Reply: cancelling JPopupMenu

hi stanis,
yeah...i got ur code and is working in the way i want to ....some extend.
let me hack and try to fit in my application.
if any doubt arising in the near future...i'll disclose it.
And thanx for ur kind co-operation

Thanks for the links I can probably work it out from te code Ive seen there. I'll award the points if I do.
As for consuming the event it was a great suggestion but didn't seem to work. The event must be passed to the superclass before I get to deal with it, which is quite an annoying design decision.
Thanks again to you both. Here is the code for the solution, a corrected version of that posted in the threads given.
class testFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame {
public testFrame() {
        initComponents(); //Netbeans IDE auto generated codes for GUI forms
        this.jTable.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() {
            public void mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
               // Here I handle other interactions I have tied to the mouse buttons.
              // If the button is the right mouse, and it wasn't previously handled, I go:
      , evt.getX(), evt.getY());
}Edited by: aybiss on Mar 11, 2010 10:09 PM

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    I have a JButton and a JPopupMenu
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    popupMenu.addPopupMenuListener(new PopupMenuListener() {
    public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent event) {
    public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent event) {
    public void popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent event) {
    button.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) {
    if (match some condition) {, 0, button.getHeight());
    When I haven't change the L&F
    The output is correct:
    // First time of pressing the button
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    I don't think that changing L&F might change behavior of firing events.
    Maybe the problem is somewhere in your code...
    Maybe you set different values of some variables before changing L&F, then you change L&F and then it doesn't work as you want. It seems to you that the problem is in L&F, but I don't think so.
    Take a look at your code again and try to find a bug there, not in L&F.

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    Thanx kashifMohd,
    Downloaded the fix, vetted it, and before creating a new Administrator account used the following recipe with success:
    1. Ran downloaded fix with usual Admin Account and got the “Error 1321 for Search.api.” as before, but now there is a pop-up asking "Retry" or "Cancel" that did not appear when using "Get Updates" function from running Adobe Reader. Replied "Cancel".
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    4. Clicked "Retry" this time and installation completed successfully.
    Thanx again.

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    Thanx kashifMohd,
    Downloaded the fix, vetted it, and before creating a new Administrator account used the following recipe with success:
    1. Ran downloaded fix with usual Admin Account and got the “Error 1321 for Search.api.” as before, but now there is a pop-up asking "Retry" or "Cancel" that did not appear when using "Get Updates" function from running Adobe Reader. Replied "Cancel".
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    4. Clicked "Retry" this time and installation completed successfully.
    Thanx again.

  • Doubt in - recover database command

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    This is the best explanation i had found earlier which is well written
    If you were to recover the database with a current control file, Oralce will know the last SCN of the last checkpoint. So Oracle can use the information in the archived and online redo logs to apply recovery up to that SCN. This is called a "complete" recovery.
    If you do not have the current control file, your option is to use a backup controlfile. Which means Oracle does not know the SCN to stop applying recovery. So you tell Oracle that you are using a "backup controlfile" and that you will tell it when to stop applying redo by replying "cancel." When Oracle starts recovery, it looks at the datafiles to know the last time a checkpoint was performed on the datafile. Oracle now knows to start applying recovery to the datafile for all SCNs after the SCN in the datafile header. Oracle rolls forward transactions. But Oracle does not know when to stop, and eventually, Oracle applies recovery in all of your archived redo logs. You can then tell Oracle to use the redo in the online redo logs. Oracle will ask you where to find more redo. At this point, you tell it to quit applying redo by replying CANCEL.
    Hope this helps in explaining the difference

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    Hello Robert,
    I saw another discussions of yours:
    How am I supposed to read what a poster writes?
    I think you see the said truncation if your browser window width is smaller than the minimum content width determined by the minimum body width of ASC layout, which is set to 1120px. You can remove the minimum width restrictions by modifying its CSS. I played around with it and come to a revised version (v 0.4) of CSS rules for Firefox.
    I have adjusted the BODY, ASC HEADER AREA and ASC TOP PAGE sections of the following rules so as to remove the min-width restrictions (BODY) and adjust some layout and overflow behaviours accordingly (ASC HEADER AREA and ASC TOP PAGE). I did not touch the global header area (the top navigation bar (Apple|Store|Mac... etc) whose width is set to 980px and thus if the browser window is narrower than 980px, horizontal scroll control will appear whilst the body text will wrap properly within the current width.
    I post this revision here just for convenience and will put a link to this thread in the another discussion.
    And, well, I dare not put css modification rules as a User Tip in the very target site. Haha.
    Rules are moderately tested with Firefox 24.6.0esr under OSX 10.6.8.
    Hope this may help,
        custom styles for Apple Support Communities board system introduced in 2014-06 (v 0.4)
        body {
            background: white;
            min-width: 0px !important;
        #body-apple {
            width: 100% !important;
            min-width: 0px !important;
        /* line spacing */
        .jive-content { line-height: 1.25 !important; }
            ASC HEADER AREA
        #j-footer { width: 100% !important; }
        /* navigation header (Apple Support Communities ...) */
        #j-header-wrap {
            padding: 0px 40px !important;
            margin: 0px 0px 15px !important;
        #j-globalNav-bg {
            padding: 0pX !important;
            margin: 0px !important;
        #j-satNav { overflow: visible !important; }
        #jive-breadcrumb { right: 40px !important; }
            ASC TOP PAGE
        .content-large {
            text-align: center !important;
            overflow-x: auto !important;
            overflow-y: hidden !important;
        .apple-communities {
            display: inline-block !important;
            width: 1120px !important;
            text-align: left !important;
        /* show author name in 'Latest activity' column in detailed list view of threads */
        td.j-td-date > span { display : inherit !important; }
        /* main section */
        #j-main { padding: 0px !important; }
        /* table cell title */
        .jive-table td.jive-table-cell-title { padding: 5px !important; }
        /* threads list view table tr td  */
        .j-browse-details-tbody tr td { padding: 5px !important; }
        /* communities list view table tr td */
        .jive-communities-listing table tr td { padding: 5px !important; }
        /* thumbnails view width */
        .j-browse-content .j-thumb-view,
        .j-browse-places .j-browse-thumbnails,
        .j-browse-people .j-browse-thumbnails { width: 100% !important; }
        /* social actions row */
        .apple-social-actions-wrapper { margin-right: 0px !important; }
        .j-thread .j-social-actions { margin-right: 40px !important; }
        /* apple subheader row ("Find helpful contents and discussions" etc )*/
        #apple-activity-subheader {
            padding: 0px 80px 15px !important;
            margin-bottom: 15px !important;
        /* page header */
        .j-body-place #jive-body > header.j-page-header {
            margin-left: 40px !important;
            margin-right: 40px !important;
            width: auto !important;
        /* browser filter row */
        #j-browse-filters { margin-bottom: 5px !important; }
        /* browser controls row */
        .j-type-row { margin-bottom: 0px !important; }
        /* browser controls content types (All Contents|User Tips|Discussions) width */
        #js-browse-controls .j-type-row .j-content-types {
            width: 90% !important;
        /* browser controls view toggle (Thumbnails|Details) width */
        #js-browse-controls #j-item-view-toggle {
            width: 10% !important;
            display: table !important;
        /* content filter row (All|Open|Answered|Threads) */
        .j-content-filter {
            background: white !important;
            margin-bottom: 10px !important;
        /* container canvas */
        .j-contained {
            margin-left: 40px !important;
            margin-right: 40px !important;
        /* category filter bar */
        .jive-content-filter {
            left: 0px !important;
            width: 80% !important;
        .touchcarousel-wrapper { width: 100% !important; }
        /* more search results available */
        #j-more-search-results-available { padding: 10px !important; }
        /* misc */
        .jive-widget { margin-bottom: 10px !important; }
        .j-column { margin-bottom: 10px !important; }
            swap left-right positions of threads table and sidebar ui (filters & actions)
        /* threads table float left */
        .j-layout-sl .j-column-wrap-l { float: left !important; }
        /* sidebar ui float right */
        .j-layout-sl .j-column-s { float: right !important; }
        /* thread header */
        .apple-thread-header {
            width: auto !important;
            margin-bottom: 10px !important;
            margin-left: 40px !important;
        /* thread original post */
        .j-thread .jive-content { margin: 0px 40px 0px 140px !important; }
        /* thread replies ul */
        ul.jive-discussion-replies.jive-discussion-indent-0 { margin: 0px !important; }
        /* thread reply li */
        .jive-discussion-replies li.reply { margin-top: 15px !important; }
        /* thread view indent */
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        /* thread info */
        .jive-thread-info {
            padding: 10px 40px !important;
            margin: 0px !important;
        /* thread answer rollup */
        .j-answer-rollup { margin: 30px 0px !important; }
        /* thread post header (poster, date, response to) */
        .j-thread-post > header {
            padding: 10px 20px 0px 20px !important;
            margin-bottom: 12px !important;
        /* thread post section (message body) */
        .j-thread-post section {
            padding: 0px 20px !important;
            margin-bottom: 6px !important;
        /* thread post footer (Like|Reply etc) */
        .j-thread-post footer { padding: 0px 15px !important; }
        .j-thread-post footer > ul { padding: 2px !important; }
        .j-thread-post footer > .acclaim-container { margin: 5px 0px !important; }
        /* thread rendered content */
        .jive-rendered-content { padding-bottom: 4px !important; }
        /* thread rendered content quote & pre */
        .jive-rendered-content .jive-quote,
        .jive-rendered-content .jive-pre {
            margin: 5px 15px !important;
        /* thread reply footer (Return to Community|Go to original post) */
        #jive-thread-reply-footer {    margin-top: 10px !important; }
        /* more like this links, incomming links */
        #apple-related-threads { margin: 0px 40px !important; }
        #apple-related-threads .j-box { margin-bottom: 0px !important; }
        .j-icon-list li { padding: 3px 0px 3px 22px !important; }
            INLINE EDITOR
        /* editor */
        .jive-discussion-replies li.addReply { margin: 50px 40px 0px !important; }
        /* content area */
        .j-thread .jive-content.jive-create-thread,
        .jive-body-formpage-document .jive-content.doc-page {
            margin: 0px 40px !important;
            padding: 0px !important;
        /* header */
        .j-thread .jive-content.jive-create-thread h2,
        .jive-body-formpage-document .jive-content.doc-page h2 { padding: 0px !important; }
        /* editor panel */
        .j-thread .jive-content.jive-create-thread #jive-compose-title,
        .j-thread .jive-content.jive-create-thread .jive-editor-panel.jive-large-editor-panel,
        .jive-body-formpage-document .jive-content.doc-page #jive-compose-title,
        .jive-body-formpage-document .jive-content.doc-page .jive-editor-panel.jive-large-editor-panel { margin: 0px !important; }
        /* line height in editor */
        body.tiny_mce_content { line-height: inherit !important; }
        /* replying to */
        .jive-body-formpage-comment .jive-thread-message { margin: 0px !important; }   
        /* buttons (Reply|Cancel) */
        .jive-body-formpage .jive-composebuttons { margin: 20px 40px 0px !important; }
        /* activity entry */
        .j-act-entry { padding: 5px 0px 10px 100px !important; }
        /* activity title */
        .j-body-home .j-act-title { padding: 10px 0px 5px 24px !important; }
        /* Like list */
        .j-act-grouped .j-act-g-item { padding: 3px !important; }

  • Identified a design flaw in the iPhone

    i was on the iPhone speakerphone with my parents and suddenly this mentally troubled girl i know sends me a message consisting of a single 3 letter expletive. i get the popup saying reply/cancel i press cancel.
    she sends it again - i cancel it again. and again and again on like 4th time i accidentally end the call with my parents.
    so i am trying to call them back but at this point she starts repeating the word every second or so so i am constantly getting the popup reply/cancel so i keep pressing cancel but before the screen cancels the new popup is there and the transparent glass popup takes the entire screen so i can't access the phone buttons to call my parents back.
    now my parents are calling me and i am trying to pick up the phone but the crazy girl is still firing away at about 40 messages per minute.
    long story short i was unable to either pick up on my parents or call them back until she stopped about 2 minutes later.
    it was VERY frustrating ! ! !
    this is unacceptable. i cannot lose control of my cell phone the second somebody starts texting me !
    the interface must be redesigned such that the reply/cancel popup doesn't block the rest of the screen. instead it should appear as a bar on top or bottom of the screen and the rest of the screen should compress a bit so u can still go about your business while the crazy people are having a breakdown.
    what if i was in a car using iphone as a GPS ? i might have gotten killed.
    serious serious flaw !

    Read between the lines, people. You're missing the point: the Text Message Popup Window interferes with normal operation of an application that is in use. IE: GPS mapping software....which is probably most useful while driving, no? The OP's point was that if he was trying to use some kind of GPS MAPPING while driving, the text message popups will get in the way of that use. The app still works, yes, but it's more, unnecessary buttons to push...
    I agree that at times the Text Popup can be problematic and a less intrusive alert window should be considered. I wouldn't call it a serious design flaw, though. It's just Apple not fully considering usability under certain conditions.

  • Why doesn't siri know how to change the time of a reminder? When asked, "Do you want to confirm or cancel your reminder?" Reply, "Can I change the time to a half hour later?" Siri doesn't know how to respond.

    Why doesn't siri know how to change the time of a reminder? When asked, "Do you want to confirm or cancel your reminder?" Reply, "Can I change the time to a half hour later?" Siri doesn't know how to respond.

    In iMovie'11 (version 9.0.x)
    on top menu row - Apple/iMovie/File/Edit/Cut (Can vary dep. on language - in Swedish Apple/iMovie/Arkiv/Redigera/Klipp . . . )
    down Cut menu - Slow playback/Raspid Playback/Re-play in Slow Motion and onvards
    Here one can select the Pre-Set speeds
    Are you familiar with getting 'inspector' to run?
    No - but I guess that Double Click on clip/sequense or ctrl-Click on it might open it.
    Yours Bengt W

  • How can i cancel order from HONG KONG apple Online Store? i tried to call the customer service hotline in 1/11/2013 (3pm to 6pm) and no any apple specialist reply and answer me? How can i do now ? Pay for useless????

    How can i cancel order from HONG KONG apple Online Store? i tried to call the customer service hotline in 1/11/2013 (3pm to 6pm) and no any apple specialists reply and answer me? How can i do now ? Pay for useless?

    You may also be able to access in Safari, log into your account, and review recent purchases (and cancel any that haven't shipped yet).

  • Unable to cancel Billing due to cleared accounting document for Free Goods

    I have a case as described below:
    I.                    SALES ORDER CREATION
    Transaction VA01 à Sales order is created for the following details:
    1.       Material Normal  (TAN) : 100 CAR
    2.       Free Goods (TANN) : 10 CAR
    II.                  Subsequent processing of sales order 
    a.       Delivery(1) and Billing (1) creation for the SO with the following details :
    Material Normal (TAN) : 100 CAR
    Free Goods (TANN) : 5 CAR
    Status of accounting document after releasing billing document to Accounting: Not cleared
                    Accounting Journal:
                    A/R                                                                     xxxx
                    Sales discount                                                     xxxx
                                    General Domestic Sales                                        xxxx
                                    VAT u2013 Out(TAX)                                                    xxxx
    b.      Delivery (2) and Billing (2) is then being made for the leftover item of the Sales Order:
    Free Goods (TANN) = 5 CAR  
    Status of Accounting document after releasing billing document to Accounting: CLEARED
    Accounting Journal
    Dr. Sales Discount                                        xxxx
                            Cr. General Domestic Sales                  xxxx
    III.                Reversal of Billing (2) needs to be done
    Activities conducted:
    a.       Go to VF11 and enter Billing (2) document number
    b.      Execute!
    System response:
    Error Log:
    1)      Data inconsistency during processing of document xxxxxxx
    2)      The Billing Document xxxxxxx  is already cleared
    From the error found, we tried to reverse the cleared accounting document by using t-code FBRA:  
    System response:
    Document xxxxxx IS NOT  a clearing document
    We have to reverse the clearing document first in order to cancel the related billing document but we keep finding this error, do Anyone have any advice to solve this issue?
    We have simulated similar transaction in IDES and no problem is found, is there any specific setting in customizing that can allow cancellation of billing document regardless of its accounting document status (Cleared or Not Cleared) ?
    Thanks in Advance,

    Thanks a lot for the reply,
    It answers my question, I found the copying requirement using routine 029 was defined in the cancellation document section of the Billing type to be cancelled
    After removing, the billing document can be cancelled

  • How to stay back on same section of a report after pressing cancel button

    How we can stay back on a same section of a report page when I press Cancel button or Apply Changes button from linked Data Entry Form. For instance if I have a 200 rows in a report and I scroll down to 80th row and press Edit button when called a data entry form. Now when I press Cancel it again re-load the report from the start of the page.
    Any idea!

    Hi Sajid,
    Thanks for reply.
    I have used RETURN statement like below.
    SUBMIT RFWT0010 WITH vendor       = 'X'
                     WITH i_lifnr  IN i_lifnr
                     WITH i_bukrs  IN i_kunnr
                     WITH test         = 'X'
                      AND RETURN.
    The output of RFWT0010 is displayed. but on pressing "back" button on toolbar, the flow is coming back  from RFWT0010 to calling report. I want that On pressing ENTER button of keyboard. The flow should come back to calling report.

  • Creative Cloud problem - no support reply in two weeks!

    This is the worst support I've ever come across. We've had no contact from anyone at Adobe apart from a general email 5 days ago. Yesterday we called and was passed around support depts for over an hour with no resolution.
    The email we got a week ago advised to upload a copy of our sync files so they can be checked but the Adobe attach file does not accept .log files. We were then advised to go to an FTP site and upload the .zip folder but the FTP site does not exist!
    Following the phone call yesterday Adobe guaranteed we would receive an expert support call with-in two hours. Guess what - nobody called.
    We've had enough and wanted to cancel creative cloud because it does not provide a service as advertised. We were advised we can not cancel for 1 year.
    Lets see if anyone at Adobe will comment/help this time around.
    Posted 2 weeks ago
    Design team working with the cloud for the first time need help. All 112 page magazine indesign/photoshop files and 90% of the magazine content and images (separate folder) deleted from the cloud and the local MAC folders. The remaining 10% word/pages docs have been converted to .jpg.
    It seemed to happen when a new license was accepted by a freelance designer. We had a support guy from Adobe remote desktop into the MAC yesterday but he could't work out what was wrong. He's passed it onto an expert who will be in contact with-in 72 hours? It's a good job we had only spent one full day designing and not a day before going to print. It's possible one MAC was uploading to the contents folder/syncing with the cloud whilst the freelance designer MAC was syncing/downloading around 1GB of files. Perhaps it was overloaded? But where are the files, and why delete anything without asking?
    1.6Gb out of 100GB allowance used! The Archive only has the content and images folder with around 90% deleted. This is around 528MB. Where have our files gone?
    Thankfully we did make a back-up yesterday.
    in Adobe Creative Cloud • Reply • Like Show 0 Likes(0)

    Also try them here. Afraid there is no forum for this.
    [email protected]
    Regards, Dave Patrick ....
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows]
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

  • Reply-to-all mails not going into discard folder in IMAP mailbox  oracle 11i

    Hi All,
    DB Version :
    App version :
    OS  : Solaris 10
    We have a running prod system on which IMAP is configured in the workflow mailer. It has been observred that some users do a reply-to-all  (or attach images as attachments )when they receive the email from IMAP and these emails are accumilated in the IMAP mailbox inbox and are not moved automatically to the discard folder. This caused mailer to hang and stops the mails from going forward.We then manually check for such faulty emails and then move then to discard folder and bounce the workflow mailer.
    We have scanned the metalink and google notes but have not seen anyone facing this similar issue. Also referred to the metalink note 275182.1 which suggests to set the expunge settings in the inbox but they are already in place.
    please suggest.

    Hello Asif,
    Thank You for your response. I did review the mailers logs but did not find anything significant. Also we guys are new to workflow so we are stuck. I am adding below the log file from the last 20 mins. please have a look and share your opinion on the same.
    Also , please tell me exactly what is supposed to go in the DISCARD folder. ? Or do we need to create any rules in the outlook mailbox to care of the replies.
    <<the emails and the server hostname and IP's have been modified due to security>>
    output1 :
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:51:44 AM IST]:1378880504050:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:Did not receive any control events.
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:51:44 AM IST]:1378880504051:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentProcessor.process()]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:51:44 AM IST]:1378880504051:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:51:44 AM IST]:1378880504051:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] BEGIN/END
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:51:44 AM IST]:1378880504052:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][],0x988707,false,false,false): : BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:51:44 AM IST]:1378880504052:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] END: returning oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1cc5069
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771868:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:WF_EVENT.listen returned processed count: 18, error count: 0
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771869:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:Successfully listened from WF_DEFERRED
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771870:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentProcessor.processMessage(Object)]:BEGIN [empty default implementation]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771870:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.ContextUtils.commit(Logger, WorkflowContext)]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771871:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.ContextUtils.commit(Logger, WorkflowContext)]:(Logger{mLog=[$Header: 115.78 2004/12/16 16:17:13 rnix ship $ @29945809 {oracle.apps.fnd.profiles.ExtendedProfileStore@f892a4}],mUniqueId=SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002,mLevel=1}, [ $Revision: 115.189 $ extends [oracle.apps.fnd.common.Context@988707 $Revision: 115.48 $  {sessionId=0x988707,conn=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1cc5069,state=oracle.apps.fnd.common.StateStack@1c8ef56}] {isDedicated=false}])
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771871:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] BEGIN/END
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771871:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][],0x988707,false,false,false): : BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771872:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] END: returning oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1cc5069
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771873:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.ContextUtils.commit(Logger, WorkflowContext)]:END
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771873:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:Resetting Error Count
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771874:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771874:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:Waiting 0 seconds (10 ms)
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771890:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:Running loop from the top.
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771890:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:BEGIN (noEvent)
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771890:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:Did not receive any control events.
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771891:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentProcessor.process()]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771891:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771891:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] BEGIN/END
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771892:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][],0x988707,false,false,false): : BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11 AM IST]:1378880771892:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] END: returning oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1cc5069
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903919:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:WF_EVENT.listen returned processed count: 20, error count: 0
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903920:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:Successfully listened from WF_DEFERRED
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903920:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentProcessor.processMessage(Object)]:BEGIN [empty default implementation]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903920:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.ContextUtils.commit(Logger, WorkflowContext)]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903921:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.ContextUtils.commit(Logger, WorkflowContext)]:(Logger{mLog=[$Header: 115.78 2004/12/16 16:17:13 rnix ship $ @29945809 {oracle.apps.fnd.profiles.ExtendedProfileStore@f892a4}],mUniqueId=SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002,mLevel=1}, [ $Revision: 115.189 $ extends [oracle.apps.fnd.common.Context@988707 $Revision: 115.48 $  {sessionId=0x988707,conn=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1cc5069,state=oracle.apps.fnd.common.StateStack@1c8ef56}] {isDedicated=false}])
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903921:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] BEGIN/END
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903922:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][],0x988707,false,false,false): : BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903922:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] END: returning oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1cc5069
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903924:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.ContextUtils.commit(Logger, WorkflowContext)]:END
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903924:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:Resetting Error Count
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903924:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903925:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:Waiting 0 seconds (10 ms)
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903940:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:Running loop from the top.
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903940:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:BEGIN (noEvent)
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903940:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:Did not receive any control events.
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903941:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentProcessor.process()]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903941:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903941:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] BEGIN/END
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903942:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][],0x988707,false,false,false): : BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:23 AM IST]:1378880903942:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] END: returning oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1cc5069
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439392:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:WF_EVENT.listen returned processed count: 26, error count: 0
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439393:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:Successfully listened from WF_DEFERRED
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439393:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentProcessor.processMessage(Object)]:BEGIN [empty default implementation]
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439393:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.ContextUtils.commit(Logger, WorkflowContext)]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439394:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.ContextUtils.commit(Logger, WorkflowContext)]:(Logger{mLog=[$Header: 115.78 2004/12/16 16:17:13 rnix ship $ @29945809 {oracle.apps.fnd.profiles.ExtendedProfileStore@f892a4}],mUniqueId=SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002,mLevel=1}, [ $Revision: 115.189 $ extends [oracle.apps.fnd.common.Context@988707 $Revision: 115.48 $  {sessionId=0x988707,conn=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1cc5069,state=oracle.apps.fnd.common.StateStack@1c8ef56}] {isDedicated=false}])
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439394:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] BEGIN/END
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439395:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][],0x988707,false,false,false): : BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439395:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] END: returning oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1cc5069
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439396:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.ContextUtils.commit(Logger, WorkflowContext)]:END
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439396:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:Resetting Error Count
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439397:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439397:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:Waiting 0 seconds (10 ms)
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439410:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:Running loop from the top.
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439410:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:BEGIN (noEvent)
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439410:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:Did not receive any control events.
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439411:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentProcessor.process()]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439411:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439411:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] BEGIN/END
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439412:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][],0x988707,false,false,false): : BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:07:19 PM IST]:1378881439412:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] END: returning oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1cc5069
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603217:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:WF_EVENT.listen returned processed count: 11, error count: 0
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603218:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:Successfully listened from WF_DEFERRED
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603218:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentProcessor.processMessage(Object)]:BEGIN [empty default implementation]
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603218:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.ContextUtils.commit(Logger, WorkflowContext)]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603219:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.ContextUtils.commit(Logger, WorkflowContext)]:(Logger{mLog=[$Header: 115.78 2004/12/16 16:17:13 rnix ship $ @29945809 {oracle.apps.fnd.profiles.ExtendedProfileStore@f892a4}],mUniqueId=SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002,mLevel=1}, [ $Revision: 115.189 $ extends [oracle.apps.fnd.common.Context@988707 $Revision: 115.48 $  {sessionId=0x988707,conn=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1cc5069,state=oracle.apps.fnd.common.StateStack@1c8ef56}] {isDedicated=false}])
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603219:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] BEGIN/END
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603220:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][],0x988707,false,false,false): : BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603220:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] END: returning oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1cc5069
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603221:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.ContextUtils.commit(Logger, WorkflowContext)]:END
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603222:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:Resetting Error Count
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603222:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603222:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:Waiting 0 seconds (10 ms)
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603240:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:Running loop from the top.
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603240:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:BEGIN (noEvent)
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603240:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:Did not receive any control events.
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603241:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentProcessor.process()]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603241:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-352211-10002 :]:BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603241:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] BEGIN/END
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603242:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][],0x988707,false,false,false): : BEGIN
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:10:03 PM IST]:1378881603242:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][] END: returning oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1cc5069
    and mailer log 2 :
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:54:13 AM IST]:1378880653533:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:54:13 AM IST]:1378880653775:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=6973873 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:54:13 AM IST]:1378880653776:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {6973873} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:54:13 AM IST]:1378880653807:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:54:13 AM IST]:1378880653809:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=6896745, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:32:09 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 11:57:50 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=6896745, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=6896745, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=212975, #MSG_ID=E60E7031749667F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:54:38 AM IST]:1378880678280:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:54:38 AM IST]:1378880678455:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=7001680 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:54:38 AM IST]:1378880678455:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {7001680} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:54:38 AM IST]:1378880678495:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:54:38 AM IST]:1378880678497:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=6942470, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:32:11 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 11:58:15 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=6942470, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=6942470, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=210800, #MSG_ID=E60E7031749767F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:02 AM IST]:1378880702805:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:03 AM IST]:1378880703041:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=6896745 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:03 AM IST]:1378880703042:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {6896745} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:03 AM IST]:1378880703065:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:03 AM IST]:1378880703067:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=6976605, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:32:18 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 11:58:39 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=6976605, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=6976605, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=208291, #MSG_ID=E60E7031749A67F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:27 AM IST]:1378880727303:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:27 AM IST]:1378880727502:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=6942470 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:27 AM IST]:1378880727503:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {6942470} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:27 AM IST]:1378880727530:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:27 AM IST]:1378880727532:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=7000763, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:32:22 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 11:59:04 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=7000763, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=7000763, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=206845, #MSG_ID=E60E7031749C67F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:51 AM IST]:1378880751934:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:52 AM IST]:1378880752075:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=6976605 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:52 AM IST]:1378880752076:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {6976605} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:52 AM IST]:1378880752111:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:55:52 AM IST]:1378880752113:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=6997230, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:34:27 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 11:59:28 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=6997230, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=6997230, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=205947, #MSG_ID=E60E6ADB1FA867F3E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:16 AM IST]:1378880776477:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:16 AM IST]:1378880776643:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=7000763 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:16 AM IST]:1378880776643:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {7000763} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:16 AM IST]:1378880776700:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:16 AM IST]:1378880776702:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=6998230, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:34:29 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 11:59:53 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=6998230, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=6998230, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=212967, #MSG_ID=E60E703174D267F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:41 AM IST]:1378880801307:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:41 AM IST]:1378880801541:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=6997230 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:41 AM IST]:1378880801541:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {6997230} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:41 AM IST]:1378880801616:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:56:41 AM IST]:1378880801618:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=6942489, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:34:52 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 12:00:18 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=6942489, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=6942489, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=218099, #MSG_ID=E60E703174D567F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:06 AM IST]:1378880826537:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:06 AM IST]:1378880826782:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=6998230 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:06 AM IST]:1378880826783:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {6998230} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:06 AM IST]:1378880826805:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:06 AM IST]:1378880826807:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=6997967, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:34:56 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 12:00:43 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=6997967, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=6997967, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=210800, #MSG_ID=E60E703174D767F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:31 AM IST]:1378880851387:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:31 AM IST]:1378880851571:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=6942489 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:31 AM IST]:1378880851571:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {6942489} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:31 AM IST]:1378880851611:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:31 AM IST]:1378880851613:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=7000361, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:36:50 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 12:01:08 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=7000361, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=7000361, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=204228, #MSG_ID=E60E7031750867F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:56 AM IST]:1378880876142:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:56 AM IST]:1378880876359:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=6997967 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:56 AM IST]:1378880876360:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {6997967} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:56 AM IST]:1378880876425:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:57:56 AM IST]:1378880876427:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=6970800, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:36:53 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 12:01:32 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=6970800, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=6970800, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=207695, #MSG_ID=E60E7031750967F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:20 AM IST]:1378880900817:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:21 AM IST]:1378880901039:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=7000361 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:21 AM IST]:1378880901040:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {7000361} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:21 AM IST]:1378880901076:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:21 AM IST]:1378880901078:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=6970818, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:37:00 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 12:01:57 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=6970818, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=6970818, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=210800, #MSG_ID=E60E7031750C67F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:45 AM IST]:1378880925304:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:45 AM IST]:1378880925500:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=6970800 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:45 AM IST]:1378880925501:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {6970800} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:45 AM IST]:1378880925550:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:58:45 AM IST]:1378880925552:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=6971617, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:37:04 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 12:02:22 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=6971617, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=6971617, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=210800, #MSG_ID=E60E6ADB1FE967F3E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:10 AM IST]:1378880950101:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:10 AM IST]:1378880950291:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=6970818 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:10 AM IST]:1378880950291:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {6970818} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:10 AM IST]:1378880950341:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:10 AM IST]:1378880950343:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=6996555, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:39:08 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 12:02:46 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=6996555, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=6996555, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=204228, #MSG_ID=E60E7031754067F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:23 AM IST]:1378880963199:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Unable to connect to mail store
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:23 AM IST]:1378880963201:Thread[inboundThreadGroup1,5,inboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.performError(ProcessorException)]:Number of errors that have occurred for this processing thread - 2 out of a max of 10000
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:34 AM IST]:1378880974683:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:34 AM IST]:1378880974726:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=6971617 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:34 AM IST]:1378880974727:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {6971617} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:34 AM IST]:1378880974776:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:34 AM IST]:1378880974778:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=7001644, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:39:10 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 12:03:11 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=7001644, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=7001644, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=206828, #MSG_ID=E60E7031754167F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:59 AM IST]:1378880999375:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:59 AM IST]:1378880999539:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=6996555 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:59 AM IST]:1378880999539:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {6996555} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:59 AM IST]:1378880999575:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 11:59:59 AM IST]:1378880999577:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=6971417, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:39:19 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 12:03:36 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=6971417, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=6971417, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=206506, #MSG_ID=E60E7031754567F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:00:24 PM IST]:1378881024299:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:00:24 PM IST]:1378881024547:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=7001644 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:00:24 PM IST]:1378881024547:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {7001644} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:00:24 PM IST]:1378881024719:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:00:24 PM IST]:1378881024721:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=6970790, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:39:24 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 12:04:01 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=6970790, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=6970790, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=205852, #MSG_ID=E60E7031754767F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:00:49 PM IST]:1378881049194:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:00:49 PM IST]:1378881049335:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Successfully processed Message[0] for NOTIFICATION_ID=6971417 to [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:00:49 PM IST]:1378881049335:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Updating notification {6971417} status {SENT} {} {}
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:00:49 PM IST]:1378881049401:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Defer the Read of CLOB reference of Event Data
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:00:49 PM IST]:1378881049403:Thread[outboundThreadGroup2,5,outboundThreadGroup][]:dequeue() :Dequeued the following BusinessEvent -> BusinessEvent{, key=7090136, priority=50, correlationId=null, sendDate=Wed Sep 11 07:41:07 IST 2013, receiveDate=Wed Sep 11 12:04:25 IST 2013, From Agent:Agent{agent=WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT,}, To Agent:  , Last Subscription=C0F79E8FE398266EE0301490C8C41A0C, Error Message=null, Error Stack=null, ID_TYPE=PK,, #CURRENT_PHASE=100, #MSG_DQ_ATTEMPTS=0, Q_CORRELATION_ID=HXCEMP:TIMECARD_APPROVAL_INLINE, PK_NAME_2=LANGUAGE, NOTIFICATION_ID=7090136, BES_PAYLOAD_OBJECT=false, PK_VALUE_2=US, PK_NAME_1=NOTIFICATION_ID, PK_VALUE_1=7090136, CHANGE_TYPE=INSERT, ROLE=205672, #MSG_ID=E60E7031757567F7E0440010E0208FC8}
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:01:14 PM IST]:1378881074422:Thread[outboundThreadGroup3,5,outboundThreadGroup][SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-352210-10006 :]:Intending to send email to -> [[EMAILID]]. Sending to -> [[EMAILID]]
    [Sep 11, 2013 12:0

  • Was told to cancel my contract by a Verizon supervisor

    A few months ago I went into a Verizon store by myself in Monroe NY to get more data for my phone. I'm not that fluent in English and the supervisor there, Kevin, helped me out. At first he was really nice and told me since I had 2 phone lines I was able to get a Verizon jet pack for free with a 2 year contract. I didn't really understand what he was trying to give me but he said trust me, you'll like this. Even telling me that it's "only $20 a month with extra data" . At the time it sounded good, I had 2 GB n added 2 more and extra data for $20 was great. But I didn't know how to use it since he didn't explain the steps to me, he only wrote the code down for me and that was it. So I decided to go back a few days later and return it, but he told me that my trial date was over and if I wanted to return it, I had to pay $165. I asked him "how is it over, it's not need 2 weeks" he then asked for my reseat and I told him he never gave me one, he then told me I can't help you then, have a good day, so I felt like I had no choice but to keep it. Then all of a sudden on sept. 12 I got a text message from Verizon saying that I'm about 50 percent up to my data and if I don't change it I'll get charge extra. So I called Verizon and added 4 more GB thinking that it's ok now. But then today sept. 18 I get another text message from Verizon again saying I'm 90 percent up to my data. That's a total of 8 GB and it's saying that I used 4 GB in 6 days? How is that possible if I had extra data on my jet pack? I didn't get it so I called Verizon again. After being on hold and waiting and getting switched around a couple of times I was finally being helped. I was then told that the jet pack I was using wasn't a extra data device but a hotspot device and I'm just using my own data. Why wasn't I told this when I first signed the contract for it? Why wasn't I told this when I called to get more data 6 days later? The Verizon employee on the phone, whose name is Robert, didn't really have any answers for me, he kept replying umm... And telling me that I needed to buy more data. I told him that Kevin told me that the jet pack I got has data already, so I didn't understand why I had to buy more. Then after an hour and some mins with him only, I loss time of how long I was on the phone total with Verizon, he was able to give me 4 GB and credit me $20 for the 4 GB. But what about the jet pack? I found out that it too uses my shared data. He told me there's nothing he can do about it and to take it up with Kevin the supervisor who sold me the jet pack. So I did, I went back to the store with my daughter and she talked to him for me (she is also typing this for me, again since I'm not fluent in English) and then he changed he's whole story around saying that he explained everything to me, and told me how to set it up and how it works. He lied about everything, I told him if he was telling the truth then I never would have got the jet pack. I feel like I'm throwing money away because I don't need a hotspot device, I needed a data device. He then told me that I only have 2 choices I can have extra data for $50 on the jet pack for 5 GB. I told him no I don't need that I have 12 GB now, so then he said ok cancel your contract if u don't want it. I looked at him to see if he was joking and he wasn't. He really did just tell me to cancel my contract, and there's nothing he can do for me. Even though he lied to me, and told me that the device was something that it wasn't. When I got home, I again tried to talk to Verizon. I was on hold, then talked to somebody that still didn't help me but tried every way to get me to spend more money. He even told me I can try to pawn it or sell it on Craig's list to get money for it so I can cancel my contract n pay for it. Soo... Again I spoke to 2 employees on the and a supervisor in person just today. And nobody was trying to help me even thou I was tricked n lied to into signing a 2 yr contract and on top of that I kept getting a cancel your contract as a answer. I can't believe Verizon has their employees or even allowing their employees to give that as an answer. I feel like Verizon just don't care once they have u trapped. I have tried calling many times, with not reply or help. Why should I stay with Verizon when their trying to kick me away?

    These forums are dedicated to Residential products and services offered by Verizon.
    For help on Verizon Wireless issues, please post your topic on the Verizon Wireless community.
    Thank you
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer that solved your issue as the accepted solution.

  • I am trying to burn a cd from my itunes playlist but it keeps canceling my burn and says their is an error 4450. What am I doing wrong?

    I am trying to burn a cd from my itunes playlist but it keeps canceling my burn and says their is an error 4450. What am I doing wrong?

    Could you post your diagnostics for us please?
    In iTunes, go "Help > Run Diagnostics". Uncheck the boxes other than DVD/CD tests, as per the following screenshot:
    ... and click "Next".
    When you get through to the final screen:
    ... click the "Copy to Clipboard" button and paste the diagnostics into a reply here.

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