:After the first time that replication is run, the member cannot be altered in any way. The database will not accept the override and if the database is reset the value also is not accepted. Other values (not in the partition area) can be loaded. I tried this on a few items in the partition area.If a new App is created, the data can be loaded - until the first time I run the replication. After that - it's messed up.Ideas?H

There is a setting (appropriately in the settings area accessed by clicking the settings button) in partition manager that applies to the partition that is "The target partition can be updated".By default, the target cells of a replicated partition are read-only. This read-only status should take effect when the partition is saved, not after the first replication, as you indicate.Does this address your problem?<br><br>Jeff McAhren<br>Dallas, Texas

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    Thanks, Stefan
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    We use EAL with the transparent partition option without any issues. We write some report scripts to export the data from the app and load into another essbase app periodically for reporting. We can also use smartview or the add-in to pull data directly from the EAL essbase apps.
    What are you trying to do that requires you to use a replicated partition? We were told transparent was the preferred method and so we used that option.

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    Edited by: SimonWatts on Oct 16, 2008 4:23 PM

    I believe the only issue that is likely to be wrong is the need to select a single member in the dimensions that you are eliminating (through a mapping to void). The 2 dims that exist in cube A should be selected as a single member for each, and mapped to void. If you selected the entire dimension in the partition, and only mapped the root to void, you would have a mismatched cell count.
    So, change the partition spec to use a single member in those dimensions (if needed), and make sure that the member you select is mapped to void, which is not necessarilly the dimension itself.
    Then, you do a similar void mapping to the SBU Input member, "Void = "SBU Input"". That handles the new cell count aspect if the other dimensions line up.
    In total, there are three mappings identified from this. Two map source members to void, and one to map a target member to void.

  • Replicated partition is taking a long time

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  • Pb to setup replicated partition with substitution variables

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    I have the following problem with the replicated partition by using the substitution variables :
    I would like to create a replicated partition using 3 substitution variables: &CurrPeriod, &CurrWeek, &CurrYear. The goal of this is to be able to copy data from application SourceApp to TargetApp every week, by changing the subst variables.
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    login useradmin identified by password on EssbServer
    alter application SourceApp load database SourceDb
    alter application TargetApp load database TargetDb
    create or replace replicated partition SourceApp.SourceDb
    Area ' "Account1", &CurrPeriod, &CurrWeek, &CurrYear, "ND_DISTRI","ND_PAGE","ND_PROD","VT", "REEL", "EUR" ' SourceArea
    to TargetApp.TargetDb at EssbServer  as useradmin identified by password
    Area ' "Account1",    "M_N",     "S_N",     "FY1" , "ND_DISTRI","ND_PAGE","ND_PROD","VT", "REEL", "EUR" ' TargetArea
    +     mapped TargetArea ("&CurrYear") to ("FY1")+
    +     mapped TargetArea ("&CurrWeek") to ("S_N")+
    +     mapped TargetArea ("&CurrPeriod") to ("M_N")+
    +     update allow;+
    refresh replicated partition SourceApp .SourceDb to TargetApp .TargetDb at EssbServer all data ;
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    Area ' "Account1", “Month1”, “Week1”, “Year1”, "ND_DISTRI","ND_PAGE","ND_PROD","VT", "REEL", "EUR" ' SourceArea
    to TargetApp.TargetDb at EssbServer  as useradmin identified by password
    Area ' "Account1",    "M_N",     "S_N",     "FY1" , "ND_DISTRI","ND_PAGE","ND_PROD","VT", "REEL", "EUR" ' TargetArea
    +     mapped TargetArea (“Year1”) to ("FY1")+
    +     mapped TargetArea (“Week1”) to ("S_N")+
    +     mapped TargetArea (“Month1”) to ("M_N")+
    So my conclusion is that there is something wrong with the syntax of the substitution variable in my mapping.
    Your help on this would be very appreciated .

    I have the answer from Oracle support :
    This is a known bug.
    BUG 7418041
    This has been documented as a known issue in Essbase Release with the following description: "Partitioning. Using substitution variables in replicated partition mappings incorrectly prevents data from replicating. [7418041]"
    Currently the development team are working on a fix, but we don't have a release date yet.
    The suggested workarounds are to use member names (which you have confirmed work) or use a Transparent partition in place of a replicated partition.

  • Replicated Partition - Dynamic Calc member

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    What error is it giving you? I have a similar situation in which I am using a replicated partition and mapping a dynamic calc dimension to (void). It seems to be working fine for me.

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    Can anyone give me a hint or even confirm this behaviour ?
    Thank you in advance
    Below the log infos:
    log of src db:
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA///Info(1013210)
    User [hyperion] set active on database [db]
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA/db/hyperion/Info(1013091)
    Received Command [PutReplicatedCells] from user [hyperion]
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA///Info(1013210)
    User [hyperion] set active on database [db]
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA/db/hyperion/Info(1013091)
    Received Command [XferReplicatedCells] from user [hyperion]
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA///Info(1013214)
    Clear Active on User [hyperion] Instance [1]
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA/db/hyperion/Info(1023005)
    Update of replicated partition elapsed time : [0] seconds
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA/db/hyperion/Info(1243010)
    Partition refreshed
    log of trg db:
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA1///Info(1013210)
    User [hyperion] set active on database [db]
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA1/db/hyperion/Info(1013091)
    Received Command [ReqXferReplicatedCells] from user [hyperion]
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA1///Info(1013210)
    User [hyperion] set active on database [db]
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA1/db/hyperion/Info(1013091)
    Received Command [ProtocolXchg] from user [hyperion]
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA1/db/hyperion/Info(1023044)
    Processing distributed request from [P4B5A856A, AAA, db]
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA1/db/hyperion/Info(1013091)
    Received Command [PutLastUpdatedTime] from user [hyperion]
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA1///Info(1013214)
    Clear Active on User [hyperion] Instance [1]
    [Fri Dec 04 15:29:03 2009]Local/AAA1///Info(1013214)
    Clear Active on User [hyperion] Instance [1]

    It sounds like you are doing it all correctly. One thing you might try just to be sure you are not getting any data in the target database is the following:
    1) clear the target database
    2) Run the replication for all cells
    3) Run an export of all data on the target database
    See if you get anything in the export file, maybe you are getting some of the data or possibly it is a rollup issue. Just a thought.

  • Replicated Partition: One to many?

    I am hoping to set up a replicated partition, which will take exchange rate data from source to multiple targets.The issue is that I have multiple homes in any given target database for (eg) USD rate. ie I have tried using UDA's, but one USD tagged member in source, has multiple USD tagged members in target, hence partition doesnt verify.In short, can I map one to many, source to target in a replicated partition?Thanks in Advance

    Are you mapping from one outline to many outlines by using the same member in the source outline to couple different target outlines? If your answer is yes, then yes you can do it. ---Message Posted by kmooney ??3/19/02 07:16---I am hoping to set up a replicated partition, which will take exchange rate data from source to multiple targets.The issue is that I have multiple homes in any given target database for (eg) USD rate. ie I have tried using UDA's, but one USD tagged member in source, has multiple USD tagged members in target, hence partition doesnt verify.In short, can I map one to many, source to target in a replicated partition?Thanks in Advance

  • Essbase Replicated Partition - No data replicated to target

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    There is no data replicated to target.
    Can anyone tell me what's the problem here?

    I would recommend to start with a single cell and then see if that works. If it does then expand to full. Also explaining the structure of source and target and mapping will also help us identify the issue.

  • EAL Bridge - Replicated Partition

    Hi Gurus,
    Can data can be replicated in Essbase using EAL Bridge, configured using Replicated Partition in real time. If so, how frequently will the data replication happen.
    I know that this happens real time or very close to real time if we use Transparent partitions. But want to understand how replicated partition works.
    Also, will there be any difference for the users who use Smart view to view data between Transparent and Replicated partitition or the user experience will be the same?

    Yes , it can be replicated . EAL Interface does provide an option for using Replicated partition, You have an Option to set in " Data Update Interval" within EAL to how frequently you want to replicate the data between Source and Target.
    There are Technical difference between Replicated and Transparent , but Physically users wont find any difference when using Replicated . Just that in Transparent Data is loaded only in Source , as you might know in Replicated Part of the data is Physically available in Destination also.

  • Performance tips on transparent and replicated partitions?

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  • Difference between transparent and replicated partitions

    whats the difference between transparent and replicated partitions in EAL. currently we have created essbase cube via transparent partition in eal. performance of obiee reports on essbase cube is very bad. now somebody suggested to create essbase cube via replicated partition in EAL. what difference would it make. one guy said replicated partition would make it more slow. i am confused. please explain.

    Transparent Partition does not occupy or create extra memory Space in the Destination Application , it just shows the Data from Source to the Destination cube . This partition is completely dependent on Existence of Source Data . While , in replicated Partition you can use a copy of source data in the Destination cube.
    FYI : Hyperion Essbase &amp;#8211; Partitioning and its use cases &amp;#8211; Transparent, Replicated and Linked part…

  • Replicated Partition Hangs

    <p>I have created a replicated partition and everything validatescorrectly.  When I attempt to replicate across the partitionit seems to be working but its just hanging.  There is an .indfile created immediately in the new db but no page files. After a few minutes I kill the request and a page filesuddenly appears and the data in the cube exists like I wouldexpect it to.  Anyone have any idea whats going on?</p>

    I looked up the error message codes and found that 1130203 seems to be the key.<BR><blockquote>quote:<br><hr><b>1130203 </b><BR>Possible Problems<BR>Analytic Services is unable to allocate memory. <BR><BR>Possible Solutions<BR>Try any of the following suggestions to fix the problem. Once you fix the problem, check to see if the database is corrupt. <BR><BR>Check the physical memory on the server computer. In a Windows environment, 64 MB is the suggested minimum for one database. In a UNIX environment, 128 MB is the suggested minimum for one database. If the error keeps occuring, add more memory to the server computer. <BR>If you are on a UNIX computer, check the user limit profile. <BR>Check the block size of the database. If necessary, reduce the block size. <BR>Check the data cache and data file cache setting. If necessary, decrease the data cache and data file cache sizes. <BR>Make sure that the Analytic Services computer has enough resources. Consult the Analytic Services Installation Guide for a list of system requirements. If a resource-intensive application, such as a relational database, is running on the same computer, the resource-intensive application may be using the resources that Analytic Services needs. <BR>See Also<BR>1006006<BR>1006010<BR>1006015<BR>1006023<BR><hr></blockquote><BR><BR>It looks like you may be requiring more memory than might be available. This is the same sort of error that you see when you find dynamic calcs needing more calc lock block space, a problem normally resolved by increasing the data cache.<BR><BR>It may be that the sparse-dense arrangements of your source and target databases are organized in such a way that you need to have multiple blocks cached for each during the replication. Without seeing the outlines and partition definitions, this is a best guess. I don't know whther the order of dimensions in the partition definition makes any difference, but different organizations can cause memory allocation problems, especially if the server is running at full load. <BR><BR>You might see if there is any difference when replicating during a slow use time. Check to see that all inactive applications are stopped. That may help memory allocation. If you have a separate test server, you may want to play a bit with settings. Otherwise, try monitoring memory use on the server when doing the partition.

  • Replicated Partition

    I have a perfectly working replicated partition, but have a requirement to optimize the data target, to improve performance.
    Changing the data target Accounts dimension from DENSE to SPARSE seems to be improving database performance. However, before applying this change, does anyone know if a change of dense/sparse settings in the data target can cause problems in the replicated partition?
    Bear in mind i will leave the data source ACCOUNTS dimension as is (DENSE), and simply change the data target ACCOUNTS dimension to SPARSE.

    I had somewhat same scenario and it worked absolutely fine.
    However said that it wasn't Account dimension. It was currency dimension (custom dimension).
    But i think it won't matter much.
    Please share if this works.

  • Replicated Partition Question

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    here is what i am trying to accomplish
    Source A
    Target A
    MAP A
    "VERSION4" to "MONTH1"
    Source B (same as A)
    Target B
    MAP B
    "VERSION4" to "MONTH1"
    Tried setting this up and it doesnt work
    Thinking I need a maxl to create partition, replicate drop it create a second partition, replicate, and drop it.
    Any thoughts

    They are.
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    Another thing is I can get the replicated partition to refresh the data.  But if I have the map for OUTLOOK to ROLLING3MTH it only pushes to ROLLING3MTH.  If I leave out the map it only goes to OUTLOOK in Target.

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